

2018-01-15 50页 doc 185KB 19阅读




论文题目晚中新世云南先锋植物群及古气候的定量重建论文题目晚中新世云南先锋植物群及古气候的定量重建 1 论文题目:晚中新世云南先锋植物群及古气候的定量重建 作 者:星耀武 博士 导 师:周浙昆 研究员 刘裕生 博士 摘要: 通过对采自先锋盆地植物化石的研究,恢复了该植物群的基本面貌,并且利用3种方法定量恢复了先锋植物群的古气候,探讨了新近纪以来云南植被类型和古环境的变化。主要研究结论如下: 1)通过初步鉴定该植物群含植物34种,分属9科,21属,另有29个未鉴定的形态种。34种植物中,包括2种裸子植物,其余全为双子叶植物。其中以壳斗科、樟科含种数量最多,占较大优势...
论文题目晚中新世云南先锋植物群及古气候的定量重建 1 论文题目:晚中新世云南先锋植物群及古气候的定量重建 作 者:星耀武 博士 导 师:周浙昆 研究员 刘裕生 博士 摘要: 通过对采自先锋盆地植物化石的研究,恢复了该植物群的基本面貌,并且利用3种方法定量恢复了先锋植物群的古气候,探讨了新近纪以来云南植被类型和古环境的变化。主要研究结论如下: 1)通过初步鉴定该植物群含植物34种,分属9科,21属,另有29个未鉴定的形态种。34种植物中,包括2种裸子植物,其余全为双子叶植物。其中以壳斗科、樟科含种数量最多,占较大优势。因此,先锋植物群是一个以壳斗科、樟科植物为主的亚热带植物群。 2)利用CT扫描技术对植物群中的松科三维球果化石进行了详细地研究发表了松属,铁杉属各一个新种,分别为Pinus prekesiya和Tsuga miodumosa。松属新种Pinus prekesiya的发现支持了分子生物学认为P. kesiya和P. yunnanensis有可能在早上新世分化的观点,而不是以往所认为的两个种是在始新世分化。并提出一个假说,随着青藏高原在新近纪的持续隆起及季风气候的逐渐加强,滇中高原及以北地区逐渐变得干旱,温度也更低,P. prekesiya开始向两支分化,一支逐渐适应更加干旱的环境,演化成为P. yunnanensis;另一支仍生活中较湿润的山地地区,分化成为P. kesiya。 铁杉属新种Tsuga miodumosa的最近亲缘种是Tsuga dumosa。该新种是云南铁杉属大化石的最早。T. miodumosa的发现支持了分子生物学认为T. dumosa可能在中新世时分化出来,并且认为T. dumosa的祖先类群在亚洲的观点。通过铁杉属化石记录的研究认为,铁杉属是由于青藏高原抬升后导致了气候的变凉和生境的多样化才逐渐演化而来。 3)三种方法得到的年均温(CA:17.2-18.0?C;CLAMP3B-Revised:15.7?1.33?C;LMA:17.2?1.6?C)都稍高于植物群现代年均温,说明晚中新世时,先锋盆地年均温稍高于现代。利用CA和CLAMP重建的先锋植物群的年均降水分别是1206-1537.4mm和1297.0?184.7mm,两者均明显高于现代的年降水(1003.2mm)。说明在晚中新世时,当地气候要比现在更湿润。与所模拟的中新世平均降水比现代高的结论相吻合,且这种趋势在欧洲中部和中国多个中新世古气候恢复的研究中被证实。两种方法计算的湿润月和干旱月的降水都有明显差别,说明当时已经有了明显的季节变化,但是由于晚中新世时干季降水远大于现在,所以当时的季节变化没有现在明显。利用共存法的原理恢复了先锋植物群的古海拔,结果为1330-1500m,比现今海拔2200m低,说明自晚中新世以来先锋植物群至少抬升了700m。 4)通过云南新近纪植物群化石记录和古气候资料的对比,探讨了云南新近纪以来的古环境变化。认为中新世时,云南植物群多是以壳斗科、樟科等为优势的常绿阔叶林的植被类型,气候普遍温暖且湿润,中新世到上新世气温和降水变化不大,可能与一些植物群恢复古气候区间较大有关。而晚上新世以后,气温有了一定的下降,降水有了很大减少,植物群中适应高寒环境的成分增多,尤其是高山栎化石的大量出现,说明了这个时期出现了较剧烈的环境变化,环境变得寒冷而干燥,但温度下降幅度小于高纬度植物群的古气候变化。这也说明晚上新世以后的全球变冷对低纬度植物群的影响较小。 5)利用旱季降水占全年降水的百分比和雨季旱季降水差值占全年降水的百分比两个指标探讨了自中新世以来季风强度的变化。两个指标的计算结果都表明晚中新世时虽然有干湿季节的变化,但是没有现在明显,说明自新近纪以来,云南地区季风强度有了很大的增强,而且也证明这两个参数可以很好地反映季风强度的变化,可以为讨论季风的演化提供较好的参考。、 Abstract: The Xianfeng flora and its palaeoclimte were studied using three quantitative methods. The vegetation and climatic change in Yunnan were also discussed in this paper. The results are summarized as follows: 1) 34 species belonging to 9 families, 21 genera were identified in Xianfeng flora. The dominant families are Fagaceae and Lauraceae. Most genera are tropic and subtropic distribution. Consequently, Xianfeng flora is a typical subtropic flora dominanted by Fagaceae and Lauraceae. 2)Two new coniferous species were identified, Pinus prekesiya and Tsuga miodumosa. P. prekesiya sp. nov., which belongs to subsection Pinus of subgenus Pinus shows a combination of characters of P. kesiya and P. yunnanensis, but has a closer affinity with P. kesiya which distributes in the humid region of Yunnan and therefore suggests a more humid climate in central Yunnan during the late Miocene than today. The general cooling trend during the late Neogene and topographic change due to the dramatic Tibetan uplift might have cause a vicariance origin of P. kesiya and P. yunnanensis from the ancestral P. prekesiya. Tsuga miodumosa shows a closest affinity with T. dumosa and might represent the ancestral stock of T. dumosa. The discovery of the Tsuga cone confirmed the presence of Tsuga in the Miocene of southwestern China and represents the earliest Tsuga megafossil record in China. The new species provides fossil evidence to support molecular phylogeny study that T. dumosa might esis that diversification of the genus be differentiated in the Miocene. It also support the hypoth occurred mainly during Miocene and Pliocene time as global climate cooled and new habitats formed in response to major orogenic events. 3)The MATs results from three methods (CA: 17.2-18.0?C;CLAMP3B: 15.7?1.33?C;LMA: 17.2?1.6?C) are higher than present. This indicates that the climate at late Miocene is warmer than today. The MAPs from CA and CLAMP are 1206-1537.4mm and 1297.0?184.7mm respectively, which are higher than today (1003.2mm) obviously. This indicates that the climate is more humid in late Miocene. The differences between precipitation in humid season and dry season suggest the existence of seasonality,but not so strong as today. The palaeoelevation was reconstructed using CA method; the result indicates a lower elevation (1330-1500m) of Xianfeng in late Miocene compared to today. 4) The palaeoenvirmental change was discussed based on the comparisons of fossil records and paleoclimate constructions. The results show that, at late Miocene, most floras represented ever-green forests dominanted by Fagaceae and Lauraceae etc. The climate of Yunnan in Miocene was warmer and more humid than today. At Pliocene age, the vegetation type in West Yunnan is still typical ever-green forest, while in the Sanying flora, the species adapt to cold environment like Quercus sect. Heterobalnus increased greatly. 5) Two monsoon sensitivity indices were used to illustrate the change of sensitivity of monsoon climate. The results suggest lower seasonality and monsoon sensitivity, especially the winter monsoon sensitivity during late Miocene. 2 论文题目:壳斗科栎属果实的生物学研究 作 者:夏珂 博士 导 师:周浙昆 研究员 Hugh W. Pritchard 教授 摘要: 广义的栎属(Quercus, Fagaceae)包括青冈亚属(subgenus Cyclobalanopsis)和栎亚属(subg. Quercus),广泛分布于北半球的热带、亚热带和温带森林,其中的许多种类还是北半球森林的主要建群种和优势种。栎属是生产顽坳性种子的植物最重要的组成部分之一。它的种子/果实的生物学研究是顽坳性种子生物学研究的重要内容,对于理解顽坳性种子的生理学机制和生态意义都有着重大的意义。栎属的青冈亚属主要分布在亚洲热带和亚热带,该亚属种类丰富,许多种类是‎‎亚洲常绿阔叶林的优势种。但是迄今为止,青冈亚属的果实/种子生物学研究几乎还是空白。为了全面地了解栎属果实的生理特性,填补青冈亚属果实/种子生理学研究的空白;为了进一步理解栎属果实的生理特性及其与生态环境的关系,并有效地保护栎属植物,本论文研究了11种采自中国的青冈亚属和11种采自中国和欧洲的栎亚属植物果实的脱水耐性和它们的萌发特性,并定量研究了其中9种栎属植物果皮的形态解剖学特征,测定了其中18种栎属植物果实的含油量,并对滇青冈(Q. schottkyana)果实的年产量和锥象甲(Curculio sp.)的种群动态做了相关性,研究发现: 1. 青冈亚属与栎亚属果实都属顽拗性,但果实对于脱水的反应在种间和种内表现出了明显的差异。 2(栎属植物的果脐占果皮表面积的4,,37,,是大多数种类吸收水分的主要部分。水分由维管束直接迅速地进入果脐,并沿果皮不分化层中的维管束到达果皮各部分,形成一个水分传输的纵向系统。栎属果皮的形态解剖学特征能够影响果皮各部分的水流通量和水流量,并造成了栎属果实种间脱水速率的差异。 3. 青冈亚属果实大多适宜在较高的温度 (25 ?C)下萌发。低温可以降低青冈亚属果实的萌发速率,最终可能影响果实的萌发率,但不影响栎亚属果实的萌发率和萌发速率。青冈亚属和栎亚属果实萌发特性的差异表现出了它们对生态环境的适应。 4. 青冈亚属果实的含油量(0.70,3.77%)显著低于栎亚属果实的含油量(1.48%,18.01%)。该结果与已报道的另39种栎属果实的含油量的数据相结合,表明栎属果实的含油量在亚属间和亚属内有与栎属分类学相关的差异性。5. 滇青冈果实的年产量有着明显的年际差异,一平方米的滇青冈纯林一年可以生产果实245,854粒,但其中14%,48%的果实会受到虫害。5,6月的降雨量可以影响滇青冈果实的年产量而9月和11月“干季信号”(低降雨量)能够引导滇青冈果实散播高峰期的开始和散播期的结束。滇青冈果实的产量与锥象甲种群有着密度制约关系。这种关系使得滇青冈和锥象甲的种群大小在相应的范围内以相同的趋势变动,呈现出周期性的循环。 Abstract: The genus Quercus consists of subgenera Quercus and Cyclobalanopsis and has approximately 531 species, making this the largest and most widely distributed genus within the Fagaceae family, occurring throughout temperate and subtropical montane areas of the Northern Hemisphere. The occurrence of recalcitrant (desiccation-sensitive) seeded plants is common in the genus Quercus, making it one of the key genera for understanding the physiology and the ecology of recalcitrant seeds. Due to habitat loss and poor regeneration, some populations of the genus Quercus are now declining. Moreover, the limited availability of good-quality seed may lead to its natural regeneration problems. To understand the cause of the population decline and to conserve iteffectively, knowledge on the seed/fruit biology of Quercus is necessary. Despite this, the seed/fruit biology of the Asian Quercus species is largely overlooked and the seed/fruit biology of Quercus subgenus Cyclobalanopsis,which is predominately distributed across tropical and subtropical Asia, is less well documented. To provide new data on the fruit biology of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis and to understand the fruit physiology and ecology of the genus Quercus comprehensively for a conservation aim, the germination and desiccation response of 11 species of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis (from S and SW China) and 11 species of subgenus Quercus (from both SW China and Europe) were investigated. The anatomic characteristics of the fruit coats was analysed on 9 of these species and the oil contents were quantified from 18 of these species. In addition, a study was carried out over 4 years on the fruit production of Q. schottkyana (subgenus Cyclobalanopsis) to fill the gap in knowledge. The data demonstrate that: 1. All 22 species of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis and subgenus Quercus had desiccation-sensitive (recalcitrant) fruits. For these 22 species which had fruit dry masses spanning 0.57 to 6.41 g and seed coat ratios spanning 0.15 to 0.48, there were wide differences in drying rates (0.26-4.10 %d-1). These differences were independent of fruit mass and seed coat ratio, but were related to the morphology of the fruit coat. 2. The scar, composing 4% to 37% (surface area) of the whole fruit coat, was found to be the main water passage for most species. Water transferred directly and quickly through the scar. From the scar through to the pericarp and ending at the apex, there was a longitudinal passage of water flow. The anatomic characteristics of the fruit coats controlled the water flux, which furthermore introduced the wide differences in drying rates between the Quercus species. . In comparison to species of Quercus subgenus Quercus, fruits in subgenus 3 Cyclobalanopsis germinated faster and most had maximum germination at the highest temperature of 25?C. At lower temperatures (15?C, 20?C), germination of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis was slower and the germination percentage of most species was decreased, but germination of species in subgenus Quercus was not affected at these low temperatures. The thermal requirements for the germination of these two subgenera suggested an adaptability of these fruits to their habitats. 4. Fruit oil content of subgenus Cyclobalanopsis (0.70% to 3.77%) was significantly lower than that of subgenus Quercus (1.48 to 18.01%) and across the 18 species studied, moisture content of the storage tissue (cotyledons) was negatively related to fruit oil content. These data were combined with that from the literature, resulting in a total of 57 species, and mapped against the current phylogeny for Quercus to reveal the highest fruit oil contents associated with sect. Lobatae. 5. The fruit production of Q. schottkyana varied markedly between years. Each square meter of Q. schottkyana pure forest produced 245-854 fruits but 14%-48% of them were infected by weevils (Curculio sp.). The annual production of Q. schottkyana was most likely affected by the average monthly rainfall during May and June, but the time of fruit dispersal was related to the rainfall of September and November. The infestation rates of weevils were density-dependent on the fruit production of Q. schottkyana that furthermore regulated the populations of these two species. 