

2017-09-02 8页 doc 28KB 17阅读




大黄鱼的几种做法大黄鱼的几种做法 红烧大黄鱼 原料:大黄鱼1条 调料:酱油15克~绍酒8克~盐、糖各5克~番茄沙司5克~胡椒粉5克~味精、香油各8克~湿淀粉10克~葱段、姜片、洋葱、青红椒片各5克~色拉油100克。 制作:1、将大黄鱼宰杀~从腹部去除内脏~然后去鳞去鳃~洗净鱼体后在鱼身上斜刀45度剞上深2厘米的一字花刀~加入绍酒4克、盐2克腌渍20分钟。2、将色拉油30克放入油锅内~烧至五成热~放入葱段2克、姜片2克、洋葱2克煸炒出香~然后放入大黄鱼小火煎2分钟~再烹入绍酒4克、盐3克、番茄沙司、味精、糖、酱油、胡椒粉调味后加入清水3...
大黄鱼的几种做法 红烧大黄鱼 原料:大黄鱼1条 调料:酱油15克~绍酒8克~盐、糖各5克~番茄沙司5克~胡椒粉5克~味精、香油各8克~湿淀粉10克~葱段、姜片、洋葱、青红椒片各5克~色拉油100克。 制作:1、将大黄鱼宰杀~从腹部去除内脏~然后去鳞去鳃~洗净鱼体后在鱼身上斜刀45度剞上深2厘米的一字花刀~加入绍酒4克、盐2克腌渍20分钟。2、将色拉油30克放入油锅内~烧至五成热~放入葱段2克、姜片2克、洋葱2克煸炒出香~然后放入大黄鱼小火煎2分钟~再烹入绍酒4克、盐3克、番茄沙司、味精、糖、酱油、胡椒粉调味后加入清水350克小火焖6分钟~大火收汁后用湿淀粉勾芡~淋香油装盘。3、将剩余的葱、姜、洋葱、青红椒片放入烧至五成热的色拉油中小火滑1分钟取出后盖在大黄鱼上即可。 特点:色泽红亮~口味咸鲜软糯。 蒜瓣黄鱼 材料:黄鱼1条(约900克)~大蒜瓣12瓣~葱2根~姜2片~青蒜丝少许。 调味料:料酒1大匙~酱油3大匙~糖1大匙~醋1大匙~盐1/4茶匙~胡椒粉少许~清水1杯半。 做法: 1、黄鱼洗净~撕除头皮和背鳍~由鳃部掏净内脏~再冲净~然后用纸巾拭干水分, design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 2、锅内放4大匙油~爆香葱、姜、焦黄时捞除~放入剥净外皮的蒜瓣~水火炸至外皮微黄时捞出, 3、将鱼放入锅内两面略煎~再加入所有调味料烧开~蒜瓣回锅~改小火烧10分钟使其入味~中途要翻动鱼身~待汤汁稍收干时淋水淀粉勾芡~撒下青蒜丝即可盛出食用。 重点提示: 1、黄鱼肉十分细嫩鲜美~烧煮时皮肉易破~因此不宜切开鱼肚~以免鱼肉经过加热会破损~请店家由鳃部清理内脏~回家再冲洗即可。 2、鱼下锅前~不要用盐腌~以免鱼肉紧缩反而不嫩~擦干水分再放入锅~可防止溅油及鱼皮破裂。 基本材料 黄鱼中段250克~姜2克~ 葱20克~鸡清汤1000克~冬菇、笋丝各50克~金华火腿丝20克~软豆腐160克~鸡蛋2个~生粉15克~油、香菜各5克~大白菊、香油、精盐各3克~胡椒粉1克~酱油6克~料酒3克 1、用葱段、姜块、料酒、精盐腌制鱼10分钟后~上笼蒸6分钟取出, 2、将熟火腿、冬菇切成丝细~鸡蛋黄打散~待用, 3、将炒锅加油置旺火上~投入葱段煸出香味~舀入鸡汤煮沸~加入料酒、笋丝、冬菇丝、再煮沸后~将鱼肉同蛋黄、豆腐原汁落锅~加酱油、精盐、醋搅匀~起锅装盘~撒上菊花、熟火腿丝、姜丝和胡椒粉即可. design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 松鼠黄鱼 基本特点 鱼身炸后刀花翻起~形似松鼠~造形异常美观~颜色酱黄~光滑油亮~皮酥肉嫩~甜酸醇鲜 基本材料 主料:黄花鱼1条(600克左右为宜)。调料:植物油800克(实耗约100克)~熟大油30克~鸡汤60克~香菜6克~湿淀粉70克~白糖60克~料酒15克~盐少放~酱油15克~醋40克~葱末5克~姜末5克~蒜末5克。 (1)将黄花鱼的鳞、鳃、鳍去掉~割下鱼头另放。开膛掏出内脏~洗干净后~用刀顺脊骨片成仅剩鱼尾相连的两半~把脊柱骨和小刺全剔除掉。然后~在两半鱼片的靠内脏面用刀剞成麦穗形花纹(深0.5厘米、宽0.3厘米)。 (2)撒上一层盐~滴上一层料酒~涂上一层湿淀粉。 (3)在炒勺内倒入植物油~放在旺火上烧热~先把鱼头炸一下~捞出后用刀劈开拍扁。当油开始冒青烟时~把鱼放入炸成焦黄色~捞出来~与炸好的鱼头对在一起平放于盘中。 (4)把料酒、酱油、鸡汤、白糖、醋等加在一起~调成芡汁待用。 (5)在炒勺内放入熟大油烧热~下入葱、姜、蒜末~煸炒几下后~烹入调好 干 蒸 黄 鱼 原 料 黄 鱼2 尾 约1000 克肉 丝100 克泡 辣 椒 丝25 克 葱 姜 丝、 香 菇 丝、 冬 笋 丝、 榨 菜 丝25 克 制 法 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 黄 鱼 洗 净~ 两 侧 剞 一 字 花 刀~ 用 料 酒、 盐、 葱 姜、 胡 椒 粉 腌 半 小 时, 另 锅 下 油~ 煸 炒 肉 丝~ 下 泡 辣 椒 丝、 葱 姜 丝 煸 炒~ 再 放 入 香 菇 丝、 冬 笋 丝、 榨 菜 丝~ 加 酱 油、 胡 椒 粉、 料 酒、 味 精 炒 匀~ 出 锅 后 浇 在 鱼 上, 上 笼 蒸 熟~ 取 出 后 在 表 面 撒 葱 丝~ 浇 些 热 油 即 成。 