

2018-05-05 22页 doc 774KB 47阅读




达芬奇到底有多厉害达芬奇到底有多厉害 关于达?芬奇,大家都不会陌生,从小时候就持之以恒的画鸡蛋的小娃娃(已被辟谣是编造的),闻名世界的蒙娜丽莎,还有就是那些年为人们津津乐道的《达芬奇密码》,列奥纳多?达?芬奇这位充满神秘色彩的天才可谓是从未来穿越回去的人„„ 1. 意大利文艺复兴三杰之一,也是整个欧洲文艺复兴时期最完美的代表。他是一位思想深邃,学识渊博,多才多艺的画家、寓言家、雕塑家、发明家、哲学家、音乐家、医学家、生物学家、地理学家、建筑工程师和军事工程师。达芬奇老年自画像: 2. 达芬奇最著名的作平之一《蒙娜丽莎》,1503年—1...
达芬奇到底有多厉害 关于达?芬奇,大家都不会陌生,从小时候就持之以恒的画鸡蛋的小娃娃(已被辟谣是编造的),闻名世界的蒙娜丽莎,还有就是那些年为人们津津乐道的《达芬奇密码》,列奥纳多?达?芬奇这位充满神秘色彩的天才可谓是从未来穿越回去的人„„ 1. 意大利文艺复兴三杰之一,也是整个欧洲文艺复兴时期最完美的代表。他是一位思想深邃,学识渊博,多才多艺的画家、寓言家、雕塑家、发明家、哲学家、音乐家、医学家、生物学家、地理学家、建筑工程师和军事工程师。达芬奇老年自画像: 2. 达芬奇最著名的作平之一《蒙娜丽莎》,1503年—1507年,收藏于巴黎卢浮宫。绘画是我们最常见到的达芬奇的成就,那么他在其他领域的神奇之处都有什么, cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 3. 子宫内的胎儿图,达芬奇发现了血液的功能,认为血液对人体 起着新陈代谢的作用,并认为了血液是不断循环的。 4. 达芬奇关于人体比例的作品??《维特鲁威人》。达芬奇依照 维特鲁威的描述画了《建筑人体比例图》,在代表宇宙秩序的方和 圆中,放入了一个人体。 5. 达芬奇的《胚胎研究》,约在公元1510年。 cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 6. 达芬奇掌握了人体解剖知识,从解剖学入手,研究了人体各部 分的构造。他最先采用蜡来表现人脑的内部结构,也是设想用玻 璃和陶瓷制作心脏和眼睛的第一人。 7. 达?芬奇认为老年人的死因之一是动脉硬化,而产生动脉硬化 的原因是缺乏运动。后来,英国科学家哈维证实和发展了这些生 理解剖学的成果。 cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 8. 达芬奇重新发现了液体压力的概念,提出了连通器原理。 9. 水下呼吸装置、拉动装置、发条传动装置、滚珠装置、反向螺旋、差动螺旋、风速计和陀螺仪,达?芬奇将他无数的奇思妙想呈现在世人面前。 10. 由于着迷飞行现象,达芬奇作了鸟类飞行的详细研究,同时策划了数部飞行机器,包括了以4个人力运作的直升机以及轻型滑翔翼。西元1496年1月3日,他曾测试了一部自制飞行机器但cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 失败。 11. 由于达芬奇曾任军事工程师,笔记中也包含了数种军事机械的设计:机关枪、人力或以马拉动的武装坦克车、子母弹、军用降落伞、含呼吸软管以猪皮制成的潜水装等等。 12. 达?芬奇睡眠法,他创造的定时短期睡眠延时工作法甚为人们所称道。这一方法是通过对睡与不睡的硬性规律性调节来提高时间利用率,即每工作4小时睡15分钟。这样, 一昼夜花在睡眠上的时间累计只有不足1.5(24/4.25*1/4 = 1.41)小时,从而争取到更多的时间工作。 13. 达?芬奇研究测量太阳距离的手稿。达?芬奇对传统的“地球中心说”持否定的观点。他认为地球不是太阳系的中心,更不是宇宙的中心,而只是一颗绕太阳运转的行星,太阳本身是不运动的。达?芬奇还认为月亮自身并不发光,它只是反射太阳的光cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 辉。他的这些观点的提出早于哥白尼的“日心说”,甚至在当时,达?芬奇就可能在幻想利用太阳能了。 14. 达?芬奇设计的密码筒内有一个装着醋液的容器,如果强行砸烂密码筒,醋液就会流出溶解莎草纸。要打开密码筒,必须解开一个5位数的密码,密码筒上有5个转盘,每个转盘上都有26个字母,可能作为密码的排列组合多达11881376种。 15. 达芬奇机器人,大约于1495年所设计的仿人型机械。 16. 达芬奇机械音乐盒 cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 17. 达?芬奇机械狮子 18. 达?芬奇在夏多昂布瓦斯城设计出武装坦克车 19. 达?芬奇反对经院哲学家们把过去的教义和言论作为知识基础,他鼓励人们向大自然学习,到自然界中寻求知识和真理。他认为知识起源于实践,只有从实践出发,通过实践去探索科学的奥秘。他说“理论脱离实践是最大的不幸”,“实践应以好的理论为基础” cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and 20. 他说:“真理只有一个,他不是在宗教之中,而是在科学之中。”达?芬奇的实验工作方法为后来哥白尼、伽利略、开普勒、爱因斯坦、牛顿等人的发明创造开辟了新的道路。 21. 达芬奇终其一生每天都在做笔记,在去世后留下了大批未经整理的手稿,皆以个人独特的左手镜像反写字书写,难以解读,神秘吊诡,如迷语,密码字集作为注释标注在解构精准美丽的图画周围。这些需要通过镜子反射才能顺利阅读的“镜书”丢失世间200多年,直到1817年才重见天日,其手稿长达7000多页,现存5000多页,涵盖的主题包括天文学,解剖学,光学,绘画技巧,数学甚至人控飞行。他对人体,自然法则,生理机能的理解超越那个时代数世纪,至今仍在影响科学研究,他是现代世界的预言家,是人类发展历史长河的史诗,如今人类发明出来的飞机、坦克、甚至机器人,在15世纪的达芬奇手稿中早已涉及。他的手稿页被称为一部15世纪科学技术的真正百科全书。 cadre education and training system, extensive village (community) training cadres, party members of using distance education site to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of education and training. 5 years development members 32. New development of party members in senior high school or above 70 per cent respectively above, members overall quality improved significantly. Third, strengthening village-level party organization of cultivating reserve cadres, each village each year to determine the 1-2 focus on training the young reserve cadres at the village level. Four is in village level affairs management aspects, sound and perfect has village two Board Joint system and village works public democratic decision system; further specification has village level financial management, 16 a village, and community all implemented village fiscal town tube; established and
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