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2017-05-31 1页 doc 6KB 55阅读




英语阅读:维他命饮料,不能随便乱喝英语阅读:维他命饮料,不能随便乱喝 美联英语提供:英语阅读:维他命饮料,不能随便乱喝 给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http://www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-0 Are Vitamin Drinks a Bad Idea? 维他命饮料,究竟是好是坏? Companies are increasingly adding vitamins and minerals to juices, sports drinks and bottled water, responding to a growing...
英语阅读:维他命饮料,不能随便乱喝 美联英语提供:英语阅读:维他命饮料,不能随便乱喝 给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http://www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-0 Are Vitamin Drinks a Bad Idea? 维他命饮料,究竟是好是坏? Companies are increasingly adding vitamins and minerals to juices, sports drinks and bottled water, responding to a growing consumer demand for these products. Even though the amounts of added nutrients in these drinks are typically small, some nutrition scientists are concerned that through their overall diets, many people may be ingesting levels of vitamins and other nutrients that are not only unnecessary, but potentially harmful. 饮料公司在果汁、运动饮料和瓶装水中添加了愈来愈多的维生素和矿物质,以满足顾客对这些东西日益增长的。尽管这些饮料中添加的营养素大多比较少,但是有些营养科学家担心,从总体饮食来看,很多人额外摄入的维生素和其他营养素不仅没必要,而且可能有害。 “You have vitamins and minerals that occur naturally in foods, and then you have people taking supplements, and then you have all these fortified foods,” said Mridul Datta, an assistant professor in the department of nutrition science at Purdue University. “It adds up to quite an excess. There’s the potential for people to get a lot more of these vitamins than they need.” “食物中本来就含有维生素和矿物质,还有人服用补充剂,还有这些营养强化食品,”普渡大学营养科学系助理教授姆里杜尔·达塔(Mridul Datta)说,“所有这些加起来,就太多了。人们摄取的维生素可能比他们需要的多很多。” Today more than ever, studies show, the average person is exposed to unusually
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