

2017-10-22 10页 doc 33KB 20阅读




1岁宝宝如何早教1岁宝宝如何早教 各位家长朋友你们好~今天非常高兴和各位家长分享教育孩子的经验,我相信每个家长都非常在意自己孩子的教育吧~“不让孩子输在起跑线”这句好深深的影响着各位家长。我也是为人父母,非常理解各位家长的心情,看见别人的孩子成绩比自家孩子成绩好,心里的那股愁劲。对于孩子的教育问题大家还得多多交流经验,今天我就我对我自家宝宝(张力凡)的教育方面的经验和大家分享下吧~ 今年我家宝宝今年5岁了,是一个非常活波可爱的小男孩,眼看就要上小学了但是在学习方面确实是没兴趣啊,不爱学习可怎么了得,从小养成不爱学习的习惯就意味着成绩比不上别...
1岁宝宝如何早教 各位家长朋友你们好~今天非常高兴和各位家长分享教育孩子的经验,我相信每个家长都非常在意自己孩子的教育吧~“不让孩子输在起跑线”这句好深深的影响着各位家长。我也是为人父母,非常理解各位家长的心情,看见别人的孩子成绩比自家孩子成绩好,心里的那股愁劲。对于孩子的教育问大家还得多多交流经验,今天我就我对我自家宝宝(张力凡)的教育方面的经验和大家分享下吧~ 今年我家宝宝今年5岁了,是一个非常活波可爱的小男孩,眼看就要上小学了但是在学习方面确实是没兴趣啊,不爱学习可怎么了得,从小养成不爱学习的习惯就意味着成绩比不上别人,成绩比不上别人也就意味着孩子的将来比不上别人。每次我想到这些心里相当不踏实,心里可急死了。作为父母不可能眼看孩子不爱学习却任其发展吧,我想尽给提升学习的兴趣,可是还是没什么效果,不知道是我方法不对还是什么原因,我家宝宝还是不爱学习。情急之下我把孩子送到一家学前教育的辅导班学习了2个月,老师非常好,承诺孩子学习后一定会有很大的提升,但是2个月后,我还真没看见我家孩子有多大提升。哎~~~可怜天下父母心啊~后来我想到这么一句话“父母才是孩子的最好的老师”,于是我花了更多的时间在自己孩子身上,每天让他一定量的汉字,每天教孩子读课文,起初孩子是记住一小部分,但是没隔多久就忘了,感觉孩子对那些生硬的汉字没产生感情啊(每次只记得住一小会)~经过了这么多不说孩子累,我也累啊~这个怎么办呢,我非常迷茫和担心~ 一次偶然的机会,我去朋友家玩,看见他们家贴满了奖状,我好奇的问了下,我朋友满心欢喜的给我介绍了这些奖状的由来。听朋友高兴的说了一通,结果是人家孩子在学校的优异表现得到的奖状。当他问我孩子是,好像是往我心里插了一刀,我不想丢脸的说了一句“还行吧~”其实我心里的那股难受啊~我朋友家孩子也非常聪明,也非常有礼貌,跑出来向我问了一声“阿姨好~”人家这孩子成绩好果然是听话,我对这孩子印象非常好,于是我走进去他房间和他坐了一小会,这孩子还放着dvd在那里高兴的看着呢~我也好奇的看了下。但是电视里放的东西还真让我大吃一斤,这孩子人家看的都不是普通的动画片呢~表面上看上去是动画片,其实这动画片是在教孩子识字呢~这孩子还跟着电视里准确的读出来,人家孩子还看这动画片跟着读英语呢~这下我可惊住了,难怪人家孩子这么demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 优秀。