首页 > 关于在天津亚宇橡胶制品贸易有限公司客户服务业务方面的实践报告


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关于在天津亚宇橡胶制品贸易有限公司客户服务业务方面的实践报告关于在天津亚宇橡胶制品贸易有限公司客户服务业务方面的实践报告 关于在天津亚宇橡胶制品贸易有限公司 客户服务业务方面的实践报告 社会实践是学校根据专业教学的要求,对学员已学部分理论知识进行综合运用的培训,其目的在于让学生接触社会,加强学生对社会的了解,培养和训练学生认识、观察社会以及分析、解决问题的能力,提高学生的专业技能,使之很快地融入到实际工作中去。2010年8月我在天津亚宇橡胶制品贸易有限公司进行客户服务业务等方面的实践。 在不到一个月的时间内,要想熟悉和掌握该公司的客户服务业务基本操作流程和基本工作制度过程是不易...
关于在天津亚宇橡胶制品贸易有限公司客户服务业务方面的实践报告 关于在天津亚宇橡胶制品贸易有限公司 客户服务业务方面的实践报告 社会实践是学校根据专业教学的要求,对学员已学部分理论知识进行综合运用的培训,其目的在于让学生接触社会,加强学生对社会的了解,培养和训练学生认识、观察社会以及分析、解决问题的能力,提高学生的专业技能,使之很快地融入到实际工作中去。2010年8月我在天津亚宇橡胶制品贸易有限公司进行客户服务业务等方面的实践。 在不到一个月的时间内,要想熟悉和掌握该公司的客户服务业务基本操作流程和基本工作过程是不易的。我主要采用了“多看、多问、多学、多悟”四多的方式,基本了解了该公司的整体情况和外贸进出口业务概况。现将此次实践活动的有关情况报告如下: 一、实践的内容与过程 整个实践过程分为三周进行,第一周从8月9日起至8月15日,在该客户服务部,跟随公司售后服务部副部长对整个公司的概况、整个公司业务的操作过程进行一般的了解。 第二周从8月16日起至8月22日,在该公司售后服务部,主要学习日常售后服务的全部过程。 第三周从8月23日起至8月29日,在该公司售后服务,主要了解公司售后服务情况和售后服务人员的主要职责,讨论和学习售后服务管理的经验和做法。 (一)公司概况 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 天津市亚宇橡塑制品贸易有限公司是集“科、工、贸”为一体的市级高新技术企业,公司主要产品有高压钢丝缠绕胶管、高压钢丝编织胶管、金属软管、钻探胶管、超高压海洋输油胶管总成以及各种夹布胶管与橡胶制品等。产品广泛应用于矿山、冶金、石油、机械、化工、交通运输、造船、纺织等各行业,工厂占地面积16万平方米,5条生产流水线,在职职工530人,工程技术人员35人,技术力量雄厚。 公司产品质量均达到国家,并通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,公司以精良的技术,超群的质量,优质的服务,极具竞争力的价格赢得了广大用户的信赖,产品已被国内数百家大中型企业所采用,随着信息技术的利用和市场的拓宽,公司产品得到欧美及东南亚一些国家认可,产品远销至美国,英国,德国,澳大利亚,新西兰,新加坡,马来西亚,韩国,印度,巴西等国家。 该公司的宗旨是:质量是企业的灵魂,信誉是发展的保证~“为客户提供全方位的服务”是该公司一贯的承诺。 (二)具体情况 首先,在第一周时间里,我对公司客户服务业务流程的内容有了一定的了解。学习客户服务的基本知识,了解该公司客户服务业务的基本情况。 该公司客户服务业务包含三大方面,即:售前服务、售中服务、Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 售后服务。 售前服务是指企业在销售产品之前为顾客提供的一系列活动,如市场调查、产品设计、提供使用说明书、提供咨询服务等。售中服务则是指在产品交易过程中销售者向购买者提供的服务,如接待服务、商品包装服务等。售后服务是指凡与所销售产品有连带关系,并且有益于购买者特征的服务,主要包括送货、安装、产品退换、维修、保养、使用技术培训等方面的服务。 其次,在第二周的时间里,我认真、仔细学习了售后服务的全过程。 该公司的售后服务具体包括:代为消费者安装、调试产品; 根据消费者要求,进行有关使用等方面的技术指导; 保证维修零配件的供应; 负责维修服务; 对产品实行“三包”,即包修、包换、包退;处理消费者来信来访,解答消费者的咨询。同时用各种方式征集消费者对产品质量的,并根据情况及时改进。 最后,在第三周的时间里,我学习和了解了公司的售后电话服务.