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中国现在有强制规定需要安装太阳能的省市自治区中国现在有强制规定需要安装太阳能的省市自治区 中国现在有强制规定需要安装太阳能的省市自治区 中国现在有强制规定需要安装太阳能的省市自治区大概有21个,主要集中在东部沿海地区(黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、北京、天津、河北、山东、江苏、上海、安徽、浙江、福建、广东及海南等)和中部地区(宁夏回族自治区、云南及湖北等)等地。其中基本以12层为界,12层以下强制安装,12层以上鼓励安装,除上海(6层以下强制安装)外。其他地区则以鼓励安装太阳能等节能产品为主,要求较低,在设计时需要稍微注意即可。详情如下: 1.安徽《合肥市促进建筑节能发展...
中国现在有强制规定需要安装太阳能的省市自治区 中国现在有强制规定需要安装太阳能的省市自治区 中国现在有强制规定需要安装太阳能的省市自治区大概有21个,主要集中在东部沿海地区(黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、北京、天津、河北、山东、江苏、上海、安徽、浙江、福建、广东及海南等)和中部地区(宁夏回族自治区、云南及湖北等)等地。其中基本以12层为界,12层以下强制安装,12层以上鼓励安装,除上海(6层以下强制安装)外。其他地区则以鼓励安装太阳能等节能产品为主,要求较低,在设计时需要稍微注意即可。详情如下: 1.安徽《合肥市促进建筑节能发展若干规定》: 民用建筑的采暖制冷系统、热水供应系统和照明设备应当优先采用太阳能、浅层地能、生物质能等可再生能源以及工业余热,并与工程主体同步设计、同步施工、同步验收。 新建建筑面积在一万平方米以上的公共建筑应当至少利用一种可再生能源。 除法律、法规、规章规定的情形外,新建十八层以下居住建筑以及十八层以上居住建筑的逆向十二层,新建、改建、扩建宾馆、酒店、医院等有生活热水需求的公共建筑,应当安装太阳能热水系统;不具备太阳能热水系统安装条件的,应当经专业评估机构评估并予以公示。太阳能热水系统应当与建筑物主体同步设计、同步施工、同步投入使用。 2.福建《关于加强民用建筑可再生能源推广应用和管理的》:自2010年1月1日起,全urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 市范围内新建、改建、扩建民用建筑应采用本文第二条所定的可再生能源应用技术。12 层及以下住宅(含商住楼)必须统一设计和安装应用太阳能热水系统。鼓励 13 层以上的居住建筑和其它公共建筑、农村集中建设的示范村、镇统一设计和安装应用太阳能热水系统。具备条件的民用建筑要积极采用浅层水源、污水源和土壤源等热泵技术供热制冷;居住建筑楼梯间与民用建筑的庭院应积极采用太阳能光伏技术照明。 3.山东《关于加快太阳能光热系统推广应用的实施意见的通 知》: 对城镇新建建筑,按照太阳能光热与建筑一体化的原则,从规划、设计、建造、验收等各个环节,将太阳能光热系统作为建筑的组成部分,与建筑工程同步规划、同步设计、同步施工、同步验收。对既有建筑在不影响建筑质量和安全的前提下,鼓励安装太阳能热水系统。对医院、学校、宾馆、洗浴场等公共建筑中热水消耗大户强制推广应用太阳能光热系统。 全省县城以上城市规划区内新建、改建、扩建的12层及以下住宅建筑和集中供应热水的公共建筑,必须应用太阳能光热系统,并与建筑进行一体化设计与施工。鼓励12层以上高层住宅建筑逐步采用太阳能光热系统。具备安装应用条件的公共建筑,应当率先应用太阳能光热系统。政府机构建筑和政府投资建设的建筑要带头使用太阳能光热系统。对具备条件的既有建筑,在不影响建筑物质量与安全的前提下,鼓励安装符合和产品标准的太阳能光热系统。房地产商和住宅小区物业公司要积极为居民用户安装太阳能热水器创造条件,不得为用户指定品牌,更不得拒绝用户安装太阳能热水器。 积极推进太阳能与建筑一体化。在全省城镇推广普及太阳能一体化建筑,并建设太阳能采暖和制冷示范工程。大力推广与建筑有机结合的太阳能供热、制冷技术,开发标准化、通用型太阳能光热系统组件,进一步扩大太阳能在建筑方面的应用领域。各级建设行政主管部门要加强太阳能与建筑一体化管理,切实抓好太阳能光热系统的建筑应用,将太阳能光热系统作为建筑设计的组成部分,与建筑工程同步设计、同步施工、同步验收、同步投用。不进行太阳能与建筑一体化设计的,规划部门不予审批。 4.广东珠海《珠海市建筑节能办法》: 具备太阳能集热条件的新建十二层以下住宅建筑,建设单位应当为全体住户配置太阳能热水系统。 新建十二层以下住宅建筑不具备太阳能集热条件的,建设单位应当在报建时向市建设行政主管部门申请认定;市建设行政主管部门认定不具备太阳能集热条件的,应当予以公示;未经认定不配置太阳能热水系统的,不得通过建筑节能分部工程验收。 5.