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封建主义与资本主义的区别费下载封建主义与资本主义的区别费下载 Capitalism vs Feudalism In economics, there are two related models that have shaped standards of living and social classes today. These are Feudalism and Capitalism. In fact, renowned economists like Karl Marx, would recognize some correlation in t...
封建主义与资本主义的区别费下载 Capitalism vs Feudalism In economics, there are two related models that have shaped standards of living and social classes today. These are Feudalism and Capitalism. In fact, renowned economists like Karl Marx, would recognize some correlation in the two constitutions such that in both structures, the power of the dominant class is based on the exploitation of the subordinate class. Despite the said similarity though, a great deal of differences exist between Feudalism and Capitalism. Feudalism is a political and military system between a feudal aristocracy (a lord or liege), and his vassals. In its most classic sense, feudalism refers to the Medieval European political system composed of a set of reciprocal legal and military obligations among the warrior nobility, revolving around the three key concepts of lords, vassals, and fiefs. The group of feudalism can be seen in how these three elementsfit together. The obligations and relations between lord, vassal and fief form the basis of feudalism. A lord granted land (a fief) to his vassals. In exchange for the fief, the vassal would provide military service to the lord. The land-holding relationships of feudalism revolved on the fief. There were thus different „levels? of lordship and vassalage. In a typical feudal society, the ownership of all land was vested in the king. Servicing him was a hierarchy of nobles, the most importantnobles holding land directly from the king, and the lesser from them, down to the seigneur who held a single manor. The political economy of the system was local and agricultural, and at its base was the manorial system. In the manorial system the peasants, laborers, or serfs, held the land they worked from the seigneur, who granted them use of the land and his protection in return for personal servicesand for dues. Throughout the medieval years, increase in communication and the concentration of power in the hands of monarchs in France, Spain, and Englandbroke down the structure and facilitated the emergence of burgess class. The system broke down gradually and was eventually replaced by a more contemporary approach to resource management, which is Capitalism. Capitalism is one of the most influential factors that define economic classes today. It is a structure in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit. Capitalists are