

2017-09-17 12页 doc 36KB 40阅读




民生银行及招商银行信用卡收费标准民生银行及招商银行信用卡收费标准 民生银行信用卡收费标准 收费项目 收费标准 备 注 主卡 人民币100元 年费按年预先收普卡 取,核卡后2个月附属卡 人民币50元 内刷卡1笔即可豁主卡 人民币300元 年费 免首年年费,当年金卡 刷本卡消费8次免附属卡 人民币150元 次年年费 女人花异型卡/奥运MINI 卡:50元/卡 持卡人成功申请时卡片工本费 欧珀莱晶钻卡:20元/卡 收取 id卡:160元/卡 人民币:本行0.5%,跨行持卡人以信用卡在 1%预借现金额,最低人民银行柜台或ATM预 币1元 借现金时收取...
民生银行及招商银行信用卡收费标准 民生银行信用卡收费标准 收费项目 收费标准 备 注 主卡 人民币100元 年费按年预先收普卡 取,核卡后2个月附属卡 人民币50元 内刷卡1笔即可豁主卡 人民币300元 年费 免首年年费,当年金卡 刷本卡消费8次免附属卡 人民币150元 次年年费 女人花异型卡/奥运MINI 卡:50元/卡 持卡人成功申请时卡片工本费 欧珀莱晶钻卡:20元/卡 收取 id卡:160元/卡 人民币:本行0.5%,跨行持卡人以信用卡在 1%预借现金额,最低人民银行柜台或ATM预 币1元 借现金时收取; 预借现金手续费 民生ATM及柜台领外币:3%预借现金额,最回溢缴款不收手续低3美元 费 持卡人在逾期,未 全额还款情况下, 透支利率(每日) 0.5‰ 本期账单不享受免 息还款待遇,透支 利率0.5‰计息 最低还款额未还部分的 5, 持卡人如未于每月 最低人民币10元或1美最后还款日前还清滞纳金 元 当期最低还款额或 (币种与相应的最低还延迟还款时收取 款额相同) 初始所有客户默认 均不开通超限功交易超限时按超限部分能,客户可以通过超限费 的3%收取超限费,最低短信上行或致电客10元 服开通、关闭卡片 超限功能 美元:VISA,JCB卡免收, 万事达卡收取交易金额当发生非人民币交外币交易手续费 的1% 易时收取 非美元:收取交易金额的 1.5% days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 持卡人因信用卡损 坏申请新卡时收 损坏换卡手续费 人民币20元/卡 取,可致电本行客 服热线办理补发新 卡手续 挂失补发新卡免补挂失手续费 人民币60元/卡 卡手续费 快速发卡手续费 人民币160元/卡 非加急:人民币10元/份, 自索取日起前三个月内持卡人索取对账单 免费; 时收取,每份列印补制对账单手续费 加急:人民币30元/份,一个月的账务信 每次另收20元邮寄费,息; 邮寄费按次收取; 持卡人申请调阅签 账单服务,经查证境内:人民币50元,份 调阅签账单手续费 认定交易确为持卡境外:25美元,份 人或其附属卡持卡 人所为时收取 持卡人因遗忘交易 补制交易密码函 人民币15元 密码申请补制交易 密码时收取 柜台交易:本行免费,他 行人民币20元,笔或3 美元,笔 ATM交易:人民币:本行持卡人申请领回溢溢缴款领回手续费 免费,他行1,领回金额,缴款时收取 最低人民币1元;外币: 3,领回金额,最低3美 元 持卡人申请加急寄 卡片,密码函快递手续费 每封信函人民币25元 送卡片/密码信封 时收取 预借现金 175 美元/笔 持卡人在境外遗失 卡片后,向相应国境外紧急服务手续际组织申请紧急取费 紧急补卡 175 美元/笔 现或补发紧急替代 卡等服务时收取 3期2.6%、6期4.2%、9手续费用采取一次自由分期付款手续费 期6.3%、12期7.2% 性全额收取 30元/次或从持卡人账户每年可免费兑换一航空里程兑换手续费 中扣除15000积分 次,每次最高可兑 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 换5万航空里程, 超出免费次数后, 