

2017-10-05 13页 doc 42KB 32阅读




蔡依林经典歌词大全蔡依林经典歌词大全 1、我再幸福的门外~却一直都进不来~你累积给得伤害我是真的很难释怀。《倒带》 2、说的未来到底多久才来…… 应该开心得地带~你给的全是空白…《倒带》 3、过去甜蜜在倒带只是感觉已经不在~而我对你的期待~被你一次次摔坏~已经碎成太多块要怎么拼凑跟重来~终于看开爱回不来。《倒带》 3、爱情璀璨后心碎~像流星划过后下坠。你说我们是同类~你缺少得我无法给~你把爱作废借口多刺耳迂回。《无言以对》 4、 就算心碎~就算崩溃~就算难过那么深邃~你给我安慰那只是美丽得虚伪。《无言以对》 5、不必再争取了~你不是我...
蔡依林经典歌词大全 1、我再幸福的门外~却一直都进不来~你累积给得伤害我是真的很难释怀。《倒带》 2、说的未来到底多久才来…… 应该开心得地带~你给的全是空白…《倒带》 3、过去甜蜜在倒带只是感觉已经不在~而我对你的期待~被你一次次摔坏~已经碎成太多块要怎么拼凑跟重来~终于看开爱回不来。《倒带》 3、爱情璀璨后心碎~像流星划过后下坠。你说我们是同类~你缺少得我无法给~你把爱作废借口多刺耳迂回。《无言以对》 4、 就算心碎~就算崩溃~就算难过那么深邃~你给我安慰那只是美丽得虚伪。《无言以对》 5、不必再争取了~你不是我的~多给一个理由~一个借口也是多余的。《小伤口》 6、你的每个拥抱每个亲吻都是冰冷得~说真的没什么~都几岁了谁没分手过。《小伤口》 7、曾以为你是全世界~但那天已经太遥远~绕一圈我才发现我有更远地平线。《柠檬草得味道》 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 8、我们都没错只是不适合《柠檬草得味道》 9、选择是我得不是给的……快乐是我得不是你给的~幸福要自己负责~错过得请你把握。《柠檬草得味道》 10、我们曾紧紧拥抱~却又轻易得放掉《天空》 11、时间分割成对角~停止你对我得好~瓦解我们得依靠《天空》 12、我静静得望着天空~试着寻找失落得感动~只能用笑容~期待着雨过天晴得彩虹《天空》 13、爱一个人~需要缘分……爱一个人~别太认真《我知道你很难过》 14、没有一个人~非要另一个人才能过一生~你又何苦逼自己面对伤痕《我知道你很难过》 15、我知道你很难过~感情得付出不是真心就会又结果……我知道你很难过~昨天是恋人今天说分手就分手~别问你得痛要怎么解脱~多情得人注定伤得比较久.《我知道你很难过》 16、也许心碎是爱情最美得样子《我知道你很难过》 17、要爱不要啰嗦~幸福不该光说不做《唇唇欲动》 18、我明白爱情已经超载~爱得完全坏了姿态~你冷眼看待~就像是种伤害《偏见》 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 19、我不要王子苦苦等候得故事~梦幻不实我不希望你是王子~因为瑰丽童话结局为战而死《骑士精神》 20、直到确定手的温度来自你心里~这一刻我终于勇敢说爱你《说爱你》 21、开始学着不要人陪~假装孤单也是一种美《孤单得人总说无所谓》 22、孤单得人总说无所谓~一直独自整理所有伤悲。《孤单得人总说无所谓》 23、爱情需要一些呼吸~偶尔保持一点距离《你还爱我吗》 24、你还爱我吗~一直好想问你这句话~却又怕~听到你真实得回答《你还爱我吗, 25、感情得路总让人好无助~我会学着面对独处给深爱得你祝福《你还爱我吗》 26、我对以往得感触还那么多~曾给我幸福得你~我依然深深爱着《听说爱情回来过》 27、有一种想见不敢见的伤痛~有一种爱还埋藏在我心中~我却只能把你放在我心中《听说爱情回来过》 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 28、对你声音你的影你的手~我发誓说我没有忘记过~而关于你选择了现在的她~我只能说我有些难过~也真心真意得等过《听说爱情回来过》 29、没人疼、没人爱~小心单身是公害~小心寂寞对健康有害《单身公害》 30、你总爱编织谎言~我负责配合表演~所有改变~只为能进入你的世界《妥协》 31、你划定楚河汉界~我不能轻易犯规~所有时间~都是先给了你优先权~不自觉爱到不敢冒险~成了你得傀儡~一年两年才看见我有多狼狈。《妥协》 32、爱到妥协~到头来还是误解《妥协》 33、就说幸福都由老天再管~只借不送~我还是不还~用真爱耍赖。《我得依赖》 34、打给你不是没接就是手机没电~失踪半天送我玫瑰~破绽更加明显《睁一只眼闭一只眼》 35、睁一只眼闭一只眼~人没有十全十美~心疼你就快要崩溃~好吧 考虑再给你机会《睁一只眼闭一只眼》 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 36、假装 多好 我只要只想要再拥有一秒~去相信你的拥抱一直会让我依靠《假装》 37、爱情已经过了甜蜜期~多说也是无益~爱不爱我已经美关系一点小伤而已~你可以很放心~我不会为了留你假装可怜兮兮《我恨我爱你》 38、我爱你~只是因为你是你。我恨你~你有我看也看不清得小聪明~你又我说也说不完得坏脾气,你又我数也数不尽你得新恋情《我很我爱你》 40、没关系~我有你拿也拿不走得旧回忆~我可以一个人安静的忘记你《我很我爱你》 41、如果爱像微风~和你一起吹过~就连空气味道都变成甜的《就是爱》 42、是否手背上的字是上辈子留下得记号~那个爱过的人能在今世把我找到《独占神话》 43、呵气在玻璃上面~画心型的圈~雾渐渐不见你终于出现~听不进劝~对爱死心眼希望这趟爱情能走很远《心型圈》 44、空出时间~默背你的脸~认真翻字典查我们得永远。《心型圈》 45、反正我不知道怎样打发时间~出门或不出门没差别《一个人》 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 46、一个人到底应该睡右边或左边~两个人连一次争吵都值得纪念~一个人偶尔感到寂寞在所难免~你的气味还留在枕头边~一个人重新适应一切不方便~两个人不一定就成全一个世界~一个人关灯开灯看记忆得横切面~没有光线过去那些情节更明显《一个人》 47、收起天真得笑脸学着温柔妩媚~但昨天得我~是那么无邪得体贴《舍不得》 48、若你不能爱我得一切~我就会消失不见《舍不得》 49、握着你给得自由~却看见我得伤口~我不想再配合你太多得规则~两个人的伤痛我都能承受~是我爱错了~却还是舍不得。