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换幅眼镜看世界换幅眼镜看世界 第七模块:通情达理 ——换副“眼镜”观世界 控江中学:翁文磊 王玲玲 教学总目标: 本模块是以Ellis“A,B,C理论”为依据,教育学生能以客观事实为基础来思考和行动。通过教学让学生了解自己的情绪,增进学生情绪的稳定性。通过对“认知—情绪—行为”进行分析的方法,帮助学生接纳自己的感受,不苛求他人的生活态度,增进自信心。同时培养学生理性独立思考的能力,使其保持愉快的心情,而且善于面对新的情境和危机情况,努力学会不对现实作不适当的情绪反应。 理论背景: 人的思想、心理足以支配其行为与生活。在现实生活...
换幅眼镜看世界 第七模块:通情达理 ——换副“眼镜”观世界 控江中学:翁文磊 王玲玲 教学总目标: 本模块是以Ellis“A,B,C理论”为依据,教育学生能以客观事实为基础来思考和行动。通过教学让学生了解自己的情绪,增进学生情绪的稳定性。通过对“认知—情绪—行为”进行的方法,帮助学生接纳自己的感受,不苛求他人的生活态度,增进自信心。同时培养学生理性独立思考的能力,使其保持愉快的心情,而且善于面对新的情境和危机情况,努力学会不对现实作不适当的情绪反应。 理论背景: 人的思想、心理足以支配其行为与生活。在现实生活中,让人们难过、痛苦的往往不是事情的本身,而是我们对事情的解释和看法;事情本身常常无所谓好坏,而当我们加上了自己的偏好、欲望和评价,便会产生种种无谓的烦恼与困扰。所以一个人如果有正确的观念,则能引导其过愉快的生活;反之,错误的思想和偏颇的看法,则易使人产生烦恼与困扰。 美国著名认知治疗学家阿隆-贝克认为,认知过程是行为和情绪的中介,不适应行为和不良情绪可以从认知中找到原因。当认知中的曲解成分被揭示出来,正确合理地再认识,并进行有效的调整,在重建合理认知的基础上,不良情绪和不适应行为也就随之能得到改善。 临床心理学家Ellis在1955年创立了“理性—情绪治疗”(Rational Emotive Therapy简称RET),主张情绪源自想法、理念,个体可以用改变想法来改变情绪。该理论颇能充分应用思想的功效,帮助个体以逻辑思考来处理过度的情绪反应,以合理的人生观来创造生活、适应环境。 理性—情绪治疗包含的基本概念为:1、人同时具有理性及非理性相法。2、人有非理性思考的倾向,而此不合理思考源自早期不合逻辑的学习,多数受父母或环境的影响。3、人类情绪困扰不是由外界环境、事件决定的,而是来自非理seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3-drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft 性或不合逻辑的思考的结果。4、情绪本身是一种非理性的、偏见的、过分主观的思考历程。5、人类乃是语言的动物,通常透过符号或语言的使用进行思考。6、人们脑中常会涌现一些不合逻辑的内在自我语言,这种不停的自我刺激可能就是情绪困扰一直持续、未能消失的理由。7、人具有改变自己观念、价值、情绪和行为的能力,可以重新组织知觉与思考,以此消除或改变自我贬损的想法与情绪。 理性情绪教育是从理情治疗的理论中发展而来的,它基于以下的认识:想法产生情绪、认知是可以训练和改变的;个体的情绪和行为的反应是其如何解释、界定的结果;个体对自己所说的话,可以引起其正、负向的情绪,如果控制个体告诉自己的话,可以减少个体自我贬损的负向情绪。 根据理情治疗的理论,情绪乃是源于想法、态度、价值;引起个体种种情绪的,不是事情的本身,而是个体对事件的看法或他对自己所说的话所致;Ellis对“A,B,C理论”作了阐述,他认为引起情绪结果(emotional consequence;C)的并非事件(activating event;A)的本身,而是个体对此事件的想法(belief system;B)所致。换句话说,焦虑、沮丧、敌意等情绪结果C的产生并不是由所发生的事件A所引起的,而是由想法B所产生的。 第一课 我的“眼镜” 教学目标: 1(让学生知道,“眼镜”即非理性想法是产生不良情绪的根本原因,而不良 情绪往往产生不适应行为。 2(学生了解:(1)同一种情绪,每个人有不同的表达方式,而对同一情绪 的表达方式,每个人有不同的认识;(2)并非事件本身,而是对事件的 想法了解控制自己情绪的因素;学会区分A,B,C; 课时建议: 可上2-3课时 课前准备: 2level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transversedrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-ible and no clean sound; 1.3g flex1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turninertification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.duct ctage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of proing iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction sl castruction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugariage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe constsing tn is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system uter meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installatioe height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that waseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te 1、 将上课所需的表格印好。 2、 情绪卡片 教学过程: (第一节课) 情绪你我他 一、引出: 今天的心情怎么样, 什么原因, [提示:对于心情不好的学生给予一定的关注~询问:是什么事情,你是怎么想的,] 人们通常说的心情,就是我们从今天开始要谈论的话“情绪”。情绪时时刻刻伴随着我们。先让我们来认识下“情绪”。 ——了解情绪 二、主题活动:我演你猜 1(小组中每位成员都拿到一张写有描述某种情绪或情境字样的卡片。 2(小组内的成员独立思考一分钟,如何使自己将卡片上的情绪或情境以动作表达出来。 3(每个小组随机抽出一位成员表演,请大家猜他(她)卡片上的内容。 4(将大家猜测的所有答案写在黑板上。 5(请表演者将谜底写在黑板上,并解释自己为何这样表达。 6(分享活动体会。 [提示: 卡片上的情绪词汇有部分重复~保证不同人表演相同的情绪~借以比较情绪表达方式的不同,教师引导时可从两方面:对于主体~不同的主体表达同一种情绪有不同的方式,对于客体~不同的客体对同一表达方式有不同的认识。] 