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申请国外研究生英语自我介绍申请国外研究生英语自我介绍 申请国外研究生英语自我介绍 申请国外研究生英语自我介绍 国外研究生留学每一步都很重要,面试更是其中的重点,个人自我 介绍是面试实战非常关键的一步,因为众所周知的 前因效应 的影响,你这2-3分钟见面前的自我介绍将在很大程度上决定你在各位考 官心里的形象。以下是我为你带来的国外研究生英语自我介绍内容, 希望能够帮到你。 关于国外研究生英语自我介绍一 Hello, m name ‎‎is Mar Lions and I am a sophomore at Columbia studing En...
申请国外研究生英语自我介绍 申请国外研究生英语自我介绍 申请国外研究生英语自我介绍 国外研究生留学每一步都很重要,面试更是其中的重点,个人自我 介绍是面试实战非常关键的一步,因为众所周知的 前因效应 的影响,你这2-3分钟见面前的自我介绍将在很大程度上决定你在各位考 官心里的形象。以下是我为你带来的国外研究生英语自我介绍内容, 希望能够帮到你。 关于国外研究生英语自我介绍一 Hello, m name ‎‎is Mar Lions and I am a sophomore at Columbia studing English. I m interested in exploring‎‎ areer opportunities in media, speifiall in fashion and life editorial riting. I as ver involved in m high shool nespaper and am urrentl orking as a freelane riter for the Columbia Spetator and enjoing m ork. I notied that ou are orking at Cond Nast. Could ou please share ith me ho ou entered our field? 关于国外研究生英语自我介绍二 Hi, m name is Joe ‎‎Smith and I am a senior at Columbia studing mehanial engineering. I m interested in entering the aerospae defense industr, speifiall in design engineering. I ve done an internship ith Ratheon doing 3D drafting and modeling for heav equipment using ProE. I m on the ultimate frisbee team and reall enjo being in a team environment. Boeing is m top hoie emploer. I ve attended our information session and am reall exite‎‎d to appl for our training program. Can ou tell me a little more about the seletion proess one I ve submitted m resume online? 关于国外研究生英语自我介绍三 Good morning. I am ver gla‎‎d to be here for this intervie. First let me introdue mself. M name is , and m English name is . I ve finished m undergraduate eduation in XXXXX Universit, Majoring in Eletroni Siene and Tehnolog in the ollege of Tehnial Phsis. I am open-minded, il‎‎ling and have broad interests like basketball, reading and espeiall in engineering suh as softare programming,‎‎ ebsite design, hardare design. For example, during the past four ears, I have aplished to ebsites: one is the ebsite of our shool, and the other is the ebsite of the dotor forum of hina 201X. Furthermore, I am interested in C plu‎‎s plus programming language and have ritten some appliation programs. In Jul in the last ear,I finished m graduate projet ith fling olors,hih as a softare appliation about Image Proess . In addition, I have also finished some projets about embedded sstem b using MCU hen I as a junior. Although I have broad interests in man aspets and grasp the essential knoledge of the major, but I think at present, I an do man things in a superfiial level, but not be petent to do things professionall oing to lak of ample knoledge and abilit. So I think further stud is still urgent for me to realize‎‎ self-value. The major that I hope pursue for m further eduation is IC design. Beause I find integrated iruits are plaing a more and more important role in our modern soiet. And noadas in China, ith the reognition b the government, our domesti integrated iruits industr is groing rapidl and that ma provide a lot of hanes to us. I plan to onentrate on stud and researh in this field in m graduate time. And I hope I an form a sstemati vie of miro eletronis and IC design tehnolog and make a solid foundation ‎‎for future profession after three ears stud here. OK, that s all. Thank ou ver muh! 看了国外研究生英语自我介绍
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