我连忙出去问我朋友:“你家孩子看的什么呢,我感觉很不错哦~”朋友笑着说:“这个啊~这个就是电视里打广告的《双语不用教升级版》啊~”我当时想了想,好像是在电视上听到过,当时没引起注意,我还以为是广告打的好呢~我朋友又说道:“双语不用教升级版确实不错,当初我也是没引起注意,后来经过朋友介绍我买了一套给孩子,孩子拿到这个后还真是爱不释手呢~每天放学回来就放这个,在看动画片的同时就把大部分常用英语单词和汉字都记在脑子里了,这个动画非常形象的把常用英语单词和汉字通过动画片的形式表达出来,孩子记得非常深刻根本不用大人教,最重要是培养了孩子的兴趣”我心里默默的想“这东西好像还正好适合我孩子呢~”于是我对朋友说:“这个教程好像很贵哦~”我朋友说:“不啊~现在正版的双语不用教升级版才498元,效果很不错,不但教会了孩子英语和汉字,也教会了父母怎样教育孩子“,于是我也打开了她说的订购网址 www.szjsm.com (早教黄金搭档:又叫双语不用教升级版),给孩子订购了一套。 后来买回家放给孩子看,孩子还真是爱上这个东西了,每天不用我喊都高兴的拿着这个教程在dvd里放着,看的可高兴了,现在我孩子不光会很多汉字,还会了很多英语呢~这下我对孩子的成绩一点不担心了~在这里我还真是要感谢下我朋友呢~不是他我还真不知道怎么办~ 从这个事情我懂的了,教育孩子不是生硬的教孩子,而是培养他的兴趣爱好,没有孩子不喜欢看动画片的,《双语不用教升级版》从这个角度出发,还真是不错的~现在我对这个教程是比较关注了。结果我发现,现在这个教程在全国是非常火爆的,基本上每个孩子都人手有一套,可能是我信息比较闭塞,我没注意罢了~我还了解到不少家长都为着昂贵的价格而迟迟没有购买,其实如果你真想要,也可以试试盗版的,还真是为我省了钱,还给我孩子带来了巨大的价值~ 这是我对孩子最近教育的心得,希望各位家长也分享下你们的心得体会,把最有价值的东西分享给我们哦~哎~真是可怜天下父母心啊~但是我相信,每个家长心里还是觉得是非常值得的~ demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 双语养育的关键就在于坚持~英语受到众多家长的青睐,因为英语是很重要的工具,掌握了英语,就是掌握了一项利器,对宝宝将来的学习和工作都非常有帮助。 其实,双语养育在全世界来说并不罕见,很多家庭都是双语家庭,宝宝自然也就成了双语人。 现在,有很多妈妈已经对宝宝实施双语养育,让宝宝从小就受到英语环境的薰陶,培养良好的语感。 强调双语养育非教育,这里是强调双语养育,而非双语教育, 就是侧重在家庭中让宝宝接触英语,在宝宝学习语言能力最强的幼年时期,给他除中文以外其他语言的薰陶,让宝宝在潜移默化、自然而然的环境里接触英语、喜欢英语、学习英语。 这个学习的过程和将来宝宝入学后再学习英语大不相同。 在家庭中学习英语,接触的概念,辞汇和句子都是和具体的事物,情境联系在一起的,可以在问候,穿衣,用餐,安全,娱乐,游戏,入睡,礼仪,交通,购物,假日等话题中贯穿,宝宝在轻松、游戏的状态下接受英语的薰陶。 在课堂中进行英语学习,宝宝受到更多的压力,会有更多的焦虑,效果往往并不理想。不要给宝宝太多的压力,兴趣是促使其学习的一大动力,如果家长能陪着小朋友们一起听英语录音带,看英语动画片,可使他们兴趣高昂。(1岁宝宝如何早教) 父母在教宝宝的时候,千万不要给宝宝太多的压力, 因为这样会使宝宝觉得枯燥无味,进而影响宝宝学习的兴趣。 可以采用游戏的形式,让宝宝在欢乐的氛围中轻松地学习。千万不要打击他们的信心,以免他们从此对学习英语失去兴趣, 或甚至于视为畏途。 当宝宝表达自己的意思时,要耐心地倾听,不要责怪或者取笑他,要告诉宝宝慢慢地讲,不要着急,鼓励宝宝多发言。父母需要注意自己说话的方式,因为宝宝时刻在模仿你~ 在我们教宝宝中文的时候其实也是如此。 我们不会因为宝宝不会说话就不说话给他听,正是因为宝宝处在不断地语言刺激中,不断地积累,才会说话, 从一个词到简单的句子,再到复杂的表达。 案例:阳阳的日常学习方式 阳阳的妈妈由于工作语言是英语,平常经常用英语和阳阳对话。现在,阳阳三岁了,能听懂比较复杂的语句。 