三、 主题活动:情绪集锦 要求每一个学生依次分别说出积极情绪、消极情绪的词汇; [提示:1、每一位同学不能重复前一位同学的,——学会表达 3ftasurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for medrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3rosionll meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation sha: systN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installationburied pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~Don of by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connectie installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser rainaghan ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Don is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more te height 500 mm the constructiseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te 2、对消极、积极的判定如有歧异~可立刻指出~老师与同学一起讨论— —澄清对情绪表达的理解。] (第一节课结束) (第二节课) ——究竟是什么引起了我们的情绪, 一、趣闻佚事 一公司派了两位市场调查员到一个海岛去进行市场可行性调查。这个岛上的居民没有穿鞋子的习惯,男女老少一律打赤脚。不久,两位调查员分别向公司作了汇报。,调查员神情沮丧,说道:“此岛上的人都不穿鞋子,所以根本没有市场前景~”,调查员神采飞扬、兴高采烈地说道“此岛上居民都没鞋子穿,这里大有市场~” 小组分享 (1),调查员沮丧情绪的依据是什么, (2),调查员兴奋的依据是什么, (3)通过,、,两位调查员的结论,你能悟出些什么道理, 你怎么感受就怎么想,你怎么想就会怎么感受。也就是说,情绪并非由某一诱发事件本身所引起,而是由经历了这一事件的个体对这一事件的解释和评价所引起的,如果我们把个体对事件的解释与评价称为观念或想法的话,那么正是观念(想法)引发了情绪。从某种意义上来说,我们的“眼镜”就是我们的观念。如前面的例子中,关于海岛上的居民不穿鞋子,人们可以形成积极的情绪:如果使每个人都养成穿鞋子的习惯,市场前景多么喜人~也可以形成消极的情绪:这个岛上的人没有穿鞋子的习惯,根本没有市场。 如果我们用字母来表示的话,那么A,事件、B,想法、C,情绪,让我们来区分一下A、B、C。 二、主题活动二:区分ABC A(事件):高中第一次期中考试数学考60分。 B(想法) C (情绪) 行为 4level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transversedrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-ible and no clean sound; 1.3g flex1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turninertification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.duct ctage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of proing iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction sl castruction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugariage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe constsing tn is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system uter meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installatioe height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that waseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te (1) 难过 哭、不吃饭 (2) 懊恼 不敢尝试其他事 (3) 担心 不敢与同学玩 (4) 担心 不敢回家 (5) 庆幸 下回注意不再犯同样的错误 (6) 平静 注意错误的地方,免得下回再错 7) 振奋 去念 ( (8) 高兴 更有兴趣念 (注:上表可用实物投影仪,也可抄于黑板上) 1(学生分成5-6人小组,将“想法”汇集; 2(分享活动体会; 一件事会有这么多想法~你怎么想就怎么感受,你怎么感受就会怎么想。你的行为大多是跟随你的感受而来的。 每个人看到的世界都不会完全一样。 (注:此活动强化对ABC理论的理解) 三、教师可灵活掌握时间,让学生谈谈ABC理论在自己生活中的应用;旨在深 刻体会。 (第二课结束) (第三节课) 一、主题活动:我的ABC剧场: 1(哪些事让你产生坏情绪, 事件 情绪 2(当你出现哪些想法时,会产生坏情绪, 想法 情绪 drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3rosionll meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation sha: systN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installationburied pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~Don of by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connectie installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser rainaghan ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Don is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more te height 500 mm the constructiseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te5ftasurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for me 3(当你处于好情绪的状态下,会有那些想法, 情绪 想法 4(小组分享: (1)“每一件事情,往往都只有一个想法”,你觉得对吗, (2)是什么控制我们的情绪, 3)影响我们情绪的是事情本身还是我们对它的想法, ( (4)每一个人对每一件事的想法大多相同吗,所引起的情绪也相似吗, (5)我们是否快乐,大多是由外界发生的事件所决定的吗, 最后教师总结。 