

2018-08-22 13页 doc 42KB 11阅读




各大机场免税店购物攻略各大机场免税店购物攻略 上海浦东机场 亚洲最便宜的雅诗兰黛 三颗星 BUY:美妆品、香水、香烟 和北京一样,日上免税行在浦东机场里也是主要经营商,美妆品自然也是同样的 平价且实惠。口碑颇佳的倩碧黄油只需255元/125毫升,专柜价则要400多元,还有专 柜卖280元的兰蔻睫毛膏,这里只要168元就能搞定,优惠得很。此外,大部分品牌都 有推出亮丽可爱的香水套装,一个包装内含有三到四款迷你香水,买回来拆开送人很 不错。 不过,日上免税行最出名的还得数雅诗兰黛的护肤产品,尤其是大名鼎鼎的ANR修 护系列套装,50毫升的特润...
各大机场免税店购物攻略 上海浦东机场 亚洲最便宜的雅诗兰黛 三颗星 BUY:美妆品、香水、香烟 和北京一样,日上免税行在浦东机场里也是主要经营商,美妆品自然也是同样的 平价且实惠。口碑颇佳的倩碧黄油只需255元/125毫升,专柜价则要400多元,还有专 柜卖280元的兰蔻睫毛膏,这里只要168元就能搞定,优惠得很。此外,大部分品牌都 有推出亮丽可爱的香水套装,一个包装内含有三到四款迷你香水,买回来拆开送人很 不错。 不过,日上免税行最出名的还得数雅诗兰黛的护肤产品,尤其是大名鼎鼎的ANR修 护系列套装,50毫升的特润修护露加15毫升的眼部修护精华霜只卖800元,比在香港买 还便宜,在国内专柜购买的话更要近1400元才能搞定,难怪有时会卖到脱销。雅诗兰 黛眼霜,两瓶装才593元,专柜单瓶就要480元,而香港机场是690港币。Chanel的润泽 精华水,比专柜少200元。还有很多机场特供的套组出售,优惠力度很强,比如娇韵 诗,价格比专柜5折还低。 除了护肤品、彩妆及香水,价格低廉的洋烟和高级国产烟也是日上的一大特色之 一。颇受男士欢迎的中华香烟只需275元一条,很多人都会一下子买上好几条,造成供 不应求的局面。不过,据某些老烟枪考证,这里的中华和外面卖的味道不太一样,要 淡上几分,包装上还印着“仅供出口”的字样,证明它的口感和内销的确实有所不 同。因此,如果你很挑剔口感,还是慎重考虑后再下手。 值得一提的是,日上免税行不但在国际航班候机区有,在下机后的取行李区也 有,让你免去购物后负重出国兜一圈再背回来的尴尬,显得十分贴心。但这个出关前 的一个小小的日上免税店,东西不够齐全,但补补货还是可以的。娇兰,Dior,欧舒 丹都比专柜低20%-40%。但货品很少,选择也少。 不过,浦东机场免税店的劣势也是颇为明显的:和国外某些机场比起来,它的规 模并不算大,名牌服饰、珠宝手和电子产品的专卖店少得可怜,显得过于单调。不 过这里的营业员个个都是年轻美眉,十分养眼,服务态度也不错,只是护肤品和彩妆 区似乎有些人手不足,如果对想买的商品有疑问,要东张西望上半天才能找到可以帮 助你的人,难免让急着登机的乘客心痒难。 香港国际机场 男女老少通吃 五颗星 center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.15~0.25mm. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring, BUY:大牌包袋、太阳镜、迪斯尼纪念品、彩妆 除非你是腰缠万贯的主儿,到香港国际机场的免税店购物还真要小心,因为这里 的商品实在太多,吃的用的玩的一应俱全,一不小心就把身上的现金全扔进去了,顺 便再把信用卡刷爆也不是没有可能。 香港机场的一号和二号客运大楼都设有购物区,包括数码产品、师品牌服 饰、珠宝钟表、护肤彩妆和玩具等等,男女老少通吃。如果是全家出游的话,每个成 员都能在这里找到心头所好,绝不会发生太太疯狂血拼、先生在一旁哈欠连天的情 况。虽然北京上海的免税店美妆品部分价位低过香港,但香港机场也有一些套组是内 地机场没有的,比如上海断货的倩碧男士组合,正品装磨砂膏和润肤露,一套305港 币。 数码迷不可不到的是离港大堂的丰泽电器连锁店和a3概念店,它们专卖新鲜出炉 的数码相机、手机、摄像机和电子小玩意,标价和市区门店一致,不过想要享受还价 的乐趣是不可能了。 奢侈品牌专卖店更是多到令人眼花缭乱,除了路易威登,几乎所有你能想到的大 牌都能在这里找到:Gucci、香奈儿、普拉达、爱玛仕、卡地亚、Agnes b.……不过,由 于没有了关税,它们在这里的价格显得更为平易近人。有人买到过打折后700多港币的 Salvatore Ferragamo太阳镜,新款Burberry包包4000港币出头就能拿下,十分合 算。不过,和市区的大牌专卖店相比,这里的款式可能会少一些,更新速度也不是那 么快,如果你是紧跟风向标的时尚潮人,还是在市区买更合适。 