

2017-11-11 7页 doc 24KB 24阅读




1过去常常1过去常常 unit-6 1.过去常常„ used to 庞贝城曾是一个有着25,000人的繁华城市,而如今这已成为过去。 Pompeii used to be a very prosperous town of 25,000 people, which, however, is already a thing of the past. 2.与„„共同分担/享受 to share…with… 我生活之中最大的快乐莫过于和朋友分享自己的成功和幸福。 The joy of joys in my life is to sha...
1过去常常 unit-6 1.过去常常„ used to 庞贝城曾是一个有着25,000人的繁华城市,而如今这已成为过去。 Pompeii used to be a very prosperous town of 25,000 people, which, however, is already a thing of the past. 2.与„„共同分担/享受 to share…with… 我生活之中最大的快乐莫过于和朋友分享自己的成功和幸福。 The joy of joys in my life is to share my success and happiness with my friends. 3. „„的一部分to be part of 相互尊重和互相忠诚是婚姻生活的重要部分。 Mutual respect and loyalty is a very important part of the marriage life. 4. 使„充满„filled with 在一个充满关爱的社会里,人们会更好地发挥自己的聪明才智。 In a society filled with concern and care, people tend to bring into fuller play their intelligence and ability. 5.开始/首先to begin with 千里之行,始于足下。 A thousand-li journey begins with the first step. 6.鱼贯而入/出/入/一个一个地走过to file in/out/into/past 当学生们鱼贯走过这张油画时,个个都被它的美所折服。 As the students filed past the painting, each of them was filled with great admiration for its beauty. 7.用„表达to be clothed in 与其用语言,倒不如用行动来表达我们对祖国母亲的爱。 Our love for motherland should be more clothed in what we do than in what we say. 8.把„界定为„ to define…as… 钱锺书把婚姻界定为一座围城,城外的人想进去而城里的人想出来。 QIAN Zhongshu defines marriage as a besieged city into which the outsiders desire to go and out of which the insiders attempt to come. 9.误把„当作„to mistake…for… 对人类进步的最大危害莫过于错把伪科学当作真理来看待。 Nothing is more dangerous to the human progress than mistaking pseudo-science for truth. 10.在教堂的布告栏上查找,打听(婚礼的)消息to scan for announcements in church bulletins 两个小时的劝说之后,她审视着他的面部表情,看看有无懊悔的迹象。 After two hours of persuasion, she scanned his face for some sign of regret. 11.随着时间的推移with the passage of time 随着时间的推移,丈夫渐渐地懂得了妻子日常家庭工作中所包含的爱与支持。 With the passage of time, the husband came to realize both love and support clothed in the wife’s daily housework. 12.随着孙子的诞生with the birth (invention / appearance) of grandchildren (sth.) 随着更多的高科技产品问世,人类对生活的享受将是无止境的。 With the birth of more high-tech products, there will be no limit to man’s enjoyment of life. 13. 满足„„的需要to fill one’s/ones’ need(s) 满足人民群众的精神需要是文化部门义不容辞的义务。 It is the bound duty of the cultural organizations to fill people’s needs for intellectual products. 14. 抱怨家务辛苦to complain about her housework 只有傻子才怨天尤人。 It’s a fool that complains about the natural conditions and other people. 15.提起/引起to bring up 人口学家马寅初先生第一个在我国提出了人口问需要极大关注的话题。 It was the demographer Mr. MA Yinchu who first brought up the issue of population which should call for more of our concern. 16.把„„从„„中救出来to save sth. / sb. from 在诞生的初期,中国共产党的伟大使命是救民于水深火热之中。 At the early stage of its birth, the great mission of the Chinese Communist Party was to save the people from the depths of suffering. 句型: 1)So + adj. + be + n. + that „ (clause). (Or: To such a degree / an extent + be + n. + that „) „如此„„以致„„ 这愿望如此强烈,以致若将‘丈夫’二字写到纸上,我就会热泪盈眶。 So intense is this wish that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper,my eyes fill with tears. a.他的拜金主义思想如此强烈,以致于不择手段侵吞公款。 So intense was his desire for money that he was up to anything in helping himself illegally to the public funds. b. 党对下岗工人是如此关心,以致在短短的几年里数以万计的工人师傅重新走 上了工作岗位。 So deeply concerned was the Party with the laid-off that when only a few years had just passed, thousands upon thousands of workers found jobs again. c. 他对文学的兴趣到这样的程度:什么东西都分散不了他读书的注意力。 To such a degree was his interest in literature that nothing could distract his mind from reading. d. 他的民族意识到了如此的程度以至于每当祖国有难时他都及时回来为其效 力。 To such an extent is his national consciousness that whenever his motherland is in trouble he comes back in time to render his service to her needs. 2) From …comes/came…sth.从 „那里传来„ 同事和同窗旧友们友善地开着玩笑,并向他们致以令人愉悦的美好祝愿。 From colleagues and old schoolmates came cheerful good wishes clothed in friendly jokes. a. 将军发出了从战区撤军的命令。 From the general came the order to withdraw from the theater of war. b. 远方的父母亲表达了对在医院工作的儿女们的支持和关爱。 From the parents far away came the support and tender love for their children who were working in the hospital. 3)For (all)+n., main clause. 尽管„„但是„„ 尽管这个老太太又矮又胖,但她说完话眨眼之间就不见了。 Then quickly,for such a short,portly,elderly person,she disappeared. a. 尽管我们困难重重,但只要我们万众一心,我们一定能赢得这场正义的反侵 略战争。 For all the great difficulties, we will win the just war against aggression so long as we are united as a man. b. 尽管新郎和新娘的脸上挂着几丝不定的微笑,但是他们的心里却激动不已 。 For all uncertain smiles,the groom’s and the bride ’s hearts are filled with excitement. 4) Whoever (Whatever / Whichever) sb. / sth. is/was,„(main clause)不管某人, 某物是谁(什么,哪个),„ 重要的是,无论这位埃斯特阿姨是谁,她的话没错。 What matters is this: whoever she was, Aunt Esther Gubbins was right. a. 无论是谁都不能凌驾于法律之上。王子犯法,与庶民同罪。 Whoever he is,he is not to place himself above laws. A prince must be dealt with according to the laws if he violates them. b. 无论他是谁,只要他的建议对人民有益我们就接受它。 Whoever he is, we will accept his advice if it is of benefit to the people. 5)Sb. asserts / holds / argues / maintains / contends / favors that „(从句) 某人主张 说,„„ 很特别的一点是,他们俩都从来不问“这活该谁干” 也不说 “这不是我的责 任~” Peculiarly, neither ever asked “Whose job is this?” or asserted “That is not my responsibility!” a. 我们主张,国家不分大小,在国际事务中一律平等。 We assert that all nations, big or small, are equal in the world affairs. b. 他们认为,网上冲浪利大于弊。 They contend that the advantages of online surfing outrun / outshine / overweight / outweigh its disadvantages. 6) It seems / appears to sb. that „(从句)在某人看来 , 某人觉得,„„ 我总觉得,她的模样似乎不像是上帝的信使。 It has always seemed to me that she was the wrong shape for a heavenly messenger. a. 在我看来,积极向上的世界观将使人的生活脱离低级趣味。 It seems to me that a positive outlook on the world will keep one’s life free of bad taste. b. 我总觉得,在英语知识应用方面语言的生成技能要比接受技能更重要。 It always appears to me that productive skills carry more weight than receptive ones in the application of the English knowledge.
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