二、主题活动:我的“眼镜” 1(请小组成员列出自己的生活习惯、处世原则。 2(互相交流并询问形成的缘由。 3(谈谈自己与他人的不同之处,并说明理由。 4(谈谈对这次活动的体会。 希望同学能悟出一个道理:对一件事物,每个人都会有自己的想法、评价、感受以及相应的行为。因为每个人都是从自己独特的角度来观看、来感受这个世界。通常我们把“每个人的独特角度”称为我们的“眼镜”。由此可见,我们的“眼镜”是由我们每个人自身的社会经验、生活阅历、道德判断标准、人格发展水平等构成。每个人接触的事物、注意的着眼点、心里的感受、思维的运作以及对各类想法的反应均构成了人们意识活动的复杂性。 第二课 认知建构 教学目标: 1(进一步认识事件、想法和情绪三者之间的关系; 2(结合具体事件进一步了解构成不良情绪和不适应行为的根源,即想法中 的曲解成分或者非理性因素; 6level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transversedrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-ible and no clean sound; 1.3g flex1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turninertification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.duct ctage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of proing iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction sl castruction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugariage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe constsing tn is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system uter meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installatioe height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that waseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te 3(并学会结合身边的事,推测扭曲的“眼镜”。 课时建议: 1-2节课 课前准备: 将下表列于黑板上: 事件 扭曲的“眼镜” 不良的情绪 换副新“眼镜” 积极的的情绪 1、 2、 (((((( 教学过程: 一、 复习ABC理论: 我们将事件,观念(“眼镜”),情绪这一理论模型称之为ABC理论。在这个理论模型中,A是指导致个体情绪困扰的引发事件(Activating);B是指对引发事件解释、评价的观念体系(Beliefs)即“眼镜”;C是指由在个体的观念体系导致下的情绪结果(Consequences)。通常,人们总认为人的情绪、感受及行为反应是由,直接引起的,但ABC理论则指出:A只是C的间接原因,而B才是C的更直接的原因,即不是A引起的C,而是B引起的C。 [提示:教师可让学生结合自己亲身体会的事件~重点讲解同一A, 因B的不同~而产生了不同的C。] 二、 介绍常见的扭曲的“眼镜”: 1(以偏概全。例如生活中出现一件不如意的事情,就形成了全部不顺心的心情;一门课目的考试没有考好,便认为是完全的失败;误说一句不妥当的话,就全盘否定自己的价值。 2、 轻下断言。稍不如意就觉得困难重重,遇到一点阻力、困难、挫折就认定, 成功无望。 drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3rosionll meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation sha: systN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installationburied pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~Don of by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connectie installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser rainaghan ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Don is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more te height 500 mm the constructiseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te7ftasurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for me 3、 消极注视。总是喜欢把眼光投注在微小的缺点上,想法和注意力都集中在失 意的一面,使情绪变得低落,心境趋于沮丧。 4、 感情用事。习惯于感情的推理,而不加以客观的分析。如以往曾经在考试中 出现过几次紧张和心慌,以后每逢进了考场,脑子里就冒出一个想法:“这次 我肯定有要紧张了”。于是便又引发了紧张的情绪。这种想法的曲解在于感情 性臆测而忽略分析和求证。 5、 好猜心思。从自己的理解角度去猜测他人的心理活动。如一位同学从身边走 过,没有理睬自己,便就在猜想“他没有理睬我,一定是瞧不起我,不想和 我打招呼”。于是就闷闷不乐,心思重重。 6、 理应如此。常常抱着“他应该尊重我”、“他们应该助我一臂之力”、“事情就 应该是这样办的”、“我应该做到„„”、“我一年中应该达到„„”等想法, 太多的“应该”,产生失衡和内疚,压力剧增,情绪趋坏。人虽然可以努力实 现自我,对外界可有一定的要求,但不可能超越实际的能力和客观的情况, 否则难以达到心理满足。 7、 乱贴标签。遇到挫折是很自然的事情,但因此而给自己带上一顶帽子,贴上 一个标签:“我是天生的倒霉人”。如果类似的自我标签越多,诸如“失败者”、 “可怜人”、“人家的笑柄”等等,就很容易使心境变得很坏。 8、 过度引伸。从当前面对的事情无限度地引伸出整个事物的远期结果,也是产 生困扰的一种曲解想法。