
2010年深圳车辆年检 深圳车辆年审

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2010年深圳车辆年检 深圳车辆年审2010年深圳车辆年检 深圳车辆年审 2010年深圳车辆年检 什么时候汽车年检 小型、微型非营运载客汽车6年以内每2年检验1次;超过6年的,每年检验1次;超过15年的,每年检测2次,尾气检测随年检日期(即领取一年有效期的“黄/绿标”)。 其他车辆车型年检规定: 营运载客汽车5年以内每年年检1次;超过5年的,每6个月年检1次。 载货汽车和大型、中型非营运载客汽车10年以内每年年审1次;超过10年的,每6个月年审1次。 摩托车4年以内每2年年审1次;超过4年的,每年年检1次。 分享一点我们自己的经验:行驶证副本上面...
2010年深圳车辆年检 深圳车辆年审
2010年深圳车辆年检 深圳车辆年审 2010年深圳车辆年检 什么时候汽车年检 小型、微型非营运载客汽车6年以内每2年检验1次;超过6年的,每年检验1次;超过15年的,每年检测2次,尾气检测随年检日期(即领取一年有效期的“黄/绿标”)。 其他车辆车型年检规定: 营运载客汽车5年以内每年年检1次;超过5年的,每6个月年检1次。 载货汽车和大型、中型非营运载客汽车10年以内每年年审1次;超过10年的,每6个月年审1次。 摩托车4年以内每2年年审1次;超过4年的,每年年检1次。 分享一点我们自己的经验:行驶证副本上面印有检验有效期,年审一般下午比上午的速度快,检测站排队车辆也相对较少,根据目前情况可预算半天时间前往,车管所上班审核资料时间为:星期一至五,09:00-17:00,而深圳各处检测站会在8点钟,提前一小时上班。 汽车年检时都要带齐什么 车。行驶证。正副本齐全。 有效期内的道路交通强制保险单(即交强险的副本),如果副本页已丢失,就带上交强险的正本,并且A4纸复印一下。 车船税缴纳单,一般情况下这个税费与交强险同在一张单上。深圳自09年始,购买交强险的同时必须车船税一起缴纳。 身份证和身份证复印件;公司单位的车需要公司代码证及代办人的身份。 汽车年审前做什么准备 检查车辆是否存在违章记录,如有到交警队缴清违章(违章查询)。 车辆年检应尽量提前前往,因为众多车主在年检过线时,才发现车辆违章被卡,无法正常年审。 灭火器(大型汽车必须)、停车标志(三角架)。 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 年检一定要赶前别赶后,每月初验车会很快。 年审的具体是什么?这里以梅林车管所对面的恒顺通机动车检测站作为年审流程例子来个现场讲解。 第一步:先把三角架取出置于副驾座位,将车驶上预检车位,免熄火离开车辆,工作人员会接应。 第二步:到2号窗口递上行驶证,进行“汽车资料录入”并在1号窗进行交费共150元(见附图一)(检测收费一览表)。得到一张“手写式的发票”内容是检测费、拓印费、照相,以及“领回行驶证”与“初验凭证”的小单。此时工作人员会告诉你,请前往最里面的3号窗等待。 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 领取到的资料: 初验凭证 交费发票 拓印车架码专用的纸条 领回行驶证 第三步:此时车辆检测进行中ing„„外观检验;尾废气检测、即汽油车排气污染物排放双怠速检测或柴油车自由加速烟度排放检测;前轮侧滑量检测;制动性能(刹车)检测;前照灯检测;喇叭噪声检测、等等 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 第四步:车辆已经通过检测流水线工作台,检测一切顺利,凭1号窗口所取 的资料在3号窗(见附图二)领取“检测结果单”,此时站长会在报告单上面 盖上几个章—>合格:P。同时取得免费停车放行条,检测站地方小要先把车开出 站外停放。 一般新车都很容易过关,如果不合格的车辆,需要到旁边的汽修厂调试后重 新上线,当然要再交一次基本检测费。 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 领到资料: 检测结果报告单(这是车辆机械方面的检验报告) 这是车辆外观的检验报告;车架号拓印码就贴在上面)未 机动车查验记录表( 上检测线之前先拓印车架码,或者过完检测流水线后再补回拓印车架码。 第五步:《办证室》核发检验合格标志(见附图三),填写《机动车牌证申请 表》如何填写,见附图。 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 上交资料: 检测结果报告单 机动车查验记录表 行驶证 交强险保单-副本页 机动车牌证申请表(填写格式,见附图) demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 车主身份证或居住证;如果是代办,同时提供代办人的证件。 车辆已通过检测线,也拿到各项检测数据后,还必须通过电脑把这些资料传送给车管所审核,得等审核通过以后,才能在行驶证上面盖章,最快也得等半个小时以上。 