

2017-09-19 7页 doc 35KB 22阅读




金融服务英语简单来讲,活期账户主要是满足日常现金支付需要的,这种账户可以用来开支票,但利息率很低. B:那储蓄账户呢? A:储蓄账户主要是用来存钱挣利息的,利息率比活期账户高,但资金的使用没有活期账户方便. B:哦,明白了,谢谢.这次我先开个活期账户.请问开活期账户的手续是什么? A:我们银行规定客户必须使用真名开户.而且最低的起存金额是$1.麻烦给我你的身份证,或其他有效证件. B:好的,这是我的身份证 A:好了,麻烦输入6位数字的密码.请再输一次.请在开户申请书的下面签名.对,就签在这里. Usually ,a current acc...
简单来讲,活期账户主要是满足日常现金支付需要的,这种账户可以用来开支票,但利息率很低. B:那储蓄账户呢? A:储蓄账户主要是用来存钱挣利息的,利息率比活期账户高,但资金的使用没有活期账户方便. B:哦,明白了,谢谢.这次我先开个活期账户.请问开活期账户的手续是什么? A:我们银行规定客户必须使用真名开户.而且最低的起存金额是$1.麻烦给我你的身份证,或其他有效证件. B:好的,这是我的身份证 A:好了,麻烦输入6位数字的密码.请再输一次.请在开户申请书的下面签名.对,就签在这里. Usually ,a current account is mainly used for meeting the need for cash paying & receiving in daily life ,this kind of account can be used for writing check ,but its interest rate is very low. How about a savings account? A savings account is mainly used for earning interest by depositing . comparied with a current account ,its interest rate is higher, but the use of fund is not more convenient. Oh ,I see .thanks. this time I would like to open a current account .can you tell me what the procedures for opening a current account are? According to our bank regulations ,a customer Must use his real name to open a account .and the initial minimum balance is $1.please give me your id card ,or other valid credentials. Here is my id card. Good ,please input your secret code in 6 digits, once again ,please sign your name on the bottom of the application form, yes ,just sign here. Does your bank take any charge on this kind of account? Yes, our bank will take a service fee of $200 on each current account each year .and on each transaction, our bank will take a commission of 我想把这笔钱存到银行里。   I want to deposit this money in the bank。   现在利息很高,我们应该在银行存点钱。The interest is rather high, so we should save some money in the bank。   我们没有钱可以攒起来。   We have no money to save.   我们可以把我们收入的20%存入银行。   We can save 20% of all our earnings and put it in the bank。   我们应该做个存款计划。We should make a plan for saving money。   我们得开始存些钱以备不时之需了。   We need to start saving money for a rainy day。   我们得省吃俭用勒紧裤腰带。We’ve got to tighten our belt。   我攒够钱了。I’ve got enough saved up。   我们得留意收支情况。We need to watch our money。 这次我要动用储蓄了。I’ll dip into my savings this time。 打电话 A:你好,这里是starbuck co.我是Jack. B:你好,我是ibm co.的mr.smith,请问陈先生在吗? A:请稍等,我帮你看看他是否在办公室。哦,不好意思,陈先生就在几分钟前离开了办公室。 B:我已经打了几次电话了,但你们的线路每次都忙。 A:他等会还会回来吗? B:他今天都不会回来了,抱歉 A:那你可以帮我留个口信给他吗? B:乐意效劳。 A:谢谢。麻烦告诉他,因为我的一些个人原因,我和陈先生明天上午10点的约会不得不取消。下次 Hello,this is jack speaking from stukback co. Hi,morning!This is mr. Smith speaking from ibm co.is mr.chen in (his office)? A moment,please.let me check whether he is in the office.oh,sorry,he left his office just a few minutes ago. I have dialed for several times,but your line is always busy. Will he come back later? Sorry,he will not. Can you leave a message for him? My pleasure. Thanks,please tell him,because of my private reason,the appointment between mr.chen and me at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning has to be canceled. For the next appointment,I will discuss with him about the actual time and place 1.一段3公里长的路      2.2个10公斤重的包 3.3个1.75M高的人 1. a 3-km road 2.2 10-kg bags 3.3 1.75-m-height men 有关贷款的本金、利息、利率、到期等的表达 本金:principal ;  定期存款:fixed term deposit;到期:mature 到期日:the due day;the maturity date 练习: 1.