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英国《卫报》一百部最伟大的非虚构图书英国《卫报》一百部最伟大的非虚构图书 英国《卫报》开列100部"最伟大的非虚构图书" (*指暂无中译本) 环境(1/2) 《寂静的春天》(1962),蕾切尔?卡森 Silent Spring by Rachel Carson This account of the effects of pesticides on the environment launched the environmental movement in the US 《盖娅的复仇》*(1979),詹姆斯?拉夫洛克 The Revenge of G...
英国《卫报》一百部最伟大的非虚构图书 英国《卫报》开列100部"最伟大的非虚构图书" (*指暂无中译本) 环境(1/2) 《寂静的春天》(1962),蕾切尔?卡森 Silent Spring by Rachel Carson This account of the effects of pesticides on the environment launched the environmental movement in the US 《盖娅的复仇》*(1979),詹姆斯?拉夫洛克 The Revenge of Gaia by James Lovelock Lovelock's argument that once life is established on a planet, it engineers conditions for its continued survival, revolutionised our perception of our place in the scheme of things 回忆录(8/11) 《忏悔录》(1782),让-雅克?卢梭 Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1782) Rousseau establishes the template for modern autobiography with this intimate account of his own life 《美国奴隶道格拉斯自述》(1845),弗雷德里克?道格拉斯 Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass (1845) This vivid first person account was one of the first times the voice of the slave was heard in mainstream society 《狱中记》(《自深深处》,1905),奥斯卡?王尔德 De Profundis by Oscar Wilde (1905) Imprisoned in Reading Gaol, Wilde tells the story of his affair with Alfred Douglas and his spiritual development 《智慧七柱》(1922),TE?劳伦斯 The Seven Pillars of Wisdom by TE Lawrence (1922) A dashing account of Lawrence's exploits during the revolt against the Ottoman empire 《甘地自传:我体验真理的故事》(1927),圣雄甘地The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi (1927) A classic of the confessional genre, Gandhi recounts early struggles and his passionate quest for self-knowledge 《向加泰罗尼亚致敬 》(1938),乔治?奥威尔 Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell (1938) Orwell's clear-eyed account of his experiences in Spain offers a portrait of confusion and betrayal during the civil war 《安妮日记》(1947),安妮?弗兰克 The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank (1947) Published by her father after the war, this account of the family's hidden life helped to shape the post-war narrative of the Holocaust 《说吧,记忆》(1951),弗拉基米尔?纳博科夫 Speak, Memory by Vladimir Nabokov (1951) Nabokov reflects on his life before moving to the US in 1940 《死了的人》*(1971),沃莱?索因卡 The Man Died by Wole Soyinka (1971) A powerful autobiographical account of Soyinka's experiences in prison during the Nigerian civil war ,尼日利亚内战期间,索因卡被 诬指特务,坐监近两年。此为狱中经历。, 《周期表》*(1975),普里莫?莱维 [人生回忆,以集中营经历 为重。,The Periodic Table by Primo Levi (1975) A vision of the author's life, including his life in the concentration camps, as seen through the kaleidoscope of chemistry 《坏血》*(2000),洛娜?萨奇 Bad Blood by Lorna Sage (2000) Sage demolishes the fantasy of family as she tells how her relatives passed rage, grief and frustrated desire down the generations ,家庭不和的 种子势必对你的下一代和下下一代产生悲剧性影响。, 科学(5/5) 《物种起源》(1859),查理?达尔文 On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (1859) Darwin's account of the evolution of species by natural selection transformed biology and our place in the universe 《物理定律的本性》(1965),理查德?费曼 The Character of Physical Law by Richard Feynmann (1965) An elegant exploration of physical theories from one of the 20th century's greatest theoreticians 《双螺旋》(1968),詹姆斯?沃森 The Double Helix by James Watson (1968) James Watson's personal account of how he and Francis Crick cracked the structure of DNA 《自私的基因》(1976),理查德?道金斯 The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins (1976) Dawkins launches a revolution in biology with the suggestion that evolution is best seen from the perspective of the gene, rather than the organism 《时间简史》(1988),斯蒂芬?霍金 A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking (1988) A book owned by 10 million people, if understood by fewer, Hawking's account of the origins of the universe became a publishing sensation 历史(5/11) 《历史》(约公元前400年),希罗多德 The Histories by Herodotus History begins with Herodotus's account of the Greco-Persian war 《罗马帝国衰亡史》(1776),爱德华?