

2017-09-29 10页 doc 49KB 79阅读




郑州丹尼斯简介郑州丹尼斯简介 郑州丹尼斯百货于1995年正式筹建,是台湾东裕集团麾下一家集百货、大卖场、便利店与物流中心等业态为一体的零售事业集团,也是国务院在全国范围内选定的两家台商百货零售试点之一,在省政府与市政府各级领导的大力协助下,丹尼斯百货于1997年11月16日胜利开业。 丹尼斯百货是一座独栋、线条简明、服务设施齐备、具有现代化风格的建筑,并纯为百货经营而设计,亦为永续经营而规划。分属地下一层,地上七层,共计八层,每层建筑面4200平方米,营业面积3116平方米,加上后栋设备楼的面积3000平方米,总建筑面积45000平方米...
郑州丹尼斯简介 郑州丹尼斯百货于1995年正式筹建,是台湾东裕集团麾下一家集百货、大卖场、便利店与物流中心等业态为一体的零售事业集团,也是国务院在全国范围内选定的两家台商百货零售试点之一,在省政府与市政府各级领导的大力协助下,丹尼斯百货于1997年11月16日胜利开业。 丹尼斯百货是一座独栋、线条简明、服务设施齐备、具有现代化风格的建筑,并纯为百货经营而设计,亦为永续经营而规划。分属地下一层,地上七层,共计八层,每层建筑面4200平方米,营业面积3116平方米,加上后栋设备楼的面积3000平方米,总建筑面积45000平方米,营业面积33500平方米(占建筑面积的75%)。丹尼斯百货地处繁华商圈,客流介于外地客层与郑州本地客层的中间,由于经营规模庞大,可自成一个集市,并应肩负起串联相通,繁荣扩大的使命,共荣郑州商业。 丹尼斯百货开业后,又积极引进大卖场业态,并于1998年6月27日开设郑州市第一家量贩店(Hyper Mart),开创了百货与量贩错位经营的多元模式,向郑州市民展现全新的消费观念和都市时尚,得到消费者的热烈回响。 所谓大卖场,简单地说即万种商品,低价销售。大卖场店的经营有别于时下郑州的日用杂货店、便利店、超市(含生鲜超市)、集贸批发市场或百货商场及仓储型商场。大卖场店是流通业的另一种零售体系,其应具备以量制价、物美价廉的最高经营准则。丹尼斯大卖场对社会商业的影响有引进零售新型态:零售业形态包罗万象,有零售店、专卖店、百货商场、超级市场、大卖场、批发、仓储等业态。丹尼斯大卖场的开业,丰富郑州商业的型态,并且引进先进大卖场管理knowhow(经营技术)。带动流通业蓬勃发展:业态多元化,互相竞争,互相学习,促使商业行为发生相秉效果,使得零售流通蓬勃发展,商业讯息相对取得容易。 六年来丹尼斯不断改进经营方式并扩大连锁规模,以郑州市为核心,辐射河南省区,为中原人民生活品质的提升和商贸建设做出了积极的贡献,同时取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。丹尼斯百货开业至2003年底,销售额累计达49.2亿元,上缴税金累计达1.8亿元,营业面积已达128000平方米,总资产约计6亿元人民币,居河南省同行业之冠,曾于2002年一举迈进中国零售连锁百强第72名和单店销售百强第24名,2003年名列全国零售企业百强第79位,公司先后荣获河南省“优秀外商投资企业”,郑州市“外商投资企业综合效益先进单位”、“道德规范进千店、诚心服务创名牌活动示范店”,“消费者信得过商场”,“百城万店无假货先进单位”,“非公有制企业突出贡献奖”等荣誉称号。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 因应'菜篮子'工程:将全国最低价的商品引进郑州市场,贬抑物价上涨,间接平稳物价,促使经济发展。 丹尼斯大卖场能适时提供一个下岗职工亦能消费得起而又物美价廉、环境舒适的购物空间,开业后得到郑州市民的好评及省市领导的肯定,虽仍处于商业不景气,丹尼斯大卖场将亦有展店计划,俾给郑州的商业气息再注新血,亦能创造下岗职工再就业机会,期望丹尼斯大卖场仍尽微薄之力,以达抛砖引玉效果。 1949年,当14岁的王任生离开河南,只身一人登上高雄港码头时,连温饱都没有保障的他,对自己的前途感到一片茫然。 而今,已身为台湾东裕国际集团董事长、台湾“中华银行”监事、台湾“全国商业总会”理事、河南省投资企业协会副会长、郑州台商协会会长的他,虽已年近古稀,却依然神彩奕奕,思维敏捷,谈笑风生,白色的袝衣、 深色的领带,不但不给人一点沧桑感、老迈感,反更衬托出他的成熟,稳重与洒脱。谈起他的从商缘起,让人感觉到,他那朴素的外下,有着一颗赤子之心。 王任生所在学校的校长常说爱吃辣椒,王任生却发现,他家难得吃上一顿炒辣椒,偶尔有一次,他也总是把肉尽数发给他的女儿,轮到他只能吃辣椒了。这只是因为家贫!这件事让王任生深感震惊:“士敏国校条件如此好,其校长只能吃辣椒。将来我还有何脸面回家乡见父老乡亲,”不,不能这样~王任生暗下决心,要让自己富起来,让更多的人富起来,回报社会回报祖国~ 其时,王任生的一个学生家长蔡宝鼎是泰山电器公司董事长,应他之邀,王任生出任该公司所属圣诞灯厂厂长职务。从此,风风雨雨,怀着一颗赤字之心,怀着富国济民的匹夫之责,王任生走上了他坎坷而又辉煌的经商之路 王任生半路出家搞外贸(泰山电器搞的是100,的外贸交易),还必须管理厂里大大小小的事,操作非常之难。几年的摸爬滚打后,王任生才能应付自如。 1969年,蔡家迁往美国,王任生从泰山公司推身出来。此时,他仅有18万台币(折合4500美元)。有一次站在人生十字路口的王任生,和当年第一次登上高雄港码头一样,一别无退路。这位黄河边成长起来的汉子却永不服输,永不绝望,毅然租了一间200平方米的厂房,开始自己source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 办厂,厂房既是办公室,又是仓库兼卧室,这就是如今的“台湾东裕电器集团有限公司”的锥形。 