3 论文题目:毛茛科铁线莲属的分子系统学与繁育生物学研究 作 者:江南 博士 导 师:管开云 研究员 摘要: 铁线莲属(Clematis L.)隶属于毛茛科(Ranunculaceae),共355种左右,为世界广布类群,主要分布于温带和亚热带。该属的属下分类等级划分一直倍受争议。本文通过分子手段,比较了分子系统与传统分类系统的异同,并探讨了属下分类等级等问题。此外还对该属植物的繁育生物学及萌发特性进行了研究。主要研究结果如下: 1. 云南铁线莲属物种多样和地理分布 横断山区可能是铁线莲属的起源、分化和特有中心,而滇西、滇西南以及滇东南地区也与该属的分化有一定联系。云南铁线莲属植物特有现象较为突出:含中国特有的56种(含变种),占云南总种数的67.2,;云南特有16种(含变种),占云南分布的中国特有种的35.0,。云南铁线莲属植物与国内邻近的四川关系最为密切,西藏的关系最弱;与国外邻近的缅甸具有一定的联系。 2. 分子系统学研究 基于ITS、psbA-trnQ、atpB-rbcL和rpoB-trnC四个基因片段对铁线莲属及其近缘属79种138个样品进行了分子系统学研究。结果表明,铁线莲属是一个并系类群(paraphyly),其包含了锡兰莲属和互叶铁线莲属。在属下分类等级上,联合分析结果没有支持王文采和李良千系统以及任何一个传统分类系统,所研究的12个组多为多系(polyphyly)或并系类群,组间关系错综复杂。我们认为,这是由于该属与银莲花亚族分化时间较早,但属内各种间是在近期发生的快速分化的结果;同时,种间杂交可能也是主要因素之一。结合植株及幼苗性状,我们发现,单一以花部性状作为该属属下分类依据是不太合理的,应以幼苗叶序作为主要的鉴别特征,结合花瓣有无、心皮数量、花开放于新枝或老枝作为亚属或组等级划分。 3. 命名学问题处理 对金毛铁线莲及罂粟银莲花进行了后选模式指定;订正了王文采和李良千系统中属下等级作者引证中的错误;同时,对非毛茛科的一些种类,尖叶酒饼簕、长茎金耳环、封开酒饼簕和霸王金橘进行了合格发表。 4. 繁育生物学研究 本研究选取了三种不同花冠类型的铁线莲,进行传粉和繁育生物学研究。通过花部特征的测量、传粉者行为的观察、评估其近交衰退系数和花粉限制系数等研究,结果表明,蕊-雌蕊的比例可以像花粉-胚珠比一样在评价铁线莲繁育系统非常有价值;花冠形态分化与传粉昆虫种类和行为密切相关,平展型花冠是适应蝇类传粉,钟状和管状花冠是适应熊蜂传粉;花冠形状与传粉系统和繁育系统之间的关系非常密切。近交衰退系数与繁育系统之间密切相关。花萼、雄蕊和蜜腺(金毛铁线莲除外)在传粉吸引中扮演了不同的角色。 5. 金毛铁线莲的花部性状 通过对金毛铁线莲花部性状的测量,包括萼片长、萼片宽、雄蕊数量、雌蕊数量、花药长、单个萼片大小、总萼片大小等,并采用不同年份单独分析和三年联合分析性状之间的相关性,来检验各性状年际间的稳定性,验证性配置理论。花部性状(除萼片长)在三年连续的研究中保持着较高的稳定性。部分花部性状之间的相关性在各年份单独分析和联合分析时一致,说明它们可能在演化过程关系密切;而相关性不一致或相反的花部性状,一方面可能是取样随机性误差所造成的,也有可能是它们之间存在一定的相互关系,但不密切相关。雄蕊数量与花药长不存在负相关关系(第一年呈显著正相关,后两年没有明显相关性);雄蕊数量和雌蕊数量之间呈显著正相关关系;雌蕊数量、总花药大小和总萼片大小三者之间呈显著的正相 关关系。综合以上结果,我们发现金毛铁线莲的性资源配置不属于“补偿”理论模型,而是由基因和资源量决定。 6. 种子萌发特性研究 本研究通过设置不同的预处理(砂纸打磨和不同时长的冲洗处理)、不同浓度的GA3浸种、不同光照和温度条件以及不同的土壤播种基质,对六种铁线莲进行了种子萌发特性的研究。冲洗处理可提高种子萌发率和缩短平均萌发时间。不同浓度的GA3对不同种的铁线莲影响不一,但总体来说,低浓度的GA3有一定的促萌作用。珍珠岩基质中的种子萌发率最高,可达80%以上,是较理想的铁线莲播种基质。 Abstract: The genus Clematis, with about 355 species, is one of the largest genera of Ranunculaceae. The genus is distributed through out the world except Antarctica, primarily in temperate and subtropical zone. Numerous infra-generic classification systems have been proposed, whereas the infra-generic ranks were confusing. In the present study, we used four molecular regions, ITS, psbA-trnH, atpB-rbcL and rpoB-trnC to reconstruct the phylogeny of Clematis. On the basis of comparison with traditional classification system, criteria of the infra-generic ranks are discussed. In addition, investigations of reproductive biology and seed germination were also conducted. The main important results and conclusions are as follows: 1. Species diversity and geographical distribution of the Genus Clematis in Yunnan province According to the latest system of Wang and Li in 2005, there are 59 species and 24 varieties of 3 subgenera recognized within the genus of Clematis in Yunnan, which is the in 6 sections richest province in terms of species numbers in China. The Hengduan Mountains is regarded as an origination, differentiation and endemic center of the genus. West, Northwest and Northeast of Yunnan have some relationship with its differentiation. There are 56 species (including varieties) endemic to China, accounting for 67.2% of Yunnan’stotal number of species. There are 16 species (including varieties) endemic to Yunnan, accounting for 35.0% of China’sendemic number of species distributed in Yunnan. Among the adjacent provinces, Sichuan has the largest common number of Clematis to Yunnan, while Tibet has the smallest. The floristic links with Myanmar is also relatively weak. 2. Molecular phylogeny of Clematis Phylogenetic relationships within and out of Clematis were analysed using nucleotide sequences of chloroplast DNA psbA-trnQ, atpB-rbcL and rpoB-trnC, and the nuclear ITS regions. The phylogenetic trees suggested that the genus Clematis was paraphyletic. The genera Archiclematis and Naravelia were found to be nested within the genus Clematis, and should be included in it. The molecular results did not agree withWangandLi’staxonomic system and other classifications of Clematis at the phylogeneric level. And the sections we studied were found to be paraphyletic or polyphyletic. The complicated relationship between sections and species indicated the recent radiation of the genus and the possibility of hybrid origin. Our results suggested that flower characters which have been used for previous infrageneric classification do not correlate with the phylogenic tree. Phyllotaxy of seedlings as the primarily diagnostic characters may reflect the phylogeny within Clematis, the following characters should be considered at the same time: presence/absence of petals, carpel number, and flowering at the new-born\former-born branches. 3. Nomenclature notes of Clematis and other plants Two gatherings of Clematis chrysocoma Franchet and Anemoclama glaucifolia (Franchet) W. T. Wang were cited in the protologues, whereas none of them was indicated as type or holotype. After examining the cited specimens, we designate one specimen of them as lectotype in according with ICBN. We list the incorrect author(s) citation of infra-generic names by Wang and Li in their new Clematis classification systems. Additionally, four names, Atalantia acuminata C. C. Huang, Asarum longerhizomatosum C. F. Liang & C. S. Yang, Atalantia fongkaica C. C. Huang and Fortunella wawangica C. C. Huang, are validated. 4. Reproductive biology of three Clematis species An integrative study was undertaken, focusing on pollination and reproductive biology of three species representing all three floral types of Clematis. Floral traits were measured, and pollinator assemblages were observed in the field. Bagging, hand-pollination and removal treatments were used to examine breeding system. The values of inbreeding depression and pollen limitation were calculated based on experimental data obtained from breeding system. Their floral traits were distinctly different. Floral traits were highly associated with pollination syndrome and breeding system. Among them, Clematis akebioides and C. rehderiana were facultative autogamy (the former was delayed selfing, and the later competing selfing), and C. chrysocoma was nearly obligate outcrossing. This conclusion was reflected by their stamen-pistil ratios. The levels of inbreeding depression negatively associated with autonomous self-pollination. Selfing evolution of C. akebioides and C. rehderiana, and reproduction of the three Clematis species no pollen limitation were discussed. Present study integrating with previous results will help us to comprehensively recognize and understand pollination system and reproductive characteristics of Clematis. 5. Correlation among floral traits of Clematis chrysocoma Floral traits of C. chrysocoma including sepal length and width and anther length were measured, stamen and pistil number were counted, single and total sepal size, and total anther size were calculated in three continued years from 2007 to 2009. These traits of three years were analyzed as united and independent data, respectively, which was used to compare the stability of floral traits among three years, and to test sexual allocation theory. Our results show that floral traits except sepal length are stable in three continued years, correlation among floral traits of three years as whole and independence, respectively, some of which are consistent, and some of which are inconsistent or negative. The consistent traits demonstrate that they highly co-evolve, whereas the inconsistent or negative traits may be results from the stochastically errors or that they may have some correlation but not close. Association of stamen number with anther length is not negative, but with pistil number is significantly positive. Correlation among pistil number, total anther size and total sepal size, all of that are significantly positive. Therefore, sexual allocation strategies of C. chrysocoma should be determined by genetics and resource pool in contrary to the model of“compensation”astraditionally view. 6. Seed germination of six Clematis species Seed germination of six species of Clematis were studied by setting different conditions including pretreatment, GA3 treatments, light and temperature regimes, and substrates. The results of the test were as follows: flushing treatment had a significant promoting on seed germination percentage and mean germination time (MGT); and germination of the seeds soaked in low concentrations GA3 was a little higher than those of others. The seeds in perlite had the highest germination percentage than those in other substrates. 4 论文题目:兰科兜兰属和杓兰属植物叶片性状研究 作 者:关志洁 博士 导 师:胡虹 研究员 摘要: 兜兰属和杓兰属亲缘关系密切,同属杓兰亚科,但在地理分布、生活型以及叶片特 本文通过对兜兰属和杓兰属植物的叶片形态和解剖结构、叶寿性等方面存在众多差异。 命、比叶重、光合能力、资源利用效率、叶片构建成本和维持成本以及土壤、气候等环境因子进行研究和比较,试图了解两类植物的叶片性状和生理生态适应性的关系,并探讨由此引发的生态学和进化意义。研究发现: 1、与杓兰相比,兜兰的叶片在形态和结构上具有旱生的特点,这表现为较厚的叶片、巨大的上表皮细胞、较厚的表皮角质层、叶肉组织的分化、叶片中粘性物质的存在、强支撑力的叶片主脉、较低的气孔面积/叶片面积比值、下陷的气孔和特殊的气孔构造。而杓兰叶片的形态结构特点与兜兰相反。兜兰和杓兰的叶片形态结构均体现了与环境适应性的统一。我们所研究的19种兜兰的保卫细胞中均不含叶绿体。2、不同叶龄杏黄兜兰叶片光合能力的变化顺序为叶龄1-2年,0-1年,2-4年,黄花杓兰为60天,30天,90天,120天。3、杏黄 兜兰不同叶位叶片的光合能力主要受叶龄的影响,最顶端的四片叶子对植株光合同化物积 累的贡献最大,第6片及以后的叶子不但对光合同化物的积累起不到促进作用还要耗费大量的营养,对植株养分起到负的贡献。4、杏黄兜兰光合速率的最大值出现在上午的10点钟,光合速率与气孔导度的变化趋势大致相同。较高的空气湿度对杏黄兜兰保持高的光合速率可能极为关键。5、黄花杓兰叶片的光合能力显著高于杏黄兜兰。杏黄兜兰低的叶片光合能力与低的叶片氮含量、磷含量和酶含量有关,杏黄兜兰极低的气孔导度和叶肉导度可能也大大限制了叶片的光合速率。另外兜兰低的光合能力还可能与保卫细胞叶绿体的缺失有一定关系。相比杓兰,兜兰更偏阴生。6、杓兰的短寿命叶与快速的碳固定和相对较快的生长 有关;而兜兰的长寿命叶有助于植物体内养分驻留更长时间,以补偿兜兰低的光合生产能力。杓兰的短寿命叶具有高的光合速率和呼吸速率,光合速率随叶龄降低速率也快,而兜兰则与之相反。7、兜兰相比杓兰具有高的水分利用效率和低的光合氮利用效率。8、相比杓兰,兜兰叶片具有高的构建成本和长的偿还时间。 综上所述,兜兰和杓兰的叶片结构和生理功能反映了它们对生境的适应。兜兰的叶片形态结构和生理功能的进化与适应喀斯特地区匮乏的水肥条件有关。杓兰的叶片性状是对水肥条件较好,但季节波动较大生境的适应。我们的结果为同源兰科植物在自然选择下的趋异进化提供了证据。 