吉本 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon The first modern historian of the Roman Empire went back to ancient sources to argue that moral decay made downfall inevitable 格兰史》*(1848),托马斯?巴宾顿?麦考莱 《英The History of England by Thomas Babington Macaulay A landmark study from the pre-eminent Whig historian 《艾希曼在耶路撒冷》*(1963),汉娜?阿伦特 Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt Arendt's reports on the trial of Adolf Eichmann, and explores the psychological and sociological mechanisms of the Holocaust 《英国工人阶级的形成》(1963),EP?汤普森 The Making of the English Working Class by EP Thompson Thompson turned history on its head by focusing on the political agency of the people, whom most historians had treated as anonymous masses 《魂断伤膝涧》*(1970),迪?布朗 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown A moving account of the treatment of Native Americans by the US government ,以北美印第安人的视角重视审视西部拓荒史。, 《艰难时世:大萧条口述史》* (1970),斯塔兹?特克尔 Hard Times: an Oral History of the Great Depression by Studs Terkel (1970) Terkel weaves oral accounts of the Great Depression into a powerful tapestry 《伊朗王中王》*(1982), 雷沙德?卡普钦斯基 Shah of Shahs by Ryszard Kapu?ciński (1982) The great Polish reporter tells the story of the last Shah of Iran 《极端的年代:1914-1991世界史》 (1994),埃里克?霍布 斯鲍姆 The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914-1991 by Eric Hobsbawm (1994) Hobsbawm charts the failure of capitalists and communists alike in this account of the 20th century 《我们想通知你明天我们就要和家人一起被杀死》*(1999),菲利 普?古列维奇 We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Familes by Philip Gourevitch (1999) Gourevitch captures the terror of the Rwandan massacre, and the failures of the international community. [对卢旺达大屠杀及国际干预失败的记录。, 《战后》(2005),托尼?朱特 ,林骧华等17人合译之中文版作 《战后欧洲史》, Postwar by Tony Judt (2005) A magisterial account of the grand sweep of European history since 1945 旅行(3/9) 《伊本?白图泰游记》(1355),伊本?白图泰 The Travels of Ibn Battuta by Ibn Battuta (1355) The Arab world's greatest medieval traveller sets down his memories of journeys throughout the known world and beyond 《傻子出国记》(1869),马克?吐温 Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain (1869) Twain's tongue-in-cheek account of his European adventures was an immediate bestseller 《黑羊与灰鹰》*(1941), 丽贝卡?威斯特 Black Lamb and Grey Falcon by Rebecca West (1941) A six-week trip to Yugoslavia provides the backbone for this monumental study of Balkan history ,南斯拉夫六 周纪行。巴尔干历史与民族志研究的里程碑式著作。出版时正值德国 入侵南斯拉夫,威女士记:“献给我在南斯拉夫的朋友,他们现已 尽数死难或为奴。”企鹅新版长达1100页,克里斯托弗?希钦斯作 序。, 《威尼斯》*(1960),詹?莫里斯 Venice by Jan Morris (1960) An eccentric but learned guide to the great city's art, history, culture and people ,对水城艺术、历史、文化和人民的另类但多识的导览。, 《良辰天赐》*(1977),帕特里克?利?弗莫尔 A Time of Gifts by Patrick Leigh Fermor (1977) The first volume of Leigh Fermor's journey on foot through Europe - a glowing evocation of youth, memory and history ,回忆作者年轻时的徒步欧陆游——从荷兰角到君士坦丁堡。此为首 卷。, 《多瑙河》*(1986),克劳迪奥?马格里斯 Danube by Claudio Magris (1986) Magris mixes travel, history, anecdote and literature as he tracks the Danube from its source to the sea. ,从源头沿多瑙河一路入海,思考历史和文学,采录轶闻。, 《黄河边的中国》(1995),曹锦清 China Along the Yellow River by Cao Jinqing (1995) A pioneering work of Chinese sociology, exploring modern China with a modern face. 《土星的光环》*(1995),WG?西博尔德 The Rings of Saturn by WG Sebald (1995) A walking tour in East Anglia becomes a melancholy meditation on transience and decay,东安格利亚的一次短行变成了对 无常与死亡的忧郁冥想。, 《航向朱诺》*(2000),乔纳森?拉班 Passage to Juneau by Jonathan Raban (2000) Raban sets off in a 35ft ketch on a voyage from Seattle to Alaska, exploring Native American art, the Romantic imagination and his own disintegrating relationship along the way ,驾帆船从西雅图驶向 阿拉斯加,沿途考察土著艺术,兼及对个人生活的深思与想像。, 社会(10/13) The Book of the City of 《妇人城》(1405),克里斯蒂娜?德皮桑 Ladies by Christine de Pisan (1405) A defence of womankind in the form of an ideal city, populated by famous women from throughout history ,中译本作《妇女城》,专为女性营造一座理想化的美德城,男子皆 不得入内。] 