麻烦告诉我这笔定期存款的利率是多少。 2.这笔贷款的月利率是1.8%。 3.股票永远没有到期日。 4.如果存款的本金是$10,000,那么到期的利息会是$500。 1.please tell me what is the interest rate for this fixed term deposit. 2.the monthly interest rate for this loan is 1.5%. The interest rate for this loan is 1.5%,if calculated by each month. 3.a stock will never mature. 4.if the principal of a deposit is $10,000,the interest will be $500 at the due day(maturity date). 1)A:我们公司想在你们银行申请一笔流动资金贷款。 B:好啊,让我们先谈谈这笔贷款的基本情况。 A:是这样的,我们公司业务发展很快,和去年相比,今年的销售额增长了120%,所以需要向银行贷款,以补充流动资金。 B:哦,明白。请问贵公司需要多少贷款呢? A:200万。 B:多长期限? A:1年。 B:按我们银行的规定,贷款是需要得到保证的。贵公司可以找个合适的担保人来担保,也可以用银行可以接受的抵押物做保证。 A:银行可以接受的抵押物有哪些呢? B:一般来讲,不动产抵押是最好的。如果没有不动产,机器设备、商标,甚至是应收账款都是可以考虑的。 A:我们公司会用土地来做抵押物。请问贷款的利息率如何,如何支付利息?还有其他费用吗? B:流动资金贷款的年利息率为7.5%,每半年付息1次。此外银行还要按贷款本金收取1.5%的手续费。 A:这样也太贵了,利息和手续费相加,我们一年要支付的费用就是18万! A: our company would like to apply for a working capital loan with your bank. B:Ok.let us discuss this loan in detail first. A: Well, this year our company`s business is expanding very fast,and our company`s sales increased by 120%,comparied with last year.so we need a bank loan to meet our working capital requirement. B:I see.how much is the loan your company wants to apply for,may I ask? A:2 mil. B: and what term is the loan? A:1 year. B: According to our bank regulations ,each loan has to be guranteed. you can find a proper securer, also you can supply our bank with an acceptable collateral. A:what are the acceptable collaterals for your bank? B:in general,real estate is the best.if there is no any real estate,machines/equipments/brands,even receivable accounts are acceptable. A:we will use our land as collateral.could you tell me what the loan interest rate is and how we pay for the interest?there is any other bank charge? B:the annual interes rate for working capital loan is 7.5%,the interest should be paid each half a year. in addition, our bank will take a loan fee of 1.5% against the loan principal. A: that would be too expensive!Interest plus loan fee,we have to pay 0.18 mil to you in 1 year. 问路 A:请问去天河奥林匹克中心怎么走? B:在学校门口转右,100米有个巴士站,你在那里可以乘232路公交车,到广州火车东站后下车.车票是2元.然后在那里换乘451路巴士,坐8个站后在车陂南路下车,在那里可以换乘6号地铁,就可以到了. A:好的,非常感谢!现在我觉得有点饿,你能告诉我哪里有餐馆吗? B:火车东站附近有许多不同风味的餐馆,例如中餐馆,西餐馆,麦当劳之类的,你可以根据你的喜欢挑选. A:谢谢! B:乐意效劳! A: excume me,how can I get to the olympic center? B:turn right at the school gate, go straight for about 100m,there is a bus station,you can take No.**bus and get off at the guangzhou east railway station,the bus fare is 2 yuan.then you can transfer No.**bus and get off at chepi nanlu after 8 bus stops. Then transfer No.6 metro,then you can get there. A:thank you very much.now I feel a little hungry,can you tell me where I can find a resturant? B:there are many different-style resturants around East railway station,such as chinese resturants,western resturants,mc.you can choose them as you like       A:thank you!        B:my pleasure 绝大多数企业的业务发展都离不开对外筹资(raise funds)。企业对外筹资一般有2种方式,即借钱和对外发行股票。 企业一般是找银行借钱,当然也可以找其他有剩余资金(excess money)的个人或机构借。借贷人将钱借给企业后,企业必须在借款到期日(maturity date)的时候归还本金和由此产生的利息。         企业发行股票就意味着在出售企业的部分所有权(ownership)。购买了企业股票的股东就有权利分享企业的利润,如股息(dividend)和红利(bonus)。 