广东深圳: 12层以下新建住宅强制安装 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 6(河北《河北省民用建筑节能条例》: 具备条件的新建、改建、扩建的 12 层以下的居住建筑、集中供应热水的公共建筑中强制应用太阳能光热系统,并与建筑进行一体化设计与施工,新规定指出2012年开始,具备条件的12层至30层左右的新建高层建筑强制应用太阳能光热系统。 要求具备条件的工程项目强制应用太阳能集中热水系统,并与建筑工程同步设计、同步验收、同步支付使用。(并未找到相应的文件,可能还未在网上公开) 7:湖北武汉《武汉市建委关于在新建建筑工程中推广使用太阳能热水系统的指导意见》: 新建12 层以下住宅、医院病房楼、学校宿舍楼、宾馆饭店、健身中心、游泳馆等热水需求较大的建筑及政府机构的建筑和政府投资建设的民用建筑、新农村建设中心的农民居住房等建筑工程强制安装,12层以上的鼓励安装。 8.黑龙江《黑龙江省建设厅关于在全省建筑工程中加快太阳能热水系 统推广应用工作的通知》: 根据我省的环境条件,从2007年10月1日起,凡新建、改建的多层住宅建筑(含别墅),应首先推广应用太阳能热水系统;小高层、高层以及其它公共建筑鼓励推广应用太阳能热水系统;有条件的城市可逐步推行太阳能采暖、照明等其它太阳能利用技术;对具备条件的既有建筑,也要支持安装太阳能热水系统;政府机构的建筑和政府投资建设的建筑要带头使用太阳能热水系统。 在进行建筑设计、施工、验收时,要做到太阳能系统与建筑工程同步设计、同步施工、同步验收、同步交付使用。要把太阳能热水系统的造价列入建筑工程投资总预算。 9.吉林《关于加快太阳能热水系统与建筑一体化推广应用工作的指导意见》: 从文件下发之日起,省域内凡新建、改建、扩建的6层及以下住宅建筑(含商住楼)和医院病房、学校宿舍、宾馆、洗浴场所等热水消耗大户的公共建筑,必须应用太阳能热水系统。但考虑到地区间发展不平衡,具体执行时限要求如下: (1)自2011年7月1日起,地级城市(含延吉市,下同)太阳能热水系统与建筑一体化同步规划、同步设计、同步施工、同步验收;县级城市(含城关镇,下同)太阳能热水系统与建筑一体化同步规划与设计,在施工阶段预留好安装太阳能热水系统的位置、管道、预埋件等。 (2)县级城市要因地制宜,示范引路,积极推进太阳能热水系统与建筑一体化应用进程。2013年1月1日起,县级城市必须执行太阳能热水系统与建筑一体化同步规划、设计、施工与验收。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway (3)加大农村地区太阳能热水系统的利用。村镇规模以上建设项目应比照县级城市规定推广应用太阳能热水系统,鼓励村镇规模以下建设项目推广应用太阳能热水系统,各级政府应给予相应的政策支持。 10:江苏《江苏省建筑节能管理办法》: 新建建筑的采暖制冷系统、热水供应系统、照明设备等应当优先采用太阳能、浅层地能、工业余热、生物质能等可再生能源,并与建筑物主体同步设计、同步施工、同步验收。 政府投资的公共建筑应当至少利用一种可再生能源。 新建宾馆、酒店、商住楼等有热水需要的公共建筑以及十二层以下住宅,应当按照规定统一设计、安装太阳能热水系统。 鼓励既有居住建筑和宾馆、酒店、商住楼等有热水需要的公共建筑在进行节能改造时,设计、安装太阳能热水系统。 物业服务企业应当为业主安装太阳能热水系统提供方便。 鼓励江、河、湖、海附近的建筑使用地水源热泵系统,并按照有关规定减免水资源费。 采用地源热泵封闭循环技术,应当符合水环境保护标准。 鼓励结合城市建筑物、公共设施建设一体化太阳能光伏并网发电设施。对道路、公园、车站等公共设施,应当推广使用太阳能光电照明系统。鼓励对建筑的屋顶、墙面等部位实施绿化。 鼓励农村地区推广沼气等生物质能技术应用。 11江苏南京: 要求从目前尚未申请施工图设计审查的、新建12层住宅,和新、改、扩建的宾馆、酒店、商住楼等有热水需求的公共建筑,应统一设计和安装太阳能热水系统。 12层以下建筑必须安装太阳能热水系统;鼓励12层以上住宅使用太阳能,如悬挂阳台的挂壁式集热器等,进行统一设计安装。但如建筑已使用了节能技术,如地源、空气源、生物源等其它可再生能源技术,高于50%节能标准的低能耗节能建筑,且降低能耗综合效能不低于太阳能热水系统的,以及因建筑朝向、间距等规划原因,无法满足太阳能热水系统有效日照条件的,经主管部门论证通过后,可不安装太阳能。 12辽宁锦州《锦州市民用建筑太阳能热水系统应用管理办法》:凡新建的六层及以下居住建筑,十二层及以下宾馆、饭店、医院、学校、游泳池、公共浴室等有热水需求的公共建筑,必须采用太阳能热水系统;新建六层以上的居住建筑,十二层以上宾馆、饭店、医院、学校、游泳池、公共浴室等有热水需求的公共建筑,可采取试点形式推广应用。2010 年底,试点建筑面积应达到新开工同类型建筑面积30%以上 13 辽宁沈阳 《沈阳市建委推广太阳能热水器的文件》 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 1、从2007年8月1日起,在全市范围内,所有新建和改建的低层(别墅)和多层住宅建筑,均应进行太阳能热水系统一体化同步设计、施工和验收;对小高层、高层住宅及其他公共建筑,应根据建设单位和使用者的要求,确定是否进行太阳能热水系统的一体化应用。