熘鱼片 ?原料:黄鱼、猪油各500克~白糖、干淀粉各20克~精盐5克~湿淀粉3克~味精3克~糟卤40克~水发木耳、鲜汤各15克。 ?制法:1.黄鱼洗净去骨切成薄片~加精盐、蛋清、干淀粉拌匀上浆~放冰箱中涨发该片,2.放猪油烧至三成熟时~将鱼片散落下锅~当鱼片浮起翻白时即用漏勺捞起,3.原锅放鲜汤、精盐~将鱼片轻轻地放入锅里~用小火烧滚后~加糟卤、白糖、精盐、味精后~将湿淀粉淋入勾薄芡~提锅将鱼片翻个身~淋上热猪油~出锅即可。 油淋黄鱼 原料:黄鱼 1 条,约 750 克,。 调料:葱丝 15 克~姜末、香葱末、红椒丝各 5 克~蒜油 10 克~色拉油 1000 克~鲍鱼汁 15 克~美极鲜 8 克~生抽 5 克~盐、味精各 8 克~鸡精 10 克~高汤 50 克。 制作:1、黄鱼宰杀~从腹部开刀~去除内脏~然后去鳞、去鳃~洗净。2、将洗净的鱼从腹部入刀将鱼沿中骨一剖为二~然后用盐、味精腌渍 15 分钟。3、将腌渍好的黄鱼放入烧至四成热的色拉油中小design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure 火浸炸 2 分钟后取出~放入蒸箱内大火蒸 5 分钟后取出。4、将鲍 鱼汁、高汤、美极鲜、生抽、鸡精调成汁~然后倒在黄鱼上~再放上 葱丝、姜末、香葱末、红椒丝装饰~淋上烧至十成热的蒜油即可。 特点:口味独特~造型大气。 注:蒜油的制作:将 100 克蒜切成厚 0.5 厘米的片~然后放入烧至 七成热的 200 克色 design of urban bridge (CJJ 11-2011), General specification for design of highway bridges and culverts (JTG D60-2004) code for design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete Highway (JTG D62-2004) of the highway bridge design specifications for masonry (JTG D61-2005) code for design of highway bridge and culvert 1, course name: car air conditioning repair Mo Zhen, Editor 2, course code: 3, credits/units: 160 hours 4, major: automobile maintenance and testing specialty second nature and task 1, course, course: this course is a professional course of automobile maintenance and testing specialty. 2, task: the teaching of this module is to the automotive air conditioning repair class teaching in conjunction with training courses, small-class teaching and practical training in the teaching process, theory for sufficient degree, with a focus on fostering students ' practical skills. Through this module students learn can master the skills of maintenance of auto air conditioning; theory with practice, testing, analysis, judgement and skill to help troubleshoot auto air conditioning in common, which reflect the automobile application technologySummary of excavation of Foundation pit engineering below refers to the surface of a supporting system of underground space and its supporting. To ensure
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