

2017-09-26 20页 doc 59KB 16阅读




自制补水西红柿天然面膜自制补水西红柿天然面膜 西红柿面膜适合油性皮肤使用,具有良好的毛孔收缩效果,须注意的是西红柿汁显酸性,因此不适用于敏感皮肤。将西红柿和酸奶混合后,涂抹到面部,10分钟后用温水洗净。 自制补水黄瓜眼部面膜 黄瓜眼部面膜能够令皮肤变得更加光亮,非常适合深夜使用,将黄瓜切碎后和酸奶混合,然后用2个绿茶带,并在其中加入混合好的黄瓜,放入冰箱5分钟,然后取出冰袋放在眼睛上部10分钟左右。 自制补水鲜黄瓜贴片面膜 把鲜黄瓜切薄片,贴于面部15-20分钟后取下即可,长期使用皮肤改善很明显,水嫩光滑还有一定的美白作用,还有西瓜皮贴片...
自制补水西红柿天然面膜 西红柿面膜适合油性皮肤使用,具有良好的毛孔收缩效果,须注意的是西红柿汁显酸性,因此不适用于敏感皮肤。将西红柿和酸奶混合后,涂抹到面部,10分钟后用温水洗净。 自制补水黄瓜眼部面膜 黄瓜眼部面膜能够令皮肤变得更加光亮,非常适合深夜使用,将黄瓜切碎后和酸奶混合,然后用2个绿茶带,并在其中加入混合好的黄瓜,放入冰箱5分钟,然后取出冰袋放在眼睛上部10分钟左右。 自制补水鲜黄瓜贴片面膜 把鲜黄瓜切薄片,贴于面部15-20分钟后取下即可,长期使用皮肤改善很明显,水嫩光滑还有一定的美白作用,还有西瓜皮贴片也不错,这些都是纯天然的,物美价廉,不会对皮肤产生不良作用,坚持使用就会出效果。 自制补水面膜什么的更多的只是给我们参考作用,给我们选择带来方便和借鉴,但也要根据自己的实际情况来选择,而且并不是所有的护肤品都可信的,要最新的,最专来的才好,我以前收藏过一个,以前皮肤不太好,又胖又丑时可没少花心思找资料找方法的,什么减肥的,美容的,丰胸的,衣服类的都收藏过,全面改造的架势了,呵。现在告诉朋友们我用的挺好的保湿面膜是 【蜂胶睡美睡眠面膜】 ,蜂胶睡美睡眠面膜中富含的中草药成分,像是肌肤的天然水库,提供给肌肤源源不断的充足水分,天然的保湿锁水因子,更能让肌肤得到持续一整天的动人水润。多种中药成分中的天然抗氧化成分,彻底清理氧化自由基,加速细胞的再生速度,本草中丰富的微量元素及营养物质,更为细胞再生提供十足能量。坚持使用,痘痕、黯哑、细纹等肌肤问题得到明显改善,肌肤绽放红润动人光彩。面膜中的多重草本精华为肌肤提供一整夜源源不断的水分,补水、锁水一步到位,让您保持一整天的水油平衡。或者试试另外一款叫 “玉竹活肤面膜泥” 的产品补水保湿的效果也很不错,评价也很高,希望对你有所帮助哦~ 自制补水面膜排行榜——DIY提子面膜 提子敷面:提子的皮及核有抗氧化作用,经常以提子敷面可延缓皮肤的衰老。 材料:鲜提子10粒 1、将洗净的提子整棵连核捣烂。 2、然后连汁一起敷在面上,接着用手指轻轻的按压,以助吸收。 3 、20分钟后以温水洗面。 自制补水面膜排行榜——自制香橙Orange面膜 含丰富维他命C,具防止老化及皮肤敏感的功效。而略带油光、容易受外界物质刺激的敏感肌肤,尤其适合选用含香橙精华成分的护肤品。具再生、滋润、抗老化及调和自由基的作用,更能有效补充眼部水份。 自制补水面膜排行榜——玫瑰面膜 将半个黄瓜和玫瑰花瓣搅成糊状,然后混合三个珍珠粉,敷于面部。20分钟后洗去 作用:油性皮肤适合,可以消炎。 自制 补水面膜排行榜——番茄面膜 去脂的首选就是番茄,加入适量蜂蜜和少许面粉成糊,涂敷面部,保持20至30分钟。 作用:皮肤湿润,水嫩,柔软,对油性皮肤特别有效。 