如学生会考时遇到难题,边解题边联想开去。想象 着如果做不出此题就会影响本次考试的成绩,就会影响会考的总成绩,就会 影响到高考,就会影响到自己的学历,就会影响到往后自己的前途„„。结 果越想越害怕,搞得心烦意乱,极度焦虑。 [提示:教师每介绍一种扭曲的“眼镜”~结合学生身边的事例~为加深学生的理解、区分~可让学生列举身边的例子~并让学生尽量穷尽每一种想法的内部及外部语言。] 三、主题活动:身边的事—推理与解密 请就下面“身边的事”,推测主人翁的“眼镜”是什么。 1(教师将以上九个例子分给九个小组(1个/小组),以保证对每一事例的深刻分析; 8level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transversedrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-ible and no clean sound; 1.3g flex1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turninertification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.duct ctage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of proing iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction sl castruction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugariage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe constsing tn is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system uter meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installatioe height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that waseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te 2(将小组讨论结果填入黑板上的表格; 3(教师一一分析每一小组讨论结果,并通过其余组的参与,完善讨论结果。 4(学生在讨论时,注意与自己身边的例子联系起来; 教师总结:人的想法影响学习、工作和生活的质量,想法更影响人的情绪和健康。想法合理能激发自己的乐观和进取的态度和良好的情绪状态;不合理的想法会使你看什么都黯淡,情绪变得消沉和多愁。想法和情绪、行为有着互动的密切关系。想法中的曲解成分是构成不良情绪和不适应行为的根源。 [提示:1、本节课也可以先做主题活动~再总结“扭曲的眼镜”。 2、位了加深印象~课前可以让学生将这九种“扭曲的眼镜”拍成一个小品。] 第三课 升级换代 教学目标: 1(澄清、改变头脑中的不合理的观念; 2(学会换副“眼镜”,更理性的面对问题; 3(努力学会不对现实作不适当的情绪反应。 课时建议: 1-2节课 课前准备: 1、印好下列表格: 困扰与当情绪分值 自然想法 非理性成分 小组帮合理想法 情绪分值 时的情景 (1-10分) 助 (1-10分) 9ftasurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for medrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3rosionll meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation sha: systN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installationburied pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~Don of by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connectie installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser rainaghan ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Don is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more te height 500 mm the constructiseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te 2(打印问卷(“心理激荡”) 教学过程: 通过变形“眼镜”得到的影像是变形的,•变形的影像会使我们产生低落的情绪,沮丧的感受,会给我们带来一系列的困难和麻烦。我们有必要对这些“变形”加以识别、澄清、理解和改变。 一、主题活动一:矫正“眼镜”—操练如何调整 具体步骤如下: 1、填写表格的前四项; 、小组讨论,给出建设性建议。(提示:被帮助的同学可以坐在小组的中间); 2 3、再填写表格后几项; 二、主题活动二:检查我的“眼镜”。 (一)请勾出符合你的真实想法的观点: 1、 “我应该受到周围每一个人的喜爱与赞扬” 2、“一个人必须非常能干、完美,而且在各方面都有成就,这样才是有价值 的人。 3、“有些人做了不好的事,他们邪恶卑鄙,他们是坏人,应该受到严厉的责 备与惩罚” 4、“如果事情不是自己所想象、喜欢和期待的样子,那实在是太可怕了” 5、“人的不快乐、不幸福都是由外在的因素所引起的,自己很难控制” 6、“对于危险和可怕的事,我们必须非常挂心,应该时时刻刻顾虑到它可能 发生” 7、“逃避某些困难或自身的责任,要比去面对它们容易” 8、“一个人必须依赖他人,而且必须有一个强者为靠山” 9、“一个人过去的经验和历史对他目前的一切极为重要,过去的影响是无法 10level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transversedrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-ible and no clean sound; 1.3g flex1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turninertification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.duct ctage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of proing iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction sl