conventionally composed of private entities that make and implement market decisions regarding supply, demand, price, distribution, and investments without muchintervention from the public or government bodies. Profit, the majorgoalof any capitalist, is distributed to shareholders who invest in businesses. Salaries and wages, on the other hand, are paid to workers employed by such businesses. Capitalism, being an influential and flexible system of a mixed economy, drove the main means of industrialization throughout most of the world. There are different types of capitalism. These are anarcho-capitalism, corporate capitalism, crony capitalism, financecapitalism, laissez-faire capitalism, late capitalism, neo-capitalism, post-capitalism, statecapitalism, state monopoly capitalism and technocapitalism. However varying, there is general agreement that capitalism encourages economic growth while further extending disparities in income and wealth. Capitalists believe that increasing GDP(per capita), the main unit in measuring wealth, is set to bring about improved standards of living, including better availability of food, housing, clothing, and health care. They deem that a capitalist economy holds better practical potentials in being able to raise the working class? income through new professions or business ventures as compared to other types of economies. Unlike Feudalism though, it doesn?t maintain lords and serfs. Rather, it recognizes corporations and businesses to be the ruling body above the working class. What makes it distinct from Feudalism is that the subordinate class has freedom to demand from its employer and the employer hold limited authority, mostly professional in nature, over the subordinate. Summary: 1) Feudalism involves aristocracy and vassals while capitalism is privately owned and operated for profit. 2) The obligations and relations between lord, vassal and fief form the basis of feudalism while profit is the main goalof capitalism. 3) Capitalismdoesn?t maintain lords and serfs. 4) In capitalism, the subordinate class has the freedom to demand from the employer. “ 封建主义”本是一种社会意识形态,便是人的意识决定社会。这种意识形态赖以存在的社会形态便是封建社会。对于“ 封建社会”定义的阐释,由于对马克思主义社会形态学说理解不同,学术界对中国是否存在封建主义社会,中国何时进入封建主义社会,如何看待中国封建社会与西欧封建社会的差别等问题一直存在分歧。“ 西周封建说”、“ 战国封建说”、“ 秦汉封建说”等诸种说法,在学界的争论直至今天也没有停息过。 封建主义(feudalism):欧洲从9世纪到大约15世纪建立在以封地采邑的形式占有全部土地,及由此而建立的领主与封臣的关系基础上的政治经济体系,以佃农的效忠、服兵役以及没收财产为特征。(摘自美国传统词典) 简单的说,封建的含义就是“封土地、建诸侯”,“封土建国”,“封邦建国”,其实真正意义上的封建社会是周朝,秦以后应该叫君主集权制~ 产生和发展 资本主义生产关系Relations of production产生于封建社会内部。封建社会经济结构Social economic structure的解体使资本主义的要素得到解放。14、15世纪,地中海沿岸的某些城市(例如威尼斯)已经稀疏地出现了资本主义生产关系的萌芽,但是资本主义时代是从16世纪才开始的。在封建社会末期,商品经济的发展,促进了封建社会自然经济的解体,引起小商品生产者的两极分化。