自制补水面膜排行榜——自制奇异果面膜 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 奇异果含极丰富的维他命,而鸡蛋则含丰富蛋白质及多种矿物质,是替皮肤补充养分的好帮手。常敷此面膜,肌肤必更白更滑。 材料:蛋1只,奇异果1个 1、奇异果切碎、捣烂。 2、去掉鸡蛋的蛋黄,将剩下的蛋白打匀,加入碎果肉,彻底混和。 3、涂于面上,待15分钟后用温水清洗干净。 自制补水面膜排行榜——自制保湿补水面膜:滋润保湿面膜 材料:西瓜一片,蛋黄半个,面粉适量 做法:西瓜取其西瓜肉捣碎,加入蛋黄半个拌匀;慢慢加入少许面粉,使其成膏状,敷于脸上10分钟后洗净。 使用次数:每周2-3次。 特点:西瓜清凉、蛋黄滋润效果佳,两者配合制成补水面膜,保湿效果很好。 自制补水面膜排行榜——自制保湿补水面膜:豆花保湿面膜 材料:豆腐一小块,蜜糖一茶匙,面粉适量 做法:将豆腐置于小碗中,并将其捣成泥状;将蜜糖加入豆腐中,并加入少量面粉使其成糊状,敷于面上约15分钟后,用清水洗净便可。 使用次数:每周2-3次。 特点:美白淡斑、保湿、改善毛孔粗大等功效。 自制补水面膜排行榜——自制保湿补水面:红糖保湿面膜 材料:黑砂糖4茶匙、水100ml、洋菜粉1/4茶匙 使用器材:煮水的锅子、计量匙、计量杯、碗一个。 制作方法:将水煮开加入洋菜粉及黑砂糖溶解后待凉即可。 使用方法:将凉后的凝胶状面膜敷于脸上10分钟,再用化妆棉沾化妆水擦净即可。 自制补水面膜排行榜——自制保湿补水面膜:芒果保湿面膜 材料:芒果一个,牛奶100ml 制作方法: 1.芒果去皮去核后搅碎成泥状。 2.将芒果泥与牛奶放入碗中搅拌均匀即可。 使用方法: 1.将芒果牛奶保湿膜均匀轻柔的涂抹在脸上。 2.静敷15分钟后,用温水轻轻洗净。 适用肤质各种肌肤,天然面膜易变质、不宜保存,最好一次用完。 自制补水面膜排行榜——自制保湿补水面膜:苦瓜面膜 1、苦瓜半条取汁(这个比较麻烦,有榨汁机的可以用榨汁机榨,没有的只能手工做了) 2、面粉1勺半 3、碗一只 做法:只要把苦瓜汁和适当的面粉搅拌均匀就好(有人说要放在冰箱里冰一下,不过象现在这种天气的话,基本上在外面放放就好了) 用法:和上面的一样。 自制补水面膜排行榜——自制保湿补水面膜:敏感性肌肤保湿面膜DIY 材料:苹果1/4个、蛋黄一颗、面粉2茶匙,蜂蜜1匙。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 做法:将苹果削成泥状,加上蛋黄及面粉、蜂蜜搅拌均匀。清洁肌肤之后,将面膜敷于脸上10-15分钟后,用温水冲净即可,可天天使用。 功效:具有滋养、收敛、保湿等功效,可增强肌肤抵抗力,让肌肤明亮有光泽。 冬季补水面膜会将冬季干燥的气候对皮肤的伤害降到最低限度, 自制面膜,除了保湿补水外,还可以保持肌肤的弹性和柔嫩,下面就向大家介绍集中冬季自制补水保湿面膜的做法,简单但却很有效哦! 不论你是哪种肤质,补水保湿都是你要做的头等大事,这是偶珍藏的补水,保湿滋养面膜,全部是DIY的呀,爱美的美女一定要试试的呀~ 杏仁番茄面膜 材料:杏仁粉20克,番茄1个 做法:番茄榨汁与杏仁粉调和均匀,涂在脸上,干燥后洗净 适用肤质:任何肤质(除敏感肤质) 功效:保湿,去黑头粉刺 香蕉牛奶面膜 材料:香蕉1根,牛奶,面粉适量 做法:香蕉捣碎,加入牛奶,面粉拌成糊状,均匀涂在脸上,20分钟后用清水洗净 适用肤质:任何肤质 功效:加入番茄汁或胡萝卜汁,在滋润保湿的同时,还可以去除死皮,减少油 