Abstract: Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium are close relatives belonging to the subfamily Cypripedioideae. However, they undergo considerable divergence in the aspects of life forms, leaf traits and habitats. In present study, leaf morphologies and anatomical structures, leaf lifespans, leaf mass per area, photosynthetic capacities, nutrient use efficiencies, leaf construction costs, and maintenance costs were investigated to understand the relationship between leaf traits and ecophysiological adaptability of the two types of plants and explore the related ecological and evolutionary significances. The results suggest that: 1. Compared with Cypripedium, Paphiopedilum was characterized by drought tolerance from its leaf anatomical structure including fleshy leaf, thicker surface cuticle, huge abaxial epidermis cells, differentiation of palisade and spongy mesophyll layers, the prominent of mucilaginous substances, supportable leaf main vein, lower total stoma area (%), sunken stomata and special stoma structure. Leaf morphologies and structures of Cypripedium were to the contrary of Paphiopedilum. Leaf morphologies and structures embodied the adaptation to the environment in both Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium. Our results also confirmed the previous observation that Paphiopedilum was the only genus that did not possess guard cell chloroplasts.2. The photosynthetic capacities of P. armeniacum leaves were different with different leaf ages. The highest photosynthetic capacity occurred in leaf age 1-2 years, followed by 1 year and 2-4 years. The highest photosynthetic capacity of C. flavum occurred in leaf age 60 days, followed by 30 days, 90 days and 120 days. 3. Photosynthetic capacities of different leaf positions were mainly affected by leaf ages in P. armeniacum. The four leaves lying on the top did the most accumulation of the assimilation products in the whole plant. The leaves of sequence number > 6 could use lots of photosynthates, but contributed little to the accumulation of biomass. 4. Photosynthetic rate of P. armeniacum decreased a little at the noon, and the highest photosynthetic rate was observed at 10:00h in the greenhouse. The variation of photosynthetic rate was in the same trend as stomatal conductance. Higher relative humidity seemed to be the key for higher photosynthetic rate in P. armeniacum. 5. The photosynthetic capacity of C. flavum was statistically larger than that of P. armeniacum. The lower leaf photosynthetic capacity of P. armeniacum was related to its lower leaf nitrogen concentration,leaf phosphorus concentration and enzyme activities. Meanwhile, the extremely lower stomatal conductance and internal mesophyll conductance might greatly limit the photosynthetic capacity of P. armeniacum. The lower stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate of Paphiopedilum might partially caused by the lack of chloroplasts in the guard cell of Paphiopedilum. Compared with C. flavum, P. armeniacum was more fond of shade environment.6. The short longevity leaf of Cypripedium had bigger photosynthetic capacity and greater potential for fast growth. But the longer LL of Paphiopedilum enhanced nutrient conservation which could compensate its lower photosynthetic capacity. The short longevity leaf of Cypripedium usually had higher photosynthetic rate per unit leaf mass and dark respiration rate, and photosynthetic capacity decreased fast with leaf age. However, for Paphiopedilum, the situation was the opposite. 7. Compared with Cypripedium, Paphiopedilum had higher water use efficiency and lower photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency. 8. The leaf of Paphiopedilum had higher leaf construction cost and longer repayment time than that of Cypripedium. The leaf structures and physiological functions of Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium reflected the adaptation to their habitats. The leaf morphological and physiological evolution of Paphiopedilum was related to water and resource-conserving traits in the karst habitat. The leaf traits of Cypripedium were the adaptation to the environment rich in water and nutrients but easy to change with seasons.Our results provided evidence of divergent evolution of congeneric orchids under natural selection. 5 论文题目:虎皮楠属植物中生物碱成分以及鹧鸪花和山蕉中化学成分研究 作 者:张强 博士 导 师:郝小江 研究员 摘要: 本论文研究了三种虎皮楠属植物长序虎皮楠(Daphniphyllum longeracemosum)、虎皮楠(D. oldhami)和西藏虎皮楠(D. himalense)果实中的生物碱成分以及楝科鹧鸪花属植物鹧鸪花(Trichilia connaroides)和番荔枝科山蕉(Mitrephora maingayi)叶子中的化学成 分,并通过核磁共振波谱、质谱、红外吸收光谱等有机波谱手段鉴定了结构。从以上五种植物中共分离鉴定了83个化合物,其中包括2个新颖骨架的虎皮楠生物碱、3个新的虎皮楠生物碱、12个新的四降三萜、1个新的甾体和1个新的番荔枝内酯。 从长序虎皮楠的果实中分离鉴定了17个虎皮楠生物碱,其中新生物碱3个,包括两个具有新颖的骨架虎皮楠生物碱Longeramineh和Daphenylline以及一个新的生物碱N-oxydaphnilongeranin C。从虎皮楠的果实中分离鉴定了18个虎皮楠生物碱,包括两个新的Yuzurine类型的生物碱Daphnoldine A和Daphnoldine B。从西藏虎皮楠的果实中分离鉴定了11个生物碱成分。 从楝科鹧鸪花的叶子中共分离鉴定了22个化合物,包括14个柠檬苦素和2个甾体,其中有12个新的柠檬苦素和1个新的甾体。从番荔枝科山蕉的枝叶中共分离鉴定了15个化合物,包括三个聚酮类天然产物,其中一个为新的番荔枝内酯。 根据虎皮楠生物碱与角鲨烯代谢通路间的关系,初步探索了这类生物碱的生物功能。对分离获得的部分虎皮楠生物碱进行了杀虫活性测试,结果发现虎皮楠生物碱Longistylumphylline B和Paxdaphnine B对果蝇烟碱样乙酰胆碱受体(nAchR)表现有抑制活性。此外,发现Phragmalin类型的四降三萜30-Acetyltrichagmalin F表现有较强的抗血小板凝聚活性。 此外,本论文对角鲨烯代谢通路及其天然的阻断剂和类似物进行了综述。展望了这条通路作为抗高脂血症、杀虫、昆虫拒食或者抗真菌潜在靶点的价值。 Abstract: The thesis has investagated on alkaloids in the fruits of three Daphniphyllum species Daphniphyllum longeracemosum, D. oldhami, and D. himalense, along with chemical compounds from leaves of Trichilia connaroides and Mitrephora maingayi. 83 compounds in total were acquired from those five plants and their structures were identified by organic spetra (NMR, MS, IR.), including two novel Daphniphyllum alkaloids, another three new ones, twelve new limonoids, a new steroids and a new acetogenin. Seventeen Daphniphyllum alkaloids were acquiered from Daphniphyllum longeracemosum, including two novel ones (Daphenylline and Longeramine) and another new alkaloid N-oxydaphnilongeranin C. Eighteen alkaloids were isolated from D. oldhamii, including two new alkaloids Daphnoldines A and B. Eleven alkaloids were afforded from D. himalense fruits. From Trichilia connaroides leaves, 22 compounds were afforded, including 12 new limonoids and a new steroid. 15 compounds were isolated from Mitrephora maingayi twigs and leaves, including a new annonaceous acetogenin. Furthermore, biological functions of Daphniphyllum alkaloids were initially seeked after based on their relation to squalene metabolism pathway. The alkaloids Longistylumphylline B and Paxdaphnine B were detected inhibtion against nAchR (a target protein for pesticide) from Drosophila. Furthermore, a phragmalin-type limonoid 30-acetyltrichagmalin F showed a moderate anti-PAF activity. In addition, squalene metabolism pathway along with its natual inhibitor and analogs were reviewed. The pathway was prospected as potential targets for antihyperlipoproteinemic drugs, pesticide, antifeedant or antifungal drugs. 6 论文题目:钩吻(Gelsemium elegans)吲哚生物碱的化学研究 作 者:张振 博士 导 师:郝小江 研究员 摘要: 本论文以双子叶植物纲蔷薇亚纲大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)三宝木属(Trigonostemon)植物和菊亚纲马钱科(Loganiaceae)植物为研究对象。从三种植物中共分离鉴定了67个化合物,其中新化合物20个。 论文主要对马钱科钩吻(Gelsemium elegans)生物碱成分进行了系统的化学研究与生物活性评价。 在对钩吻的研究中分离鉴定了53个化合物,其中新化合物18个。其中包括Humantenine-type 8个,2个为新化合物;Gelselegine-type 新化合物1个;Gelsedine-type 14个,3个为新化合物;Sarpagine-type 11个,2个为新化合物;Koumine-type 6个,4个为新化合物; Gelsemine-type 3个;以及首次从Gelsemium elegans 分离得到了Yohimbane-type 2个,其中 1个为新化合物;首次发现了3-取代β咔啉类新化合物4个。此外,还分离得到1个新环烯醚萜。在新化合物结构研究的基础上,讨论了各类型生物碱的生源假设。对部分生物碱的药理活性进行了筛选。论文讨论了两种特殊的化学现象,即生物碱的旋转受阻现象和育亨宾松香酸1水合盐(生物碱与二萜的水合物)。 在锥花三宝木(T. thyrsoideus)中分离得到2个带新颖4β, 6β-四元环氧-12/13异构的瑞香 烷型二萜化合物*及甾烷、甾醇、三萜等化合物6个。在马钱科醉鱼草(Buddleja. Alternifol ia)中得到1个带糖苷的邻苯二酚化合物及甾醇类化合物5个。 论文还综述了抗肿瘤单萜吲哚生物碱的研究进展。 Abstract: In order to investigate the indole alkaloids, this paper studied the chemical constituents from three plants, Gelsemium elegans (Loganiaceae), Trigonostemon thyrsoideus (Euphorbiaceae), and Buddleja Alternifolia (Loganiaceae). 67 compounds were isolated including 20 new compounds. The main work of this thesis is that investigation and evaluation of indole alkaloids in detail from G. elegans collected in Xishuanbanna, Yunnan Province of China. Phytochemical investigation on the total base fraction of G. elegans lead to harvest 51 compounds, including 18 new indole alkaloids and one new iridoid. Among them, 8 Humantenine-type alkaloids including 2 new ones; 1 new Gelselegine-type one; 14 Gelsedine-type ones, of 3 new ones; 11 Sarpagine-type ones, of 2 new ones; 6 koumine-type ones, of 4 new ones; 3 Gelsemine-type ones, and 2 yohimbane-type ones which are isolated at the first time. Moreover, it is firstly reported 4 new β-carboline alkaloids with a 3-substitution. The biosynthesis pathway of all types of alkaloids especially new compounds are proposed. At the same time, the bioassay of part of alkaloids were performed. In this paper, two unusual“chemical phenomenons”werestated and explored. Moreover, two novel daphnane diterpenes with unusual 4,6-epoxide and six totaxins and sterols were isolated from trigonostemon thyrsoideus. And then, one phenylpropanoid and five sterols were found from Buddleja Alternifolia. The review outline indole alkaloids and their anti-tumor activities. 7 论文题目:六种植物的化学成分研究 作 者:陈宣钦 博士 导 师:赵勤实 研究员 摘要: 本论文由三章组成。第一章介绍了两种金丝桃属植物黄花香(Hypericum beanii)和岷江金丝梅(H. subsp. uraloides)的化学成分和部分化合物的细胞毒活性研究。第二章详细论述了四种荚蒾属植物:臭荚蒾(Viburnum foetidum Wall var. foetidum)、湖北荚蒾(V. hupehense)、漾濞荚蒾(V.chingii P. S. Hsu)和水红木(V. cyclindricum)的化学成分和部分化合物的 生物活性研究。第三章综述了到目前为止文献报道的11b-羟化类固醇脱氢酶1型酶(11β-HSD1)抑制剂种类。 利用各种色谱技术和波谱分析及晶体X-衍射等手段,从上述六种植物中共分离鉴定了130个化合物,其中新化合物21个。已鉴定的化合物类型涉及单萜、环烯醚萜、倍半萜、 二萜、三萜、木脂素、黄酮、脂肪酸、甾醇、香豆素、酚酸和其它类型的化合物。新化合 物的类型包括二萜、三萜、木脂素、黄酮和其它类型化合物。首次从国内产的金丝桃属植物中分离得到四个新的具有螺环骨架的多环多异戊烯基间苯三酚类化合物;首次从荚蒾属 新的C-20到C-27支链完全降解植物中分离得到了一个具有三元环氧的木脂素;发现了5个 的降达玛烷型三萜。 同时部分化合物,进行了细胞毒或选择性抑制人和小鼠11b-HSD1活性测定。五个新的降达玛烷型三萜在体外表现了显著的选择性抑制人和小鼠11β-HSD1活性。9个化合物显示了一定的细胞毒活性,1个化合物显示了显著的细胞毒活性。 Abstract: The dissertation is composed of three chapters. Chapter 1 introduced the isolation and identification of chemical constituents from two spices of Hypericum, which areH. beanii and H. henryi b-HSD1) inhibitors up to date.subsp. uraloides. The second chapter described the isolation and identification of chemical constituents from four species of Viburnum, includingV. foetidum Wall var. foetidum, V. hupehense, V. chingii P. S. Hsu, and V. cyclindricum. In the last chapter, we summarized the classes of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11 By the means of chromatography and spectroscopic evidences, 130 compounds were isolated and identified from the six plants mentioned above, among which 21 were new compounds. The , classes of these compounds included triterpenoid, diterponid, sesquiterpene, steroid, lignanflavone, coumarin, phenol, and fatty acid. Four new polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinols (PPAPs), containing a spirocyclic skeleton, were firstly isolated from the domestic hypericum species. A new ligan possessing an unusual three-epoxy moiety was isolated from the viburnum species for the first time. Five nor-dammarane triterpenoids were isolated from V. hupehense. In addition, some of compounds were evaluated cytotoxic or selective 11b-HSD1 inhibitory activities. Five nor-dammarane triterpenoids demonstrated potent activity to selectively inhibit 11b-HSD1 of mouse and human in vitro. One new vibsane-type diterpenoid possessed the significant cytotoxicity. 