

2017-09-02 12页 doc 136KB 16阅读




联通宽带网速测试联通宽带网速测试 [联通宽带网速测试] 一、网速测试 宽带网用户实际达到的速率与具体的接入方式、 线路距离、用户电脑、软件配置等因素密切相关,通过本测试站点下载文件,您可知道你的网络实际能达到的速率。 大文件下载(约638MB,适合硬盘剩余空间大的电脑): ???????????????????? 【点击下载大文件,测试你的速度】 ???????????????????? 小文件下载(约53MB,适合硬盘剩余空间小的电脑): ???????????????????? 【点击下载小文件,测试你的速度】 ??...
联通宽带网速测试 [联通宽带网速测试] 一、网速测试 宽带网用户实际达到的速率与具体的接入方式、 线路距离、用户电脑、软件配置等因素密切相关,通过本测试站点下载文件,您可知道你的网络实际能达到的速率。 大文件下载(约638MB,适合硬盘剩余空间大的电脑): ???????????????????? 【点击下载大文件,测试你的速度】 ???????????????????? 小文件下载(约53MB,适合硬盘剩余空间小的电脑): ???????????????????? 【点击下载小文件,测试你的速度】 ???????????????????? 注:由于服务器对单线程做了限速,若想得到最高测速,请使用 迅雷、快车、IDM等多线程下载软件工具进行下载。 迅雷和快车等下载工具下载完后点击 “已下载” 任务列表中已下载完的文件后,再点击“任务信息”或“详细信息”就有“平均速度”统计。 下载时偶尔存在极高的峰值速度,以平均速度为准。 ?下载速度计算如下: 此处的B即是Byte(字节),b是bit(比 特),1Byte=8bit, 即1KB=8Kb。 除去必要的IP层开销外,200KB/秒? 2Mbit/秒,400KB/秒?4Mbit/秒, 如此类推„„ Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 上面截图的471KB/秒,也就是表示本 次下载占用的带宽约4.7M 。 二、几款主流网速测试软件 提供一款免费多语言版本的测速软件NetWorx多语言版本下载(点击下载)(功能请见下面附图,点击截图看大图)。 另外,目前在网上搜索"测速软件"关键字,可以搜索出许多类似的软件,但是我们在实际应用中用得最多的还是:DU Meter和Bandwidth Meter 2001这两款,大家认为这两款测速软件所测试的数据比较客观。 这些测速软件和测速网站使用起来非常简单。要注意的是,虽然在本文主要介绍的是宽带网络速度测试方法,但在实际中无论目前何种接入方式都适用,包括普通的56K Modem,只要连上网络即可测试,而且还可测试局域网数据传输速度哩~下面就分别简单介绍一下这两款测速软件。 1. DU Meter 这款软件可以从网上搜索下载。安装后即自动在状态栏中出现一个如图所示的窗口和图标。"DU Meter"在图中的图标也非常形象,是由向上和向下的箭头组成,分别代表下行和上行通道。没有数据传输时呈红色,有数据时才呈绿色。 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 在窗口中的DL和UL分别代表"Downloaded"(下载)速率和"UPloaded"(上传)速率。通常我们浏览网页我们主要看到"DL"这一边会出现数据,因为我们浏览网页时需要从网站上下载网页放入缓存,对应图标中只有向下的箭头呈绿色,表示下行通道有数据传输。而"UL"通常只有在发送邮件,或者在网站上提交有关信息时才会出现,当然只有在上行通道中有数据传输时才呈绿色。其实在图示中如果上、下行通道都有数据传输会出现两种不同颜色的速度指示柱,代表上、下行速度高低。 要注意的一点是这里的速度单位是"KB/sec",也就是指的是"Kbyte/s"(千字节/秒),而不是通常在广告中看到的"Kbps"(Kbit/s)(千位/秒)。我们知道1byte=8bit,所以这里所显示的速度并不是广告中所看到的2MB,而只有几百K,原因就在这里。 这款软件唯一要注意的是所监视的网络设备的选择,因为如果在您的计算机上安装有多个网络设备,如有普通Modem、ADSL用的网卡、局域网用的网卡就可能有不同的数据。选择软件监视网络设备的方法是在状态中的软件图标上单击鼠标右键,在出现的快捷菜单中选择"Options"选项,如图所示。打开的对话框如图所示。在这个对话框中的"Network interface to monitor"下拉列表中选择相应的设备。如果是想监测与互联网相连的诸如ADSL之类的宽带速度,则要选择正确相应的网络设备(通常为以太网卡)。 我们可以看到,在如图所示对话框中还有许多标签项选项可以设置,但由于比较简单,在此就不作详细介绍了。但是这个软件还有一个非常有用的功能,就是对上网时间的统计,这对于 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 非包月用户来讲非常有用,可以及时掌握当月已上网时间,以免超出自己的时间。 2. Bandwidth Meter 2001 这同也是一款应用非常广网速测试软件,可以从网上下载得到,最新版本为2.0.0。安装后与"DU meter"类似,也将在状态栏中以图标和窗口形式出现,如图所示。 在图中窗口也分"Download"(下载)和"Upload"(上传)两种通道速率列,其各自的含义与DU软件中对应一致,在此就不再赘述了。但与DU不同的是在这个软件的速度指示窗口中不仅提供了这两个通道的即时速率,还提供了前一段时间的平均速率,参见图所示,一面的数字是即时速率,下面是平均速率。 要正确使用这个软件来测试网络速度也需先选择好相应的监视设备,因为Bandwidth Meter 2001这款软件同样既可以应用在互联网网络传输速度的测试,也可以应用于局域网速度测试。调出监视设备选择对话框的方法是在状态栏图标上单击鼠标右键,在出现的快捷菜单中选?quot;Tools"下的"Configuration"选项,如图所示。 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 所打开的对话框如图所示。这个对话框中的各选项要根据当前系统的不同配置有不同的选项,它会把当前系统中的所有网络接口(包括软件网络接口)列出来,以供用户选择。通常如果要监视与互联网连接的宽带速度,则应选择相应的网卡。选择好后记住一定要单击"Apply"来使所选生效。因为系统默认是不选择任何选项,如果没有选择,则在如图所示指话框不会出现任何数据。 在上面我们介绍DU软件时说到这款软件除了提供速度监视外,还提供了上网时间统计这样非常有用的工具。在这款Bandwidth Meter 2001虽然没有提供这个功能,但却提供了一些网络小工具,如网络监视和跟踪。 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed
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