芦荟黄瓜面膜 材料:新鲜芦荟,黄瓜,鸡蛋,面粉,蜂蜜 做法:芦荟去皮,用刀剁成泥,黄瓜榨汁,鸡蛋打入碗中,加入芦荟泥,黄瓜汁,面粉,蜂蜜后搅拌成糊状,均匀涂在脸上,20分钟后用清水洗净 适用肤质:任何肤质 功效:保湿,美白 白萝卜汁敷 材料:白萝卜,蜂蜜 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 做法:白萝卜洗净榨汁,加入蜂蜜调匀抹在脸上,轻轻按摩,10分钟后洗净,剩余的白萝卜汁加蜂蜜内服. 适用肤质:任何肤质 功效:保湿,对皮肤粗糙,色素沉着均有效果,白萝卜还有很好的减肥功效.. 豆花保湿面膜 材料:豆腐,蜂蜜,面粉。 做法:豆腐放在小碗里,捣成泥状,将蜂蜜加入豆腐中,再加入少量面粉拌成糊状。敷在脸上,约10分钟后,用清水洗净即可。 功效:保湿,美白去斑,改善毛孔粗大。 西瓜滋润面膜 材料:西瓜,蛋清,面粉 做法:将西瓜肉捣碎,加入蛋清搅拌均匀,加入少量面粉使其成糊状。敷在脸上约十分钟后,用清水洗净即可。 功效:西瓜清凉,补水效果极佳。干性皮肤可用蛋黄,滋润效果更好 杏仁茯苓敷 主要成分:杏仁30克、茯苓10克、莲子10克。 功能描述: 滋养润泽美白肌肤,延缓皮肤衰老。 适用人群: 适合于任何肤质,适用于对皮肤进行基础保养以及皮肤干燥粗糙的人群。 用法用量: 药粉研成细致粉末,与适量面粉混合均匀。 取适量药粉加入温水调成糊状,用面膜刷均匀涂于面部,约15分钟后用清水洗净。 每周2次,每次一副。 : 不要等到面膜完全干燥后才进行清洗,否则反而会吸收皮肤的水分。 使用前请在手腕内侧做过敏测试,十分钟后如无过敏反应即可用。 当归养颜敷 主要成分: 当归、白芷、川芎各9克、甘草3克。 功能描述: 活血润肤,促进皮肤血液循环,改善皮肤的养分供给,使皮肤光洁润泽。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 适用人群: 适合于任何肤质,适用于对皮肤进行基础保养以及皮肤干燥粗糙的人群。 用法用量: 将药材研成细致粉末,混合均匀。 取适量药粉与蛋黄(干性皮肤)或蛋清(油性皮肤)调成糊状,用面膜刷均匀涂于面部,约15分钟后用清水洗净。 每周2次,每次一副。 注意事项: 不要等到面膜完全干燥后才进行清洗,否则反而会吸收皮肤的水分。 使用前请在手腕内侧做过敏测试,十分钟后如无过敏反应即可使用。 牛奶蛋清补水面膜 用鲜牛奶一汤匙(普通的纯牛奶就可以罗,不过甜牛奶就不行,因为里面的糖份会使皮肤涩涩的),加入蛋清一个(记得不要蛋黄哦)可以直接敷脸上,如果嫌太稀不够稠的话可以加入适量的面粉充分混合后涂在脸上,20分钟后取下。这个面膜不单有补水的效果,还可以美白呢。 蜂蜜甘油补水面膜 蜂蜜一勺,甘油一勺,对两勺水,面粉适量,充分混合,甘油可以在药店买到,都很便宜滴。 自制冬季补水面膜配方之柠檬面膜: 将一个鲜柠檬榨汁后加一倍的水,放入纸膜,敷脸后15,20分钟左右取下,或将一个鲜柠檬切片直接贴于面部15,20分钟左右取下,可使皮肤清爽、润滑、细嫩,长期坚持能延缓皮肤衰老。 自制冬季补水面膜配方之黄瓜面膜: 取鲜黄瓜汁加蜂蜜适量,风油精数滴调匀后放入纸膜,20,30分钟后洗净,或将黄瓜洗净切薄片直接贴于脸部,具有润肤、增白、除皱的作用。 15种DIY补水面膜大全 1.号保湿天使:香蕉面膜 将香蕉磨烂成泥状,香蕉越嫩的越好,一次两根就差不多了还有香蕉皮上的,可以用小刀刮刮,别浪费掉,厚厚地涂在脸上,20分钟后用温水洗净。 