Almost big firms who are planning to expand their business need to raise money from outside world.in general,a firm has two ways to reach these funds:the one is to borrow money,the other is to sell its stocks.       usually a firm can borrow money with a bank.of course it also can  borrow from the individuals and businesses with excess funds.instead, it must pay them the generated interests in time and return them the pricipals at the maturity day. that a firm sells its shares means that it is selling a partial ownership of this firm.these shareholders who have bought its shares are entitled to share its profits after taxes,such as dividends and bonus. 在没有证券市场的时候,企业对外融资是很不方便的。因为企业不知道哪些人有剩余的资金,而那些有剩余资金的投资者也不了解企业的情况,不敢(dare)对该企业投资。 而证券市场里集中了大量的买家和卖家,而且还有许多的中介机构(intermediary),如证券公司、银行、信用评级机构、事务所、律师事务所等为他们提供各种专业服务,保证市场的运行效率,所以企业就可以在证券市场顺利地出售债券或股票,来吸收他们所需要的资金了。 When there is no securites market,it is difficult for firms  to raise funds from outside.bucause they do not know who has excess money,and those with excess money do not know the detailed information about these firms, so they do not dare to invest on these firms. in a securities market, there are so many buyers and sellers and a lot of intermediaries,such as securities firms,banks,credit rating agents,accounting agents and layer agents. these intermediaries can provide different kinds      of profesional severces to these market joiners (participants)  and can ensure that  this market works efficiently.thus a firm can easily sell its bonds or shares and easily absorb its needed funds in the market. • 4.如果存款的本金是$10,000,那么到期的利息会是$500。 • 4.if the principal of a deposit is $10,000,the interest will be $500 at the due day(maturity date). 到期日:the due day;the maturity date • 我们公司业务发展很快,和去年相比,今年的销售额增长了120%,所以需要向银行贷款,以补充流动资金。 • A:Well,this year our company`s business is expanding very fast,and our company`s sales increased by 120%,comparied with last year.so we need a bank loan to meet our working B:按我们银行的规定,贷款是需要得到保证的。贵公司可以找个合适的担保人来担保,也可以用银行可以接受的抵押物做保证。 B:According to our bank regulations,each loan has to be guranteed.you can find a proper securer,also you can supply our bank with an acceptable collateral • 3.今天我们银行美元的买入价是$1=¥6.2138,比昨天上涨了26个基点。 • 4.今天我们银行的美元卖出价是$1=¥6.2158,比昨天下跌了20个基点。 • 5.麻烦给我2张$100的,5张$20的,8张$1的。 • 3.today our buying price is 6.2135rmb per 1usd,increased by 26 basis points,compared with yesterday’s price. • 4.today the selling price for us dollar in our bank is RMB6.2138 per usd 1,decreased by 20 basis points compared with yesterday’s price. • 5.please give me 2 hundreds,5 twenties,8 ones • 1.按交易所规定,只有年满18岁以上的人才可以开立证券账户。 • 1.according to the regulations of the Stock Exchange,only the people over 18 can open a securities account. 定语从句练习 1.他就是我们正在找的人。 2.我很感兴趣的那本书是从图书馆借的。 3.他们急忙去帮那个车坏了的人的忙。 4.  正跟我爸聊天的那个工程师刚从国外回来。 5.这就是他为什么反对这个计划的全部原因。 6. 那个就是我借小说的,我们学校的图书馆。 7.那些外国客人,其中绝大多数是科学家,在机场受到了热烈欢迎。 8.请把信放在他很容易找到的地方。 3.they hurried to help the person whose car was broken. 4. The engineer with whom my father is talking just came from abroad.  5.This is the reason why they are all against the plan. 6.It was our college library where I borrowed the novel.  7.The foreign guests, most of them were scientists, were warmly welcomed at the airport. 8.Put the letter where he can find it easily.
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