具体工作包括:接听客户电话,对客户所提问题进行解答,向客户介绍公司产品的信息;通过电话对客户进行跟踪维护回访,发掘客户需求; 解答客户咨询,促成产品销售;协助总经理维持公司内部工作秩序,并及时完成所交办事项;协助主管安排、公司各种工作会议,并做好必要的记录;各类文书的日常处理,办公室内各类档案的分类保管; 二、公司在客户服务方面成功的主要经验 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 几年来,公司在经营不断发展,业务不断扩大的客观需要的前提下,客户服务管理得到各级领导的极大重视,行业规章制度也越加规范。 (一)合理制定客户服务的各项规章制度. 该公司的规章制度体现了企业与劳动者在共同劳动,工作中所必须遵守的劳动行为规范,是企业规范运行和行使用人权的重要方式之一。合理的规范管理, 使企业经营有序,增强了公司的竞争实力.同时制订的规则, 使员工行为合矩,提高管理效率. (二)建立、健全客户服务分类目录 客户服务部根据该公司特定的客户群及服务项目,建立健全了客户服务分类目录,并采取了全电子自动化的资料整理分析提取的科学管理方法。这样即对公司的客户及服务项目有了一个明确的掌握,同时也便于公司员工更够快捷便利的对客户进行服务。 (三)经常考察服务制度。 企业制定服务制度的目的是更好的为客户服务,帮助客户解决问题,满足他们的需求,达到和超过他们的期望。如果因为制度问题影响了客户服务质量的提高,就要及时地修改制度。所以该公司的人力资源部紧密联系客户服务部,定期对客服业务展开考核检查,确保公司员工的服务质量,及时检查出服务隐患。 三、公司在客户服务方面存在的主要问题 虽然这次社会实践时间很短,但感觉到公司的整个管理,尤其是全球经济危机的影响仍未完全消失,公司销售也面临着新的挑战,目Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 前我认为该公司在售后服务方面存在以下几方面的问题: 1、客户服务工作人员素质有待提高。 客户服务人员要有强烈的责任心和进取心,广泛的人际关系和良好的自我形象,对企业的产品和服务项目要有深入地了解和认识,要有健全的心智、整齐的仪表和良好的习惯。 但是该公司某些员工的仪态仪表仍然存在诸多不规范之处,如女性浓妆艳抹,男性不注重工作服装的整洁,还有文明用语及说话技巧等都有待提高及加强培训。 2、服务人员的培训不足。 员工培训在现代企业发展中具有不可忽视的重要意义,对于提高员工技能,加强员工凝聚力等都有积极的作用,但是该公司恰巧不太重视这点,很多员工都只是在进公司是进行了为期几天的基本业务培训而已。 3、人事管理不规范. 公司对于员工的绩效管理并没有一个合理的规范,虽然人力资源部加强了员工的服务质量考察,但是忽略了员工积极性的培养,员工普遍存在抱怨活多工资少的情况,消极怠工的情绪在蔓延。 四、实践的收获和体会 这次在亚于公司的实践,虽然时间不长,但是收获颇多。开始认为社会实践只是走走过场形式一下而已,不会对自己有什么帮助,但事实上,通过这次实践,我有了很深的体会,感觉到理论和实践之间Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 还是有一定差别的,在实践过程中能主动的请教,虚心的学习,学会了客户服务工作的一般流程、尽量把理论知识融入到实践中去,使自己的理论知识更上一个台阶,而且实践技能与水平得到提高。在实践过程中与该公司领导和一般科室人员相处关系融洽,锻炼了自己在社会上人与人之间相处的方式、方法,深刻体会到立足于社会是多么不容易的一件事情。 (一)改进公司售后服务方面的建议: 1、加强员工培训: 该公司可以采取结合公开课及企业内测的形式,来对员工进行培训。应该注重员工工作积极性的培养以及业务素质的提高。 2、注重企业文化建设: 通过企业文化的建设实施,使企业人文素质得以优化,归根结底是推进企业竞争力的提高,促进企业经济效益的增长。企业文化建设既是企业在市场经济条件下生存发展的内在需要,又是实现管理现代化的重要方面。 3、加强员工绩效测评,注重提高员工福利待遇: 有效地绩效测评可以提高员工的工作积极性,同时优厚的福利待遇更会加强员工对于企业的忠诚度及凝聚力。 (二)对社会实践调查的体会 这次社会实践是学校根据教学计划的要求安排的,是非常有意义的一次活动。为了更好的提高自身综合能力和业务水平,我们作为学Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 生应主动配合学校的安排,并积极参与,及时做好调查实践日记和总结,并在实践活动中力争多发现成功经验和不足之处,并能提出宝贵建议,尽自己最大能力写出一份合格的报告,让自己和老师满意。同时要注意及时与学校指导老师保持联系,按期保质保量完成本次任务。 学号:TS080900029 姓名:刘晓丹 2010年10月29日 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and
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