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公司资金管理办法公司资金管理办法 ) of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter ...
公司资金管理办法 ) of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 资金管理办法 目 录 第一章 总 则--------------------------------------------------------------3 第二章 财务支付款及费用报销流程----------------------------------------------6 第三章 财务支付款及费用报销审批权限------------------------------------------7 第四章 公司员工出差费用补贴标准----------------------------------------------8 bbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works managemter, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rueir construction, such as watime construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of th-sions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night, emispollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dustace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furn site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric-linders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, ongen cylding, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxyblicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable buiof forms to conduct extensive puodor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled-retention, no black water d kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, novided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned anent di2 资金管理办法 第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强公司财务管理控制费用支出,提高公司经营效益,本着合理、节约的原则,根据公司财务资金管理的有关,制定本制度。 第二条 本制度中所称费用项目是指公司筹资、投资、研发、采购、生产、行政、营销等项目费用。 第三条 本制度适用对象:公司(含分公司)所有人员。 第四条 适用范围:本规定适用于集团及所属子集团、子公司的资金管理。 第五条 组织架构 一、整个资金系统根据管理职能和职责分为四部分: (一)总公司财务部:是整个总公司的资金结算管理中心,为公司最高财务管理部门,由董事会、董事长直接领导; (二) 总公司控股的子公司财务部门,是总公司的资金结算管理部门; 三) 总公司公司控股公司以及总公司控股子公司财务部门,是本公司的资金结算部门; ( (四)公司下属的分公司财务部门。 二、在总公司财务部集中统一管理下,具体管理本公司及下属分公司的资金业务活动。其下属分公司具体管理本公司及下属各分厂的资金业务活动。 三、总公司直属分公司财务部门及项目总公司财务部集中统一管理下,具体负责本公司的资金业务活动。 第六条 管理原则 一、资金业务集中管理原则 (一) 总公司公司财务部是集团所有公司的资金管理中心,统一掌控总公司、子公司资金,负责整个总公司公司资金的预算、计划和内部调拨,负责整个公司资金的筹措和管理;负责整个集团公司资金的结算业务。 (二)子公司财务部门负责本公司的资金预算、计划和管理;负责收入结算,在财务部批准的支付额度内具体办理子公司资金支出结算业务。 (三)分公司负责本公司的资金预算、计划和管理;负责本公司收入结算,在直接上级财务管理部门批准的支付额度内具体办理本公司资金结算业务; (四)出纳根据上级部门指示,具体办理资金收支结算业务。 二、资金人员分开管理原则 -tg nighmeasures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducinlife and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective nts ' ch as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residerical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, susite erection, installation of elect-tion, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, onto take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insula orbiddenof forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is fste piledodor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction wa-ut stacking, fallout, no water retention, no blackrovides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, withosite psanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction aired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) rep eir construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should betime construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of th3 (一)分公司财务、出纳工作人员的聘用、委任由集团公司财务部负责。被聘用、委任人员的人事由其管理,工资奖金由其考核发放。 (二)分公司财务部门负责其管理公司,被聘用、委任人员的人事由其分公司管理,工资奖金由其考核发放。 第七条 管理办法 一、实行收支两条线:法人公司都有独立的银行账号,进行独立核算,拥有现金的经营权和决策权。总公司财务部为各分公司分设收入、支出两个账号。各公司收到货币收入时,除特殊情况外,必须存入收入账户,不得擅自挪用。