当然,最不可错过的还得数这里的香港迪斯尼乐园奇妙店。色彩绚丽的店铺里有 各种各样的迪斯尼产品出售,从公仔和糖果到服装和饰品,70港币一个的茶杯和100港 币一套的饼干虽然不算便宜,但毕竟是正宗迪斯尼出品。如果你没时间去香港迪斯 尼,在这里买纪念品回去送人也是一样。 新加坡樟宜机场 限量套装最合算 四颗星 BUY:名表、护肤品、彩妆 樟宜机场的环境和服务是出了名的好,免税店的规模也和香港国际机场有一 拼,还经常推出诱人促销及限量产品,目的只有一个:让钱从你的腰包里乖乖流到他 们的收银机里。 center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.15~0.25mm. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring, 最近全球经济低迷,乘客的购物心情也大受影响,为了刺激消费,樟宜机场第三 搭客大厦公共区域推出了“无消费税购物区”,包括Samsonite和The Body Shop在内的 27家零售店取消了原来需要收取的7%消费税,从而向第一和第二搭客大厦限制区内的 店铺看齐。此招一出,估计许多人的钱包更加捂不牢了。 虽说这里很多商品的价格比香港机场的略高,但胜在够独特,比如宝格丽的 Gem-Based Skincare Line,独家配方中含有带正能量的宝石,能提升肌肤的亮泽度并 抗皱紧致,市面上不太容易买到,但在樟宜机场的第二搭客大厦就有出售。这里还有 亚太区最大的香水及化妆品免税店,里面独家发售的彩妆盘和护肤品套装也很值得购 买。 此外,不可错过的是这里的腕表,欧米茄、天梭、豪雅和Swatch的价格比国内低 很多,曾经有人用1200元买了一款国内售价为2800元的天梭表,差不多相当于四 折,真让国内消费者吐血了。 德国法兰克福机场 买皮具,逛耐克 三颗星 BUY:BREE皮具、耐克球鞋、香水、洋酒 法兰克福机场是欧洲最繁忙的国际机场之一,许多前往欧洲旅游的中国游客都会 在这里转机,而购物则成了打发时间的最佳选择。不过,或许西方人对免税购物的热 情不是那么大吧,这个号称“欧洲最大”的机场在免税店的规模上远远不及香港或新加 坡,最大牌的专卖店只有爱玛仕、Burberry、万宝龙和宝格丽等区区几家,反倒是几 家特色店铺更值得一逛。 BREE是一个百分百德国本土皮具品牌,以天然优质的皮料和简约实用的设计风格 闻名,虽然上海也有专卖店,但在法兰克福机场价格可要低上一大截。明星产品Times 公文包售价为649欧元,国内则要近万元才能拿下,各位职场精英男千万不要错过这个 大便宜。此外,还有彩色的Punch斜挎包,造型轻巧,女士随身挎着登机就很不错,价 格为79欧元。 一号航站楼的耐克专卖店号称是德国机场独此一家,男装女装童装全都有,运动 鞋就更不必说了,价格据说也比市区要便宜,街头潮人不妨前往一探。令人大跌眼镜 的是,一向给人严谨印象的德国人居然显露了自己性感的一面:机场内的成人用品店 Beate Uhse大大方方地出售各种性感内衣、情色碟片和情趣用品,哪怕不买,进去看 看也有趣得很。 法兰克福机场还会每月推出“Duty Free & Travel Value”优惠,对指定的香 center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.15~0.25mm. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring, 水、糖果和洋酒进行打折,像原价54欧元的Hugo Boss Intense香水折后价为43.5欧 元,31欧元的芝华士12年威士忌折后价为24.9欧元,如果你不在乎拎着瓶瓶罐罐上飞 机的话,还是可以考虑买一些的。 日本东京成田机场 服务最佳,商品其次 三颗星 BUY:日式点心、清酒、数码产品 日本人崇尚名牌举世皆知,但奇怪的是,东京成田机场里的名牌专卖店数目并不 算多,除了到哪儿都能看见的爱玛仕、Burberry、万宝龙等等之外,比较值得一逛的 有最适合买来做定情信物之用的蒂芬尼和由性感美女碧昂丝代言的包袋品Samantha Tavasa,因为它们在别的机场比较难见到。 日系药妆品牌在上海极受追捧,不过如果你打算在机场囤上一年的货可要失望 了,因为这里的化妆品牌还是以欧美系居多,日系品牌只有资生堂和植村秀等,价格 也不比市区便宜,完全没有必要等到机场后再购买。 相形之下,倒是各类包装精美的日本特产更有看头。哆啦A梦最爱吃的铜锣烧在 Fa-So-La免税店就有卖,松软的糕体内是北海道红豆馅,600日元一包。