castruction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugariage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe constsing tn is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system uter meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installatioe height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that waseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te 消除的” 10、“任何问题都应有正确或完整的答案,若找不到正确或完整的答案将是 非常糟糕的事” 以上的观念,你回答“是”的越多,那么说明在给你带来的许多困扰事件中,非理性的因素是问题的关键,你需要改变你的一些不合理的观念。 (二)小组分享 相互之间陈述对每一观点的见解,寻求一个尽量全面、完整的认识;记录 下来。 (三)共同分析 1、 每一个人都有自己独特的的口味,被“周围每一个人喜爱与赞扬”是绝不可能达到的目标。若心中有此念头,势必将大部分时间、精力花在如何获得别人的喜欢上,即使被人赞扬,又担心被人喜欢的程度有多少,愈是努力,愈会失去自主力,整个人会没有安全感,而且会变成很在乎别人对自己的看法,更容易形成自我挫败的行为,而成为自毁前程的人。惟有真正爱自己,不疑神疑鬼地依赖于他人,才会肯定自我,从而被别人所接纳。 2、 “期终考试我的物理一定要考90分,我必须要考90分,我一定要考90分~考不到的话,我就太糟了,是个没用的人,完全没有价值了”。 一个人努力充实自己,希望自己能干、成功是非常正常的。但是完全以分数作为自我肯定的标准,考试不好就觉得自己没有价值而增加自卑感,变得怕考试、怕犯错进而怕失败。如此患得患失,就更不易达到自己想要的目标了。这种想法就好象把一个人的价值完全放在能力与成就的天平上。实际上,非但没有人能够在各方面都能力十足,都能胜任愉快、而且大多数人连在一小方面也不能出人头地。个人固然要努力以求成功,因为成功有十足的好处。但是,要求自己非成功不可往往使自己焦虑不安,而变得害怕尝试,人的价值应该靠自己,而无需借助外在价值的支持。 3、 虽然我们应该对自己所做的事负责,但是人是难免会犯错误的。当然,引起错误、不道德和问题行为的原因有多方面的,一味地责备和惩罚通常不但不会使行为有所改善,有时反而会导致更不好的行为,或更严重的情绪困扰。当某些人犯错是,也许我们可以这样想:“他们做了不对的行为,可能的话,我要尽量引 asurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for medrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3rosionll meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation sha: systN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installationburied pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~Don of by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connectie installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser rainaghan ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Don is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more te height 500 mm the constructiseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te11ft 导他们不再犯同样的错误”。不要太过完美主义,不要以自己的优越感严厉地谴责他人,否定他人。 4、 满怀热情做完一件事,期待着他人的赞许,可得到的却是一盆冷水,满耳的责备与不满。心情真是坏透了,好几天做事都提不起劲来。人一般都不喜欢不理想的情况,可是如果遇到挫折时,认为那是天大的事情时,会使自己感到非常的苦恼或烦闷,实际上,事实是事实,并不一定要自己喜欢不可。人生不如意之事,十有八九,苦恼并不会是事情变好。我们应该想办法努力去改善现状,当事情不能改善时,应该学会接受事实。把欲望的满足视为通往幸福大道的人,才会把受挫看作可怕的灾祸。 5、 “她老是在我的背后说我的坏话,我真是气死了”。 很多人相信别人和外界的事物使他们不快乐,并且相信外在事情的因素若改变的话,他们便不会难堪。事实上,外界对一个人不会产生任何的损害,而是受到批判的人对这些批判所持的看法、解释、所持的态度使人受伤。我们不愉快的情绪是自己的想法和内化的句子(即自己重复告诉自己的一些话)所组成,只要能练习改变想法,控制情绪,我们便不会再认为烦恼是外界加到自己身上的。 6、 “地震了怎么办,”“妈妈心脏不好,会不会昏倒在马路上,”“交通这么拥挤,会不会出车祸,” 一般的人都应该知道,灾祸并不会因为人们焦急它就不来了。相反,忧虑不安只会使人失去客观,无法有效处理危险。考虑到危险事情发生的可能性,并如何加以避免,或想方设法减低其后果,此乃明智之举。但这与担忧害怕、焦虑不安是两回事,担忧只会增加忧虑,不会有什么益处。 7、 “我性格内向,不会上台演讲,我放弃竞选班委,让他们能说的上吧。”“我去了也没用,一定会出洋相的,反而伤了自尊”。 采取这种观念的人,在决定逃避时,可能会有片刻的轻松,但是只注意到一时的舒适,忽略了长远的考虑。非但无法解决问题,反而带来更多的困扰。事实上,能够面对问题会使人在做事的过程中更具信心,逃避则会使人更加胆怯,进一步逃避。有理智的人,会不带怨言的处理该做的事,他会发现“自信心”是在真正做事中培养出来的。 8、“这个老师水平太差,所以我考不好”。