

2017-10-21 32页 doc 96KB 32阅读




蓄电池翻新换极板技术蓄电池翻新换极板技术 蓄电池翻新更换极板技术 一、免维护10AH-28AH蓄电池 1、更换方法:首先用电钻钻去电池正负极柱树脂胶。底部接线柱和端子用烙铁 熔开,拿出接线柱。 2、用钢锯沿着电池上盖和下壳之间的缝隙锯开。(注意不要损伤到电池内部极板) 3、剪断电池内部连接过桥,抽出内部极板。 4、把旧的极板装入新的蓄电池壳,按照拆卸顺序装入电池极板,然后焊接。 5、配胶——注胶——封盖——固化——上“O”型圈——焊端子——注底胶— —固化——注色胶——固化,按照顺序进行。 5.1、所需工具: 工作台、天平或电子秤:...
蓄电池翻新换极板技术 蓄电池翻新更换极板技术 一、免维护10AH-28AH蓄电池 1、更换方法:首先用电钻钻去电池正负极柱树脂胶。底部接线柱和端子用烙铁 熔开,拿出接线柱。 2、用钢锯沿着电池上盖和下壳之间的缝隙锯开。(注意不要损伤到电池内部极板) 3、剪断电池内部连接过桥,抽出内部极板。 4、把旧的极板装入新的蓄电池壳,按照拆卸顺序装入电池极板,然后焊接。 5、配胶——注胶——封盖——固化——上“O”型圈——焊端子——注底胶— —固化——注色胶——固化,按照顺序进行。 5.1、所需工具: 工作台、天平或电子秤:量程2kg(精度?1g)、配注胶器具、搅棒 5.2、主要原辅材料 电池盖、环氧树脂A、B组份胶(A即为2314树脂B为固化剂)、色胶(即 为NDR色胶和固化剂)、铜端子、O型圈。 5.3注胶、固化工艺参数 5.4封大盖、打底胶、色胶的配制比例、环氧树脂胶A成份、B成份A:B=2:1 的比例配制。 5.5配好的胶使用时间?10min。 5.6注胶后的电池固化时间:气温大于25?以上,固化时间?12h,25?以下15? 以上?16~20h,15?以下?24h(用烘箱的电池另行规定)。 :1比例准确称量,一次配量不超过 500 5.7先取A胶、再取B胶,A、B成份按2 g,并用专用搅棒顺时针方向搅匀,搅拌时间为2~3分钟(视具体情况而定), 树 脂无气泡后即可正式注胶。 5.8将电池盖反面平放在工作台面的垫板上,先注5个跨桥槽,后注盖的四周。 注胶量以低于注胶槽口1mm为佳。防止注胶过量或过少造成胶水溢流及电池 漏液情况发生。 5.9注胶时,严禁使用超时间、发热胶水。 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 5.91将电池倒扣在电池盖上,压紧,使之密合无缝隙。 5.92封盖时,谨防防护片松掉或将塑料薄膜封入其中,若有应及时反修,如发 现有胶水外溢,应及时用干净布条擦干净。 5.93封胶时,要轻拿轻放,不准将电池面刮花。 5.94封胶时,谨防不同厂家配套的电池盖、端子等混用。 5.95封胶后的电池严禁移动,待其自然固化或烘干。 5.96把固化后的电池翻转过来,检查有无溢胶现象,如有要用专用工具清除干 净,依次把电池排放整齐(端子对端子)。 5.97装“O”型圈:把“O”型圈均匀的沾上树脂胶,用镊钳把“O”圈按放在正 负端极柱上,再用专用工具将“O”型圈安放到位,压紧压好。 5.98焊铜端子 a、将铜端子按工艺要求位置方向摆正,用电烙铁将极柱,焊锡丝,铜端子 三者焊接牢固。 b、焊接时应仔细,防止焊锡滴在铜端子表面,谨防烧伤电池盖及铜端子镀 层。 C. 焊接时应仔细,防止把端子焊歪或焊坏塑壳 5.99打底胶:将焊好铜端子的电池,用树脂胶分别注于正负极端子方槽中,注 胶量以低于电池盖2mm为宜,待其自然固化或进入烘箱快速烘干。 5.991注端子色胶,把固化后的电池正极端注红色胶,负极端注黑色胶或兰色胶, 注胶量与电池盖平齐或略低为佳。 5.992端子色胶必须注光滑、平整,注完胶后检查是否有气泡,若有,及时用钢 针挑破。 5.993注完色胶后的电池应注意防尘,防水污染,以防影响外观质量。 5.994全面完成注胶并固化合格的电池,应根据班组分别在电池盖上面盖上标 识。经检验合格后方可转入下道工序。 5.995胶水配制计量应准确,所用的电子称应定期校正。 5.996配好的胶水必须在10分钟内及时用完,禁止使用发热胶水。 5.997配胶搅拌工具,容器应专用,防止混用,发生串色事故。 5.998 胶封后的电池不允许存在串格漏液事故。 