8 论文题目:中国云南西北地区杜鹃花菌根菌的多样性研究 作 者:田伟 博士 导 师:张长芹 研究员 摘要: 滇西北是现代杜鹃花的分化中心之一,本地区杜鹃花物种丰富,在生态系统中扮演着重要角色。杜鹃类菌根在植物适应环境、增强抗逆性以及养分吸收等方面发挥了重要作用。本文调查了滇西北27种杜鹃花的生境,对17种杜鹃花根系进行了切片观察,选取了R. decorum(三个居群)、R. pachypodum和R. phaeochrysum三种杜鹃花,每个居群各取100个根段分离和培养菌根菌,结合菌落的形态特征和ITS rDNA的序列重点鉴定大白花杜鹃的菌根菌,对菌的种类多样性进行了比较并分析了三个居群菌根菌的种类多样性和分布;并对菌根菌对大白花杜鹃生长发育的影响进行了初步研究。主要结论如下: 1. 杜鹃花生境调查 我们调查的43个居群的27种杜鹃花野外居群海拔从2500m至4650m。植被调查和土壤pH测试结果表明:杜鹃花多生长于高山针叶林及常绿阔叶与落叶阔叶混交林,土壤pH为5.4-6.9。 2. 根系切片 17种杜鹃花根系切片观察结果:表层细胞中都形成杜鹃类菌根结构,其中19个居群的8种杜鹃花根部菌丝有锁状联合,部分存在深色有隔真菌菌丝,说明有担子菌和子囊菌并存。 3. 菌落培养特征 从3种杜鹃花(大白花杜鹃、粗柄杜鹃和褐黄杜鹃)的500个根系中分离培养了近400个生长缓慢的菌落,各菌落形态特征差别很大,质地、边缘颜色、分泌液滴、分生孢子、生长速度、出现频率等差别较大。各菌落出现的次数不仅在不同居群不同杜鹃根系中很不平衡,即使在同种不同居群内差别也很大,褐黄杜鹃和其他居群其他种共有的菌较少。 4. 大白花杜鹃菌根菌多样性研究 对两个野生居群和一个人工居群的大白花杜鹃300个根段进行分离和培养,选出218个生长缓慢的菌株,根据形态特征进行归类,其中125个菌属于杜鹃类菌根菌,然后将20份代表菌进行ITS rDNA测序并鉴定。结合形态解剖及分子学证据,鉴定为子囊菌门的12个种,其中9种分别属于盘菌亚门Pezizomycotina中的4个目9个属中,另外三个菌未鉴定出来。 大白花杜鹃3个居群的菌根菌种类分别为11,8和8,其中7个为共有种。在12种杜鹃类菌根菌中,4个种属于柔膜菌目Helotiales,是云南杜鹃花属植物菌根菌的主要组成成分。Oidiodendron maius占大白花杜鹃菌根菌总数的18.4%,也是优势种之一,但是它在大白花 在人工居群中仅占杜鹃三个居群中的分布不平衡,在野外居群中分别占21.1%和27.1% , 5.1%。其它菌根菌如:Neonectria radicicola等在前人的研究中未见报道。Simpson指数和Shannon-Weiner指数显示野外居群的大白花杜鹃菌根菌种类多样性比人工居群的高。 5. 菌根菌对大白花杜鹃的初步影响 共培养实验中,28个菌接种后形成杜鹃类菌根。与无菌苗相比,菌根苗植株较高,叶片多,根系长,分支多。无菌苗根系为白色细胞内无菌丝圈;菌根苗根系则呈现或深或浅的褐色,在表面会有菌丝缠绕并侵入表皮细胞中形成菌丝圈。 Abstract: Northwestern Yunnan is one of the differentiation center of modern Rhododendron L.. Rhododendron species are the major composition of alpine and sub-alpine vegetation and the play vital roles in ecosystem in this region. Ericoid Mycorrhizas (ERM) is a specific mycorrhizal type between fungi and plants of three families in the Ericales: Ericaceae, Empetraceae and Epacridaceae. ERM play important roles in mediating stress and enhancing endurance of plants to survive in harsh wild condition. In order to find out the species diversity and function of ERM fungi in Rhododendron species in Yunnan, China, the multidisciplinary preliminary studies were performed: 1) The living environment of natural populations was investigated, and then roots of Rhododendron in natural populations were observed. 2) Three species of R. decorum, R. pachypodum and R. phaeochrysum were chosen to isolate and culture fungi from their toots. 3) Among them, species diversity and distribution of ERM fungi in R. decorum from three populations were identified and compared by morphological characteristics, molecular method and Simpson index. 4) The preliminary effect of ERM fungi on sterile seedlings of R. decorum was evaluated. The main results are summarized as follows. 1. Living environment of Rhododendron The result of field investigation showed that elevation altitude of Rhododendron distribution ranges from 2500m to 4650m. Some species such as R. telmateium and R. phaeochrysum grow in limestone and mine tailing areas with the pH of soil 7.0-7.1. Most plants grow in alpine coniferous, evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed-wide forest, and the pH of soil is 5.4-6.9. 2. Roots section observtion Roots section observation showed that ERM hyphal coils were present in epidermal cells of all hair roots of 17 Rhododendron species. In addition, we found clamp connections in the roots of 8 species in 19 populations. Dark septate endophytes were recognized in the hair roots under light microscope, too. It showed that ascomycetes and basidiomycetes might coexist in the roots. 3. Morphological characteristics of colonies Nearly 400 slow-growing colonies were isolated and cultured in PDA medium from 500 roots of R. decorum, R. pachypodum and R. phaeochrysum. Their morphological characteristics were various. For example, the texture included fluffy, felty, floccose, and so on. The ridge shape is radialized, round or irregular. Some culture exudated white, brown or dark liquids during growth period. The shape of their conidiospore is round, spindly, bacilliform, and so on. Their growth rate ranges from 0.2-4mm/d (the growth of diameter of culture every day), while some are determinate growth. There were some isolations occurred many times while others occurred only one time in the culture. There were many different colonies among different Rhododendron and different populations especcially R. phaeochrysum. 4. Species diversity of ERM fungi in R. decorum Twenty hundred and eighteen slow-growing colonies were isolated from R. decorum and 125 of them were ericoid mycorrhizal fungi. By observing morphological characteristics and using sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS region, we identified them as 12 species. Except for 3 unidentified isolates, the other 9 belonged to 9 genera, 4 orders of Pezizomycotina. Four isolate morphotypes belong to Helotiales, so they are the dominant ERM species. Oidodendron maius (FJ999645) holds 18.4% of the whole cultured ERM fungi of R. decorum. However, its distribution was different among three populations. The ERM fungi isolated from R. decorum are rich and they are different from other reports in other regions. Some species were not reported as ERM fungi in other reportes such as Neonectria radicicola, Bionectria ochroleuca, and so on. There were 11,8 and 8 ERM fungi respectively in three populations with 7 occurred in three populations. It shows that total species diversity of mycorrhizal fungi isolated from R. decorm was high, with Simpson index 0.86 and Shannon-Weiner index 3.02. The species diversity of wild populations was higher than cultivated one. 5. Preliminary effect of ERM fungi on sterile seedlings of R. decorum Thirty-eight representative isolates were chosen to test their ability of forming ERM with sterile seedlings of R. decorum and 28 were successful. The mycorrhizal seedlings are much higher and stronger than ordinary sterile seedlings. Their roots are much longer and intensive, too. The root tips and other region of mycorrhizal seedlings are brown with many hyphae around the root surface or penetrate the epidermal cells to form hyphal coils. But the sterile roots are white without any hyphae or hyphal coils in the cells. 9 论文题目:濒危植物滇桐的保护生物学研究 作 者:高则睿 博士 导 师:张长芹 研究员 摘要: 椴树科(Tliaceae)滇桐(Craigia yunnanensis)是经济价值和系统学意义均较突出的乔木树种。本文对滇桐的居群结构特征和更新方式,传粉生物学特性和繁育系统,不同居群间的种子和幼苗相关性状指标及种子萌发特性,遗传多样性等方面进行了综合研究,旨在探讨滇桐的致濒因子,为滇桐的保护和利用提供依据。主要研究结果如下: 通过三年的资源调查,仅在云南东南部文山地区和西南部德宏地区找到六个野生滇桐居群。到2007年,六个居群健存的生殖植株数为584株,另外还有大量的幼苗和萌生枝。径级结构分析表明滇桐具有实生苗更新和萌生更新两种更新方式,从幼苗成长为幼树有障碍。幼龄树和成年树的个体径级结构多为间歇型,这与人为干扰等有关。当前,种植草果对滇桐栖息地的侵占和树木砍伐是两个严重威胁滇桐居群生存的因素。 对文山州西畴县法斗分布区片断化生境中的滇桐开花物候、传粉生物学特性观察和繁育系统实验研究表明:滇桐每个花序有2-9朵两性花,单花花期为3-4天;单个花序花期为5-14天;同株异花授粉可以结实,但结实率低;杂交指数(OCI)大于4,花粉-胚珠比(P/O)等于1381;有效传粉昆虫为大头丽蝇(Chrysomyia megacephala),该种的繁育系统属于异交为主,部分自交亲和,传粉过程需要传粉者。在自然条件下滇桐结籽率较小(6.26?0.75,)可能与传粉昆虫少等因素有关。 对六个野生滇桐居群的11个适合度相关性状指标比较研究,同时了居群大小与这些性状指标的相关性。结果表明:六个研究居群在测量的11个性状指标上存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。相关分析表明,除单个果实中的种子数(P < 0.01)外,其余性状指标的居群均值与居群大小之间均无显著相关性;各项性状指标与地理气候因子之间无显著相关性(P > 0.05),各性状指标之间在进行Bonferroni矫正后也无显著相关性。来自法斗和江东居群的种子,在12小时光照条件下的种子萌发率显著高于连续黑暗条件下的种子萌发率(W-FD: P < 0.01, W-JD: P < 0.05)。 采用AFLP分子标记对滇桐六个居群共105个成年个体的遗传多样性检测表明,滇桐在物种水平上的遗传多样性虽然不低(PPL = 69.19%),但居群内的遗传多样性却较低(居群平均:PPL = 26.22%)。文山地区居群的遗传多样性(PPL = 52.43%)高于德宏地区居群(PPL = 34.05%),其遗传分化程度也较大(Nei’s GST = 0.575; FST = 0.655)。UPGMA聚类分析将文山地区的四个居群聚成一支,而德宏地区的两个居群聚成一支。Mantel 检测表 明地理距离和遗传距离间有显著相关性(P < 0.05)。相关分析表明,居群隔离指数与居群内的遗传多样性之间均呈显著的负相关关系(P < 0.05)。 Abstract:Craigia yunnanensis W. W. Smith & W. E. Evans (Tiliaceae) is an endangered deciduous tree species which has high scientific and economic value. C. yunnanensis is seriously threatened and has been pushed to the verge of extinction due to vegetation destruction in China and consequent contraction of its distribution. Hence, it was listed as a nationally rare and endangered plant in 1999 and has also been proposed as a second-ranked plant for national protection in China and included in IUCN red list. As a scientifically important and valued tree species with endangered status, the wild populations of C. yunnanensis therefore represent is a genetic resource that must be conserved. To provide basic information for its conservation, the population dynamics and population size structures, pollination biology and breeding system, eleven fitness-related characters and the genetic variability based on AFLP were comprehensively studied. The main results are summarized as follows: A total of six wild populations of C. yunnanensis were found in two disjunct regions of Yunnan, i.e. WenShan (SE Yunnan) and DeHong (SW Yunnan), from 2005 to 2007. Additionally, in all but one of the populations we detected, mature trees were felled between 2005 and 2007, so destruction of most of these populations is ongoing. Across the six populations of extant C. yunna nensis found during our study, the total number of mature (reproductive) individuals detected was 584 in 2007,plus larger numbers of seedling and resprouts from cut trunks. The result of surveying Population structure showed that there are two regeneration types which are seedlings and sprouts. Seedlings occurred abundantly in gaps or open areas and the size class frequency distributions were often discontinuous, and the same general pattern occurred in all the investigated populations for juveniles and adults. The numbers of seed-origin individuals did however decline sharply with increasing size, indicating a high mortality rate going from seedling to sapling stage may be a problem for this species. Additionally, the cash crop cultivation and logging seriously threaten the survival of the species. We conducted field observations and artificial pollination experiments on the floral biology, pollination process and breeding system of Craigia yunnanensis in Fadou, Xichou county of Yunnan province. The lifespan of a single hermaphrodite flower is approximately 3-4 days. A cyme has 2-9 flowered. The flowering period of an inflorescence is usually 5-14 days. The flowers of C. yunnanensis were protandrous. The stamens were within petal-like staminodes in the opening flowers until the flower withered. Without touchment, the bractlike staminodes can’topen. Self-pollination was partially avoided by temporal and spatial isolation of male and female organs within the same flower. However, autogamous and geitonogamous pollination is unavoidable because of the large number of flowers on a single tree and the action of pollinators. The