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英美文化本科毕业论文选题英美文化本科毕业论文选题 “英美文化”本科毕业论文选题 1. 电影《费城》与《喜宴》中反映的中美对于同性恋问题的不同态度 Comparison and Contrast of People's Attitude Towards Homosexuality Revealed in the Movies Philedelphia and Xi Yan 2. 浅析《圣经》对美国社会文明的影响,,人权和民主思想的渊源 The Influence of the Bible upon American Social Civili...
英美文化本科毕业论文选 “英美文化”本科毕业论文选题 1. 电影《费城》与《喜宴》中反映的中美对于同性恋问题的不同态度 Comparison and Contrast of People's Attitude Towards Homosexuality Revealed in the Movies Philedelphia and Xi Yan 2. 浅析《圣经》对美国社会文明的影响,,人权和民主思想的渊源 The Influence of the Bible upon American Social Civilization--the Origin of Human Rights and Democratic Rights 3. 基督教对美国人慈善情结的影响 The Influence of Christianity on American People's Charity Complex 4. 基督教生死观对西方文化的影响 The Influence of Christian View of life and Death on Western Culture 5. 19世纪欧洲移民对美国工业化的积极影响 The Positive Impacts of European Immigration on American Industrialization in the 19th Century 6. 亚伯拉罕 ? 林肯的民主思想初探 A Preliminary Research on Abraham Lincoln’s Thought of Democracy 7. 论基督教对中世纪早期西欧文化的影响 On Christianity’s Influence Upon European Culture in the Early-stage Middle Ages 8. 西方文化对中国风俗习惯的影响 The Influences of Western Culture on Chinese Customs 9. 中美文化差异在新闻报道中的体现 Sino-US Cultural Differences Reflected in the News Report 10. 英美服饰文化体现的民族个性 National Character Reflected in the British and American Clothing Culture 11. 中西婚礼文化之差异 The Difference Between Chinese and Western Wedding Culture 12. 吸血鬼传说在西方文学中的演变 The Evolution of the Vampire Legend in Western Literature 13. 中西方送礼文化的对比分析 A Comparative Analysis Between Chinese and Western Gift-giving Culture 14. 美国电影中的汽车文化 The Automobile Culture in American Movies 15. NBA里的美国精神 A Cultural Approach to American Spirit in NBA 16. 同性婚姻对两性关系的冲击 A Brief Study of the Influence on Gender Relations Exerted by Gay Marriage 17. 中国集体主义与西方个人主义的对比研究:以餐桌文化为例 A Contrastive Study of Chinese Collectivism and Western Individualism 18. 鬼节—万圣节与清明节比较 Spirit Festival—Comparison between Halloween and Tomb-Sweeping Day 19. 浅析西进运动对美国精神的影响 A Brief Analysis of the Influences of the Westward Movement on American Spirit 20. 从《麦田守望者》看现代人的异化 On Alienation of Modern People in the Catcher in the Rye 21. 英雄与英雄崇拜 -- 简析早期好莱坞西部电影 The Hero and Hero Worship in Early Hollywood Western Films 22. 美国波波族与中国啃老族的文化相似性与差异性 A Comparative Study of American BOBOS and Chinese NEET 23. 从英汉习语看东西方文化异同 Differences and Similarities between Eastern and Western Cultures in Chinese and English Idioms 24. 浅析美国60年代反越战运动与嬉皮文化的关系 A Study on the Relationship Between the Anti-Vietnam War Movement and Hippie Culture in 1960s' US 25. 中美现代家庭结构对比 The Comparison Between American and Chinese Family Patterns in Modern Times 26. 20世纪60年代美国妇女运动背景浅析 An Analysis of the Background of American Women's Movement in 1960s 27. 中西方花语对比与分析 A comparative analysis of the symbolic meaning of flower in different culture system 28. 五次外族入侵对英国文化的影响 The Cultural Effect of the Five Foreign Invasions to Britain 29. 清教主义队美国个人主义的影响 The Influence of Puritanism on American Individualism 30. 从隐私权看中西文化差异 A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacy right 31. 中外幽默的跨文化对比 A intercultural comparison between Chinese and foreign humor 32. 浅析美国60年代反越战运动与嬉皮文化的关系 A Study on the Relationship Between the Anti-Vietnam War Movement and Hippie Culture in 1960s' US
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