

2017-09-02 10页 doc 34KB 11阅读




物理疗法基本常识0001张启山物理疗法基本常识0001张启山 第一章 绪论 (Introduction) 第一节 理疗学定义、简史、范围 理疗学又称物理治疗学(Physical Therapy)是研究应用物理因子作用人体以提高健康水平、保健、预防和治疗疾病,促进病后机体康复,延缓衰老等的专门学科。 理疗学是一门既古老又年轻的学科,公元前7000年的石器时代,当时原始人利用阳光、砭石、石针、水和按摩等治疗疾病,维护健康。我国以及古希腊、埃及、罗马的早期文献、记载阳光、热水浴、冷水浴、体操、按摩等防治疾病的作用。公元前5,3世纪(春秋战国时期)黄帝内...
物理疗法基本常识0001张启山 第一章 绪论 (Introduction) 第一节 理疗学定义、简史、范围 理疗学又称物理治疗学(Physical Therapy)是研究应用物理因子作用人体以提高健康水平、保健、预防和治疗疾病,促进病后机体康复,延缓衰老等的专门学科。 理疗学是一门既古老又年轻的学科,公元前7000年的石器时代,当时原始人利用阳光、砭石、石针、水和按摩等治疗疾病,维护健康。我国以及古希腊、埃及、罗马的早期文献、记载阳光、热水浴、冷水浴、体操、按摩等防治疾病的作用。公元前5,3世纪(春秋战国时期)黄帝内经(素问篇)详述了攻达(针灸)、角(拔罐)、药熨(温热)、导引(呼吸体操)、按骄(按摩)、浸渍发汗(水疗)等物理疗法。春秋战国时期名医扁鹊常用针灸、砭石、熨贴、按摩等治病。我国是世界上最早用矿泉水、磁场治疗疾病的国家。古希腊名医希波克拉底(公元前460,377年)积极提倡利用阳光、空气和水等自然疗法增强体质、防治疾病,这在全世界都产生了一定影响。现代理疗学、疗养学、体疗学、以及由许多专业共同组成的康复医学正是这样的历史基础上发展起来的。 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 现代物理学促进了医学的发展,同时也使古老的物理疗法得以不断的完善,并充实了丰富的。远在17世纪产生了静电疗法;在18世纪产生了直流电疗法;在18世纪下半叶日光疗法有了进一步的发展;在19世纪产生了感应电疗法、直流,感应电诊断(古典式电诊断)、直流电药物导入疗法、达松伐电疗法(长波疗法)同时产生并迅速发展了现代光疗中的红外线疗法和紫外线疗法;本世纪以来由于科学技术的飞跃发展,理疗技术、理疗在医学中的应用和作用原理研究获得了全面的,显著的发展:在本世纪上半叶产生了中波、短波、超短波、微波、超声等物理疗法;自本世纪50年代以来,低、中频电疗法有了新的发展,水疗、磁疗等进而受到重视,并在应用技术方面有了发展提高;特别是在60年代实现的激光技术对全部科学(包括医学在内)的发展正在发挥着日益重大作用,激光疗法已成为现代光疗学的重要组成部分;此外,在70年代获得显著发展的射频治癌和光敏诊治癌症技术受到了世界上许多国家的重视。总之,现代理疗学正在迅速发展。 我国是世界上应用物理疗法历史悠久的国家,但理疗专业在解放前却很落后,全国解放后,由于党和政府的重视才得以建立和发展,当前已形成了一支理疗专业队伍,不仅在城市的大医院中,而且在不少工厂、县医院以及部队的野战医院中也都建立了理疗科室;在全国各疗养院和康复医院中理疗已成为主要的组成部分。 现代理疗学包括的内容如下: slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 1.理疗基础理论 2.各种物理因子的专论性理疗学,如电疗学、光疗学、超声治疗学、磁疗学、水疗学等。具体组成部分如下: 电疗法 静电疗法 空气离子疗法 直流电疗法 直流电离子导入疗法 低频电疗法:感应电疗法、电兴奋疗法、电体操疗法、间动电疗法、电睡眠疗法、超刺激电疗法、经皮神经电刺激疗法 电水浴疗法 中频电疗法:音频电疗法、正弦调制中频电电疗法、干扰电疗法、音乐 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 电疗法。 高频电疗法:达松伐电疗法、中波疗法、短波疗法 超高频电疗法:超短波疗法 特高频电疗法:微波疗法,分米波疗法、厘米波疗法、毫米波 疗法 射频治癌疗法 磁疗法 静磁场疗法 脉动磁场疗法 脉冲磁场疗法 交变磁场疗法 磁处理水疗法 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 光疗法 紫外线疗法 紫外线充氧自血回输疗法 红外线疗法 可见光疗法 激光疗法 光化学疗法 超声疗法 超声药物透入疗法 超声一间动电疗法 热疗法 蜡疗法 泥疗法 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 湿热疗法沙疗法 化学热袋疗法 冷疗法 冷冻疗法 水疗法 各种作用方式的水疗 人工矿水浴疗法 水中牵引疗法 水中按摩与体操疗法 局部负压疗法(真空和压缩疗法)(Vaccum and compression therapy)体外反搏疗法 生物反馈疗法(Bilfeedback therapy) slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances, 附现代医学将使用自然界化学因子防治疾病,促使康复的方法划疗养学范畴,如气候疗法、日光疗法、海水疗法、矿泉疗法、泥疗法等属之。 3(各临床专科理疗学:如内科理疗学、神经科理疗学、外科理疗学、妇产科理疗学、小儿科理疗学、眼科理疗学、耳鼻喉科理疗学、口腔科理疗学、皮肤科理疗学、运动创伤理疗学、战伤理疗学等。 4(理疗器械学及理疗安全防护 5(理疗专业,如临床医院、疗养及康复医院的理疗科建筑、装备标准,部队各级医院的理疗装备标准;门诊及临床科住院病人理疗工作组织问,疗养院理疗工作组织问题,战时理疗工作组织问题等。 slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pull sides gourd, slowly wear into rotor, stay steam end coupling wear out steam end frame outside wall Shi, will another a Taiwan lane of wire rope hanging live steam end axis neck scapular block, should note lifting wire rope shall not and steam end frame outside wall collide, slowly up high steam end of wire rope, makes steam end rotor of weight transfer to wire rope Shang, then again using two Taiwan lane synchronization up high rotor... 6.5 unit main plant soda small pipeline laying 6.5.12 times design design principles on thermal system pipeline of run parameter and process and work characteristics has general understand, in drainage pipes installation in the, not allows has against system of wrong loaded, and leak loaded, also cannot to short-range easy, will different pressure level of sparse water any parallel, and over, and turned note, or received wrong mother tube of chaos conveying, to special note this class pipeline material and specifications of line. Process piping trend is to have a unified and orderly global concept, the arrangement should facilitate the operation and installation of the valve firmly. Depending on the circumstances,
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