“妈妈没有提醒我,所以我忘了” ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transversedrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-ible and no clean sound; 1.3g flex1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turninertification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.duct ctage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of proing iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction sl castruction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugariage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe constsing tn is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system uter meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installatioe height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that waseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te12level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft 在这个人与人之间息息相关的现代社会里,我们提倡相互合作、相互依赖。但是这种依赖是建立在彼此独立的基础上的,如果不是这样的话,过分依赖势必使人缺乏主见,丧失独立,失去自我表现的机会,失去安全感。当失去依赖时,容易感到无助、焦虑不安、甚至于崩溃。有理智的人能够独立自主,在情况需要时,也会向人求助。凡事独立尝试,虽然冒险可能会失败,但失败并不是可怕的灾祸。 9、“我以前就是这样的,改不了啦。”“我爸爸一直这样对我说话的,没办法改了”。 有些人认为他们的性格、习惯和行为模式,是受过去的影响,无法改变。他们经常把“没办法”挂在口中,是真的没办法吗,事实上是“很困难”的,但不是“不可能”的。 这种想法容易以偏概全,实际上,过去的经验固然会使一个人觉得要做某些改变是很困难的,但要改变并非绝对不可能的,有些人拒绝改变而以这种说法作为借口,这是不负责任的说法。这些人将责任推给过去,而不顾面对现实,或不敢对现在负责、不愿做任何努力,这种观念容易导致情绪的困扰。 10、“人家的父母多么通情达理,我的父母为什么总是不理解我”,“为什么她总是要出风头,如果没有她,我们班会很好的”。“真不知如何是好,我没办法决定”~ 很多人相信“问题必定有一个完善的解决途径”,他们自认为无法生活在一个不完美、不肯定的世界里。实际上,我们知道,这个世界并没有确定、完善、绝对的事,如果抱着确定、完美、绝对的观念,会使人将可行而较不完善的解决途径忽略,而期待一个完美的答案一举成功,这样只会使事情一再拖延而问题仍未解决。理性的人在面对问题时,会去寻找各种不同而可能的答案,而接受较好的一个。 [提示:纠正想法~可利用学生的资源~即学生说服学生~在澄清每一观点前~按三种观点即:是~说不准~不是~将学生分坐在教室的三边,形式上是对立的,,经过澄清后~可通过位子的改变~代表观点的彻底转变。] 上述十个非理性观念,似是而非,均与现实不符。存在这些观念的人,也 -, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3rosionll meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation sha: systN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installationburied pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~Don of by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connectie installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser rainaghan ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Don is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more te height 500 mm the constructiseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te13ftasurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for medrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha 就是戴着非理性“眼镜”的人,容易发生情绪困扰,常觉得心情不舒畅,工作无效率,有罪恶感,不幸福。倘若一个人能除去所有的非理性观念,即矫正“眼镜”,他就会比较容易地获得工作效率、快乐的生活与愉快的情绪。 最后教师总结。 资料库: 资料一:个案讨论 1、学校高一的学生组织了一次夏令营,三人住一个帐篷。C是一位活泼漂 亮的女孩子,一天晚上自由活动时,她对另两位女孩子说:“今天晚上我有事, 不和你们出去了。”两位女孩子看完电影回来后,看到一个人从C的帐篷里 钻出来。 ——问:你如果是这两位女孩子中的一位,会怎样想, ——我们每个人都通过自己独特的视角来观看、感受这个世界。 2、一个老太太有两个儿子,大儿子卖伞,二儿子晒盐,老太太差不多天天为儿 子忧虑。每逢晴天,老太太念叨:“这大晴天的伞可不好卖呦”。每逢阴雨天, 老太太嘀咕:“下雨天,盐怎么晒呀,”老太太每天替两个儿子犯愁,竟积忧 成疾。 ——问:你有什么办法让老太太转忧为喜呢, ——换副眼镜观世界。 资料二:故事 一天,有两个好朋友在森林里游玩,突然,碰到了一只老虎,两个人吓得拔腿就逃。幸好两人同时抓住了悬崖边的枝条而没掉下悬崖。抬头望望,老虎在头上虎视耽耽,低头看看,万丈深渊,只见旁边一只老鼠正津津有味的肯着他们的“救命草”。其中的一个人说:“这次可死定了,”另一个人见到身边触手可及的地方,长着红红的草莓,对伙伴说:“这草莓一定很甜。” ——问:这另外一个人为什么在性命攸关的时候还能注意到身边的草莓, 资料三:关于情绪 ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transversedrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-ible and no clean sound; 1.3g flex1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turninertification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.duct ctage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of proing iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction sl castruction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugariage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe constsing tn is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system uter meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installatioe height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that waseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te14level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft 1、情绪何以能经过进化的历程占据人类心灵的核心位置,社会生物学家认为, 人类在危机时刻的反应可提供解释。