《愚人颂》(1511),伊拉斯谟 Praise of Folly by Erasmus (1511) This satirical encomium to the foolishness of man helped spark the Reformation with its skewering of abuses and corruption in the Catholic church 《哲学通信》(1734),伏尔泰 Letters Concerning the English Nation by Voltaire (1734) Voltaire turns his keen eye on English society, comparing it affectionately with life on the other side of the English channel 《自杀论》(1897),埃米尔?涂尔干 Suicide by Émile Durkheim (1897) An investigation into protestant and catholic culture, which argues that the less vigilant social control within catholic societies lowers the rate of suicide 《经济与社会》(1922),马克斯?韦伯 Economy and Society by Max Weber (1922) A thorough analysis of political, economic and religious mechanisms in modern society, which established the template for modern sociology 《一间自己的屋子》(1929), 弗吉尼娅?伍尔夫 A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf (1929) Woolf's extended essay argues for both a literal and metaphorical space for women writers within a male-dominated literary tradition 《让我们称颂名人》*(1941) 詹姆斯?艾吉和沃克?伊文斯 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men by James Agee and Walker Evans (1941) Evans's images and Agee's words paint a stark picture of life among sharecroppers in the US South ,艾吉作文,伊文斯摄影,朴实再现了美国南方的 农民生活。, 《女性迷思》(1963),贝蒂?弗里丹 The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan (1963) An exploration of the unhappiness felt by many housewives in the 1950s and 1960s, despite material comfort and stable family lives ,另译《女性的奥秘》或《女性的困惑 》, 《冷血》(1966),杜鲁门?卡波特 In Cold Blood by Truman Capote (1966) A novelistic account of a brutal murder in a town in Kansas, which propelled Capote to fame and fortune This article was amended on 18 July 2011. The original entry for Truman Capote's In Cold Blood referred to an account of a brutal murder in Kansas city. This has been corrected. 《闲望伯利恒》*(1968),琼?迪迪昂 Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion (1968) Didion evokes life in 1960s California in a series of sparkling essays ,记录20世纪60年代加州如火如荼的反文化生 活的随笔集。, 《古拉格群岛》(1973),亚历山大?索尔仁尼琴 The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1973) This analysis of incarceration in the Soviet Union, including the author's own experiences as a zek, called into question the moral foundations of the USSR 《规训与惩罚》(1975),米歇尔?福柯 Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucault (1975) Foucault examines the development of modern society's systems of incarceration (关押) 《绑架新闻》*(1996), 加夫列尔?加西亚?马尔克斯News of a Kidnapping by Gabriel García Márquez (1996) Colombia's greatest 20th-century writer tells the story of kidnappings carried out by Pablo Escobar's Medellín cartel ,对巴勃罗?埃斯科瓦尔之麦德林集团一起绑架案的记录。, 数学(1/1) 《哥德尔、艾舍尔、巴赫:集异璧之大成》(1979),道格拉斯?侯 世达 Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter (1979) A whimsical meditation on music, mind and mathematics that explores formal complexity and self-reference 心理(1/1) 《梦的解析》(1899),西格蒙德?弗洛伊德 The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud (1899) Freud's argument that our experiences while dreaming hold the key to our psychological lives launched the discipline of psychoanalysis and transformed western culture 新闻(0/3) 《电酷爱迷药会》*(1968),汤姆?沃尔夫 The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe (1968) The man in the white suit follows Ken Kesey and his band of Merry Pranksters as they drive across the US in a haze of LSD ,记录《飞越疯人院》作者肯?凯西及其迷幻药实验团队穿 越美国的旅程。新新闻主义的前驱之作。, 《战地报道集》*(1977),迈克尔?赫尔 Dispatches by Michael Herr (1977) A vivid account of Herr's experiences of the Vietnam war ,新 新闻主义的代表作,越战期间赫尔个人体验的记录, 《记者与杀人犯》*(1990),珍妮特?马尔科姆 The Journalist and the Murderer by Janet Malcolm (1990) An examination of the moral dilemmas at the heart of the journalist's trade 文化(2/3) 《坎普札记》*(1964),苏珊?桑塔格 Notes on Camp by Susan Sontag 《神话:大众文化诠释》(1972),罗兰?巴特 Mythologies by Roland Barthes 《东方学》(1978),爱德华?萨义德 Orientalism by Edward Said 文学(1/4) 《英国诗人传》*(1781),塞缪尔?