例如看见小羊,阳阳妈妈问 「In teletubby land,there was also a little lamb,but he was not happy,why,」 阳阳会用中文回答:「因为他没有朋友。」 妈妈表示,她的经验是:一是创造场景,二是观察他的反应。创造场景就是例如在削苹果皮的时候, 你说「Mom’s peeling the apple for you.」 比你单纯教一个「apple」或者动词「peel」要好理解多了,并且我会努力地做手势,像对老外说中文一样, 连说带比划地,做「peel」的动作。 观 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new vi1岁宝宝如何早教 llage collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 察反应就是看宝宝到底是不是理解,如果他理解了peel the apple是削皮,会有相对的反应, 例如说「啊,这个皮好长」或者「谢谢妈妈」之类的话; 如果没理解,他会茫然地傻望着,或者不理妈妈,那就要降低难度,或者夹杂一些中文,我会改成「妈妈在peel apple」之类的。 由于缺乏语言环境,大多时候阳阳还是用中文和妈妈聊天, 但是阳阳妈妈觉得这样没有关系, 关键是给宝宝培养语感,等宝宝再大一些,肯定可以说出流利的英语。 坚持给宝宝讲英语, 不要管宝宝有没有在听,听懂了没有,跟不跟得上,其实宝宝的接受能力是超乎大人们的想像的。突然有一天,你会发现以前教给宝宝的他都会了。 Q:宝宝什么时候可以开始学英语, A:拥护双语养育的家长一致赞成越早越好。 宝宝小的时候,大脑印象的功能特别强大,随著年龄的增长, 这一优势会渐渐消失殆尽。cxzsy百度一下,你就知道~所以,趁著宝宝小的时候实施双语养育,会有事半功倍的效果。这也是为什么到了另外一个语言环境里, 宝宝总是比大人会更快地掌握当地的语言,更容易融入环境。 Q:怎样的家庭可以实施双语养育呢, A:父母中有一方的母语是英语或者其他语言的最好,如果父母的母语都是中文, 但是熟悉英语,也可以进行双语养育。用英语给宝宝进行日常对话,给宝宝看英文光碟,坚持下去,一定会有收获~刚开始的时候,家长可以准备一下,把日常要用的英语辞汇稍加整理,以便临战时使用。如果想不起来,也可以用其他的词解释一下,然后赶紧翻词典。和宝宝对话的过程中,也是父母不断学习,提高自己程度的过程。 Q:父母的口音不好有没有影响, A:看了几个给宝宝实施双语养育家庭的成功例子,就会释然了。 毕竟,各种语言都有口音的问题,但只要不影响沟通,就不用太担心, 就像外国人学中文,我们一听就觉得怪腔怪调,但并不影响沟通。 Q:实施双语养育时应该注意什么, A:和新加坡的朋友交流,他们是典型的双语养育,不同的是英语是他们的主要语言,中文位居第二。 在家中,朋友和她的女儿完全用中文,以确保会使用中文。 同样,我们在实施双语养育的时候,也要确保英语的使用。 最好是父母有一方能每天对宝宝说一段时间的英语。一开始的时候可以时间短一些,从最简单的日常会话入手,然后慢慢延长时间。关键是父母要坚持~和宝宝英语对话的时候,也鼓励宝宝用英语回答,消除宝宝说英语的羞怯感。 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new vi1岁宝宝如何早教 llage collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge
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