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 5.999色胶注胶应平整、光滑。 5.9991铜端子安放到位,焊接牢固,平整,不准歪斜.端子表面光滑、无挂锡和 烧伤镀层现象,无虚焊、假焊现象。 5.9992色胶使用之前一定要搅拌均匀,再进行配比。 6.固化完成后开始充电修复。 二、富液式蓄电池翻新修复流程 1. 用比重计测量每个单格电池比重,多个单格相比较相差太大,比重比较低的 即为此单格损坏严重。(如其中五个单格为1.25,一个单格为1.10,比重 1.10的单格为坏的) 2. 用容量检测仪放电测试,调整到终止电压为3V,用40A电流放电1-10分钟, 看那个电池单格冒泡即为此单格是坏的。 3. 可以侧置电池,看水上升的位置,可以判断电池底部铅粉脱落的高度,也能 判断电池的好坏。(铅粉脱落多的黑色面积大) 4. 用万用表,红色连接电池正极,黑色插入电池内部负极板,看每个单格电压, 单格电压低于1.8V即为损坏严重。 5. 判断电池后可用钢锯、砂轮、烙铁延电池单格四周锯开或者烫开。如电池正 负极单格损坏,必须先锯下电池正负极接线柱。 6. 用扁铲铲开穿壁焊拿出极板。 7. 可以逐个分开极板,看电池内部隔板有无渗透(即隔板上正极板和负极板脱 粉物质通过隔板连接在了一起)、脱粉短路(铅粉在底部把正极负极连接在 了一起)、极板弯曲短路(正负极板弯曲后连接在一起)、断片(板栅和铅粉 成块状脱落)、硫化(正极或者负极板上有白色结晶体)。 8. 挑选同型号另外电池内部无故障极板装入修理的电池的内部,用穿壁焊钳子 连接极耳,氧气焊直接焊接。 9. 用聚丙烯胶条和热风枪焊接电池外壳。用套圈焊接电池极柱。 10. 加入1.28电解液开始充电修复。修复完成后调整比重。 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 铅酸蓄电池电极反应式为 充电:2PbSO4+2H2O,PbO2+Pb+2H2SO4(电解池) 阳极:PbSO4 + 2H2O, 2e , === PbO2 + 4H+ + SO42, 阴极:PbSO4 + 2e ,=== Pb + SO42, 放电:PbO2+Pb+2H2SO4,2PbSO4+2H2O(原电池) 负极:Pb + SO42,, 2e , === PbSO4 正极:PbO2 + 4H+ + SO42, + 2e ,=== PbSO4 + 2H2O 编辑本段铅酸蓄电池分类 法国人普兰特(G.Plante)于1859年发明铅酸蓄电池,已经历了近150年的发展历程,铅酸蓄电池在理论研究方面,在产品种类及品种、产品电气性能等方面都得到了长足的进步,不论是在交通、通信、电力、军事还是在航海、航空各个经济领域,铅酸蓄电池都起到了不可缺少的重要作用。 根据铅酸蓄电池结构与用途区别 (1) 起动用铅酸蓄电池; 铅酸蓄电池结构图 (2) 动力用铅酸蓄电池; (3) 固定型阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池; (4) 其它类,包括小型阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池,矿灯用铅酸蓄电池等。 铅酸蓄电池在制造方法 浇铸板栅和拉网板栅以及铅布板栅等 在维护方面 全免维护、少维护、干荷电等 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 在焊接方面 铸焊和手工焊等 常用的铅酸蓄电池分类 [1][2] 我们常用的铅酸蓄电池主要分为三类,分别为普通蓄电池、干荷蓄电池和免维护蓄电池三种。 1)普通蓄电池;普通蓄电池的极板是由铅和铅的氧化物构成,电解液是硫酸的水溶液。它的主要优点是电压稳定、价格便宜;缺点是比能低(即每公斤蓄电池存储的电能)、使用寿命短和日常维护频繁。 2)干荷蓄电池:它的全称是干式荷电铅酸蓄电池,它的主要特点是负极板有较高的储电能力,在完全干燥状态下,能在两年内保存所得到的电量,使用时,只需加入电解液,等过20—30分钟就可使用。 3)免维护蓄电池:免维护蓄电池由于自身结构上的优势,电解液的消耗量非常小,在使用寿命内基本不需要补充蒸馏水。它还具有耐震、耐高温、体积小、自放电小的特点。使用寿命一般为普通蓄电池的两倍。