

2018-08-22 16页 doc 44KB 26阅读




活跃气氛的游戏活跃气氛的游戏 1.诺亚方舟 (适用:活跃气氛) 简述:选择不同的动物救,洪水来了则要找位置坐 人数:不限 场地:室内 对象:刚认识或不认识的人 游戏方法: 1. 把人数还少一张数目的椅子围成一圈。除了诺亚外,其余的人坐在椅子上。 2. 每个人必须为自已选个代表的动物。 3. 诺亚必须站在中央,一一的走到每个面前,他可叫任何一个动物,被叫到的动物必须站起来跟着他走。当诺亚说:"洪水来了~",全部的人,包括诺亚必须赶紧找个空位坐下,没有坐位的那人则变成诺亚,原诺亚则变成该动物。 4. 当诺亚三次的人则算输。...
活跃气氛的游戏 1.诺亚方舟 (适用:活跃气氛) 简述:选择不同的动物救,洪水来了则要找位置坐 人数:不限 场地:室内 对象:刚认识或不认识的人 游戏方法: 1. 把人数还少一张数目的椅子围成一圈。除了诺亚外,其余的人坐在椅子上。 2. 每个人必须为自已选个代的动物。 3. 诺亚必须站在中央,一一的走到每个面前,他可叫任何一个动物,被叫到的动物必须站起来跟着他走。当诺亚说:"洪水来了~",全部的人,包括诺亚必须赶紧找个空位坐下,没有坐位的那人则变成诺亚,原诺亚则变成该动物。 4. 当诺亚三次的人则算输。 目例子: 有点像大风吹,但是只选其中的动物。诺亚可以选择全部的动物起来。每个人必须记得他人的动物名。 先報數,以三人為一組,喊一的為爸爸,二的是兒子,三的是媽媽,口訣:七年之癢,2.甜蜜家庭 紅杏出牆,離家出走,妻離子散,家破人亡,講到誰的誰就必需去尋找新家,沒人要的就做鬼。 3.我愛大哥大小隊將手牽起來後,1-2人的手為0,2-3之間為1,3-4之間為2,依此類推,主持人如喊1,則此隊所有人鑽進1的洞裡繞出來,可增加數目。 4.傳電遊戲在小隊聯誼時,所有人圍成一圈將手牽起來,做鬼的人點到誰,此人便向左右用力握手,被握到的人再傳給下一個人,到有一人同時被左右兩個握到,即喊傳電他左右兩人即以反方向跑一圈回到位子,沒位子的當鬼。[dvnews_page] 5‘橫行霸道設一折返點,背對背用手勾著,橫著走到折返點再回來換下一組,以最快小隊為獲勝。 6聯想題先排一排,主持人給題目,例如:總統府,第一位便說:總統府我想到憲兵,憲兵我想到手槍,手槍我想到…一直接下去,接不出來算淘汰,剩下一位為最贏。 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 7一見鐘情適用於男女聯誼,男生一排女生一排,當主持人說一見鐘情時,男女對看,不解風情時,男背對女,自做多情時,女背對男,翻臉無情時,兩人背對背如此循環。 [dvnews_page] 8拔河比賽分成兩邊,排成一排,以抱住前一人的腰無準,一個抱一個,第一位則與對方拉手,開始比賽。 9音波千擾將隊伍分成兩邊並各選出一個代表,現在主持人告訴一方代表一段話後,他就必需到對方隊伍後面把那句話大聲傳回,這時此隊的人就必需大喊大叫或唱歌來阻止他傳話,但禁止動手動腳,另一隊需趕快聽他講甚麼,然後換組進行。 10倫敦鐵橋首先先介紹歌曲:倫敦鐵橋垮下來,垮下來,垮下來…,然後選出兩名當鬼(或服務員兩名),搭成橋狀,開始唱歌,其餘人以火車過山洞方式前進,唱完之後橋就放下來抓人,抓到的就出來搭橋,一直循環到沒人跑為止。 11找領袖在小隊聯誼時先選一個人當鬼,然後找一個領袖,當領袖做甚麼動做作其餘的人也跟著他著作system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 一樣的動作,被鬼發現捉到即做鬼。領袖需常常換動作較容易看出。 12找嚮導隊伍可圍成一圈或排成四橫隊,選一個鬼出來,再從隊伍中選一個嚮導,遊戲開始鬼進來,其餘人以掌聲告訴他誰是嚮導,鬼從隊伍中走,越*--進他,拍手聲越大,越急,反之則反,有三次機會找人,找到後換嚮導當鬼,再找一名新的嚮導。 13飯桶開飯於小隊聯誼時,先記住每一位隊員的名字,口訣:飯桶開飯,小狗不開,小貓開,先唸自己的名字,再唸另一人的名字,被唸到的人依照口訣再繼續玩下去。 14棒打薄情郎(大家圍成圓圈,,站在中間,叫一人的名字,後,馬上去打那一人,,而那一人,得馬上數一二三後叫另一人,,而,則變成去打擊另一人,) 15星際大戰 分隊進行對抗,畫出中心線,兩隊各站一邊,各分同樣數量的紙球,開始時把紙球盡力的丟到隊方領域(最後看那一隊領域紙球最少,就獲勝。 (在每邊放置一些氣球,在丟紙球前,要先把自已區域的氣球先踩破) system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 16轟炸大隊 前言:我們等一下要玩的這個遊戲,需要用到重力加速度,也跟你的體重很有關係,胖的人有福了,因為成功是他們的。 玩法:分隊比賽,各隊第一位隊員拿著汽球跑到終點椅子前將汽球放在椅子上利用自已臀部壓破,壓破後換第二位接力下去,以此類推,比賽那一隊的速度比較快就獲贏。 