约翰逊 The Lives of the Poets by Samuel Johnson (1781) Biographical and critical studies of 18th-century poets, which cast a sceptical eye on their lives and works 《非洲印象:康拉德〈黑暗之心〉中的种族主义》*(1975),奇 努阿?阿奇贝 An Image of Africa by Chinua Achebe (1975) Achebe challenges western cultural imperialism in his argument that Heart of Darkness is a racist novel, which deprives its African characters of humanity 《魅术之用》*(1976),布鲁诺?贝特尔海姆 The Uses of Enchantment by Bruno Bettelheim (1976) Bettelheim argues that the darkness of fairy tales offers a means for children to grapple with their fears ,弗 洛伊德式的童话分析。官方道学家们大力攻击的那些不健康也不积极 向上的童话,实际上对小朋友的健康成长至关重要。如格林兄弟作品 中常见的死亡、伤害、妖术和遗弃主题,有助于小朋友们通过安全和 象征性的方式克服恐惧,从而获得对人生更为乐观和明确的认知。, 《致青年小说家的信》(2002),马里奥?巴尔加斯?略萨Letters to a Young Novelist by Mario Vargas Llosa (2002) Vargas Llosa distils a lifetime of reading and writing into a manual of the writer's craft,赵 德明中译本作《中国套盒:致一位青年小说家》。, 艺术(3/3) 《新的冲击:写给大众的西方现代艺术的百年历史 》(1980),罗伯 特?休斯 The Shock of the New by Robert Hughes (1980)Hughes charts the story of modern art, from cubism to the avant garde 《艺术的故事》(1950),恩斯特?贡布里希 The Story of Art by Ernst Gombrich The most popular art book in history. Gombrich examines the technical and aesthetic problems confronted by artists since the dawn of time. 《观看之道》(1972),约翰?伯格 Ways of Seeing by John Berger A study of the ways in which we look at art, which changed the terms of a generation's engagement with visual culture 音乐(0/1) 《浪漫一代》*(1998),查尔斯?罗森 The Romantic Generation by Charles Rosen (1998) Rosen examines how 19th-century composers extended the boundaries of music, and their engagement with literature, landscape and the divine ,19世纪的作曲家们如何跨越音乐的界限,拥抱广阔 的自然和精神世界。, 哲学(11/12) 《会饮篇》(约前380年),柏拉图 The Symposium by Plato (c380 BC) A lively dinner-party debate on the nature of love 《沉思录》(约180年),马可?奥勒留 Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (c180) A series of personal reflections, advocating the preservation of calm in the face of conflict, and the cultivation of a cosmic perspective 《随笔集》(1580),米歇尔?德?蒙田 Essays by Michel de Montaigne (1580) Montaigne's wise, amusing examination of himself, and of human nature, launched the essay as a literary form 《忧郁的剖析》*(1621),罗伯特?伯顿 The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton (1621) Burton examines all human culture through the lens of melancholy 《第一哲学沉思录》(1641),勒内?笛卡儿 Meditations on First Philosophy by René Descartes (1641) Doubting everything but his own existence, Descartes tries to construct God and the universe 《自然宗教对话录》(1779),大卫?休谟 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by David Hume (1779) Hume puts his faith to the test with a conversation examining arguments for the existence of God 《纯粹理性批判》(1781),伊曼努尔?康德 Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant (1781) If western philosophy is merely a footnote to Plato, then Kant's attempt to unite reason with experience provides many of the subject headings 《精神现象学》(1807),格奥尔格?威廉?弗里德里希?黑格尔 Phenomenology of Mind by GWF Hegel (1807) Hegel takes the reader through the evolution of consciousness 《瓦尔登湖》(1854),亨利?大卫?梭罗 Walden by HD Thoreau (1854) An account of two years spent living in a log cabin, which examines ideas of independence and society 《论自由》(1859),约翰?斯图亚特?穆勒 On Liberty by John Stuart Mill (1859) Mill argues that "the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others" 《查拉图斯特拉如是说》(1883),弗里德里希?尼采 Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche (1883) The invalid Nietzsche proclaims the death of God and the triumph of the Ubermensch (superman) 《科学革命的结构》(1962),托马斯?库恩 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn (1962) A revolutionary theory about the nature of scientific progress 政治(11/13) 《孙子兵法》(约前500年),孙子 The Art of War by Sun Tzu (c500 BC) A study of warfare that stresses the importance of positioning and the ability to react to changing circumstances 《君主论》(1532),尼科洛?马基雅维利 The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli (1532) Machiavelli injects realism into the study of power, arguing that rulers should be prepared to abandon virtue to defend stability 《利维坦》(1651),托马斯?