市场上的免维护蓄电池也有两种:第一种在购买时一次性加电解液以后使用中不需要维护(添加补充液);另一种是电池本身出厂时就已经加好电解液并封死,用户根本就不能加补充液. 铅酸电池有2.4伏,4伏,6伏,8伏,12伏,24伏系列,容量从200毫安时到3000安时。VRLA电池是基于AGM(吸液玻璃纤维板)技术和钙栅板的可充电电池,具有优越的大电流放电特性和超长的使用寿命。它在使用中不需加水。 VRLA电池用途广泛,可用在电动工具,应急灯,UPS,电动轮椅,计算机和通讯设备等方面。 编辑本段主要特性 安全密封 在正常操作中,电解液不会从电池的端子或外壳中泄露出。 没有自由酸 特殊的吸液隔板将酸保持在内,电池内部没有自由酸液,因此电池可放置在任意位置。 泄气系统 电池内压超出正常水平后,VRLA(Valve-Regulated Lead Acid Battery 即“阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池”的缩写)电池会放出多余气体并自动重新密封,保证电池内没有多余气体。 维护简单 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 由于独一无二的气体复合系统使产生的气体转化成水,在使用VRLA(Valve-Regulated Lead Acid Battery即“阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池”的缩写)电池的过程中不需要加水。 使用寿命长 采用了有抗腐蚀结构的铅钙合金栏板VRLA(Valve-Regulated Lead Acid Battery即“阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池”的缩写)电池可浮充使用10-15年。 质量稳定,可靠性高 采用先进的生产工艺和严格的质量控制系统,VRLA(Valve-Regulated Lead Acid Battery即“阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池”的缩写)电池的质量稳定,性能可靠。电压、容量和密封在线上进行100%检验。 编辑本段产品应用 备用电源 *电信 *太阳能系统 *电子开关系统 *通讯设备:机站,PBX,CATV,WLL,ONU,STB,无绳电话等 *后备电源:UPS,ECR,电脑后备系统,sequence,etc *紧急设备:应急灯,火警盗警,防火闸 主电源 *通讯设备:收发器 *电力控制机车:采集车,自动运输车,电动轮椅,清洁机器人,电动车等 *机械工具启动器:剪草机,hedge trimmers,无绳电钻,电动起子,电动雪橇,等等 *工业设备/仪器 *摄像:闪光灯,VTR/VCR,电影灯等 其它便携式设备,等等 编辑本段产品结构 VRLA电池是这样设计的:在电池中,一部分数量的电解液被吸收在极片和隔板中,以此增加负极吸氧能力,阻止电解液损耗,使电池能够实现密封。 VRLA电池结构 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic Parts组件 材料 作用 正极 正极为铅-保证足够 锑-钙合金的容量 栏板,内含 长时氧化铅为间使用中活性物质 保持蓄电 池容量,减 小自放电 负极 负极为铅-保证足够 锑-钙合金的容量 栏板,内含 长时海绵状纤间使用中维活性物保持蓄电质 池容量,减 小自放电 隔板 先进的多防止正负 微孔AGM隔极短路 板保持电 保持解液,防止电解液 正极裕负 防止极短路。隔 活性物质板采用无 从电极表纺超细玻 面脱落 璃纤维,在 硫酸中化 学性能稳 定。多孔结 构有助于 保持活性 物质反应 所需的电 解液 电解在电池的使电子能液 电化学反在电池正 应中,硫酸负极活性 作为电解物质间转 液传导离移 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 子 外壳在没有特提供电池和盖子 别说明下,正负极组 外壳和盖合栏板放 子为ABS树置的空间 脂 具有 足够的机 械强度可 承受电池 内部压力 安全材质为具电池内压阀 有优质耐高于正常 酸和抗老压力时释 化的合成放气体,保 橡胶。