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睡前不宜多喝水睡前不宜多喝水 “你会喝水吗,”——这件每天都在做的事情,你却未必做得正确。你喝得水到底安不安全,你的体质该喝什么水,三杯“救命水”有没有被你忽略,在北京保护健康协会健康饮用专业委员会主任赵飞虹看来,饮水习惯和方式不正确的“水盲”,在现代人中占据很大比例。“别看喝水是件小事,喝不对也会带来大麻烦。” 坏习惯一:自来水一烧开就喝 国人喝白开水是种好习惯,但是你知道吗,水不能一烧开就喝。因为我们的自来水都经过氯化消毒,其中氯与水中残留的有机物结合,会产生卤代烃、氯仿等多种致癌化合物。 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院教授姜...
睡前不宜多喝水 “你会喝水吗,”——这件每天都在做的事情,你却未必做得正确。你喝得水到底安不安全,你的体质该喝什么水,三杯“救命水”有没有被你忽略,在北京保护健康协会健康饮用专业委员会主任赵飞虹看来,饮水习惯和方式不正确的“水盲”,在现代人中占据很大比例。“别看喝水是件小事,喝不对也会带来大麻烦。” 坏习惯一:自来水一烧开就喝 国人喝白开水是种好习惯,但是你知道吗,水不能一烧开就喝。因为我们的自来水都经过氯化消毒,其中氯与水中残留的有机物结合,会产生卤代烃、氯仿等多种致癌化合物。 中国农业大学食品科学与营养学院教授姜微波建议,烧水时,不妨采取三步走: 首先将自来水接出来后先放置一会再烧; 水快开时把壶盖打开; 最后,水开后等3分钟再熄火,就能让水里的氯含量降至安全饮用,是真正的"开水"。 坏习惯二:饮水机从不洗 桶装水和饮水机无论在家庭还是办公、公共场所都已非常普遍,你有没有想过,用的饮水机自从放在那儿就再也没“洗过澡”。 饮水机看似让人喝上好品质的水,实则“二次污染”很严重。每当打开饮水机龙头时,听到“咕噜”的声音,桶里翻出一串气泡,这就是有空气进入,灰尘及微生物就会被带入。 据国家检测数据显示,桶装饮水机内的冷热水胆3个月不洗就会大量繁殖细菌,如大肠杆菌、葡萄球菌等。所以,最好一月清洁一次,夏天两周清洁一次。办公室的饮水机因为使用频繁,更得勤加清洗。 坏习惯三:爱喝瓶装水 携带方便、开盖能喝,在中国,瓶装水消费正在以每年30%的速度递增。 指出,瓶装水所使用的聚酯瓶往往含有可能导致人体慢性中毒的物质,尤其是当瓶子在高温环境中,或开启后没及时喝掉,有害物质会渗入水中,危害健康。 因此,瓶装水一定不能受热或暴晒。“很多人喜欢在车里放一箱水,这是不对的。尤其夏天,后备箱温度非常高,容易让有害物质进入水中。”建议,最好的办法是买个质量好的水壶自己带水,安全又环保。 坏习惯四:喝千滚水 “现在用电热水壶的家庭越来越多,很多人烧的水一次喝不完,过一会儿又重复烧开。这种千滚水最好别喝。”说,水烧开尽量当次喝完,别反复加热。 很多人担忧饮水机中的水是不是千滚水,因材料限制,饮水机中水的最高温度一般为九十摄氏度左右,达不到沸腾的状态,不是千滚水。“但桶装水的最佳饮用时间是出厂后1—15天,一旦超过15天,水中的细菌过多,就不宜再饮用。” 坏习惯五:不渴不喝水 国内一项调查数据显示,七成人都是发觉渴了才喝水。殊不知当你感到口渴的时候,你的身体至少已经流失了1%的水分。 喝水不是为了解渴,而是让其参与新陈代谢,被人体吸收,长时间缺水会增加血液的黏稠度,诱发心脑血管疾病。同时,越不注意喝水,喝水的欲望就会越低,人就会变得越来越“干旱”。 所以,不管渴不渴都要及时补水。外出时手里带上一瓶水,随时喝一口;办公室或家里多放上几个水杯,见缝插针,有机会就喝。 坏习惯六:每天喝不够6杯水 上班一族常常会因工作关系疏忽了喝水,长此下去,膀胱和肾都会受损害。 建议,在温和气候条件下生活的、轻体力活动的成年人,建议每天最少饮水1200毫升,大约6杯的量。如果活动量大,出汗多,则相应增加喝水量,及时补水。 有人会问,之前一直说每天喝水不少于2000毫升也就是8杯水,为什么现在只有1200毫升,其实,2000毫升是指人一天需要的水分总量,果蔬里含有大量水分,连主食、肉里都有,人体需要的水,很大一部分来自于食物中。 6杯是最低限的量,有些人则需要喝得更多。比如烦躁的人多喝水能舒缓心情,肥胖的人多喝水能保持体重,运动后、洗澡后也都要及时补充水分。 坏习惯七:不按体质喝水、饮料代水 “白开水没味,还是喝饮料吧。”很多孩子每天可乐、果味饮料不离手,用饮料代水,无异于花钱买身病。“不但起不到给身体补水的作用,还会降低食欲,影响消化和吸收。”赵飞虹说。 如果一定要喝有味儿的水,也要根据自身体质,适当改善。比如—— 便秘的人可以喝点蜂蜜水或者果蔬汁,能够促进肠道蠕动; 胃寒的人要少喝性寒的绿茶、凉茶、果汁,多喝暖胃的红茶、姜糖水。 三杯“长命水” 救命水,不是真的喝了就能救命,而是这种饮水方式会给健康带来极大的好处,坚持喝有延年益寿的功效。 坏习惯八:晨起不喝水,到老都后悔 早上起来的第一杯水是真正意义上的救命水,中老年人更应该注意。 人体经过一夜代谢之后,身体的所有垃圾都需要洗刷一下。饮用一杯水可降低血液黏度,增加循环血容量。 早晨这杯水最好选以下三种: 第一种是清澈的水,白开水、矿泉水皆可,能够降低人体血液黏稠度; 第二种是柠檬水,柠檬酸能够提升早晨的食欲; 第三种是淡盐水,它对便秘的人非常有益。 坏习惯九:吃咸了不马上补水 吃太咸会导致高血压,也可导致唾液分泌减少、口腔黏膜水肿等。 如果吃咸了,首先要做的就是多喝水,最好是纯水和柠檬水,尽量不要喝含糖饮料和酸奶,因为过量的糖分也会加重口渴的感觉。 淡豆浆也是一种很好的选择,其中90%以上都是水分,而且还含有较多的钾,可以促进钠的排出,且口感比较清甜。 坏习惯十:睡前不喝水 睡前不宜喝太多水,但可以稍微抿上两口,尤其是老人。 当人熟睡时,由于体内水分丢失,造成血液中的水分减少,血液黏稠度会变高。 临睡前适当喝点水,可以减少血液黏稠度,从而降低脑血栓风险。 此外,在干燥的秋冬季节,水还可以滋润呼吸道,帮助人更好的入睡。 "Would you drink some water?" -- that are doing every day, you do not do it right.You have to ;water of life" have you ignored? Health Protection Association of health drinkingprofessional committee director Zhao Feihong in the eyes of Beijing, drinking habits and incorrect "blind", occupy a great proportion in the modern. "Don't look atdrinking water is a small thing, drink it will bring big trouble." Bad habits: a boiled tap water to drink Chinese people drink boiling water is a good habit, but you know what? Water can not boil drinking. Because our tap water after disinfection, the residual chlorine in water and organic combination, will produce halogenated hydrocarbons, chloroformand other carcinogenic compounds. China Agricultural University College of food science and Nutritional EngineeringProfessor Jiang Weibo proposed, boil water, may wish to take the three step: The water comes out after the first placed for a while and then burn; Water quickly open the