2、新建低层(别墅)和多层住宅建筑不具备太阳能集热条件的,建设单位应当在报建时向市(开发区)建设行政主管部门申请认定;未经认定不采用太阳能热水系统的,不予受理设计审查。 3、鼓励小高层、高层住宅及其他公共建筑应用太阳能热水系统;鼓励其他可再生能源在建筑中应用的技术研究和示范工程建设。4、由政府投资建设和使用的集中热水供应系统的公共建筑,要带头实施太阳能热水系统的一体化应用。有安装条件的医院、学校、宾馆、饭店、游泳池、洗浴场所要根据使用情况,逐步改装使用太阳能热水系统 14.北京《北京市太阳能热水系统城镇建筑应用管理办法》:本市行政区域内新建城镇居住建筑,宾馆、酒店、学校、医院、浴池、游泳馆等有生活热水需求并满足安装条件的新建城镇公共建筑,应当配备生活热水系统,并应优先采用工业余热、废热作为生活热水热源。不具备采用工业余热、废热的,应当安装太阳能热水系统,并实行与建筑主体同步规划设计、同步施工安装、同步验收交用。 鼓励具备条件的既有建筑通过改造安装使用太阳能热水系统。 (一)城镇公共建筑7至12层的居住建筑,应设置集中式太阳能集热系统。 (二)13层以上的居住建筑,当屋面能够设置太阳能集热器的有效面积大于或等于按太阳能保证率为50%计算的集热器总面积时,应设置集中式太阳能集热系统。 (三)13层以上的居住建筑,当屋面能够设置太阳能集热器的有效面积小于按太阳能保证率为50%计算的集热器总面积时,应采取集中式与分散式相结合的太阳能集热系统,亦可采用集中式太阳能集热系统与空气源热泵相结合的热水系统。 (四)6层以下的居住建筑可选用集中式或分散式太阳能热水系统。 采用集中式太阳能集热系统的,提倡居民在每天12时至24时之间使用该系统提供的热水。 集中式太阳能热水系统的辅助热源应当选用城市热网、燃气或居民低谷电。当必须采用普通电能作为辅助热源时,宜采用分散辅助热源形式。 15浙江《浙江省实施<中华人民共和国节约能源法>办法》: 12层以下新建建筑强制安装,12层以上支持安装,12层以下有生活热水系统的新建公共建筑强制安装,其新建公共建筑和既有建筑改造鼓励安装。 16:浙江宁波《宁波市民用建筑节能管理办法》: 本市重点推广太阳能光热利用、太阳能光伏发电、太阳能照明、 地源热泵、水源热泵、风力发电等可再生能源技术在民用建筑中 的应用。 建筑图设计文件节能专篇中应包含可再生能源利用专项说明。新建有生活热水系统的公共建筑、12层以下的居住建筑以及12层以上居住建筑的逆6层,应当将太阳能利用与建筑进行一体化设计。 对具备可再生能源利用条件的建筑,建设单位应当选择合适的可再生能源,用于采暖、制冷、照明和热水供应等。 政府投融资的民用建筑项目及新建建筑面积在,万平方米以上的商场、酒店、医院等urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 公共建筑,应当至少利用一种可再生能源,并应出具专家论证意见。 新建民用建筑物的可再生能源应用设施应当与建筑物主体工程同步设计、同步施工、同步验收。 鼓励既有民用建筑改造时对可再生能源应用设施同步改造 17(宁夏回族《宁夏回族自治区民用建筑太阳能热水系统应用管理办法》: 自2010年1月1日起,在自治区5个设区市城区范围内,符合以下条件的民用建筑必须统一配建太阳能热水系统: 1、12层以下的住宅、宿舍和公寓; 2、政府机关办公楼、医院、学校、托儿所、幼儿园、招待所、旅馆、宾馆、商场、公共浴池等具有太阳能热水系统应用条件、有集中热水需求的公共建筑; 对没有纳入以上范围的具有太阳能热水系统应用条件的民用建筑工程,应按照标准要求预留太阳能热水系统安装位置。 18.上海《上海市建筑节能条例》: 新建有热水系统设计要求的公共建筑或者六层以下住宅,建设单位应当统一设计并安装符合相关标准的太阳能热水系统。鼓励七层以上住宅设计并安装太阳能热水系统。 新建国家机关办公建筑和大型公共建筑的,建设单位应当结合实际情况,统一设计并安装与建筑能耗水平相适应的可再生能源利用系统。 19(天津《天津市建筑节约能源条例》: 新建建筑的采暖、制冷、热水和照明等,应当优先采用太阳能、浅层地热能等可再生能源。可再生能源利用设施应当与建筑主体工程同步设计、同步施工、同步验收。 20.云南: 11层以下的居住建筑和以下设置热水供应系统的公共建筑强制安装21(海南《海南省太阳能热水系统建筑应用管理办法》: 城镇规划区以及旅游度假区、开发区、产业园区、成片开发区内的下列新建、改建、扩建民用建筑,或者具备安装应用条件的在建和既有民用建筑,应当统一配建太阳能热水系统: (一)12层以下(含12层)的住宅建筑; (二)单位集体宿舍、医院病房、酒店、宾馆、公共浴池等公共建筑。 前款规定范围内经批准使用温泉地热的民用建筑可不应用太阳能热水系统。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway 22.