帽状持压力正 阀中有氯常 丁二烯橡 阻止胶制成的氧气进入 单通道排 气阀 端子 根据电池密封端子 的不同,正有助于大 负极端子电流放电 可为连接和长的使 片、棒状、用寿命 螺柱或引 出线。端子 的密封为 可靠的粘 结剂密封。 密封 件的颜色: 红色为正 极,黑色为 负极 电极中的电化学反应 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 阀控铅酸电池的电化学反应式如下所示。充电是将外部直流电源连在蓄电池上进行充电,使电能转化成化学能储存起来。放电是电能从电池中释放出来去驱动外部设备。 当VRLA蓄电池充电将达到顶点时,充电电流只被用来分解电解液中的水,此时,电池正极产生氧气,负极产生氢气,气体会从蓄电池中溢出,造成电解液减少,需不定时加水。 另一方面,充电末期或过充条件下,充电能量被用来分解水,正极产生的氧气与负极的海绵状铅反应,使负极的一部分处于未充满状态,拟制负极氢气的产生。 编辑本段环境和使用条件 (1) 避免将电池与金属容器直接接触,应采用防酸和祖热材料,否则会引起冒烟或燃烧。 (2)使用指定的充电器在指定的条件下充电,否则可能会引起电池过热、放气、泄露、燃烧或破裂。 (3)不要将电池安装在密封的设备里,否则可能会使设备浦破裂。 (4)将电池使用在医护设备中时,请安装主电源外的后备电源,否则主电源失效会引起伤害。 (5)将电池放在远离能产生火花设备的地方,否则火花可能会引起电池冒烟或破裂。 (6)不要将电池放在热源附近(如变压器),否则会引起电池过热、泄漏、燃烧或破裂。 (7)应用中电池数目超过一只时,请确保电池间连接无误,且与充电器或负载连接无误,否则会引起电池破裂、燃烧或电池损害,某些情况下还会伤人。 (8)特别注意别让电池砸在脚上。 (9)电池的指定使用范围如下。超出此范围可能会引起电池损害。 电池的正常操作范围为:77.F(25?) 电池放电后(装在设备中):5.F到122.F(-15?到50?) 充电后:32.F到104.F(0?到40?) 储存中:5.F到104.F(-15?到40?) (10)不要将装在机车上的电池放在高温下、直射阳光中、火炉或火前,否则可能会造成电池泄漏、起火或破裂。 (11)不要在充满灰尘的地方使用电池,可能会引起电池短路。在多尘环境中使用电池时,应定期检查电池。 安装调试 (1) 使用带有绝缘套的工具如钳子等。使用不绝缘的工具会造成电池短路、发热或燃烧,损害电池。 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic (2) 不要将电池放置在密闭的房间或近火源的地方,否则可能会由于电池释放的氢气造成爆炸或起火。 (3) 不要用稀释剂、汽油、煤油或合成液去清洁电池。使用上述材料会导致电池外壳破裂泄漏或起火。 (4) 当处理45伏或更高电压的电池时,要采取安全措施带上绝缘橡皮手套,否则可能会遭到电击。 (5) 不要将电池放在可能被水淹的地方。如果电池浸在水中,它可能会燃烧或电击伤人。 (6) 拆卸电池时请缓慢处理。不要使电池破裂、泄漏。 (7) 将电池装在设备上时,应尽量将它装在设备的最下面,以便检查、保养和更换。 (8) 电池充电时不要搬动电池。不要低估电池的重量,不细心的处理可能会对操作者造成伤害。 (9) 不要用能产生静电的材料覆盖电池。静电会引发起火或爆炸。 (10)在电池端子、连接片上使用绝缘盖,以防电击伤人。 (11)电池的安装和维护需要合格的专人进行。不熟练的人进行那样的操作可能会造成危险。 使用前注意事项 (1) 确保在电池和设备之间和周围进行充分的绝缘措施。不充分的绝缘措施可能引起电击、短路发热、冒烟或燃烧。 (2) 充电应用充电器,直接连在直流电源可能会引起电池泄漏、发热或燃烧。 (3) 由于自放电,电池容量会缓慢减少。在储存长时间后使用前,请重新对电池充电。 编辑本段铅酸蓄电池注意事项 [3] 使用环境与安全 1. 铅酸蓄电池使用在自然通风良好,环境温度最好在25?10?的工作场所。 2.铅酸蓄电池在这些条件下使用将十分安全:导电连接良好,不严重过充,热源不直接辐射,保持自然通风。 安装注意事项 1.蓄电池应离开热源和易产生火花的地方,其安全距离应大于0.5m。 2.