资本的原始积累加速了这种分化,造成资本主义生产的基本条件是:一方面,产生大批失去生产资料而不得不出卖自己劳动力的无产者;另一方面,巨额的货币和生产资料集中在少数人手里转化为资本。所谓资本原始积累,就是强制地使劳动者同他们的生产资料分离的历史过程,而对农民土地的剥夺是全部过程的基础。其产生的途径有两个:一是从小商品经济分化出来;二是从商人和高利贷者转化而成。自给自足的自然经济被破坏,大量农民和手工业者破产,从而既给资本主义造成了劳动力市场,又给它造成了商品市场。剥夺农民和手工业者的历史在不同国家带有不同的特点,经历不同的阶段。劳动力转化为商品和生产资料转化为资本,标志着简单商品生产向资本主义生产的过渡,也标志着对劳动者的剥削形式的变换,即由封建剥削变成资本主义剥削。资本原始积累还包括对殖民地的侵占和掠夺,以及其他利用国家权力的暴力手段。 资本主义生产方式同封建的地方特权、等级制度和人身依附是相矛盾的。随着资本主义的发展,资产阶级的经济、政治力量不断壮大,为各国的资产阶级革命准备了条件。荷兰在16世纪末,英国在17世纪中叶,法国在18世纪末,德国及其他一些国家在19世纪中叶,先后爆发资产阶级革命,变革了封建制度,从而为资本主义生产方式取代封建的生产方式扫清了道路。 资本主义制度是经过工业革命,由工场手工业过渡到机器大工业以后最终确立的。15世纪末的地理大发现以及随之而来的殖民地的开拓,使销售市场扩大了许多倍,加速了手工业向工场手工业的转化。资本主义工场手工业由于在工场内部实行劳动分工,比资本主义初期实行简单协作的手工业,大大地提高了劳动生产率。到18世纪,在英国等先进的资本主义国家里,国内市场与世界市场的迅速扩大,越来越同工场手工业的狭隘的技术基础发生矛盾。资本家为了在竞争中获取更多的利润,要求进一步改进生产技术。在这种情况下发生了工业革命。工业革命诞生的机器大工业,标志着资本主义生产的物质技术基础已经建立。资产阶级和无产阶级两大对抗阶级成为资本主义社会基本的阶级结构。科学技术的不断进步和应用于生产,促进了生产力迅速发展,使资本主义生产关系扩展到一切生产部门,同时也使无产阶级和资产阶级的对抗进一步发展。资本主义的产生和发展,在各个国家具有共同的规 律并带来类似的后果,但是各个国家由于具体的历史条件不同,也具有各自的特点。 社会化生产和资本主义所有制之间的矛盾还表现为个别企业生产的组织性和整个社会生产的无政府状态之间的对立。简单商品生产已经包含着社会生产无政府状态的萌芽,资本主义生产方式把这种无政府状态推向极端。大工业和世界市场的形成使资本家之间的斗争具有普遍性和空前激烈性。资本家为了占有更多的剩余价值,同时也在竞争规律的支配下,竭力应用科学技术的成果,不断改进机器,加强自己企业中社会化生产所具有的组织性,其结果是不断加剧整个社会生产的无政府状态。资本主义大工业巨大的扩张遇到了资本主义占有所造成的市场相对狭小的限制,社会化生产所必需的客观比例遇到了整个社会生产无政府状态的破坏,冲突便成为不可避免。1825年以来,资本主义经济危机周期性地爆发,就是这种冲突的突出表现。在危机中,资本主义生产方式的全部机构在自己创造的生产力的压力下失灵了。周期性经济危机表明,社会生产力以日益增长的威力要求摆脱它作为资本的那种属性,要求在事实上承认它作为社会生产力的性质。生产力的这种反抗,迫使资本家阶级不得不在资本关系内部可能的限度内,部分地承认生产力的社会性质。由资本集中而产生的股份公司、垄断组织以及国家占有就是这种趋势的表现。19世纪末、20世纪初,资本主义从自由竞争阶段过渡到它的 最高阶段,即垄断资本主义阶段。 基本特征 经济上,以私营经济为主,没有政府干预或者政府干预很少。政治上,资产阶级政党掌权,或实行资本主义的民主政治制度Political system。 一,生产力高度发展,社会富裕,鼓励自由的市场经济,政府对经济的干预尽量少。 二,商品生产发展到很高的阶段,成为社会生产普遍的和统治的形式,劳动力变成了商品。 三,资本家占有生产资料,用雇佣劳动的方式剥削工人阶级,生产的目的是创造利润(用马克思的表达式:生产的目的是攫取工人创造的剩余价值)。 四,以使用机器的大生产为特征,生产社会化同资本主义的私人占有之间的矛盾构成资本主义社会的基本矛盾,这一基本矛盾贯穿于资本主义发展的始终,它在经济上具体表现为个别企业生产有组织和整个社会生产的无政府状态的矛盾,在政治上表现为资产阶级和无产阶级的矛盾。资本主义的发展经历两大阶段,,自由竞争的资本主义和垄断资本主义。 五,与资本主义生产关系的统治形式相适应,资本主义以前的各种上层建筑被资产阶级的上层建筑所代替,产生了资产阶级的国家政权、法律制度和思想体系,形成包括资本主义生产方式和与它相适应的上层建筑的社会制度。 根据马克思所说,资本主义是以资本家占有生产资料和剥削雇佣劳动为基础的社会制度。 资本主义的标志之一:经济自由度指数 在经济研究上有时也会使用颇具争议性的经济自由度指数。两个最著名的指数之一是由华尔街日报和美国传统基金会所发布的,另一个是由加拿大的弗雷泽研究所(Fraser Institute)所发布的。两个指数都试图测量每个国家的经济自由度,主要是以法规、政府干预程度、私人财产权利、和贸易自由为主。经济自由度指数“经济自由”定义为“人民对于产品和服务的生产、销售、和消费不受政府的强迫和约束”(这也被称为自由放任)。 他们以一些独立组织如联合国的资料来计算每个国家在不同项目上的分数,例如政府规模、税赋比率、财产权利的安全性、自由贸易的程度、以及市场管制的程度。许多发布的资料也被其他独立的智囊机构用作研究资本主义与贫穷之间的关系。弗雷泽研究所主张实行资本主义越彻底的国家有着更高的国民所得、最贫穷的10%人口也有更高的所得、更高的平均寿命、更高的识字率、更低的婴儿必死率、更多使用水资源的机会、和较少的腐败现象。而资本主义国家和非资本主义国家间最贫穷的10%人口所占有的总收入比率也是相同的。一些人则强调资本主义里信用制度的重要性,尤其是小额贷款所发挥 的功能。 资产阶级与无产阶级对立的原因: 资本家制定的制度主要是维护资本家自身的利益;而社会主义是由无产阶级统治,无产阶级制定的制度也主要是代表着无产阶级的利益;资产阶级的利益与无产阶级的利益显然是存在对立的,但资本主义与社会主义并非对立的.而在乎于执行的人怎么去做.资本即是社会,社会即是资本.最终目的都只有一个.
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