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北京天价月子会所大揭秘 12月23日,十二届全国人大常委会第六次会议审议国务院《关于调整完善生育政策的决议》。国家卫生计生委计划生育基层指导司司长杨文庄表示,目前各地正在为启动“单独两孩”政策积极努力,预计部分省份明年一季度可以实施。“单独两孩”政策的实施,不仅关系我国人口增长等重大问题,更是与我国经济发展息息相关。自“单独两孩”消息放出以来,月子会所行业便一时水涨船高,频频爆出天价新闻,让人咋舌。月子会所天价从何来?月子中心为什么收费那么贵?花费巨额去月子中心坐月子到底是物有所值还是钱打水漂?新浪记者在走访了北京多家月子会所后,为您揭晓天价月子会...
 12月23日,十二届全国人大常委会第六次会议审议国务院《关于调整完善生育政策的决议》。国家卫生计生委计划生育基层指导司司长杨文庄示,目前各地正在为启动“单独两孩”政策积极努力,预计部分省份明年一季度可以实施。“单独两孩”政策的实施,不仅关系我国人口增长等重大问题,更是与我国经济发展息息相关。自“单独两孩”消息放出以来,月子会所行业便一时水涨船高,频频爆出天价新闻,让人咋舌。月子会所天价从何来?月子中心为什么收费那么贵?花费巨额去月子中心坐月子到底是物有所值还是钱打水漂?新浪记者在走访了北京多家月子会所后,为您揭晓天价月子会所背后的秘密。   根据网上搜寻的信息,记者以入住产妇家属的身份来到北京华侨城附近的某月子会所。该月子会所为独栋的二层小楼,内部装修考究,号称为国内首家月子主题酒店。记者观察,该月子中心的外部设置与普通的星级酒店类似,实行的是酒店的经营管理模式。走进产妇入住的客房,才发现了月子主题酒店的奥秘,除了具备一般的酒店客房设施以外,客房还设置有专业的婴儿打包台、哺乳椅、婴儿床,就连看似普通的床也是别有用心--内部安装可以自动升降的床垫。接待记者的一名李姓工作人员介绍,从婴儿床、打包台到哺乳椅再到产妇睡的床,在市面上都是买不到的,这些产品都是该会所的创始人根据多年母婴护理经验设计定做而成的,是申请了国家专利的产品。   为什么要来月子会所坐月子?难道就是因为这些特殊的母婴设施?   这名李姓工作人员否认了记者的看法,她说,很多人来月子会所坐月子主要有三个原因:一时月子会所能提供专业的母婴护理服务,在月子会所坐月子,产妇几乎不用劳烦家中任何人,因为所有的事情都有专人料理,省心省力;二是在月子会所能坐一个科学的月子,传统坐月子有很多陋习,导致很多人没坐好月子,在月子会所坐月子,除了有专业的母婴护理人员以外,还有分阶段的月子餐调理,科学健康;三是月子会所的产后修复中心,满足了广大城市女性爱美丽爱自己的需求,面部淡斑、乳房保养、私密保养、S塑形是深受产后女性青睐的热门项目。   随着生活节奏的加快,人口老龄化时代的到来,月子会所为城市白领女性坐月子提供了较大便捷,满足了现代人追求高效、便捷的生活方式,受到一部人的欢迎也是情理之中。   月子会所收费为什么这么贵?月子会所的天价收费从何而来?收费又是什么?   记者采访了红墙优月月子会所的陈辰院长,陈辰坦言,关于月子会所的收费,国内还没有统一的标准,天价月子会所在国内的确并不少见,除了个别为了博噱头,要价惊人以外,大多数月子会所收费高主要原因只有一个就是成本高,高成本决定了高起价。   如果说高成本决定了高起价,那么月子会所的经营需要哪些成本呢?   高租金导致月子会所的高起价。   据陈辰介绍,北京中高端的月子会所分为独栋式、别墅式、酒店式这三种,虽然独栋式月子会所在这三种月子会所中为上选,但是三种类型的酒店租金都不便宜。为了给产妇打造一个良好的修养环境,很多月子会所客房都是按照五星级酒店的标准来打造的。以红墙优月客房为例,普通客房包括电视、卫生间、婴儿打包台、哺乳椅等设备,面积高达40余平方米。北京五星级酒店一天的价格也有千元以上,所以,抛开母婴护理服务以外,产妇坐月子28天的客房成本就上万元。高租金、豪华客房设置决定了月子会所不菲的起价。   全面的增值服务大大增加月子会所运营成本。   服务在月子会所的竞争和发展中占据着至关重要的作用。为产妇和宝宝提供母婴护理服务是月子会所区分一般五星级酒店最大的标志。为了在竞争中获胜,打造一流的月子会所,各大月子会所在拼硬件的同时,就是拼服务了。以红墙优月月子会所为例,早在客人签约前,红墙优月就与悦迪亲子胎教合作,为到访的客人提供亲子胎教课,并邀约母婴护理专家开设孕期健康知识讲座,在产妇生孩子之前,就做足了功夫。产妇生孩子后,会所派车将产妇从医院接到会所,至此,产妇除了给宝宝哺乳外,剩下的一切事宜都有专人打理,宝宝用的任何产品也都由会所提供,家属除了来看望产妇外,没有任何事宜需要操心,并且还为家属设有家属餐厅、水吧、商务休闲室等配套设施。   除了提供基本的母婴护理服务以外,月子会所还为产妇提供产后修复的服务,这也是很多妈妈选择在月子会所坐月子的原因之一--全面的产后修复,轻松实现辣妈梦。以红墙优月产后修复中心为例,红墙优月产后修复中心下设有乳房保养、私密保养、美容美肤、产后瘦身、艾疗养生这五个部门,致力帮助妈妈们恢复昔日的魅力,打造美丽妈妈。   一对一、多对一较高人力成本投入。   月子会所不同于一般的酒店,在一定时间内,入住的客人的数量是很有限的。也许有时入住的就只有两三个客人,但是厨师、护理人员、保洁、洗衣工等人员还是正常配备,整个会所几十人“伺候”两个人的情况,在北京月子会所屡见不鲜。一个客人,会所投入的人力成本普遍较高,VIP服务的实质就是一对一、多对一的服务,确保服务无处不在,想客户之所想。   天价月子会所值不值?   天价月子会所值不值?不同的人有不同的看法,有人认为生孩子一生中就只生一个,因此不能亏待自己,要去月子会所坐个好月子,有人认为,花上自己一年甚至几年的积蓄,去坐一个28天的月子,实在是不值,自己不去月子会所也能坐一个好月子。天价月子会所值不值?这个问题最终还是要看个人价值观和实际的家庭情况了。   编者言:   天价月子会所的背后,除了市场监管缺失导致行业定价无标准,部分商家趁机浑水摸鱼,天价叫价让月子会所确有暴力行业之嫌,但是最根本的原因还是高成本的投入。正如那句经济学名言:价值决定价格。倘若没有满足到顾客的某种需求,这种天价收费只会想肥皂泡一样,瞬间幻灭。反之,如果满足了顾客的现实需求,顾客愿意为此付出他认为等值的价格,月子会所即使天价,也会继续受捧。 