此时得到的资料:行驶证年审取证凭证(可坐着一旁,等待工作人员叫车牌号) 第六步:车管所审核通过后,会在行驶证副本上面盖章,并且核发“机动车检验合格标志”(贴于前挡风玻璃左上角)。另外“机动车检验合格标志”,此标后面和行驶证副证上均打印有效期。 第七步:到窗口4 报上车牌号码,领取 黄绿标志(贴于前挡风玻璃左上角)。到此年审完毕。 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 年检费用多少——目前合计:150元(于2010-7月更新) 可以委托别人年审吗?——可以,需要委托人提供本人的身份证明,备齐车主的相关手续。(推荐一个 代办年审) 在外地年检可以吗?需要什么手续? 可以,车主凭行驶证和机动车第三者责任强制保险凭证到住地车管分所申请办理《委托核发机动车检验合格标志通知》,车管分所审核合格的,填写《机动车委 托检验通知书》,在《机动车行驶证》副证上加盖“委托检验”章,交机动车所有人。在外地检验合格后,外省市车管所应当将委托通知书的回执单和《机动车定期 检验登记表》寄回本市车管所,由本市车管所在计算机登记系统内记载定期检验记录。 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 注意:大型客车、涉及道路交通安全违法行为和交通事故未处理完毕的机动车,不予办理委托检验。 深圳市交警局从2007年10月8日起在深圳市全部(共23家)机动车安全技术检验机构派驻民警,并开设核发机动车检验合格标志业务和非现场执法交通违法处理业务。车辆年检可在机动车安全技术检验机构享受一站式服务。深圳市汽车年审年检地址及电话如下: 一、市内各机动车安全性能检测站(定期检测换标,深圳市共23家检测站) 福田区: 深圳市泰然五路机动车检测-站福田区福田区车公庙天安数码城F5.8栋(天吉大厦)首层B2单元【83426338||83421100】 深圳市八卦四路机动车检测-站福田区福田区八卦四路9号【282412197】周一至周六上午8时至下午5:30分 深圳市皇岗口岸汽车检测站-福田区福田区福强路1021号 【83395660||83758072】周一至周六上午8时至下午5:30分 深圳市恒顺通机动车检测站-福田区福田区梅林路5号广仁大楼一楼(梅林车管所正对面)【83128333||25530122】周一至周六上午8时至下午5时30分 深圳市通盛汽车服务有限公司-福田区福田区红荔路2001号四川大厦附楼【83269696||83673568】 深圳市葆润汽车检测有限公司-福田区福田区侨香路沙河建材区恒通水泥制品厂区【26923623】 罗湖区: 深圳市桃园路机动车检测站-罗湖区罗湖区桃园路6-8号 【82263448||82415616】 深圳市红岭北路机动车检测站-罗湖区罗湖区红岭北路3002号梅园仓库区9号楼【25846135||82263774】 深圳市泥岗西路机动车检测站-罗湖区罗湖区泥岗西路1006华日汽车大厦1楼【82430445||82438878】 深圳市莲塘聚福路汽车检测站-罗湖区罗湖区莲塘聚福路鹏基工业区703栋首层【25700223||25700282】 深圳市东昌路机动车检测站-罗湖区罗湖区布心东昌路42号新永通大楼【25817396||25818866-3299】 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 南山区: 深圳市南山大道汽车检测站-南山区南山区南山大道南园工业大厦一楼【26068068||26068993】 深圳市龙珠大道汽车安全检测站-南山区南山区龙珠大道龙井中路训考场【26795870||26795871||83930749】 深圳市深南大道机动车检测站-南山区南山区麻雀岭工业区(深圳大学北门对面) 盐田区: 深圳市沙盐路汽车检测站-盐田区盐田区沙头角太平洋工业区1栋2406号【25220230】 宝安区: 深圳市龙华机动车检测站-宝安区宝安区龙华镇第三工业区5栋【27708056】 深圳市西乡机动车检测站-宝安区宝安区西乡镇臣田107国道边【26171091||27936304】 深圳市松岗机动车检测站-宝安区宝安区松岗镇107国道松岗段169号 12:00 下午14:00-18:00 星期日公共假期休【27095011||27096218】上午8:00- 息 深圳市明达汽车检测有限公司-宝安区宝安区光明街道光明大街北区(运输公司大院内)【27401288||27402188】 深圳石岩顺安汽车检测站-宝安区宝安区石岩镇洲石公路万大工业区A1幢首层【81791099】 龙岗区: 深圳市龙岗机动车检测站-龙岗区龙岗区龙岗街道办事处深汕路257号【84820901||84820902】周一至周五上午8:00-12:00下午2:00-5:00 。周六、日或其它时间有检测人员值班可预约服务。 