这是一款饱具营养的面膜,对面部皮下毛细血管有一定调节作用。并且还可以防过敏呢~对于爱过敏的MM可一定不要错过哦~ 2.号保湿天使:啤酒敷面法 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 将冰冻啤酒,(不要冻成块状的,有凉气的那种就行了,夏天用这个是超级爽的,到中午热的不行,就来敷一下,既补水又降温)倒在化妆棉上,直至湿透,分别敷于额头、鼻子、面颊、下巴位置,20分钟后用清水洗干净。 作用:可收缩毛孔,预防暗疮。 3.号保湿天使:酸奶面膜 这款酸奶面膜是自己在网络上发现的,不过自己有添加的点发明。 嘿嘿,酸奶要买光明的芦荟酸奶,大概RMB2.3元,然后加入适量的珍珠粉,30元一盒.10X0.6克的,搅拌后涂在脸上,15分钟后洗掉,一直到第二天早晨都很滋润,连续3天就见效果了,皮肤会变白.而且用不完的酸奶可以喝掉,味道相当不错,还有芦荟果肉呢。 4.号保湿天使:唐人汤面膜 将唐人汤内部精华液倒入碗中,将面膜纸浸入,取出敷在脸上,以20分钟左右为宜,用清水洗净即可~ 这个面膜是富含胶原蛋白的精华,尤其在秋冬季节干燥,缺水情况下使用,它可以从内部补充维生素,防止黑色素的沉积,痘痘皱纹的产生以及长期使用就可起到补水保湿美白抗衰老的等功效~我现在一直在用,赞一个~ 5.号保湿天使:木瓜面膜 将吃完的木瓜皮上残存的木瓜肉用勺刮下来加入牛奶或直接将木瓜皮抹在脸上20分钟洗掉,保湿美白润滑皮肤效果都很好哦,吃了木瓜肉利用木瓜皮真是一举两得,不错不错~ 这个面膜是我用着最廉价也是最常用的了~希望姐妹都可以试试啊~ 6.号保湿天使:蛋清蜂蜜面膜 这个面膜想必很多MM都知道,就是将鸡蛋清和蜂蜜搅匀,涂在脸上,大概15-20分钟后用水洗去就OK了。这个对美白很有效,而且也比较滋润,但不要在脸上留过长的时间,否则脸会觉得干干的。据说油性皮肤的用鸡蛋清,而干性皮肤的则用鸡蛋黄。这个我用过一段时间,感觉确实变白了,而且也不起痘痘了。(PS:如果是爱长痘痘的JM,晚上睡觉前把蜂蜜涂在痘痘上,第二天早起再洗掉,痘痘就会变小、消失了。很有效的。只不过要注意别把蜂蜜蹭在被上,否则粘粘的,很不舒服。 说说这款面膜的缺点吧,就是每次让蛋清和蛋黄分开太麻烦,有时候也有一定的浪费~不过后来我就把蛋清用来做面膜,蛋黄抄着吃~每次壳里的蛋清也被我弄的一干二净,要不然干脆直接涂在脸上,有痘痘的直接涂在痘痘上,不要浪费嘛~ 7.号保湿天使:红糖大枣面膜 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 这个是我刚刚从网上看到的,还没试验过,不过觉得还不错,也贴出来给大家看看~挺简单的就是用红塘和枣加点蜂蜜在火上煮直到枣煮烂,可以放在小瓶子里放在冰箱里的,一次多做点也不容易坏,隔一天敷20分钟就是颜色不好看挺吓人的.有兴趣的JM可以试一下。另外和大家说的题外话:听坛子里的姐妹讲,红糖大枣姜在一起泡水喝就可以调理痛经呢,偶打算试试,每次大姨妈来偶的痛的翻来覆去的~ 8.号保湿天使:青(黄)瓜面膜 (方法一)青(黄)瓜片蘸蛋清贴在脸上,保持10-20分钟,这款面膜能有效的改善脸上的豆豆问题~ (方法二)青瓜含有丰富的维他命C、氨基酸,具备镇静、舒缓、收敛毛孔、补湿及美白功效。将切片青瓜冷冻后直接敷在面部及双眼,能收缩粗大毛孔,舒缓过敏、晒后受伤及长了暗疮的皮肤。 