lid when open; Finally, after the water is boiled for 3 minutes then turn off, can let the water fall to the chlorine www.nkwcbs.com content in safe drinking standards, is the real "boiling water". Bad habit two: never wash the drinking machine Bottled water and drinking water machine, whether at home or office, public placeshave been very popular, you have not thought about, with the drinking water machine since there is no "bath". Drinking water machine appears to have good quality water, but "two pollution" very serious. When opening the tap of drinking machine, hear "grunt" sound, barrelfished out a bunch of bubble, which is into the air, dust and microorganisms will be into the. According to the national testing data shows, hot and cold water liner barreled drinking water machine in 3 months not to wash will be a large number of bacteria,such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus. So in January, the best cleaningtime, summer two week www.flwluo.net cleaning once. Drinking water machine in the officebecause of frequent use, more frequently. Bad habit three: love to drink bottled water Easy to carry, open the cover to drink, in China, bottled water consumption isincreasing at an annual rate of 30%. Pointed out, polyester bottle using the bottled water may contain may cause humanchronic and toxic substances, especially when the bottle in a high temperature environment, or after the opening, no time to drink, harmful substances willpenetrate into the water, harmful to health. Therefore, bottled water must not be heated or exposure. "A lot of people like to put a box of water in the car, this is wrong. Especially in the summer, thetemperature is very high, is easy to let the harmful substances into the water."Proposal, the best way is to buy a good quality water to bring their own water,safety and environmental protection. Bad habit four: drink www.ahgylm.com a thousand boiling water "Now more and more families electric kettle, a lot of people burning water not finish a drink, then repeated the boil. The thousand boiling water is best not to drink."Say, boil the water as far as possible when the finish, don't repeated heating. Many people worry about the water in the water drinking machine Is it right?Thousand boiling water, due to the restriction of materials, the highest temperaturewater dispenser water is generally ninety degrees Celsius, not up to the boilingstate, not a thousand boiling water. "But the best time to drink bottled water is thefactory after 1 - 15 days, once more than 15 days, the bacteria in the water too much, it would be inappropriate to drinking." Bad habit five: do not drink do not drink Domestic survey data show, seven adult are found thirsty to drink water. But when you feel thirsty, your body www.lianhejob.com at least has lost 1% of its water. Drink water not to quench their thirst, but the The new supersedes the old.,absorbed by the body, long time of water will increase blood viscosity, inducedcardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At the same time, less attention todrink plenty of water, drink desire will be lower, people will become more and more"drought". So, no matter the thirst thirsty to timely replenishment. When they go out hand take a bottle of water, ready to drink; office or home and put a few cups, seize every opportunity, a chance to drink. Bad habit six: drink 6 glasses of water a day is not enough Employees often work has neglected to drink water, if it goes on like this, bladder and kidney will