values of both OCI (?4) and P/O (1381) and the results of bagging tests indicated there was no apomixes in C. yunnanensis and the breeding system of the species was outcrossing with parti al self-compatibility and the pollinators were required during the pollination process. The most frequent effective floral visitor was only beautiful fly (Chrysomyia megacephala). Fruit set and seed set in natural condition were 56.67?3.85, and 6.26?0.75,, respectively. Therefore, lack of pollinators, low pollination efficiency, unavoidable geitonogamous pollination and partial self-compatibility and inbreeding in small populations may account for the low fruit set, espec ially seed set. Variations in seed traits, seed germination, and seedling growth characters among six Craigia yunnanensis populations were evaluated. All seed and seedling traits exhibited significant differences among populations (P < 0.05). The fitness of seed as assessed by seed size, seed germination and seedling trait was independent of population size, except for the number of seeds per capsule (r = 0.93,P < 0.01). Correlations between geo-climatic variables of seed origin and seed and seedling related characters were insignificant (P > 0.05). For some populations, germination capacity in 12-h photoperiod was significantly higher than that in completed darkness(W-FD: P < 0.01, W-JD: P < 0.05). Genetic variation within and among six populations was assessed using AFLP markers. Genetic diversity was higher at species level (PPL = 69.19%, HE = 0.221) than at population level (PPL = 26.22%, HE = 0.095, Is =0.140), and populations in southeast Yunnan were strongly differentiated from those in southwest Yunnan (Nei’sGST= 0.575; FST = 0.655). UPGMA analysis demonstrated a clear genetic division between the two populations from DeHong (SW Yunnan; D-JD and D-HG) and the four from WenShan (SE Yunnan; W-FD, W-LH, W-ML, and W-MG). Within-population genetic variation was significantly correlated with population isolation (r(PPL) = -0.94, P = 0.006; r(HE) = -0.85, P = 0.032; r(Is) = -0.87, P = 0.025), but not with population size (r(PPL) = 0.63, P = 0.178; r(HE) = 0.54, P = 0.268; r(Is) = 0.56, P = 0.249). 10 论文题目:稀有植物屏边开口箭的保护生物学研究 作 者:乔琴 博士 导 师:张长芹 研究员 摘要: 屏边开口箭(Tupistra pingbianensis Huang et Liu)隶属于百合科(Liliaceae)长柱开 口箭属(TupistraKer Gawler),是中国特有种,仅分布在滇东南的悬崖峭壁上以及原始森林树干上。由于其生境特殊,分布范围狭窄,居群数目有限,屏边开口箭直到1996年才作为该属的新种被发现,并被《中国物种红色名录》列为极度濒危植物。作为分布在特殊生境中的一种稀有植物,屏边开口箭为保护生物学的研究提出了新的研究思路。本文通过对其生物学特性、种群结构特征、种子萌发特点、细胞学、繁殖生态学、保护遗传学等方面较为全面系统的研究,为稀有植物屏边开口箭濒危状况、稀有的内在机理、引种驯化积累了必要的基础生物学知识。 1、生物学特性 屏边开口箭为多年生草本植物,植株片丛状生长,兼有有性、无性繁殖方式,种子主要靠重力传播。花期11月-12月,果期在翌年的11-12月。在野外共发现屏边开口箭11个居群,大多生长在滇东南地区的石灰岩崖壁和原始森林高大的树干上,居群中个体数较少且生境极为特殊。 2、种子特性及萌发研究 通过播种和栽培试验初步研究了萌发基质、播种深度以及光照对屏边开口箭种子萌发的影响,结果表明:屏边开口箭种子百粒重为35.03?0.12g,种子平均大小为(1.17?0.02)cm×(0.79?0.01)cm×(0.77?0.01)cm(长度×宽度×厚度);适宜在少量覆土的条件下萌发;碱性土壤是屏边开口箭萌发较为理想的基质;光照不仅能够提高萌发率,而且加速屏边开口箭种子的发芽进程。野外或适宜条件下较高的萌发率也许是屏边开口箭为了适应环境而产生的生态对策。 3、核型与进化研究 共选取开口箭属(Campylandra Baker)、长柱开口箭属(Tupistra Ker Gawler)以及蜘蛛 抱蛋属(Aspidistra Ker Gawler)共8种植物进行染色体观察及核型分析,其中两种为首次报道。与前人研究结果一致,鉴于长柱开口箭属植物核型和花式的二重性,我们认为具二型性核型的长柱开口箭属植物是开口箭属向蜘蛛抱蛋属演化的一个过渡类型。而与该属其他植物相比,亲缘关系较近的屏边开口箭和伞柱开口箭极不对称的染色体核型,说明二者核型演化地位较高。 4、繁育生态学研究 通过对屏边开口箭的开花物候、传粉生物学、交配系统的研究以及对近交衰退的检测,结果显示:屏边开口箭单花花期约15天左右,柱头、花粉活力持续时间较长;传粉昆虫多为蚂蚁、跳虫,偶有小甲虫拜访,缺乏长距离传粉昆虫;杂交指数(OCI)以及套袋试 验的结果表明屏边开口箭为高度自交亲和的混交模式植物,且在幼苗早期并没有表现出明显的近交衰退现象。为了适应长期在特殊生境下的衍生,屏边开口箭的繁育系统似乎在向折中的混和交配系统方向演化,并通过遗传负荷的淘汰以减少近交衰退的影响,从而保持了其种群的繁衍能力。 5、保护遗传学研究 采用AFLP分子标记技术对收集到的来自11个居群的97份材料进行了遗传学特征研究,结果显示屏边开口箭具有较高的遗传多样性(P99 = 96.012%; Ht = 0.302),且居群间存在着较大的遗传分化(?II=0.281,Fst=0.296)。其特殊的生境以及其生活史特性对于维持较高的遗传多样性有着重要作用,而基因流受阻和遗传漂变可能是导致屏边开口箭居群间产 建议在对稀有植物屏边开口箭的就地保护过程中,应加强对生生较大遗传分化的主要原因。 境以及每个居群的保护。 Abstract: Tupistra pingbianensis J. L. Huang & X. Z. Liu, is a newly described perennial herb narrowly distributed in South-east Yunnan, China. It belongs to genera Tupistra Ker Gawler(Liliaceae). It usually occurs on outcrops of bare rock, or occasionally as an epiphyte on tree trunks covered with humus and moss. T. pingbianensis is unusual in that it exhibits rarity according to three different ways of measuring rarity, i.e. it has a small geographical range, is a habitat specialist, and always has low abundance where it occurs. Because of this, T. pingbianensis has been listed as an endangered species and catalogued in the Chinese Species Red List. In order to discuss the causes of rarity of T. pingbianensis, the multidisciplinary investigations of the seed and seedling establishment, cytology, breeding system, and population genetic structure of the endangered T. pingbianensis were performed in this thesis. Besides, the corresponding conservation strategies were also proposed according to the above-mentioned. The main results are summarized as follows: 1. Biological traits of T. pingbianensis T. pingbianensis is a perennial herbaceous with a creeping rhizome, thick basal leaves, and an inflorescence that is a terminal spike. Florescence is from November to December, while fruiting occurs between November and December in the next year. Reproduction and spread also occurs clonally via rhizomes, most seeds simply fall from the mother plant and germinate where they land. It occurs on outcrops of bare rock, or occasionally as an epiphyte on tree trunks covered with humus and moss, which are naturally rare habitat. Throughout its small geographical range, T. pingbianensis occurs as discrete, small populations size. 2. Seed germination traits of T. pingbianensis Seed morphology was observed and effects of substrates soil types, light, sowing depth on germination percentage of the species T. pingbianensis were investigated primarily. The results showed that the average seed size was (1.17?0.02) cm × (0.79?0.01) cm × (0.77?0.01) cm (length × width × thickness), per-hundred-seed-weight was about 35.03?0.12g. Among the three different substrates soil types and sowing depths, seeds of T. pingbianensis germinate best in alkalescence soil and shallow sowing depth (2cm). It could germinate in the both light and dark, but the germination rate can be accelerated by light obviously. Its seed has high germination rate not just in greenhouse, but also in the field. We considered that this is a good strategy to expand its population in the special habit. 3. Karyotype evolution status of T. pingbianensis The karyotype of total eight species in Campylandra, Tupistra and Aspidistra from China were reported. Considering Tupistra has the similar morphological character with Campylandra but resemble Aspidistra in karyotype. The results support the earlier study that Tupistra is a transition between Compylandra and Aspidistra. Besides, our results also showes that the T. pingbianensis and T. fungilliformis has higher karyotype asymmetry than other species in this genera, which means these species have higher karyotype evolution status. 4. Reproduction ecology of T. pingbianensis The flower phenology, pollinators of T. pingbianensis were documented herein. We also examined the breeding system of T. pingbianensis and seed fitness traits to determine what forms and is there evidence of inbreeding of pollination and mating occur in this naturally rare species, depression in its populations. The results shows that the flowers opened 10-15 days, which suggest stigma and pollen can keep high vitality for a long time (10-15 days). The only pollinators observed on T. pingbianensis flowers were ants (Aphaenogaster smythiesii Forel,Formicidea), springtail (Hypogastrura sp., Hypogastruridae, Collembola) and one species of beetles (Anomala corpulenta Motsch, Rutelidae). These pollinators generally have restricted movement capacities and hence promote geitonogamy or mating between individuals in close proximity within populations. The results of out crossing index (OCI) pollination experiments in our study suggest that T. pingbianensis has an animal-pollinated, mixed selfing and outcrossing breeding systems. However, a pollination experiment also fail to detect significant inbreeding depression upon F1 fruit set, seed weight and germinate rate fitness-traits. Since naturally rare species T. pingbianensis is not seriously genetically impoverished and likely to have adapted to tolerating a high level of inbreeding early in its history. 5. Conservation genetic of T. pingbianensis The levels and partitioning of genetic diversity were investigated in Tupistra pingbianensis. Here genetic diversity and patterns of genetic variation within and among 11 populations were analyzed using AFLP markers with 97 individuals across its whole geographical range. High levels of genetic variation were revealed both at the species level (P99 = 96.012%; Ht = 0.302) and at the population level (P99 = 51.41%; Hs = 0.224). Strong genetic differentiation among populations was also detected (FST = 0.2961; ??= 0.281), which corresponded to results reported for typical animal-pollinated, mixed selfing and outcrossing plant species. Special habitat and its life history traits may play an important role in shaping the genetic diversity and the genetic structure of this species. Based on the special habitat in T. pingbianensis, the most suitable strategy for its conservation is the protection of its habitat. Moreover, given the observed strong genetic differentiation among populations of T. pingbianensis, the preservation of genetic diversity in this species will require the protection of many populations as possible to maintain the current levels of genetic variability. 11 论文题目:Pulverolide全合成和七种高等真菌化学成分研究 作 者:杨婉秋 博士 导 师:刘吉开 研究员 摘要: 高等真菌活性成分Pulverolide是从黄粉末牛肝菌(Pulveroboletus ravenelii)中分离得到的结构新颖的黄色色素,该分子具有极罕见的2氢-呋喃[3,2-并]苯并吡喃-2-酮骨架。初步活性研究发现,Pulverolide对谷氨酸受体亚型之一的a-氨基-3-羟基-5-甲基-异恶唑丙酸受体(AMPA受体)有很好的激动作用,能提高突触传递,改善脑神经电信号传递,为治疗老年痴呆及其它记忆障碍神经系统性疾病提供了新思路。合成Pulverolide及其类似物对进一步研究其药理活性,发现新型治疗该类疾病的药物具有十分重要的意义。 本论文第一章对Pulverolide及其类似物进行了合成研究,并综述了目标分子的前体类似物Pulvinic acid的合成进展。尝试了以异香草醛和苯乙酸为起始原料的三种不同合成思路。第一种思路是以Michael加成反应为关键反应获得关键中间体2,5-二苯基取代的戊酸酯的合成方法,该路线为查尔酮类似物的合成提供了一条新思路;第二种思路是以苯并吡喃取代物为关键中间体来合成目标分子;第三种思路是以Aldol反应生成关键中间体5-羟基 -苯-季酮酸,再在微波条件下构建目标分子骨架的合成方法。最终我们通过(苯基)甲基-3 第三种思路首次合成了目标分子Pulverolide,并且修正了原结构。该路线中使用微波加热的技术将关键中间体直接芳香化生成目标分子骨架的方法,大大缩短了合成路线,为合成大量Pulverolide类似物提供了便捷的合成途径。 鉴于高等真菌次生代谢产物的多样性,本论文二至四章对七种云南野生高等真菌子实体和发酵液进行了系统的化学成分研究,它们分别是:牛肝菌科的美味牛肝菌(Boletus edulis)、铜色牛肝菌(B. aereus)和黄皮疣柄牛肝菌(Leccinum crocipodium);多孔菌科的黄鳞多孔菌(Polyporus Ellisii)和多年生集毛菌(Coltricia perennis);伞菌科的梭柄松苞菇(Catathelasma ventricosum)和黑盖蜡伞(Hygrophorus camarophyllus)。