兑换费用将按照收 费标准收取 当持卡人要求开具 还款证明、纯费用开具证明文件手续费 人民币50元/次 逾期证明、额度证 明以及资料证明时 收取 交易信息短信通知费 人民币3元/月/户 汽车道路救援服务费 人民币80元/年/户 此费用将从持卡人意外免还款服务费 人民币20元/年/户 银行信用卡账户中 自动扣收 此费用将从持卡人 存有溢缴款的已销卡账销户后第6个月开销户后账户管理费 户: 人民币5元/月/户 始计收,直 至将溢 缴款扣至为零 注:1、表中美元标注的收费,当持卡人信用卡外汇账户结算币种为除美元外的其他外币时,则以与美元标注收费的等值外币收取。2、信用卡转帐视为预借现金。 招行 young卡 费用详情 附属卡年普卡年费50元 费: 滞纳金: 最低收费为10元 最低还款额未还部分的5% 超限费: 本地同行取最低收费为10元 交易金额的1% 最高收费为20元 现: 本地跨行取交易金额的1% 最低收费为10元 最高收费为20元 现: 异地同行取交易金额的1% 最低收费为8元 最高收费为100元 现: 异地跨行取交易金额的1% 最低收费为10元 最高收费为20元 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 现: 境外银联取交易金额的3% 最低收费为3美元 现: 境外非银联交易金额的3% 取现: 境外应急取交易金额的3% 最低收费为3美元 现: 本地同行溢交易金额的0.5% 最低收费为5元 缴款领回: 本地跨行溢最低收费为5元 最高收费为50元 缴款领回: 异地同行溢最低收费为5元 最高收费为50元 交易金额的0.5% 缴款领回: 异地跨行溢交易金额的0.5% 最低收费为5元 最高收费为50元 缴款领回: 境外银联溢交易金额的0.5% 最低收费为5元 最高收费为50元 缴款领回: 境外非银联 溢缴款领交易金额的0.5% 最低收费为5元 最高收费为50元 回: 境外应急补VISA卡手续费175美元 MasterCard卡手续费156美元 卡手续费: 换卡工本换卡工本费每卡或每套15元 费: 快递费: 20元 补制(寄) 对账单手续3期之前免费 以后每期收费为5元 费: 挂失费: 挂失费每卡或每套收费为60元 重置密码函每封15元 手续费: 调阅国内签50元 20元 购单: 8美元 5美元 调阅国外签 购单: days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 主卡年费: 普卡双币卡年费140元 免年费政策: 免首年年费,刷卡6次免次年年费 预借现金额信用额度的100% 度: 免息期: 25天到 56天 消费验证方签名 签名+密码 式: 循环信用利息每天收取利息0.05% (日息): 消费短信通知1500元以上大额消费免费,1500元以下的消费短信通知提醒每3个月12元,并赠送失卡保 费: 险 最低还款: 最低应还所欠金额的10% 账单日: 随机生成,在卡片有效期内可更改一次 网上支付: 每日消费U盾验证最高10000元 每日消费手机验证最高5000元 积分 积分方式: 消费1元积1分 取现1元积1分 消费1美元积8分 取现1美元积8分 积分有效期: 按账单年计算,第一天的积分2年有效,最后一天的积分1年有效 分期 分期申请: 电话申请、网站申请 分期类型: 单笔分期、商场分期、邮购分期 分期起分金Y-power卡单笔起分金额为500元 额: 分期期数费3期:0.72% 6期:0.72% 9期:0.72% 12期:0.72% 18期:0.72% 24期:0.72% 率: 扣除方式: 按期收取 提前还款规需一次性偿还所有本金,并不返还已扣除的手续费 定: days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow
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