17我們去散步 大家圍成圈坐在一起,由主持人先開始(站立),任意的叫任何一個人坐著的人,如,我們一起去散步,,即起身跟在主持人後面(繞著圈走),這時換,可以任意的叫任何一個坐著的人起來 如,我們一起去散步,以此類推(也可以叫大家一起去散步),在進行的同時,帶頭的人可以隨時喊”我們回家了”一聽到我們回家了,大家即要馬上去搶位置,沒有搶到位置的人,就當下一次的鬼。 18打地鼠 一人當打擊者,其餘圍成圈坐在一起,打擊者站在圈中間,地鼠不停的輪流站來,就像電動玩具一樣,若被打擊者打到即換人。 每人需站起來的次數,由主持人決定,可以由數數來決定,例每個人至少要數到,,才行,即站起來第一次即由,開始數,一直累積) 第一次:,,,,,, system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 第二次:,,,、,,、,, 第三次:,,、,,、,,、,,、,,、,, 19紅綠燈一人當鬼,其餘人分散四處給鬼抓,當快被鬼抓到時可喊” 紅燈”這時自己便要停止不動,當然鬼就不能來抓你。當你被其他同伴 碰到時便變成”綠燈”,就可以動了。 20游戏名称:红黄牌________ 游戏介绍: 时间:5分钟 道具:红牌、黄牌 游戏操作: 两人并排站立 听意思举牌 —————————————————————————————————— 老蔡说:举起红牌 —————————— 举起红牌 老蔡说:放下黄牌 —————————— 放下红牌 老蔡说:不要放下黄牌 ———————— 举起黄牌 放下红牌 ——————————————放下红牌 老蔡说:不要不放下红牌 —————— 放下红牌 老蔡说:不要不举起黄牌 —————— 举起黄牌 我喊一声后就举起红牌 ———————— 不举牌 老蔡说:举起黄牌 ————————— 举起黄牌 老蔡说:千万不要不举起黄牌 ————— 举起黄牌 老蔡说:不要放下红牌 ———————— 举起红牌 老蔡说:不要不放下黄牌 ——————— 放下黄牌 千万不要不举起红牌 ———————— 举起红牌 老蔡说:举起双手、原地跳一下、放下黄牌 — 放下黄牌、举起红牌 老蔡说:放下红牌 —————————— 放下红牌 老蔡说:不要放下黄牌 —————————— 举起黄牌 千万不要不举起黄牌 —————————— 举起黄牌 老蔡说:不要不举起黄牌 —————————— 举起黄牌 21游戏名称:大树与松鼠________ 游戏介绍: 适合人数:10人以上 材料及场地:无 适用对象:所有学员 时间:5-10分钟 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 操作程序 1、事先分组,三人一组。二人扮大树,面对对方,伸出双手搭成一个圆圈;一人扮 松鼠,并站在圆圈中间;师或其它没成对的学员担任临时人员。 2、培训师喊“松鼠”,大树不动,扮演“松鼠”的人就必须离开原来的大树,重新 选择其他的大树;培训师或临时人员就临时扮演松鼠并插到大树当中,落单的人应 表演节目。 3、培训师喊“大树”,松鼠不动,扮演“大树”的人就必须离开原先的同伴重新组 合成一对大树,并圈住松鼠,培训师或临时人员就应临时扮演大树,落单的人应表 演节目。 4、培训师喊“地震”,扮演大树和松鼠的人全部打散并重新组合,扮演大树的人也 可扮演松鼠,松鼠也可扮演大树,培训师或插其他没成对的人亦插入队伍当中,落 单的人表演节目。 1變種蘿菠蹲 口訣為:,蘿蔔蹲、,蘿蔔蹲、,蘿蔔蹲完。,蘿蔔蹲~將全體分成三至四組,每組都有帶頭的人,需想一個蘿蔔的名字,每次都想不同的動作。如『蹲』可以改成『伏地挺身、交互蹲跳、便便』等。就在動作上下花樣。 ?最好帶頭的人有一定的功力。適合營火時使用的團康。 2穿報競走 1.報紙中間撕個洞,洞的大小恰可容二個人頭。 2.兩人一組,面對面牽雙手,頭插報紙洞中,向前跑到折返點後折回,中途報紙不得弄破,破了必須回到起點重頭來。 3.以最快完成者獲勝。 ?器材:報紙。 家有賤狗 隊形為圍圈牽手站立,圓心中站一人:『柱子』,牽一人:『鍊子』,鍊子再拉一人:『賤狗』。柱子不能動,鍊子可盡量拉長,由賤狗去抓外圈的人,外圈人可以逃躲,但牽在一起的手不能斷,被賤狗抓到算輸,若手斷掉,以斷掉的兩人猜拳。輸的算輸。於是輸的就進內圈當柱子,而當此同時,柱子變鍊子,鍊子變賤狗,賤狗變回人,然後繼續玩下去。 ?本遊戲首重足夠的空間,方能自由自在的跑動,如果空間不夠,會有危險。人數不要太多,如真的不行,可擴充鍊子到二或三個人。但原則上以一至二個小隊玩為準。 大象鯨魚母牛(团队合作) system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 『大象』:中間人做象鼻,兩邊人做搧風耳 『鯨魚』:中間人做噴水狀,兩邊人做擺動的鰭 『母牛』:中間人做牛角,兩邊人做擠牛奶狀 隊形為圍圈盤坐式,鬼可指任一人,說某種動物,不但指到的人要反應,兩邊的人亦要做動作,如沒有做就算輸了。可以講個故事,或者是自創新動物:如『猩猩』啦。 ,,, 玩法為:『,』、『,』、『,』、『碰』、『呃啊』。大家圍成圈圈,手做持手槍狀。第一個人指第二個人說:『,』,第二個再指第三個說:『,』,依此類推,最後一個『碰』後,要跳起來喊『呃啊~』,然後再繼續下去,可以視狀況增加項目。 ?注意的是指向要正確,圍圈做即可,人數越少越好。 