利用多种层析材料和分离技术以及借助现代波谱学方法共分离鉴定了90个化合物,包括61个不同化合物,其中新化合物2个((1S)-(4-Acetylphenyl)-1,2-ethanediol和(1S)-(3-Ethenylphenyl)-1,2-ethanediol)。化合物结构类型包括神经酰胺、鞘糖脂、环肽、甾类、萜类、对联三苯类、脂肪酸类、核苷等化合物。从美味牛肝菌发酵液中分离得到的四个苯乙二醇类化合物和一个有机铝环六肽化合物首次发现存在于高等真菌中。 的化学成分研究进展。该科真菌多为食用,部分第五章综述了牛肝菌科(Boletaceae) 具有很好的药用价值,但化学成分研究的报道不多,本章提供了1975-2009年间报道的化学成分184个,参考文献51篇。 Abstract:Pulverolide, a new butenolide-type fungal pigment with a rare 2H-furo[3,2-b]chromen-2-one skeleton isolated from Pulveroboltus ravenelii, showed potentiating α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor activity. Therefore, it was considered to be a promising candidate treating Alzheimer’sanddysmnesia disease. Total synthesis of pulverolide together with its analogues and further investigations on its pharmacological activity are important to find new medicines for treatment of Alzhermeri’s disease. Chapter 1 elaborated the study on total synthesis of pulverolide. Three different approaches for the synthesis with same starting materials isovanillin and phenylacetic acid have been investigated. In the first synthetic route, 2,5-diphenyl-pentanoate was designed as a key intermediate via Michael addition reaction for the synthesis. In the second method, similar structure of chromene was used as an intermediate material to synthesize the target molecule. In the third approach, there are two key steps included to synthesize pulverolide. One is the development of 5-(hydroxyl(phenyl)methyl)-3-phenyl-tetromic acid aldol reaction and another is an aromatization reaction step with microwave. As a result, the first total synthesis of pulverolide has been successfully achieved through the third route, and the original proposed structure was revised. Microwave heating enhanced aromatization was the highlight. The original synthesis route has been shortened and several analogues were obtained through this manner. In Chapters 2-4, chemical constituents of seven higher fungi were studied. There are including Boletus edulis, B. aereus, Leccinum crocipodium, Polyporus ellisii, Coltricia perennis, Catathelasma ventricosum and Hygrophorus camarophyllus collen Provicted from Yunnance, P. R. China. More than 60 different compounds, including two news, (1S)-(4-acetylphenyl)-1,2-ethan ediol and (1S)-(3-ethenylphenyl)-1,2-ethanediol, were isolated and identified. Four pheny l-1,2-ethanediols and one Al(?) complex desferriferricrocin were isolated from B. edulis for the first time. on chemical constituents of Boletaceae. The paper provides 184 Chapter 5 is a review structurally diverse compounds published between 1975-2009, and 51 references. 12 论文题目:香格里拉传统农业系统与地涌金莲多样性分析 作 者:杨春燕 博士 导 师:龙春林 研究员 摘要: 本论文通过结合民族植物学、文化人类学和植物生态学多种工作方法,对香格里拉县小中甸镇进行了定点调查,并结合建塘镇汉批村的走访调查,对香格里拉传统农业生态系统的结构、特征进行了研究,并总结分析了该地区藏族对传统农业生态系统的管理及其对当地生物多样性的影响。结果显示:香格里拉的传统农业生态系统属于农林牧复合系统。农林牧复合系统是依照当地自然生态环境而所呈现出的一种立体布局形式,农田、森林和牧场三个子系统形成有益的相互补充。香格里拉藏族的传统季节性轮牧尾随着季节的变化和植物的复苏递进过程而进行的一种可持续的,有益于生物多样性保护的管理方式。近年来轮牧传统的衰退,使牲畜集中在亚高山草甸地带,导致了草地退化。神山文化,作为当地藏族传统文化的一个重要组成部分,对传统农林牧复合系统中的人类的行为起到了规范和约束的作用,并对当地的生物多样性保护起到了积极的作用。香格里拉的藏族传统文化和知识及其对生态系统的传统管理方式对该地区生物多样性保护作出了积极的贡献,但研究结果同时表明,在外来文化和市场经济的冲击下,当地对传统农业生态系统的管理知识正在消失,传统作物品种逐渐减少、土地利用方式趋向单一化、季节性轮牧传统消退、民族文化向单一化发展,而多样向单一化的转变对当地的生态环境必将产生很多不利的影响。本文就如何将藏族传统知识和管理经验结合到现代农业的可持续发展提出了建议。 本论文还对芭蕉科(Musaceae)地涌金莲属植物地涌金莲(Musella lasiocarpa (Franch) C. Y. We ex H. W. Li)进行了居群遗传多样性分析。由于长期栽培和生境的片段化,使得地涌金莲的野生居群已十分稀少。本研究通过广泛的走访调查,采集了丽江、大理、四川等地区的5个野生居群和5个栽培居群的地涌金莲。并利用SSR分子标记对居群的遗传多样性进行了分析。利用磁珠富集并结合部分AFLP技术的FIASCO法对地涌金莲进行了SSR引物开发。从的42对引物中筛选出有效扩增引物28对,其中表明多态性的引物有17对。 利用其中的8对引物对地涌金莲的5个野生居群和5个栽培居群进行了遗传结构及遗传多样性分析。结果显示:SSR分子标记揭示了地涌金莲的遗传多样性较高。野生居群的遗传多样性水平高于栽培居群的遗传多样性。野生居群与栽培居群的遗传多样性差异与两种居群所采取的不同繁殖方式有关。地涌金莲居群间存在较大的遗传分化(Gst=0.3488)。AMOVA分析显示,地涌金莲的遗传变异37.19%存在于居群间,62.81%的遗传变异存在于居群内。居 群间遗传分化的产生主要与居群间的基因交流受到限制有关。POPGENE分析得出的地涌金莲的基因流为0.4916,表明各居群间存在较少的基因交流,较低的基因流是地涌金莲居群间遗传分化的重要原因。 Abstract: Xiaozhongdian, a town of Shangri-la County, Diqing Prefecture, was chosen as the main field site for studying the structure and characters of traditional agricultural ecosystem, by using approaches of ethnobotany, cultural anthropology and ecology. Combined with interviewing exercises in Hanpi village, Jiantang Township, this paper also discussed the impact of traditional management on the biocultural diversity. The results showed: Traditional agroecosystem in , forest and grazing Shangri-la is an integrated system with three subsystems, which are farming subsystem. The seasonal shifting grazing activity in Shangri-la, following the natural season change and the recover process of plants, is a sustainable management that protects the local biodiversity. However, along with the decay of shifting grazing tradition recently, the local Tibetans turned to use grass land and forest which is close to villages as the main grazing lands. It increased the pasturing pressure to these areas and caused productivity decreasing and biodiversity. As a symbolic part of Tibetan culture in Shangri-la, the sacred mountain culture has played a significant role in biodiversity conservation by restricting human’sbehavior. The Tibetan traditional culture, indigenous knowledge and traditional ecosystem management in Shangri-la has contributed to the biodiversity conservation in this area. However, this research indicated that under the pressure of mainstream culture and market economy, traditional knowledge is vanishing; old crop land races are decreasing; diverse land use management is inclining to be single and seasonal shifting grazing tradition is fading away. The change of diversity to singularity might cause some negative impacts on the local environment and ecosystem. In this paper, advices were also given on how to combine Tibetan traditional knowledge and management experiences into sustainable development of modern agriculture. In this thesis, genetic diversity of Musella lasiocarpa (Franch.) C. Y. Wu ex H. W. Li, a plant endemic to southwest China, was also discussed through the approach of SSR markers. The wild populations of M. lasiocarpa are very rare now due to the habitat fragment and long time human’s disturbance. By conducting broad field investigation, we have found 5 wild populations near the boarder of Yunnan and Sichuan province. Seventeen microsatellite markers were isolated from M. lasiocarpa by using FIASCO method. 8 primers were selected to do the further genetic population structure and genetic diversity analysis. The results showed that genetic diversity of M. lasiocarpa’swildpopulations is higher than cultivated populations. The genetic diversity difference between wild and cultivated populations is related to the different reproduction systems. Adopting the way of asexuality reproduction, the genetic basis of cultivated populations become narrow that decrease the genetic diversity. AMOVA analysis showed that 37.19% genetic differentiation is among populations and 62.81% is within population. Genetic differentiation among different populations is related to the limited gene communication. POPGENE analysis indicated that there is very little gene flow among different populations (0.4916), which is the main reason of high genetic differentiation among M. lasiocarpa populations. 13 论文题目:滇榄仁谱系地理、种系分异及其与红河水系变迁的关系研究 作 者:张体操 博士 导 师:孙航 研究员 摘要: 喜马拉雅的隆升引起了一系列的地质事件,其中包括中国西南部的主要河流(大渡河、雅砻江、金沙江、澜沧江、怒江)被袭夺而从古红河分离的一系列水系重建。我们选择了这一区域同水系分布格局有关的代表类群使君子科榄仁树属滇榄仁(Terminalia franchetii var. franchetii)和错枝榄仁(T. franchetii var. intricata)来开展谱系地理研究,进而探讨河流水系演变对植物分布和种系分异的影响。主要研究结果如下: 1. 基于测序的滇榄仁谱系地理学研究 我们收集了滇榄仁两个变种几乎所有分布范围的28个居群258个基于大范围的采样, 个体。对叶绿体的trnL-F和 pet两个片段进行测序,共检测到12种单倍型。滇榄仁具有高的单倍型多样性(hT = 0.784),但是居群内的遗传多样性较低(hS = 0.124)。使用SAMOVA软件将所有单倍型分成了5个组。组B和组C都显示出金沙江与红河的南北间断模式,且居群分布与河流袭夺前的古河流走向十分相似。L-psbE根据失配分析(多峰曲线)、中性检验、嵌套分支分析(NCA)以及Mantel test的分析结果,我们认为滇榄仁现存的间断分布的模式主要是由于近期经历过种群的替代隔离。基于叶绿体核苷酸平均替代速率,我们推测出了不同分支间的隔离时间大约在0.82-4.39Mya之间,结果与已有的鱼类分子系统的研究结果基本一致,也与现有的地质学文献关于红河改道的时间一致。因此我们认为红河改道造成的河流重建对滇榄仁的分布格局有重要的影响。 2. 基于AFLP的滇榄仁原变种遗传多样性和遗传结构研究 我们选择了滇榄仁原变种的21个居群251个个体进行研究。居群间的遗传分化系数(Gst)为0.249,表明居群间有明显的遗传差异。基于Gst计算出居群间的基因流(Nm)为0.754,说明居群间的基因交流不频繁。通过对AFLP标记进行了NJ tree、PCoA、STRUCTURE和Network等遗传结构分析,结果表明滇榄仁原变种的21个居群可以分为两个大的组。和测序的结果相似,两个组都形成了南北间断的遗传结构,分布模式与河流袭夺前的古河流走向十分相似。并且组I的遗传多样性比组II高。总之,AFLP和单倍型分析均揭示这样一个现象:由于水系的变迁导致了滇榄仁由连续分布居群变为间断分布(金沙江/雅砻江等河流与红河),或者过去间断分布居群变连续分布(金沙江上游/下游与雅砻江)。这种变化为进一步探讨该区域植物区系的起源和分布格局的变迁提供了一个新的思路。 3. 滇榄仁与错枝榄仁的系统关系 从形态学、ITS序列的系统学以及叶绿体单倍型的研究均表明,两者之间的遗传差异还没有滇榄仁原变种内部居群的遗传差异大。由于二者间生境及气候条件、分布范围存在明显差异,本研究认为这两个变种在叶片形态及毛被上的差异反映了对环境改变的表型可塑 性,而这两个邻域分布的变种的形成也反映了由于占据不同的生态位而发生的遗传分化。因此,错枝榄仁实际上是一个由滇榄仁向北和高海拔扩展产生的年轻的类群,而非传统认为是本属的残遗成分。 Abstract: Following the rapid uplift of the Himalaya, the reorganization of the major river drainages was primarily caused by river capture events,e.g. those of the Jinshajiang River (comprising the Upper, Middle and Lower Jinshajiang) and its tributaries (Yalongjiang, Daduhe, Jialingjiang), the Nujiang, the Lancangjiang, and the Honghe. We selected Terminalia franchetii var. franchetii and T. franchetii var. intricata in the Sino-Himalayan region to study the relationship with Honghe diversion events. The distribution of this species is predicted to have retained genetic signatures of past hydrological landscape structures. The major result as flowing: 1. Chloroplast phylogeography of T. franchetii based on haplotype analysis Based on a range-wide sampling comprising 28 populations and 258 individuals, and using chloroplast DNA sequences (trnL-trnF, petL-psbE), we detected 12 haplotypes. Terminalia franchetii was found to harbour high haplotype diversity (hT = 0.784) but low average within-population diversity (hS = 0.124). The analysis of genetic structure using SAMOVA showed that the number of population groups equaled five, and all the haplotypes can be divided into five groups. Group B and C identified exhibited a disjunctive distribution of dominant haplotypes between northern and southern valleys, corresponding to the geography of past rather than modern drainage systems. Mismatch distribution (multimodal curve) and neutral tests provided no evidence of recent demographic population growth. We suggest that the modern disjunctive distribution of T. franchetii, and associated patterns of cpDNA haplotype variation, result from vicariance caused by several historical river separation and capture events. By assuming a common mutation rate of the cpDNA-IGS regions, our inferred timings of these events (0.82-4.39 Mya) broadly agrees with both previous geological and molecular estimated time of drainage rearrangements in this region. So we conclude that there were several historical vicariance events play a major role for the distribution of T. franchetii in this region. 