青海《青海省民用建筑工程推广应用太阳能热水系统的管理规定》 规划区内新建、改建和扩建的民用建筑工程中推广应用太阳能热水系统。具备安装太阳 能热水系统的新建居住建筑和实行集中供应热水的医院、学校、饭店、游泳池、公共浴室(洗 浴场所)等热水消耗大户,均应采用太阳能热水系统,并与建筑进行一体化设计和施工。 urban traffic structure in the urban public transport system, rail traffic with a fast, large capacity, low pollution and high efficiency, become an indispensable part of urban traffic structure, is the contradiction between supply and demand of the growing metropolis, cities, effective means to meet the needs of urban traffic. The following table is a rail transport and other modes of urban passenger transport capacity, transportation speed and resource consumption, and so on. Comparison of urban passenger traffic characteristics table 5.1-2 traffic volume (human/h) transport speed (km/people) Road area occupied (M2/people) scope bike 2,000 10-15 3,000 short car 20-50 10-20 wide bus 6,000-9,000 1-2 40-60 0.25-0.5 from the Metro light rail of 10,000-30,000 in long-distance line 3 More than 0,000 40-60 do not occupy an area both in terms of transport over long distances, transport efficiency, or from the level of resource consumption and environmental pollution, rail transport is undoubtedly an effective means to solve the problem of traffic congestion in cities. Especially in urban population strength enormous traffic demand on the route to ease traffic pressure, rail transportation has incomparable advantages. Washington, DC, area of 177km2, and a population of 600,000, is a United States political center. For the Washington Metro system United States second-busiest subway, second only to the New York subway, opened in 1976. Current rail sizes for 5, station 86, total 171.6km, net annual passenger volume reached 223 million people. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2009 vehicle trip down 12.7%, bus travel has increased by 12%. Objectives of the Washington Metro system boils down to the following three points: by driving onto the tracks at the station transfer mode in order to alleviate traffic congestion; For those who will not or cannot drive the person with a better option than conventional public transit; Block highway
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