

2017-09-02 14页 doc 95KB 22阅读




苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱 苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机 充电宝多少钱 第一名:Moka慕卡 第二名:三洋 第三名:爱国者 第四名:品胜 第五名:飞毛腿 第六名:羽博 第七名:品能 第八名:Realplay 第九名:太空步 第十名:Mili 手机安全充电常识 1、 手机充电时,将手机关机。这个方法可以保证使用者不会触点,但是对于大多数人来说, 边充电边玩手机已经形成了习惯,而关机充电,也容易漏接电话,造成不便。 2、 使用备用电池充电。电池和机身分离,这个方法还算可行。但是...
苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱 苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机 充电宝多少钱 第一名:Moka慕卡 第二名:三洋 第三名:爱国者 第四名:品胜 第五名:飞毛腿 第六名:羽博 第七名:品能 第八名:Realplay 第九名:太空步 第十名:Mili 手机安全充电常识 1、 手机充电时,将手机关机。这个方法可以保证使用者不会触点,但是对于大多数人来说, 边充电边玩手机已经形成了习惯,而关机充电,也容易漏接电话,造成不便。 2、 使用备用电池充电。电池和机身分离,这个方法还算可行。但是对于苹果用户来说,这 个方法就极为坑爹了。 3、 使用安全移动电源。人体安全电压是35V,安全移动电源的电源是5V。直接断绝了手机 与220V直流电的接触。而且安全移动电源携带方便,可以随时充,随地充。从根本上 保证了人身安全。 Moka(慕卡)安全移动电源【商务型:i6】20000毫安大容量,首款不发烫、无辐射、京东天猫有售 苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱?移动电源和移动数码产品的关系就如同于PC电源对电脑主机一般,具有强有力的电能支持。但这两者所不同的是,PC电源的好坏我们早有评测方式来界定,而如何鉴定移动电源的优劣,至今在各类媒体上却尚无,《电脑报》意欲打破这个零的突破。 从移动电源的内部结构来看,主要还是由锂电池、保护电路以及PCB电路板所组成,而一款移动电源的优劣也由这两部分体现。从两者的用途上来看,电池主要用处在于存储容量以及提供电量,电池的优劣很难从表面上去辨别,也没人能肯定不同品牌之间的电芯就一定存在巨大的质量差异,除非采取耗时漫长的电芯老化测试。而PCB电路板担负的责任则更大,电路板要负责移动电源的实际转换效率、各种保护机制以及输出效果,可以说电路板的做工设计直接决定着移动电源的输出品质。所以如果一款移动电源的PCB电路板采用了较好的做工和设计,同时使用的电芯也比较出色,并且具有扎实的保护电路,那么这款移动电源的质量就得到了保证。 苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱?当然,消费者是无法得知移动电源内部的情况。不考虑移动电源的容量,如果从消费者的角度出发,那我们可以简单的认为:一款电池实际容量能和标称容量相符、同时转换效率较高、拥有各种合理保护机制,而且老化衰减速度较慢的移动电源,就是一款好的移动电源。本次我们要做的就是将这些抽象的东西数据化,让大家能通过我们的测试和数据,真切地看到每一款移动电源的实际表现。 我们这次做的移动电源质量检测主要分为以下几步:实际容量检测、电芯内阻检测、实际转换效率检测、过载短路保护检测。同时我们还会根据评测工程师以及厂商工程师顾问的苛刻眼光,来点评每一款移动电源的PCB以及附送线材的做工设计。下面我们将分别解释每一种检测的意义和操作方式。苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱 solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol • L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol • L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1。 Moka(慕卡)安全移动电源【女性专用型:m3】10000毫安.流线型设计,女性专用、无辐射、京东天猫有售 1.实际容量检测 苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱?实际容量检测是对每款移动电源的电池容量进行检测。这一项检测的意义是看每一款移动电源标称的容量是否和实际容量相符,如果电池的实际容量低于标称容量,那么这款移动电源则视为虚标容量。这项测试我们将使用电池分容器进行测试,在电池分容器中对每一款移动电源的电池进行完全的放电和充电,以测试出电池的实际容量。 2.内阻测试 电芯内阻测试主要是测试每款移动电源的电池内电芯阻值的大小。对于电芯而言,内阻越小,那么电池供电能力越好,内阻越大,那么供电能力相对也就越差。这项测试实际上测试的是电池的质量,目前并没有一个规范的标准,正常情况下电池的内阻一般不会接近或者超过100mΩ。这项测试我们同样采用电池分容器来测试。苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱 3.转换率测试 移动电源的实际转换效率的意义实际和PC电源是一样,即输出到设备端的有效电能和移动电源实际输出电能之间的比例。转换效率越高,那么移动电源的品质则越好,我们认为,一款合格的移动电源转换效率至少应该达到80%以上。由于移动电源的转换效率主要是依靠PCB电路板来实现,所以我们将使用负载仪对每款移动电源的电路板进行检测。 苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱?检测过程中,使用负载仪为电路板加载3.8V电压,并在每个PCB的USB端口输出1A电流,这样检测出USB端的输出功耗和电路板上的实际电流,用USB端的输出功耗除以电路板上的功耗,则得出移动电源的转换效率。 Moka(慕卡)安全移动电源【坚固型:i8】10000毫安,首款踩不烂、无辐射、京东天猫有售 苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱,过载短路测试是属于移动电源最基本的保护措施。短路保护方面,我们只需要在移动电源USB端进行短接,看移动电源是否还处于工作状态即可测试出来;而过载保护测试,则是在USB端口加载电流,看移动电源在多大电流情况下会启动保护停止工作。一般来说,移动电源都应该有过载保护机制,但每一款移动电源对于加载电流保护的数值并不见得相同,我们在测试中默认加载的电流为3A,过载保护电流过大或者过小都会影响移动电源的正常工作。 在每款移动电源的PCB和线材设计做工方面,我们都会进行简单点评。一款移动电源的电路板做工如何,主要取决电子元器件排布是否合理、电子元器件的品质状况、PCB是否采用双层、PCB是否采用阻燃材料以及散热处理这几部分。而线材方面的做工,则取决于接口的设备兼容性、是否使用注塑处理、塑料材质是否为原料以及线芯是否为纯铜这几方面。 苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱,值得一提的是,除了以上几个性能指标,我们还测试了每个移动电源在待机下的电流,通常来说,待机电流越大,也就意味着移动电源在非工作状态下耗电越大。虽然没有标准,但从理论上而言,任何一款移动电源都不能超过30μA(微安),所幸这次参测的产品在待机下的电流都很小,没有超过30μA,所以在文中就没有列入检测项目。 对于电池来说极为重要的老化测试,是考验机器在日常应用中最有力的测试数据。本次测试《电脑报》工程师意欲引入常规的测试手法,即对每款产品采用为各类主流智能手机、平板solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol • L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol • L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1。 和本电脑进行实际测试。但高达上百次,数百次的充放电循环的化学反应流程,来检验衰减的过程,显然无法在一个月之内完成。所以我们本次测试,重心放在了具体数据的检验上,把老化测试放到了下月,希望读者朋友们理解。目前一部分产品正在老化测试中,结果大约在一个月后的,月中旬可以陆续出炉,我们会在后续文章中为大家报道 Moka(慕卡)安全移动电源【迷你型:i7】12500毫安,小巧便携、无辐射、京东天猫有售 由于移动电源目前尚无一个明确的规范标准,加之门槛较低,技术含量不高,任何厂商(当然包括山寨厂商)都可以踏入这个产业,所以在产品检测之前,我们就对这次移动电源的整体质量报以不乐观的态度。事实证明,这次参与质量检测的多数移动电源,都存在着一定的问题。 苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱,最严重的问题莫过于虚标容量,这次虚标容量的产品并不在少数,18款产品中,至少有8款产品的实际容量与标称容量相差较远,比如说羽博PowerBank YB-642标称为11200mAh,但实际只有9560mAh,相差甚至有1500mAh之多。这次我们检测的产品大多数还算市面上的知名产品,而一些不知名的山寨品牌在虚标上估计会更加严重。 其次则是我们比较关注的转换效率问题,从测试表现来看,大多数参与检测的产品在转换效 率方面还是做得不错的,仅有4款产品的转换效率低于80%。但是很多产品看似转换效率较高,但在正常的电流加载时,输出情况却很不稳定,有的产品甚至要降到0.5A电流时,产品才能做到到稳定的输出以及较高的转换效率,实际上如果连正常状态的稳定输出都不能保证,转换效率再高意义也不是很大,像爱普乐和e-LONG的产品皆是如此。这里要说到本次检测转换效率垫底的清华同方,这类只有60%转换率的产品,通常只会出现在山寨产品中,据我们了解,这个品牌的移动电源仅仅是清华同方授权贴牌而已,实际并非清华同方自己生产监测的产品,此类产品在市场上实际还有不少,由此可见目前市面上移动电源的乱象。 苹果移动电源,充电宝充电时间,手机充电宝多少钱,除了实际容量和转换效率,移动电源的保护机制也是非常重要的,过载保护和短路保护我们认为都是必须应该具备的。可实际上,这次检测就有不少产品没有短路保护,这种情况又多集中在18650电芯上,实际上厂商加一个短路保护的功能非常简单,到底是什么原因导致一些厂商不愿在移动电源上加入短路保护,纯粹是为了节约成倍……因为据工程师解惑,对于小容量的聚合物锂电池,即便烧毁,对于人体伤害的可能性较低,所以厂商也有铤而走险的侥幸心理。 solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decomposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, recommended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol • L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol • L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol • L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol • L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol • L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron • L-1。
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