2. Genetic diversity and structure of T. franchetii var. franchetii based on AFLP analysis We determined the genotype of 251 individuals of T. franchetii var. franchetii from 21 populations using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), for our aim is only investigated the relationship between the modern distribution of T. franchetii and geological changes in drainage patterns. The overall estimate of genetic structure (Gst) was 0.249, indicating that clear genetic differentiation existed among the populations. Estimates of gene flow (Nm = 0.754) between populations based on the Gst value revealed that the number of migrants per generation is not frequently. Using Neighbor-Joining tree, Principal Coordinates Analysis, STRUCTURE and network methods, Analyses of AFLP markers identified two main population groups (I and II) and four subgroups (A – D) of T. franchetii. Genetic diversity was lower in Group I than in Group II. The results show that Groups I and II probably once occupied continuous areas respectively along ancient drainage systems and there were several historical separation and capture events that can account for the distribution of T. franchetii in this region. After all,these are good examples of the way in which historical events can change a species’ distribution from continuous to fragmented (Jinshajiang/ Yalongjiang and Honghe), and a disjunct distribution to a continuous one (Upper/Lower Jinshajiang and Yalongjiang). The results provide new insights into the phylogeographic pattern of plants in southwest China. 3. Relationships between T. franchetii var. franchetii and T. franchetii var. intricata While T. franchetii var. Franchetii and var. intricata slightly differ in overall size and leaf hairiness, these taxa did not exhibit reciprocal monophyly. As results show, the genetic difference between the two varieties is much smaller than that within var. franchetii (Salween population vs. other populationsof this variety). It is also revealed in a phylogenetic analysis of ITS region of Combretoideae. The habitats of var. franchetii and var. intricata have obviously difference. Thus, the differences between the two varieties in overall size and leaf hairiness might reflect different phenotypic responses to environmental changes and the divergent environmental niche spaces they occupy. Based on the reasoning above, we agree with Flora of China that“T. intricata”represents a variety of T. franchetii rather than a separate species. 14 论文题目:青藏高原植被生长季的时空变化及其对气候变化的响应 作 者:于海英 博士 导 师:许建初 研究员 摘要: 青藏高原是对全球气候变化响应最敏感的区域之一。其特有的高寒生态系统对气候的响应一直是科学家关注的热点。植物物候则是反应气候变化最好的指示器。从植物物候的角度去研究高寒生态系统对气候变化的响应是很值得探讨的,但目前在青藏高原这方面的研究却比较缺乏,且实测数据也有限。因此通过遥感手段研究高原植被生长季变化及对气候的响应具有重要的科学和实践意义。 本文首先研究了NDVI与温度和降水的年际变化及相互关系。然后采用在已有基础上进行了改进的斜率法和比率阈值法,利用NDVI数据分别模拟了高原区1982,2006的生长季。经过与实测数据的对比分析,最终选择了比率阈值法和合适的阈值。利用选择的方法和阈值模拟了1982,2006年的生长季,并分析了多年平均生长季的空间分布,然后采用线性趋势分析了研究时段内生长季的年际变化。最后利用多元回归分析方法探讨了植被生长季与温度和降水的关系。 研究得出的结果包括以下主要结论:1)比率阈值法在模拟植被生长季时优于斜率法;应用比率阈值法模拟青藏高原草地生长季开始日期和结束日期的最适阈值分别为0.2和0.6。2)草甸和草原5-6月的NDVI值和生长季开始日期都在研究时段内呈现了相似的非线性特点。3)如果以2000年为分界点分析生长季变化,草甸和草原生长季开始日期在2000年前显著提前(分别为0.48 d yr-1和0.62d yr-1),后推迟;草甸的结束日期在整个时段线性不显著, 而草原显著提前(0.52 d yr-1);草甸和草原生长季长度在2000年前显著延长(分别为0.49 d yr-1 和0.55 d yr-1),在2000年后推迟。生长季开始日期与温度和降水的关系比结束日期要显著。冬季温度的显著上升,使植物低温需求量被满足的时间延长,从而使开始日期推迟。春季温度和降水上升,促进生长季开始日期提前。7、8月份温度升高促使草甸结束日期提前,而9月温度的升高和5,9月份降水的增多也会延长草甸生长季结束日期。 最后,本文还指出了研究中在数据、方法中存在的问题,并指出了一些可能解决的途径,希望在以后的研究中能有所改进。 Abstract: Tibetan Plateau is one of the most sensitive areas to global climate change. The response of alpine ecosystem to climate change becomes a hot topic of scientific research. Plant phenology is best indicator of climate change. It will be meaningful to look at the response of alpine ecosystem to climate change from the plant phenology point of view. However, phenology research is still very weak on the Tibetan Plateau, and the ground observations are also very limited. Therefore, study on the growing season change and relation with temperature and precipitation will be scientifically and practically meaningful. In this study, we studied the interannual change of NDVI, temperature and precipitation and their correlation. Then the growing season on the Tibetan Plateau was simulated using both the slope method and NDVI ratio method. By comparing the results with ground observation, the NDVI ratio method with certain threshold was selected. Growing season from 1982-2006 was simulated with the selected method and then the spatial and temporal distribution of growing season was analyzed. Finally, we used multi-regression to derive the relation between growing season, temperature and precipitation. Some main conclusions were drawn from this study. NDVI ratio method performs better in simulating the growing season than slope method. The final thresholds selected for simulating the start and end dates of growing season are 0.2 and 0.6, respectively. Both the mean NDVI in May and June and beginning dates of growing season of meadow and steppe shows non-linear trend from 1982 to 2006. However, the beginning dates of growing season of meadow and steppe before 2000 display significant advance trend(0.48 d yr-1 and 0.62d yr-1,respectively), but delay after 2000;the end dats of meadow shows no significant trend during 1982 and 2000,but trend of the the lengths of growing season of meadow and steppend dats of steppe is significant(0.52 d yr-1); e become longer before 2000(0.49d yr-1 and 0.55 d yr-1,respectively), then become shorter afterwards. Relation between temperature and precipitation with beginning dates of growing season is more significant than with end dates. The significantly rising temperature in winter delay the beginning dates of growing season because of the reduction of chilling requirement. Increase of spring temperature and precipitation promotes early beginning dates of growing season. The end dates of growing season are early due to the increase of temperature in July and August, but are late when temperature in September and precipitation from May to September increases. Finally, we figure out the shortcoming of the study and recommend possible way to solve the problem and more detailed future work is required. 15 论文题目:温带木本竹类的系统发育和网状进化——以青篱竹属群为主 作 者:张玉霄 博士 导 师:李德铢 研究员 摘要: 温带木本竹类是竹亚科中一个形态多样化明显并有着复杂分类历史的类群,而青篱竹属群是温带木本竹类中系统关系比较复杂的类群之一,呈典型的东亚—北美间断分布。通过大量的野外补点采集和观察,本文收集了温带木本竹类中的24属124种研究材料,利用8个叶绿体非编码区片段以及核基因GBSSI序列数据,以青篱竹属群为主,重建温带木本竹类的系统发育,结果支持温带木本竹类的单系。基于叶绿体片段构建的系统树包括10个主要支系,各支系之间的关系未得到解决,这些支系在亚族和属的等级上都与经典分类有明显冲突,有些支系中的亚支呈现出与地理分布的相关性。基于GBSSI基因构建的系统 树中,有5个支系与叶绿体系统树一致,而其他支系均与叶绿体系统树有不一致之处。叶绿体系统树与核基因系统树之间的冲突,可能是由杂交、渐渗、谱系分选造成的网状进化引起的。结合分子系统学、地理分布和形态学特征,推测温带木本竹类是适应性辐射形成的类群,同时对10个可能的杂交种进行了分析。对温带木本竹类代表类群进行了叶表皮微形态观察,可以分为9种类型,为分类学及杂交种的鉴定提供了微形态学证据。此外,根据野外考察和标本馆工作,对几个明显的分类学问题进行了订正。 Abstract: The temperate woody bamboos are a morphologically diverse group with a complicated taxonomy. The Arundinaria group has an East Asia-North America disjunct distribution, which is one of those with complex taxonomy in the temperate woody bamboos. In this study, the phylogeny of the temperate woody bamboos was reconstructed based on eight non-coding regions of the chloroplast genome and nuclear gene GBSSI using large sample set (124 species in 24 genera) with an emphasis on the Arundinaria group. The monophyly of the temperate woody bamboos was resolved in all phylogenies. Ten major lineages were obtained in the chloroplast phylogeny with unresolved relationships among them; the recovered phylogeny is strongly incongruent with the classifications based on morphology at both subtribal and generic ranks; some subclades that are related to the geographic distribution were obtained in those lineages. Five lineages in the GBSSI gene phylogeny were recovered as the same in the chloroplast phylogeny, and the other lineages were incont with chlorgruen‎‎oplast phylogeny in some ways. The reticulate evolution caused by hybridization, introgression and lineage sorting may be an explanation for the molecular phylogenetic incongruence. Based on the facts of diverse morphology, broad distribution and molecular phylogeny, we inferred that the major clades and species within most of the clades of the temperate woody bamboos were originated during several rapid adaptive radiations. Ten putative hybrids were discussed based on molecular phylogenies, SEM (scanning morphology and distribution. The micromorphology of the leaf epidermis underelectron microscope) was observed and divided into nine types; the micromorphology can provide some evidence for the bamboo taxonomy and inference of putative hybrids. Additionally, taxonomic revisions were presented for some species based on field observation and herbarium work. 16 论文题目:中药复方定志圆中石菖蒲和茯神的化学成分与药理活性研究 作 者:仝晓刚 硕士 导 师:程永现 研究员 摘要: 本论文由四章组成:第一和二章分别对中药复方定志圆中石菖蒲和茯神的化学成分与药理活性进行了研究,第三章对前期进行的蔷薇科植物山樱桃树胶的化学成分进行了初步研究,第四章综述了菖蒲属植物的化学成分和生物活性研究进展。通过多种分离材料和分离技术,从上述三种植物中共分离化合物60个,其中新化合物8个。应用现代波谱学方法,鉴定了所有化合物的结构,涉及苯丙素、木脂素、黄酮、倍半萜、生物碱、甾体等结构类型。 随着人们生活节奏的加快,抑郁症已成为当今社会的高发病。近年来,抗抑郁药物的研发成为人们关注的热点。同时,中医药在抑郁症治疗中也得到了广泛应用,有抗抑郁作用的 复方不断涌现。中药复方定志圆出自宋代《太平惠民和剂局方》,由石菖蒲、茯神和远志几味开窍宁神的中药组成,主治心气不定、五脏不足、恍惚振悸、忧愁悲伤、差错谬忘、梦寐惊魇、恐怖不宁、喜怒无时等。 石菖蒲(Acorus tatarinowii Schott.)系天南星科菖蒲属多年生草本植物,主产于四川、浙江、江苏等地,以干燥根茎入药。中医学认为石菖蒲的功能主治是开窍豁痰、醒神益智、聪耳明目、化湿开胃和散寒除痹;临床广泛用于治疗癫痫、痰厥、热病、神昏、健 为进一步明确其作用机理,本论文对石菖蒲的化学成分进行了系忘、老年痴呆等疑难病。 统研究,从中分离鉴定化合物47个,其中新化合物7个。活性研究表明,部分苯丙素类化合物能显著提高cAMP 水平,两个结构新颖的含吗啉环的螺环生物碱能有效抑制高糖诱导的系膜细胞内活性氧(ROS)的生成,这为中药复方定志圆的深入研究提供了有力的物质基础。 茯神(Poria cum Radix Pini)为多孔菌科真菌茯苓 (Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf ) 的菌核 中间抱有松根的白色部分,主产于湖北、安徽、河南、云南、贵州、四川等省。中医学认为茯神有宁心,安神,利水之功效,治疗心虚惊悸,健忘,失眠,惊痫,小便不利等。本论文对茯神的化学成分进行了初步研究,从中分离鉴定了9个化合物,其中新化合物1个。 此外,本论文还对山樱桃的树胶进行了初步的化学研究,从中分离得到4个结构类型不同的黄酮类成分,所有化合物均为首次从该植物中分离得到。 最后,本论文对菖蒲属植物的化学成分和生物活性进行了系统综述。 