深圳市坪地机动车检测站-龙岗区龙岗区坪地镇坪西路口深惠路1号【84083518】 深圳市布吉李朗机动车检测站-龙岗区龙岗区布吉镇李朗大道南岭石材市场C区39号【84031766||84031755】 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge 二、未确定环保分类标志种类车辆的黄绿标领取点、标志补领及标志的复核更改点:市环保局机动车尾气复检点。电话:83127392、83799134。地址:福田区上梅林中康北路往北直行至二线铁丝网右转(或凯丰路向北至汇龙花园左转,环境监测大楼后面)。 最后分享一下关于车辆开出外地以后,在外地办理年检的,即异地年审的办理,以及年检委托书的写法 实际上办理异地年检,跟本地办理基本上是一样的,只是车主需要提供一个“年检委托书,这个委托书需要到车管所部门开去加盖印章,下面是年审委托书的一份样式,有需要的可以根据这个,填入相关资料即可。 办理机动车业务委托授权书 ××市公安局公安交通管理局车辆管理所: 兹授权被委托人(代办人)代表 (车辆所有人)办理(委托代办范围)业务。 机动车所有人确认:经办人在申请上述业务时签署的文件、提供的资料有效,代表机动车所有人的意愿。 委托办理车号牌或识别代号 。 本委托有效期:?年?月?日至?年?月?日。 本授权为经办业务授权,再次委托无效。 机动车所有人(盖章): 授权经办日期:?年?月?日 demonstration created, strictly implement the "two open three clear three understand" village affairs and democratic management system, build "sunshine village"; on the other hand grasping the education and management of Party members, solidly carry out the "primary school education, Party members and spring training and to commemorate the founding of 94 years of a series of activities, through studying the party constitution, the oath of the temperature, lectures, check problem, listen to the views, warmth, enhance the cohesion and Party member of Party organization of belonging sense. Torreya grandis; (II) to drive out of poverty for the first priority, and efforts to promote development. In view of the new village collective economic income status, financing 48 million yuan the proposed 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power station a grid connected power generation after the village collective annual income of 6 million yuan, at present is being docked bidding matters will be 5 million yuan to send special funds to invest invest to the villagers self-management, alg plate mesh factory every year for the village collective income of 5000 yuan; the village of three big Tang open contract, each year village collective income of 5000 yuan; 160 acres of collective Shanchang shares to the villagers to plant seedlings, is expected to 3 years after the village collective income 3 million yuan. In Qinglong mountain soil The use of per mu, the person in charge
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