此外,各种各 样的海苔、手打乌冬面、芥末、果子更是让爱吃之人看了迈不动步,买来做手信也很 不错。当然,大名鼎鼎的日本清酒也不容错过,720毫升的八海山清酒售价为2500日 元,国内买的话起码要300多元,价格高出了一大截。 当然,如果你是日本数码产品的忠实消费者,机场免税店内的电器区域就不可不 去了。无论是46800日元的索尼Cyber-shot DSC-T700超薄数码相机,还是14100日元的 JVC便携式iPod音响,都会让你大呼买得过瘾。 成田机场免税店的最后一张王牌就是高水准的服务,在这里有过购物经历的人都 对自己享受到的优质服务念念不忘,看来,在这里你能真正体会到“顾客是上帝”的含 义。 澳大利亚悉尼机场 center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.15~0.25mm. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring, 无限风光在特产 二颗星 BUY:Billabong服饰、雪地靴、土著艺术品 眼瞅着去澳大利亚旅游的中国人越来越多,悉尼机场免税店早就坐不住了,最近 就在自家官网上面非常亲民的设置了全中文的页面,让英文不灵光的中国血拼团成员 也可以提前做好功课,到了机场后按图索骥,可以直奔主题。 不过,澳洲的时尚业不像欧洲那么发达,本土品牌多以冲浪、休闲风格为主,比 如免税店里有卖的Billabong,号称“澳洲冲浪第一品牌”,男装、女装各种尺码都 有,如果你喜欢玩街头感,不妨买上一两件,这可是比满大街都是的Quiksilver要新 鲜多了。另外还有从前年一直红到今年的雪地靴,北京还没有专卖店,正好可以在机 场里买上一双正宗的,过冬就靠它了。 在世界一线品牌方面,悉尼机场则显得有些不够有竞争力,除了名表廊和珠宝总 汇之类的集成店,最大牌的专卖店不过是芬迪、欧米茄和拉尔夫(劳伦,化妆品区域 拿得出手的只有倩碧、兰蔻和娇韵诗,让人实在是打不起什么兴头,还不如专注于澳 洲特产来得干脆。悉尼风情和纪念品大世界这两家店里都有大量纪念品出售,皮具、T 恤、巧克力和坚果一应俱全,彩虹蛇则以澳洲土著艺术品及工艺品为特色,像充满了 异域风情的飞去来器、迪吉里杜管和油画等等,买回来收藏很不错。 泰国曼谷国际机场: 购物也公益 推荐购买:Boots药妆、Sai Jai Thai及Mae Fah Luang手工艺品 为了方便,很多想去泰国小岛吹吹风的人都选择了直飞普吉岛,但其实风情十足 的首都曼谷也十分值得一游,如果选择这里作为中转站,至少要留出一个小时的时间 专门来逛免税店。 来自英国的药妆品牌Boots是一定要去的,曼谷机场内的这家免税店据说比香港卖 得还要便宜。它的旗下产品包括护肤系列、彩妆系列、沐浴系列、薰香系列、男士系 列等,许多单品售价都在200泰铢以下,还经常搞打折促销,建议多囤些货。 极具泰国民族特色的手工艺品也占据了免税店的大片江山:雕塑、首饰、丝 巾、小包……让人眼花缭乱。其中,Sai Jai Thai和Mae Fah Luang这两家店铺的意义非 比寻常,前者售卖的商品是雇用残疾人士制作的,使他们能够自力更生养活自己,而 后者专卖泰国各个山地族原创的艺术品和手工艺品,盈利可以拿来做当地山区发展之 用。如果你在这两家店购物,相当于间接为泰国的公益事业作出了贡献,何乐而不 为, center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and Horn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.15~0.25mm. In the case of coupling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there is a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: ... Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis moving, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the symmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring,
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