and 2 cover bioactive constituents of two Abstract: The thesis includes four chapters: Chapters 1 traditional Chininese medicines of Ding-Zhi-Yuan prescription: Acorus tatarinowii Schott. and Poria cum Radix Pini. Chapter 3 introduces chemical components of flavonoids from the gum of Cerasus conradinae. In the last chapter, the research progress of Acorus was reviewed. As a result, 60 compounds were isolated from these plants, and eight of them were identified as new ones. Their structures were established on the basis of spectroscopic data. The types of these compounds include phenylpropanoids, lignans, flavonoids, sesquiterpenoids, alkaloids, and steroids. Chapter 1 introduced the chemical constitutents of Acorus tatarinowii Schott. Acorus tatarinowii Schott is a famous traditional Chinese medicine possessing anticonvulsive,spasmolytic, and neuroprotective effects. To study its pharmacological mechanism, 47 compounds, including 7 new ones, were isolated from this herb. AlphaScreen cAMP assay showed that six phenylpropanoids significantly increased cAMP level at the concentration of 50 µM. Two novel spiro-alkaloids inhibited high glucose-induced ROS production in mesangial cells. Besides, their anti-oxidant activities were dose-dependent and reached to the maximum at 10 μM and 50 μM, respectively. Chapter 2 introduced the chemical constitutents of Poria cum Radix Pin. Poria cum Radix Pini is the xylem of Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf. As a traditional Chinese medicine, it has the effects for treatment of palpitation, forgettery, insomnia and other diseases. Chemical investigation about it resulted in 9 compounds and 1 compound was elucidated to be new. Chater 3 introduced the chemical constituents of flavonoids from the gum of Cerasus conradina.ere isolated from the gum ofCerasus conradinae. The fruits of Cerasus conradina were used to deal with heart failure, beriberi and edema. Because of frostibe, pest, and mechanical damage, Cerasus conradin excrete lots of gum in winter. To investigate the chemical constituents and the chemical defence function of the gum, 4 flavonoids with different structure types w Chapter 4 reviewed the progress of the studies on chemistry and bioactivity of chemical constituents from Acorus. 17 论文题目:植物低温伤害及伤害恢复过程中的膜脂分子组成变化 作 者:李利霞 硕士 导 师:李唯奇 研究员 摘要: 低温胁迫是限制植物生长发育和分布的主要环境因子之一。研究植物响应低温伤害的生理生化和分子机制可为提高植物耐受低温的能力提供理论依据,对农业生产实践提供帮助。生物膜是植物细胞受到低温胁迫时的主要受害部位。前人的研究证明冷驯、冰冻以及冻融等低温处理过程中细胞膜脂都发生了很大的变化。 本研究将拟南芥和油菜两种对零下低温有一定抗性的植物以及水稻和黄瓜两种对零上低温敏感的植物作为研究对象,采用ESI,MS-MS和TLC等手段检测了低温伤害及伤害恢复过程中的膜脂分子组成变化。 从膜脂的绝对含量来看,当拟南芥经历可以恢复的低温胁迫过程时,各类膜脂分子均变化后又恢复到对照水平。当植物经历不可恢复的低温胁迫最终死亡时,除PA(phosphatidic acid)和溶血磷脂以外的膜脂分子都发生了大规模的有序的降解,其中在冻融的过程中发生了最激烈的变化。PA在冻融的过程中大幅升高,在去冷驯过程中也开始降解,但依然显著高于对照水平;同时还出现了个别在可恢复的过程中不曾出现的分子种类。两类糖脂 digalactos的变化模式是不同的:MGDG(monogalactosyldiacylglycerol)变化激烈而DGDG(yldiacylglycerol)变化缓和。通过对不同基因型的拟南芥在低温胁迫下的表现的研究,发现突变体和野生型之间的差异比较小,说明PLDα1(phospholipase Dα1)和PLDδ(phospholipase Dδ)在不可逆的低温伤害诱导的膜脂降解的过程中作用较小,有多种膜脂降解酶参与了膜脂降解过程。通过对各种膜脂的相对含量的研究发现有些膜脂种类的绝对含量下降但相对含量却在上升,说明不同的膜脂种类的降解的顺序和速率是不同的。在可逆的低温胁迫下,膜脂的双键指数变化不大,而不可逆的低温胁迫下,膜脂的双键指数持续下降。具体研究各种膜脂的双键指数的变化,发现变化并不大,说明不可逆的低温胁迫下,膜脂的双键指数持续下降,是由于双键指数高的膜脂如MGDG的相对含量的下降引起的。 油菜中存在和拟南芥相似的规律。水稻和黄瓜在受到可逆和不可逆的零上低温的胁迫时,也是PA上升,其他脂类下降,说明低温诱导的膜崩解与胞内结冰关系不大。 总之,当植物遭遇可逆的低温伤害时,膜脂分子可以通过调节各组分的比例来保证植物的存活,当温度恢复正常时,膜脂也得以恢复。当植物遭遇不可逆的低温伤害时,膜脂分子会大规模有序降解,可能各类膜脂分子都先降解为PA,然后PA再降解,所以PA会先大幅上升,再下降。对低温胁迫下植物坏死过程的这一规律的了解,为我们避免由低温以及别的胁迫诱导的植物坏死提供了理论依据。 Abstract: Low temperature stress is one of the main environmental factors which limit plant growth, development and distribution. The physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms research on plant response to low temperature injury can provide theoretical basis for improving plant tolerance to low temperature,and benefit agricultural production practices. The membrane is a major injury site induced by low temperature. Previous studies have shown that membrane lipids have undergone great changes in low-temperature treatments like cold acclimation, freezing and thawing. This study used ESI / MS-MS and TLC technologies to detecte the changes of membrane lipid species in the process of low-temperature injury and injury recovery in Arabidopsis thaliana, Brassica napus, Oryza sativa (rice) and Cucumis satirus (cucumber). Arabidopsis and Brassica napus have resistance to subzero low temperature to some extent, whereas rice and cucumber are sensitive to unfreezing low temperature. When Arabidopsisexperienced reversible low temperature stress, absolute concentration of the membrane lipid species changed,while this change could back to normal after temperature returned to normal. When the plant could not be restored through the low-temperature stress and died, membrane lipid species except PA and lysophospholipids had undergone a large-scale degradation orderly, which occurred most violently in the process of thawing. PA increased significantly during thawing, and degraded during cold de-acclimation, but still significantly higher than normal level. At the same time, some new type of membrane lipid species appeared. The changing pattern of two types of glycolipids were different: MGDG changed drastically while DGDG changed moderately. On the contrast of different Arabidopsis genotypes underwent low temperature stress found that there were no significant difference between mutant-type and wild-type, indicating PLDα1 and PLDδplay a small role in low temperature process of degradation of membrane lipid induced by irreversible injury. Many phospholipase involved in lipid degradation. By the research on relative content of various lipids found that some lipids decreased in absolute concentration while increased in the relative concentration indicating the degradation order and rate of different lipids was different. Under the reversible low temperature stress, the double bond index (DBI) of membrane lipid was unchanged, while that changed continuously under the irreversible low temperature stress. Specific analysis on changes in DBI of every lipid class revealed that changes were not obvious, which indicated that under irreversible low-temperature stress, the decrease of relative concentration of some membrane lipids like MGDG which had high DBI induced the DBI of total membrane lipid to decline. There was similar discipline in Brassica napus. When rice and cucumber experienced reversible and irreversible unfreezing low-temperature stress, PA also increased and other lipids decreased, indicating low-temperature-induced membrane disintegration had little to do with intracellular ice. In short, when plant experienced reversible low-temperature injury, lipid species could regulate the ratio of each component to ensure the survival of plants. When the temperature returned to normal, the membrane lipids had also been restored. When the plants suffered irreversible damage at low temperature, the membrane lipid molecules would degrade orderly and severely. Various types of membrane lipid molecules might be first degraded to PA, then PA degraded, so PA would first significantly increase, and then decreased. The knowledge on discipline of plants response to low temperature stress on the necrotic process can provide a theoretical basis for us to avoid the plants necrosis induced by cold and other stress-induced. 18 论文题目:滇中石林圭山地区种子植物区系的初步研究 作 者:赵厚涛 硕士 导 师:税玉民 副研究员 摘要: 在前人工作的基础上,通过广泛的文献资料搜集、野外调查、标本采集、室内鉴定及种类统计分析等一系列工作,对滇中石林圭山地区种子植物区系的组成、性质、地位、起源与演化等方面进行了研究与探讨,主要结果如下: 1、圭山地区种子植物资源丰富。目前记载有野生种子植物129科488属1069种,裸子植物3科5属6种,被子植物中双子叶植物100科381属842种,单子叶植物26科102属421种,在调查中发现新种2个。 2、区系性质:在区系组成上热带性质的科有49科,占总科数(不包括世界广布科)的62.02%;温带性质的科有30科,占总科数的37.98%。热带成分的属(分布区类型2-7及其变型)有189属,占总属数(不包括世界广布属)的44.68%,温带成分的属(分布区类型8-14及其变型)有224属,占总属数的52.96%。除掉世界广布种与中国特有种之外,该地区热带性质的种有302种(分布型2-7型及其变型),占全部种数(不包括世界广布种与中国特有种)的53.83%;温带性质的种有259种(分布型8-14型及其变型),占全部种数的46.17%;热带性质的种稍占优。 中国特有种有433种,占全部种数(不包括世界广布种)的43.96%。其中分布到达北方的种类很少(44种,占中国特有种的10.16%),而且多数仅分布到陕西、河南、甘肃一带,显示出本地区植物区系温带性质不强。 统计分析结果显示,圭山地区种子植物区系具有古热带植物区系的渊源,而与泛北极植物区系联系也很密切,植物区系表现从热带植物区系向温带植物区系的过渡性质。 3、通过区系比较确定了圭山地区的区系地位。通过与五个典型的周边地区区系进行植物区系的科、属相似性比较以及区系组成成分比较分析,发现本区与滇武定狮山的关系最为亲密,和滇中其他地区的的小百草岭地区、景东无量山种子植物区系的关系也很近,与西双版纳、河口南溪河流域的区系关系较为疏远。因此我们认为,圭山地区种子植物区应当隶属东亚植物区-中国-喜马拉雅森林植物亚区-云南高原地区的滇中高原亚地区。圭山地区种子植物区系与周围地区植物区系具有广泛的联系,是滇中高原亚地区植物区系的一个缩影。 4、圭山地区种子植物区系特有现象显著,并呈现明显的石灰岩特色。圭山地区具有10个中国特有属,433个中国特有种。圭山地区特有类群有1属7种,即圭山特有属弥勒苣苔属Paraisomertrum和圭山特有种圭山秋海棠Begonia guishansis、弥勒千里光Senecio scandens、弥勒苣苔Parasiometrum mileens等。其中圭山特有属弥勒苣苔属Paraisomertrum和3个 圭山特有种包括圭山秋海棠Begonia guishansis、圭山石蝴蝶Petrocosmea guishanensis等都是石灰岩专性的。 Abstract: The floritistic composition, characteristics, endemism, origin and evolution were studied on the base of literature checked, field investigation, specimens checked and previous research work. The main result are as follows: 1. Guishan Region is rich in seed-plants. The Guishan Region flora consists of 129 families and 488 genera and 1069 species of which 6 species in 5 genera and 3 families belong to Gymnosperm, 842 species in 381 genera and 100 families belong to dicotyledon, 421 species in 102 genera and 26 families belong to monocotyledon. 2. Flora Composition: The floristic elements of 62.02% tropical families and 37.98% temperate one indicates that the flora of this region has a close relationship with tropical flora historically and geographically. The floristic elements of 44.68% tropical genera and 52.96% temperate one reveals dominant temperate property, which one of the typical floristic characters in subtropical mountain region; the floristic elements of 53.83% tropical species(excluding species which are endemic to china and distribute world-wide ), 46.17% temperate ones indicates that the flora is subtropical in nature. 433 species are endemic to China ,43.96% of all the species (excluding the species world-wide).Very few species (44 species endemic to China accounted for 10.16%) distribute to the North, most of which distribute only to Shanxi, Henan, Gansu Province., indicating weak feature of temperate flora of Guishan region in nature. Statistical analysis showed that indicates that the flora of this region has a close relationship with tropical flora historically and geographically, shows transitional features in flora between tropical to temperate flora.. 3. By the comparison with five adjacent limestone and non-limestone flora on the level of family and genus, we found that the flora of Guishan Region is most closely related to the flora of Shishan Mountain and Xiaobaicaoling and Wuliang Mountain all of which situate in Central Yunnan. So the flora position of Guishan Region is: Central Yunnan Plaetau Subregion, the Yunnan Plaetau Region, the Sino-Himalayan forest Subkingdom, the east Asiatic Kingdom. 4. The endemic plants in Guishan Region are rich, and the flora of Guishan Region shows limestone features. 10 genera are endemic to China, 433 species are endemic to China. Among the Chineses endemic plants, 1 genes and 7 species are endemic to Guishan Region in which 1 genes(Parasiometrum) and 3 species (Begonia guishanensis, Petrocosmea guishanensis, Parasiometrum mileens) are limestone exclusive.
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