www.yofotoark.com be damaged. Suggestions, live in the temperate climate conditions, light physical activity in adults, suggested that every day at least 1200 ml water, about 6 cups. If theamount is large, sweating, a corresponding increase in drinking water, timely replenishment. Some people may ask, until that day of not less than 2000 ml or 8 cups of water,why now only 1200 ML? In fact, 2000 ml of water a day refers to the total need,fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of water, even has a staple food, meat,the human body needs water, in large part from the food. 6 cup is the minimum amount, some people need to drink more. For example,people drink more water can relieve irritable mood, obese people drink plenty of water to maintain weight, exercise, take a shower after also need to replenish moisture. Bad habit seven: do www.zjiajias.com not drink water, drink water according to the physical "White boiling water did not taste, or soft drinks." Many children in the day, cola,fruit drinks does not leave a hand, drink water, is tantamount to buy body disease."Not only to give the body moisturizing effects, but also reduce the appetite, affect the digestion and absorption." Zhao Feihong said. If you must drink flavored water, also according to their own physical fitness,improve. For example, -- Constipated people can drink honey water or fruit juice, can promote intestinal peristalsis; Wei Han people to drink Green Tea, cold tea, fruit juice, drink plenty of water, Black Tea Nuanwei ginger sugar. Three cup "the water of long life" Save water, not www.jixieinfo.net really drink can help, but that the drinking water will be a great benefit to health, adhere to drink a prolong life. Bad habit eight: morning without water, to the old regret The first morning cup of water is the true meaning of the water of life, the elderlyshould pay more attention to. The human body after a night of metabolism, all of the garbage body need tofreshen up. Drinking a cup of water can reduce blood viscosity, increased circulating blood volume. The morning cup of water is best to choose the following three: The first is the clear water, white boiling water, mineral water can, can reduce the body's blood viscosity; The second is the lemonade, citric acid can enhance the appetite of the morning; The third is the pale salt water, very useful to people with constipation. Bad habit nine: do not immediately eat salty water Too much salt can cause high blood pressure, can also lead to reduce the secretion of saliva, oral mucosal edema. If you eat salty, the first thing to do is drink plenty of water, preferably pure waterand lemonade, try not www.zhuzhucun.com to drink sugary drinks and yogurt, because too much sugarwill also increase the feeling of thirst. Light Soybean Milk is also a good choice, which is more than 90% moisture, but also contain more potassium, can promote the excretion of sodium, and the sweet taste of relatively. Bad habit ten: do not drink water before going to bed Bedtime should not drink too much water, but can be a little sip on port two,especially in the elderly. When people sleep, due to water loss, resulting in reduced blood in the water,blood viscosity will become high. Before going to sleep, the appropriate drink some water, can reduce blood viscosity, thereby reducing the risk of cerebral thrombosis. In addition, in the dry winter season, water also can moisten the respiratory tract,help people better sleep.
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