对于公司各种支出必须通过本公司支出账户结算。当支出账户余额不足时,由公司提出申请,总公司公司财务部从该公司收入账户中拨入资金。 二、预留储备金:根据总公司公司发展战略,各公司利用资金进行投资、扩建、设备更新改造以及资本运作时,应首先保证公司现有的正常生产经营活动所需资金,并且在此基础上预留一定的储备金,以充分满足生产经营的需要并防备资金短缺所带来的经营风险。 三、资金的核销和稽查: 总公司公司财务部成立专门资金稽查小组对各个公司的资金业务和管理进行严格审查,并通过资金网络对整个公司资金的流动,结存进行全方位的监控。在资金部监管的基础上由总公司组织财务部门定期对整个资金部门进行业务检查,并由总公司审计部门进行日常审计监督。 八条 管理手段 第 一、支出实行预算制度:公司日常费用开支、机器设备开支、工程项目开支、生产经营等各种开支实行严格预算管理制度,超过预算的支出和未列入预算的特殊事项要有特别的审批程序或有特殊的付款书面授权文件。 二、支出申请批准制度:公司各种支出用款除特殊情况外,必须事先书面申请并经审核批准后方可支付。 三、支出授权批准制度:为了加强经营决策管理集团公司建立严格的授权审批制度,不同的权限有不同的审批额度,不同的支出由不同的权限审批,重大支出必须集体审批。各种支出的批准必须在授权额度内,严禁越级审批。 第九条 收入管理 销售收入除赊销外必须坚持钱货两清的原则,先收钱后发货。对于赊销在调查客户信用的基础上必须经过严格的审批。重大销售必须签订,约定收款金额、方式、期限及违约责任。对于应收账款应建立严格有效的管理制度以加快资金的回收,以防止坏账的发生。 第十条 支出管理 对于支付控制,在不影响公司信誉的前提下尽可能展期付款或分期付款,有现金折扣 -retention, no black water d kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, novided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned anent dibbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works managemter, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rueir construction, such as watime construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of th-sions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night, emispollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dustace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furn site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric-linders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, ongen cylding, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxyblicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable buiof forms to conduct extensive puodor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled4 时,尽可能的享受折扣。 第十一条 融资管理 一、总公司财务部根据整个总公司生产经营状况、投资发展方向统一对外筹措调度资金,各下属分公司必须给予积极配合,但不能单独对外融资。融资工作必须统筹兼顾: (一)融资实行以投定筹:筹资必须在全面预算的基础上根据流动资金、固定资产、项目投资的需要以投定筹,选择筹资的时机、规模和组合。原则上,流动资金需要短期借款融资,长期资金需要长期借款、股权筹资等融资。 (二)融资要量力而行:筹资时必须全面衡量公司收益情况和偿还能力。 (三)融资财务风险意识:融资要充分考虑财务风险,合理安排好资本结构和筹资成本。 (四)融资财务控制权:风险融资要考虑对公司的控制权。预防公司资产所有权、控制权的丧失 。 (五) 其他要求:融资要考虑的其他要求,如配套消化能力、税款减免等。 二、贷款担保是企业的潜在负债,给公司经营带来一定的风险。贷款担保一定按总公司规定进行,严禁为外单位和个人提供贷款担保。 (一)贷款担保,总公司必须经过严格的评估,经董事会批准后方可执行,并且贷款担保应建立登记、跟踪检查制度。 (二)对控股、参股企业的贷款担保,原则上以公司对该企业的投资比例为贷款承受担保额。如需进行贷款的全额担保,必须有接受投资的企业董事会对此做出的决议,并出具委托书,同时还应有该企业的其他投资者进行反担保。 第十一条 其它 一、本规定由总公司财务部负责解释与修改。 二、本规定自董事会、董事长、总经理批准之日起执行。 ste piledodor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction wa-ut stacking, fallout, no water retention, no blackrovides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, withosite psanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction aired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) rep eir construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should betime construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of th-tg nighmeasures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducinlife and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective nts ' ch as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residerical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, susite erection, installation of elect-tion, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, onto take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insula orbiddenof forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is f5 第二章 财务支付款及费用报销流程 第十二条请款流程(其它广告、参展等费用请款于5、3审批权限条款另加说明) (一)请款:请款人根据专项费用事务需要填写《请款单》,按5、3审批权限条款规定报上级签核。 (二)审核:请款人将经上级签核后的《请款单》按5、3审批权限条款规定送交财务部会计人员审核。 (三)支出:财务人员按权限审批后,由出纳根据复核后的《请款单》,向请款人支付款项,同时请款人须在《请款单》上签字。 (四)请款5,000元以上的大额备用金须提前一天通知财务部。 (五)管理部门公务较多的人员可实行定额备用金,既可按规定预支保证公务合理工作。 需要的一定限额备用金,报销时可不抵借支,直接支取现金,详见1。 (六)备用金借支人须在公务完毕后5个工作日内到财务部结清备用金,实行定额备用金的借支人须每3个月结清一次。原则上借支人必须按规定时限及时结清备用金,前款不清后款不借。如情况特殊,必须报请总裁或主管经理以至财务总监批复,依批复意见处理。 (七)每年12月31日前,除12月下旬借支外其余所有个人借支的备用金都必须结清归还,逾期不还的,一次或分次从工资中扣回。 (八)《请款单》是账务处理的依据之一,除当日借支当日归还的以外,报销费用时《请款单》不予退还;归还多借备用金时,由往来帐会计开具收据给报销者本人,请款单也不予归还,收据须妥善保管备查。 (九)备用金是为保证公务需要而设,因私不得借支备用金。 第十三条 费用报销程序 (一)报销流程 1、报销:报销人自行粘贴票据并填制费用《报销单》或《差旅费报销单》,按5、3审批权限条款规定报上级签核。 2、审核:报销人将经上级签核后的《报销单》按5、3审批权限规定送交财务部门。 3、支出:财务部门按5、3审批权限条款权限审批后,由出纳根据复核后的报销凭证,向报销人支付报销款或收取归还的备用金余款;出纳收取归还的备用金余款往来帐会计须向报销人开具收据,《请款单》不予退回;报销人领取报销款项须在《报销单》上签字。 (二)对原始票据的要求 1、所有票据:必须是合法的正式发票。 ent dibbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works managemter, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rueir construction, such as watime construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of th-sions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night, emispollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dustace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furn site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric-linders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, ongen cylding, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxyblicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable buiof forms to conduct extensive puodor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled-retention, no black water d kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, novided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned an6 2、特殊情况:收据(财政票据除外)及白条必须有总裁、财务总监/财务经理或相关经理于相应票据注明签字方予报销。 3、撕票:当事人必须于票面注明车号车牌、起止时间和地点(市内短途除外),财务总监或总裁核准签字方予报销。 、罚款单据:公务中因个人原因违章的罚款单据不予报销。 4 5、发生的住宿、采购物料等费用必须注明相关公司名称,如发生填报有误,因此造成公司损失当事人需承担50%的责任。 6、原始票据的粘贴:交通票据等小票据的粘贴范围以粘贴单大小为界,须紧靠粘贴单顶界和右界从右往左横向粘贴,覆盖粘贴的相邻票据间须留出一定间隔距离,票据较多时,可分行粘贴,不得竖向粘贴。 7、原始票据必须按交通票据、住宿票、招待票、通信票等不同类别和不同金额,分门别类进行粘贴,不能混合粘贴。 8、除交通票据外的其他票据,报销人须在每张票据正面空白处注明票据金额开支的用途并签名。 9、不符合上述规定要求的报销单据,财务部有权退回,要求报销人重新整理。 (三)费用报销后,由财务部记入相关费用明细科目, 按月上报总裁审核。业务人员 的费用列入个人销售费用进行成本考核。所有票据涉及二次签字的每月汇总报表交总裁。二次签字情况主要有:撕票、安装工材料消耗发票、安装工运费发票等。 第三章 财务支付款及费用报销审批权限 第十四条 审批权限 (一)备用金借支和费用的报销金额在2,000元(含本数)以下的,由部门经理确认,总经理、财务经理或主管经理审核签字批准借支、主办会计审核报销凭证,可直接办理,事后集中报总经理、财务经理补签。 (二)备用金借支和费用的报销金额在2,000元以上的,由部门经理确认,总经理、财务总监/财务经理或主管经理审核审核签字批准借支、主办会计审核报销凭证后,报总裁、财务总监审批后办理。 (三)部门经理的备用金借支和费用报销金额在2,000元以上的,总经理、财务总监/财务经理或主管经理审核审核签字批准借支、主办会计审核报销凭证后,报总裁、财务总监审批后办理。 ste piledodor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction wa-ut stacking, fallout, no water retention, no blackrovides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, withosite psanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction aired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) rep eir construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should betime construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of th-tg nighmeasures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducinlife and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective nts ' ch as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residerical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, susite erection, installation of elect-tion, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, onto take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insula orbiddenof forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is f7 (四)总经理、财务总监/财务经理的费用报销由主办会计签字审核后,报董事长审批。 (五)驻外安装人员及工程技术人员费用凭证的审核由主办会计代为办理,其它同上。 (六)其它广告、参展或专项等费用由总裁委托授权经办人,提请主办会计审核,直接提交总裁审批办理执行。 (七)相关人员出差或外出时,由其部门职务代理人电话请示代为签字。 第四章 公司员工出差费用补贴标准 第十五条 出差补贴标准 (一)出差是指公司员工受公司主管负责人派遣在公司办公所在地城市以外的地区履行公务,并根据本制度的规定享受相应标准的出差补贴、伙食补贴和交通补贴。 (二)公司员工出差应严格履行报批手续,未经批准不得自行出差,自行出差或因私出差所发生的旅差费均由其本人自行承担,公司不予报销。 (三)公司各部门应严格控制出差人数,并考虑其完成任务的期限,确定合理出差日期,逾期出差应向上一级主管负责人报告,对因公出差人员,按相应标准报销出差费用。 (四)有关标准 1、长途出差交通工具乘坐标准见<财务管理制度> 2、兼职人员补贴归口在相应专职公司领取,不重复享受补贴。 (五)相关事项说明 1、在途期间以正午12点为界,出发起程在12点以前、返程到达在12点以后(以正常交通时间为准)按一天计算,其他按半天计算。 2、出差乘坐火车从晚上8点到次日早晨7点之间超过6小时,或连续乘车超过12小时的,可报销火车硬座或硬卧票(如乘坐火车硬座或长途汽车可安火车硬座或长途汽车票价的60%享受硬座补贴)火车乘坐轮船可报销三等或四等舱位票;没有特殊情况不得乘坐软卧或飞机,确需乘坐时必须经公司总裁批准。 3、出差人员当日有招待费发票的,当日不计算伙食补贴;当日有出租车票的,当日不计算交通补贴。招待费发票日期栏必须填写清楚并说明招待事由及相关人员,招待费发票未注明日期的,一张招待费发票视同一天发生招待费并不予计算伙食补贴;需要乘坐出租车必须向部门负责人请示批准,报销时出租车票必须注明往返地点及用车事由,并经部门负责人二次签字,乘坐出租车的不予计算交通补贴。 eir construction, such as watime construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of th-sions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night, emispollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dustace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furn site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric-linders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, ongen cylding, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxyblicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable buiof forms to conduct extensive puodor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled-retention, no black water d kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, novided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned anent dibbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works managemter, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, ru8 4 、出差人员交通费用报销原则上起、返程必须有电脑票;住宿费用报销需注明日期与时间,当日正午12点递延6小时内需起程的必须退房。 5、出差人员的交通住宿费用在标准内据实报销,超支部分自理。但参加包括住宿、市内交通与生活费用在内的会议和由邀请方承担费用的会议,不享受任何补助。 6、公司员工随同主管及以上级人员一同出差,其住宿标准可按主管及以上级人员相应标准执行;公司员工随同总裁一同出差,原则上不予发放伙食补贴和交通补贴;两人同住只能一人报销。 7、考虑到全国各地实际情况的不同,为避免因住宿标准局限性给出差带来困难,不利于工作开展,给公司形象带来负面影响及增加个人负担,若因情况特殊,须报请总经理、财务经理审核、总经理批准方可允许按实报销。 8、司机带车出差且当天不能返回的,实行每天住宿、生活补贴,不享受交通补贴,标准参见一般员工包干标准。 9、公司员工非因公需要绕行的,只能报销直达票价,差额自负,期间不享受伙食补贴、住宿补贴和交通补贴。 第十六条相关表单 (一)请款单 (二)费用报销单 (三)差旅费报销单 公司董事会确认: 财务部 site psanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction aired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) rep eir construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should betime construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of th-tg nighmeasures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducinlife and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective nts ' ch as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residerical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, susite erection, installation of elect-tion, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, onto take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insula orbiddenof forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is fste piledodor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction wa-ut stacking, fallout, no water retention, no blackrovides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, witho9
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