而今,经过20多年的辛勤奋斗,东裕国际集团投资已跨及电器、塑料、加工、房地产、仪器加工、纸业包装等领域,成为拥有多元化经营的综合性跨国公司。在美国及东南亚一带有着良好的信誉和商业渠道。1995年,东裕集团已经在台湾500家大企业中名列第312位,出口创汇排名第216位。 靠着自身的勤奋与诚实、守信,王任生与美国各大百货公司的总裁都保持着良好的商业关系,在美国前100家大百货公司中有67家(如TARGET、HOME、WALGREEN)与东裕集团有着常年稳定的业务与私人往来。正是这种良好的合作关系,使王任生成为美国圣诞灯市场和圣诞礼品的最大供应商,拥有五分之二的市场占有额,因此获得了世界“圣诞灯大王”的佳誉。 1、 中心思想: 落实本地化,贯彻永续经营 2、 经营策略: (1)、巩固省区经营,以百货店为基础、大卖场为重点、便利店为补充,发挥多业态经 营的集团优势。 (2)、明确业态的专业经营,强化连锁的规模效应,并赋予各店不同的经营定位。 (3)、积极参与社会活动,倡导传统民俗节日。 (4)、引导消费观念,提升生活品质。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 3、 服务宣言: (1)、百货店:流行时尚,精致生活,全家人的丹尼斯 (2)、大卖场:天天都省钱,服务更满意,全家人的丹尼斯 (3)、便利店:生活真方便,新鲜每一天,全家人的丹尼斯 1、 战略思想:居安思危、稳扎稳打 2、 战略布局:以郑州为核心,放眼河南市场,保持企业的省级市场定位。 郑州市技术监督局授予“1997年度三包服务工作先进单位”荣誉称号 郑州市科委、商贸委、经贸委、专利局联合授予“1996----1997年度专利工作先进单位”荣誉称号; 河南省外商投资管理局、外商投资企业协会授予“1999年和2002年河南省优秀外商投资企业”荣誉称号; 中共郑州市委、市政府颁发的“2001年度振兴杯”及奖牌; 郑州市政府授予“2001年度郑州外商投资企业综合效益先进单位”荣誉称号; 郑州市委宣传部、市文明办、市商业局、市技术监督局、共青团市委联合授予“2001年度百城万店无假 货先进单位”荣誉称号; 郑州市工商局授予“2001年度免检企业”; source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of 郑州市地税局授予“2001年度诚信纳税企业”荣誉称号; 中国商业联合会授予“全国商业服务业2002年优质服务月活动先进单位”荣誉称号; 市商业局授予“道德规范进千店、诚信服务创名牌活动示范店”荣誉称号; 郑州市消费者协会授予“2002年消费者信的过商场”“2002年消费者信的过超市” 郑州市知识产权局授予“2002年专利工作先进集体”。 source of inexhaustible power and to promote economic and social development. County upper and lower must station in global of height, more deep awareness technology innovation, and talent intelligence of major meaning, zoom talent on development of support role, constantly push city WCB two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for ensure "two learn a do" learning education made effectiveness, promote global members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Communist XX provincial Organization Department issued < on "two learn a do "Learning arrangements of specific programme > of notification (x group pass (2016) 15th,) and Communist XX Municipal Office issued < on in city members in the carried out" learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members "learning education implementation programme > of notification (x do (2016) 12th,) spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, now on learning arrangements proposed following specific programme. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. study the party Constitution and party rules read read the statutes of
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