《舍不得》 50、为什么你出现在他出现以后《你在怎么连话都说不清楚》 51、你在怎么连话都说不清楚~那温柔得痛我记得清楚~他站在我得面前你经过我的身边~突然之间心里又难过~为什么《你怎么连话都说不清楚》 52、再见面已经是朋友了~我们就这么单纯《开场白》 53、是全新得一次~再没了遗憾~简单的回应着伤痛。《开场白》 54、我走在少了你的风景《马德里不思议》 55、越接近夕阳影子越长《惯性背叛》 56、我没有很努力让自己去遗忘~那些和日记一起收藏得国王《害怕》 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 57、还是害怕夜深人静时总想起你~还是害怕不经意得听见你得消息《害怕》 58、幸福不是循规蹈矩就能拥有《爱无赦》 59、是对是错不过只是一个念头《爱无赦》 60、你说分开都是为我着想《解散爱》 61、我得幸福你不在场~还是演不好我的体谅《解散爱》 62、不问自己快乐吗~只是一味爱他~直到黯然心碎~才知心乱如麻~我想这就是所谓爱得代价~没有人多潇洒《你快乐吗》 63、爱上以后~跟着本能走,不要回头,完美温柔你怎么说No《玩美》 64、以为得捆绑却是力量~陪你冷战~陪你张狂~惯性背叛~还天真得希望我应该体谅~像孩子找着新玩伴~很快得受了伤~拼命回头却不敢让我看到你得慌《惯性背叛》 65、怎能说我不爱~难道你不明白~耐心为你等待~落空多少期待《我要的选择》 66、为何付出得心都得不到回应~一切努力都是零~多么可惜我还分得清~这是同情不是感情《做一天的你》 67、耗尽所有热情所有决心还被你否定~是多么不公平《做一天的你》 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use 68、什么样得爱你才懂~什么样的我才能让你感动《什么样的爱你才懂》 69、爱情是童话~再加上个问号……碎了一地的梦哪里找《消失得城堡》 70、你喜欢我那就够了《怪我太年轻》 71、也许不应该想太多~对爱情谁都没把握《怪我太年轻》 72、我不愿意再为了讨你的欢心~别让我的心上紧发条得节拍器《节拍器》 73、记得要把我的手抓牢~答应我不轻易放掉《即时生效》 74、谁都不可以选择别的结局~爱情原来是是非题《空白》 75、在狂欢时寂寞~从绝望里复活~才明白爱会随时间逐渐成熟《离人节》 76、爱断了线~于是我每天都过想你的离人节~不再见面~不代表我不再对你想念《离人节》 77、从那一天~放开你的瞬间~我不过情人节~除非未来还会出现《离人节》 the drawings, first to become familiar with the drawings, mainly about the following aspects: 1) pages of drawings and diagrams, maps; 2) a comprehensive understanding of drawing; 3) finding of design-driven dimensions (), do not resize and adjust the size; 4) questioned the drawings; 5) develop buries a construction programme and technical clarification; 6) clear corners and special treatment; 7) controlled construction drawings to verify construction scheme and design. (2) at the construction site to find subject planted area: various engineering, first on the scene to find planted area, it must first understand the curtain wall installation section, and some projects are all curtain wall, the entire project is a region-wide, only partial walls, the zone is local. (3) identify the axis positioning: positioning the drawings shown in axis compared with the actual construction site to find out exactly where the axis positioning, axis positioning function are: 1) to help determine the origin of curtain walls; 2) acceptance of the installation is accurate; 3) adjust errors, and determine the error range. (4) find anchor points: according to site to find the exact location of the axis, according to the drawings provided by the content determine the positioning point; number of anchor points shall not be less than two points. Repeated measurements determine the location points must ensure that the positioning is correct. (5) take level (level): level (minor works available in horizontal pipe), the two anchor points determine the horizontal position. Level according to use
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