蓄电池应避免阳光直射,不能置于大量放射性、红外线辐射、紫外线辐射、有机溶剂气体和腐蚀气体的环境中。 3.安装地面应有足够的承载能力。 4.由于电池组件电压较高,存在电击危险,因此在装卸导电连接条时应使用绝缘工具,安装或搬运电池时应戴绝缘手 套、围裙和防护眼镜。电and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 池在安装搬运过程中,只能使用非金属吊带,不能使用钢丝绳等。 5.脏污的连接条或不紧密的连接均可引起电池打火,甚至损坏电池组,因此安装时应仔细检查并清除连接条上的脏污,拧紧连接条。 6.不同容量、不同性能的蓄电池不能互连使用,安装末端连接件和导通电池系统前,应认真检查电池系统的总电压和正、负极,以保证安装正确。 7.电池外壳,不能使用有机溶剂清洗,不能使用二氧化碳灭火器扑灭电池火灾,可用四氯化碳之类的灭火器具。 8.蓄电池与充电器或负载连接时,电路开关应位于“断开”位置,并保证连接正确:蓄电池的正极与充电器的正极连接,负极与负极连接。 运输、储存 1. 由于有的电池重量较重,必需注意运输工具的选用,严禁翻滚和摔掷有包装箱的电池组。 2.搬运电池时不要触动极柱和安全阀。 3.蓄电池为带液荷电出厂,运输中应防止电池短路。 4.电池在安装前可在0,35?的环境下存放,但存放不能超过六个月,超过六个月储存期的电池应充电维护,存放地点应清洁、通风、干燥。 使用与注意事项 1. 蓄电池荷电出厂,从出厂到安装使用,电池容量会受到不同程度的损失,若时间较长,在投入使用前应进行补充充电。如果蓄电池储存期不超过一年,在恒压2.27V/只的条件下充电5天。如果蓄电池储存期为1,2年,在恒压2.33V/只条件下充电5天。 2.蓄电池浮充使用时,应保证每个单体电池的浮充电压值为2.25,2.30V,如果浮充电压高于或低于这一范围,则将会减少电池容量或寿命。 3.当蓄电池浮充运行时,蓄电池单体电池电压不应低于2.20V,如单体电压低于2.20V,则需进行均衡充电。均衡充电的方法为:充电电压2.35V/只,充电时间12小时。 4.蓄电池循环使用时,在放电后采用恒压限流充电。充电电压为2.35,2.45V/只,最大电流不大于0.25C10 具体充电方法为:先用不大于上述最大电流值的电流进行恒流充电,待充电到单体平均电 压升到2.35,2.45V时改用平均单体电压为2.35,2.45V恒压充电,直到充电结束。 5.电池循环使用时充电完全的标志: 在上述限流恒压条件下进行充电,其充足电的标志,可以在以下两条中任选一条作为判断依据: (1)充电时间18,24小时(非深放电时间可短) 。 (2)充电末期连续三小时充电电流值不变化。 (3) 恒压2.35,2.45V充电的电压值,是环境温度为25?的规定值。当环境温度高于25?时,充电电压要相应降低,防止造成过充电。当环境and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 温度低于25?时,充电电压应提高,以防止充电不足。通常降低或提高的幅度为每变化1?每个单体增减0.005V。 6.蓄电池放电后应立即再充电,若放电后的蓄电池搁置时间太长,即使再充电也不能恢复其原容量。 7.电池使用时,务必拧紧接线端子的螺栓,以免引起火花及接触不良。 电池运行检查和记录 1.电池投入运行后,应至少每季测量浮充电压和开路电压一次,并作记录: 每个单体电池浮充电压或开路电压值; 2.蓄电池系统的端电压(总压); 3.环境温度。 4.每年应检查一次连接导线是否有松动和腐蚀污染现象,松动的导线必须及时拧紧,腐蚀污染的接头应及时作清洁处理。 5.运行中,如发现以下异常情况,应及时查找故障原因,并更换故障的蓄电池: 6.电压异常; 7.物理性损伤(壳、盖有裂纹或变形); 铅酸蓄电池 8.电池液泄漏; 9.温度异常。 其实开盖翻新极板,这活浪费时间,而且修好之后,旁边的又不行, 经验啊.. and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) person's name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic
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