人类位在棉铃危险、痛失亲人、遭遇挫 折、维系夫妻关系、建立家庭等重要情境,都不容理智独立担网,必须仰赖 情绪的指引。 ——Emotional Intelligence — — 2、“情绪好象编织一块彩毯,视乎那工匠喜欢用哪一种颜色的毛线去编织------, 若他让各种颜色的毛线自然地交织起来,便会织成一块色彩缤纷的彩毯。 “我们的情感生活好象一部发电机,源源不绝地产生能源,而这能源可用以 推动各种活动,使我们过一种积极、进取和有贡献的人生。 ——选自《流露自我》 2、任何人都会生气,这没什么难的。但要能适时选取、以适当的方式对适当的 对象恰如其分地生气,可就难上加难了。 ——《亚里斯多德,尼可马亥伦理学》(The Nicomachean Ethics) 3、Once you deal with your anger, you can turn your attention to forgiving. When you hold on your resentment, you freeze yourself in a victim’s role, freezing some of your emotional energy as well. Let the warmth of understanding and the awareness of your worth thaw your emotions. 3、Human emotions are interconnected in a web of surpassing beauty and strength . If you suppress one emotion , like anger, you damage your total emotional well-being. Release and resolve your anger and you will release unbounded passion, energy, and joy. -Anger Therapy ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for medrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha-, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3rosionll meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation sha: systN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installationburied pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~Don of by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connectie installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser rainaghan ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Don is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more te height 500 mm the constructiseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te15ftasurement, longitudinal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven sha 资料四:正确合理的情绪宣泄方法 (1) 大哭一场; (2) 进行剧烈的运动; (3) 找人倾诉; 不良情绪的自我调节: (1) 语言暗示法; (2) 目标转移法; (3) 环境调节法; -ible and no clean sound; 1.3g flex1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integrity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turninertification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.duct ctage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of proing iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction sl castruction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugariage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe constsing tn is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system uter meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installatioe height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that waseal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved te16level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft ft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitudinal and transversedrive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, sha
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