我愛你 隊形為圍圈盤坐式,向右說是『我愛你』,向左說的話,如果是同性,說:『好噁心』,異性的話,就說:『神經病』。如果臉皮夠厚,可以一直說『我愛你』。這個遊戲最好是年齡層較大的的對象,並且能控制男女間隔較好。 親親死相 令所有人搭肩,靠緊密一點。口訣是:『親愛的:往前彎』,『來嘛:往右倒』,『死相:往左倒』,『不要嘛:往後倒』。然後可以任意組合控制群體。亦可以自己創新新口訣。這個遊戲的年齡層最好是大一點比較好。是一個比較偏聯誼性質的團康。 22黃麗鳥 阿門阿前一棵葡萄樹 ( ※ 葡萄樹生長狀) 阿嫩阿嫩綠地剛發芽 ( ※ 以手指刺別人腰,搔癢) 蝸牛背著那重重的殼呀 ( ※ 敲敲別人的頭) 一步一步地往上爬 ( ※ 用兩隻手指爬別人的肩) 阿樹阿上兩隻黃鸝鳥 ( ※ 小鳥飛行狀) 阿嘻阿嘻哈哈在笑他 ( ※ 哈哈笑狀) 葡萄成熟還早的很哪 ( ※ 敲敲手錶) 現在上來幹什麼 ( ※ 霸王肩搥之) 阿黃阿黃鸝兒不要笑 ( ※ 不要笑 ) 等我爬上他就成熟了 ( ※ 抓人家頭過來玩) ※ 表左手向上放,右手拍自己的左手,再拍別人的左手。 這是一個蠻好玩的類帶動唱遊戲,前提是要教會大家唱歌 甜蜜家庭 以三個人組成一個家:有爸爸、媽媽、小孩,爸媽站著雙手互牽,小孩蹲於其中,依照鬼所說的 詞句而換位置: 『金屋藏嬌:爸爸跑』,『紅杏出牆:媽媽跑』 『妻離子散:媽與孩子跑』,『離家出走:孩子跑』 『家破人亡:全跑』.... system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment 可以編成故事,亦可以自己創造新的口訣,可以在(賣花姑娘)後,變成三朵花,直接接本遊戲。 system troubleshooting. Integrated wiring system should have enough redundancy, can meet the development requirements. Rehabilitation Center backbone transmission using single-mode 12-core optical fibers, full reserve reserve to meet current and future period trunk signal transmission needs, rehabilitation center for future facility expansion needs. convenient and economical. Intranet and the Internet using a set of structured cabling systems. Medical treatment building, aerial parts of each layer on the rehabilitation floor weak current equipment set up between two 2 m network equipment cabinet, assigned to internal and external network devices. basement underground two-level shared network equipment rack. Medical treatment building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from the medical information room of the building leads, along the medical floor weak current tube into each layer individually weak current equipment. Recovery building intranet and extranet communication optical cable from medical and rehabilitation of ground floor one floor basement corridor into the rehabilitation floor weak current lines1th, floor and 2nd, floor of intranet and outside network of communications cable since medical integrated floor of information room leads, along rehabilitation center of weak tube respectively into 1th, floor of East, in the, West three seat floor a layer of weak equipment
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