DIY:选上好青瓜一条、面膜纸一张。将青瓜磨成泥,隔渣取汁,放入雪柜冷藏;再将纸面膜浸透青瓜汁用于敷面,15分钟后冲洗,清凉舒爽。如嫌使用面膜麻烦,也可把青瓜汁当化妆水使用,对舒缓敏感皮肤的敏感症状非常有效。 (方法三)取鲜黄瓜汁加入奶粉、蜂蜜适量,风油精数滴调匀后涂面,20,30分钟后洗净,或将黄瓜洗净切薄片直接贴于脸部,具有润肤、增白、除皱的作用。 9.号保湿天使:芦荟汁擦脸 注意要用新鲜的芦荟,做成汁直接当化妆水抹在脸上即可,觉得不舒服,20分钟左右洗掉~大家都知道芦荟是排毒的圣品,呵呵这款面膜也不例外,它能有效的减少脸部细纹,和改善脸上的豆豆问题~ 10.号保湿天使:啤酒酵母粉保湿面膜 将100ml原味酸奶加上啤酒酵母粉(一小勺)和一小匙蜂蜜,混合搅拌成稀薄糊状,均匀敷在脸上,大约等 15分钟后用清水洗净即可。 定期使用,收缩毛孔,肌肤水嫩。(此种方法适用各种肌肤,尤其适用于油性肌肤) 啤酒酵母豆腐西施面膜: 嫩豆腐1小块、酵母粉一勺、橄榄油3ml(油性肌肤可省略),均匀敷在脸上,大约15分钟后清水洗净即可。 定期使用,嫩白柔细肌肤,改善肌肤暗沉、加强肌肤抗氧化(此种方法适合各种肌肤) 现在市面上卖啤酒酵母粉的很多,我自己买过一种比较便宜也比较好用的的是百安康的(16元300克提醒姐妹们不要买贵哦),本来想着减肥呢,但看到上面说明说可以做面膜,就试了,用的是酸奶+啤酒酵母粉,保湿效果不错,做一次三天脸上都不觉的干~ 11.号:去黑头面膜 材料:面巾纸,鸡蛋 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 步骤:先将脸清洗干净,在鼻子等易长黑头的地方涂,上薄薄的一层鸡蛋清(注意是蛋清哦),然后将面巾纸取一层(一般的纸巾一张不是3层的么),剪成合适大小,贴在涂有蛋清的脸部,压出气泡,再在上面多涂一点蛋清,然后一直待完全干后揭下。这种方法揭的时候不撕扯皮肤,对皮肤没有损害,而且黑头可以立即被吸出来,也可以重复几次。要注意的是:过后一定要用凉水收缩毛孔,或用冰在冰箱里的化妆水拍打脸部。 12.号保湿天使:苦瓜面膜 苦瓜不光降火也是补水良品,还有防止发炎、美白的功效。 有痘痘的MM一定要坚持服用苦瓜,对痘痘的改善也是有很好的作用呢~ DIY:选熟苦瓜一条。先将其冷冻,然后打磨成泥,直接取用敷面15分钟,以清水洗净即可。 13.号保湿天使:苹果面膜 将苹果去皮切块或捣泥,然后涂于脸部,如系干性过敏性皮肤,可加适量鲜牛奶或植物油,油性皮肤宜加些蛋清。15,20分钟后用热毛巾洗干净即可。隔天一次,一个疗程为20天,具有使皮肤细滑、滋润、白腻的作用,还可消除皮肤暗疮、雀斑、黑斑等症状。 14号保湿天使:柠檬面膜 将一个鲜柠檬榨汁后加一倍的水,再加入三大匙面粉调成面膏状随后敷在脸上,15,20分钟左右取下,或将一个鲜柠檬切片直接贴于面部15,20分钟左右取下,洗净脸部。每天一次,七天为一个疗程。此面膜具有收敛作用,可使皮肤清爽、润滑、细嫩,长期坚持能延缓皮肤衰老。 15号保湿天使:蜂蜜番茄面膜 先将番茄压烂取汁,加入适量蜂蜜和少许面粉调成膏状,涂于面部保持20,30分钟,具有使皮肤滋润、白嫩、柔软的作用,长期使用还具有祛斑除皱和治疗皮肤痤疮等功能。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe
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