首页 > 劳动工资网上备案常见问题


2018-03-14 11页 doc 34KB 18阅读




劳动工资网上备案常见问题劳动工资网上备案常见问题 1. 劳动工资网上备案怎样开通和登录, 答:2012年12月3日之前成立的企业,可以直接用就业登记的账号和密码登录劳动关系模块。高级密码如果没有修改和登录密码一样。2012年12月3日之后成立的企业,需要携带(1)网上备案业务申请表(2)网上备案业务承诺书一式两份盖公章(在劳动关系模块温馨提示里面下载)企业营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证,三项证件的副本原件和复印件,复印件加盖公章。 2. 如果登录劳动关系模块,账号和密码不匹配, 答:1. 登录时是否使用IE8浏览器。2.是否从劳动关系模块...
劳动工资网上备案常见问 1. 劳动工资网上备案怎样开通和登录, 答:2012年12月3日之前成立的企业,可以直接用就业登记的账号和密码登录劳动关系模块。高级密码如果没有修改和登录密码一样。2012年12月3日之后成立的企业,需要携带(1)网上备案业务#申请表#(2)网上备案业务书一式两份盖公章(在劳动关系模块温馨提示里面下载)企业营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证,三项证件的副本原件和复印件,复印件加盖公章。 2. 如果登录劳动关系模块,账号和密码不匹配, 答:1. 登录时是否使用IE8浏览器。2.是否从劳动关系模块进入。如两种情况均不属于,需企业提供单位的国税号(地税号)到现场或者打电话进行重置密码。 企业在劳动工资备案中需要做的工作, 答:1.企业需要进入青岛市人社局 (http//www.qdhrss.gov.cn)劳动关系模块把2012年1月—2013年12月份全年工资导入(录入) 劳动关系系统(详细操作请见劳动关系温馨提示下载用户手册)。2.企业需要到劳动关系模块的工资指导线备案填写 企业落实工资指导线实施备案表,在网 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 上填写数据提交审批,导出打印一式四份加盖公章。 3. 企业怎样导入工资, 答:企业进入劳动关系模块在企业工资录入和企业工资 导入都可。如果企业人数较多,可以用导入的,在 相关下载里面下载工资模板。人数较少的企业,可以用 录入工资。工资导入比录入要简单一些。 4. 导入(录入)出现匹配失败的原因, 答:错误类型一:模板类型错误 导入时提示“模板错误,请使用指定模板类型” 情况一:模板名称不得为中文 情况二:模板版本过高 解决方式:看一下模板的后缀名是否是 .xlsx 如 果是该类型的则代表为高模板,只需要将这个文件另 存为 97-2003版本的excel表格就可以了~ 1. 导入时提示“第一个SHEET页中不存在有效合同” , 情况一:模板中存在隐藏的sheet页 由于企业大部分都安装了杀毒软件(比如:360),当下载模板时杀毒软件会进行检测,其中360认为这个模板有问题时会默认的在可是sheet页之前增加一个隐藏的 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 页面 解决方式:1,重新下载模板,再次导入 2,自己新建一个模板,格式安装模板格 式设置即可 错误类型二:数据错误 , 身份证号码错误 1:系统中要求身份证号码必须为18位,15位的身 份证信息已经不允许进入系统 2:录入模板时,身份证号码和姓名两列填反了 3:身份证号码不得大于18位,若大于18位则会出 现‘系统异常,请使用指定模板’的错误信息 4:其中外国人的工资,请使用护照号进行工资的导 入 错误提示类型举例及解决方式: , 【该人员无基本信息】: 出现的原因:1:身份证号码录入错误 2:该身份证号码在数据库中不存在对 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 应的人员信息 解决方式: 1:核对身份证是否正确;若身份证号码错误 则可以直接在导入界面中修改身份证号 码信息 2:若身份证号码无误,则需要在【个人基本 信息登记】中将该人员的基本信息录入进 系统后,再次保存修改结果 3:也可以将错误信息勾选上之后进行删除, 然后再次进行导入 4:外国人如果提示没有基本信息,请联系所 在区市的劳动关系处,由劳动关系处进行 外国人的基本信息添加~ , 【该人员无有效合同】: 出现原因: 1:身份证号码录入错误 2:该人员在本单位下不存在有效合同 解决方式: 1:核对身份证号码是否争取 2:重新新签或者补签一条有效合同 3:选择相应的人员类别,比如‘劳务派遣’ ‘实现生’这些人群本身就是不需要签订 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 的,此时只需要选择一下相应的 人员类别即可 , 【工资低于最低标准】 出现原因: 1:工资录入错误 2:工资低于了规定的最低工资标准 解决方式: 1:核对工资金额是否正确 2:工资正确的前提下,选择相应的低于最低 工资标准原因,比如:‘产假’,‘刚入职’ , 【工资已成功导入一个月,请勿重复导入】 出现原因: 目前系统中有导入工资的时效限制,在一 个月之内,工资是可以随时进行重复导入修改的, 但是超过一个月之后接不可以再次进行修改 比如:莫公司在2013年1月20号导入了2012年11 月份的工资,那么该企业的2012年11月的工资时 效是从2013年1月20日至2013年2月20日之~ , 【未匹配】 该种错误,目前属于企业普遍会遇到的错误。 出现的原因为: control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough 企业导入工资时操作过快造成的~请 在导入工资后,不要立刻进行其他操作(比如:点 击查询,进入其他功能页面,关闭系统等等),请耐 心等待系统提示【导入成功】之后,再进行其他操 作 解决方案: 1:直接点击【保存修改】,就可以再次将 这些数据提交 2:删除错误数据后,重新导入保存 control-----main control at construction stage construction program reasonable, installation compliance with the standards and specifications. Especially hidden project quality control, strict inspection and acceptance and make records in a timely manner. To strengthen management of civilized construction work. (4) use-phase quality control-----'s ultimate aim is to meet the requirements of project quality control. To this end, the quality of engineering after the delivery, must be prepared to return, warranty system and technical services archives work, improve the quality of technical service. (5) to achieve the goal of quality control it is necessary to seriously implement the quality assurance manual ... Pass. 2. main control position (1) procurement in operation is responsible for, a person shall not privately contact the supplier. IS09002 management procurement procedures according to company procedures. (2) duty personnel certificate holders, strict induction training certificates, untrained staff induction control. (3) serious, carefully drawing prepared, drawings before construction technology to give the low-down, technicians and construction workers should be reserved strictly embedded live, quality. (4) when installing the riser where you want to control the fixation and expansion joints, expansion joints according to the requirements, two fixed support should be given to a central location. (5) waterproof casing (especially underground pool of water pipe) take control of waterproof seam leakage, it tube embedded, packing enough
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