霍布斯 Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes (1651) Hobbes makes the case for absolute power, to prevent life from being "nasty, brutish and short" 《人权论》(1791),托马斯?潘恩 The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine (1791) A hugely influential defence of the French revolution, which points out the illegitimacy of governments that do not defend the rights of citizens 《女权辩护》(1792),玛丽?沃斯通克拉夫特 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft (1792) Wollstonecraft argues that women should be afforded an education in order that they might contribute to society 《共产党宣言》(1848),卡尔?马克思和弗里德里希?恩格斯 The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1848) An analysis of society and politics in terms of class struggle, which launched a movement with the ringing declaration that "proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains" 《黑人的灵魂》(1903),WEB?杜波依斯 The Souls of Black Folk by WEB DuBois (1903) A series of essays makes the case for equality in the American south 《第二性》(1949),西蒙娜?德波伏瓦 The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir (1949) De Beauvoir examines what it means to be a woman, and how female identity has been defined with reference to men throughout history 《全世界受苦的人》(1961),弗朗兹?法农 The Wretched of the Earth by Franz Fanon (1961) An exploration of the psychological impact of colonialisation 《媒介即马杀鸡》*(1967),马歇尔?麦克卢汉 The Medium is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan (1967) This bestselling graphic popularisation of McLuhan's ideas about technology and culture was cocreated with Quentin Fiore ,书名以“推揉”(Massage,马杀鸡)形成了对麦克卢汉“媒 介即讯息(Message)”的戏仿,意指每种媒介均作用于人的感官。, 《女阉人》(1970),格梅茵?葛丽尔 The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer (1970) Greer argues that male society represses the sexuality of women 《制造共识:大众媒体的政治经济》* (1988),诺姆?乔姆斯基 Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman (1988) Chomsky argues that corporate media present a distorted picture of the world, so as to maximise their profits 《此即人人:无组织的组织力量》(2008),克莱?舍基 ,胡泳中 译本令人痛苦地改名为《未来是湿的》。, Here Comes Everybody by Clay Shirky (2008) A vibrant first history of the ongoing social media revolution 传记(3/6) 《意大利艺苑名人传》(1550),焦吉奥?瓦萨里Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects by Giorgio Vasari Biography mixes with anecdote in this Florentine-inflected portrait of the painters and sculptors who shaped the Renaissance 《约翰逊博士传》(1791),詹姆斯?包斯威尔 有不止一种中文 节译本。,The Life of Samuel Johnson by James Boswell Boswell draws on his journals to create an affectionate portrait of the great lexicographer 《皮普斯日记》*(1825),塞缪尔?皮普斯 The Diaries of Samuel Pepys by Samuel Pepys "Blessed be God, at the end of the last year I was in very good health," begins this extraordinarily vivid diary of the Restoration period 《维多利亚名人传 》(1918),利顿?斯特雷奇Eminent Victorians by Lytton Strachey Strachey set the template for modern biography, with this witty and irreverent account of four Victorian heroes 《告别那一切》*(1929),罗伯特?格雷夫斯 Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves Graves' autobiography tells the story of his childhood and the early years of his marriage, but the core of the book is his account of the brutalities and banalities of the first world war 《艾丽丝?B?托克拉斯自传》* (1933),格特鲁德?斯坦因The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas by Gertrude Stein Stein's groundbreaking biography, written in the guise of an autobiography, of her lover 宗教(2/2) 《金枝:巫术与宗教之研究》(1890),詹姆斯?乔治?弗雷泽 The Golden Bough by James George Frazer (1890) An attempt to identify the shared elements of the world's religions, which suggests that they originate from fertility cults 《宗教经验之种种》(1902),威廉?詹姆士The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James (1902) James argues that the value of religions should not be measured in terms of their origin or empirical accuracy
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