In December 23rd, the twelve session of the sixth meeting of the NPC Standing Committee deliberated the State Council "on the adjustment of perfecting child-bearing policy resolution". The National Health Planning Committee family planningguidance of the grass-roots department director Yang Wenzhuang said, at presentis to start around the "individual two children" policy efforts, is expected the first quarter of next year can be iwww.dmqzkf.net mplemented in some provinces. Implementation of the "individual two children" policy, not only between the major problems of China'spopulation growth, it is closely related to the economic development of our country.Since the "individual two children" news release, confinement club industry is arising, frequently burst Sky News, staggering. Confinement Club prices come from? Confinement center why charge so expensive? Spend a huge amount toconfinement center confinement is value for money or money dashuipiao? Sinareporter visited Beijing many confinement club, you announced price confinement Club behind the secret. According to the www.rainbow-industrial.comonline search information, reporters for the maternal familyidentity came near Beijing overseas Chinese town a confinement club. Theconfinement club is two story tall, elegant interior decoration, known as the firstmonth of theme hotel. Reporter observed, the confinement center external setting and ordinary Stars Hotel, a hotel management mode. Into the maternal check-in room, only to find the secrets of the confinement of theme hotel, in addition to the general facilities of hotel rooms, the room is also provided with a professional babypacking station, lactation chair, baby bed, even the seemingly ordinary bed alsohave an ulterior motive - internal installation can be automatically lifting mattress. A staff member surnamed Li reception reporter introduction, from the baby bed,packing station to the nursing chair to maternal bed, are not available in the market, these products www.jiuzhouwhly.comis the founder of the club and according to years ofmaternal and child care experience design, is applied for the national patentproducts. Why to confinement Club confinement? It is because of these special maternalfacilities? The plum surname staff denied this reporter's view, she said, a lot of people toconfinement club in confinement for three main reasons: a confinement club can provide maternal and child care service professional, in confinement Clubconfinement, maternal almost without anyone bother home, because some things are special cuisine, worry labor; two is in the confinement club can sit a scientificconfinement, the traditional confinement have many bad habits, resulting in a lot of people don't sit on child, in confinement Club confinement, in addition to the maternal and child care professionals, and stages of confinement mealconditioning, health science; three is postpartum repair center confinement club to meet the majority of city, love beautiful women love their own needs, facial blemish, breast care, private maintenance, www.fjqmhlg.com S moulding is a hot project bypostpartum women favor. With the accelerated pace of life, the aging of the population age, confinement clubis city white-collar women in confinement provides great convenience, to meet the modern pursuit of high efficiency, convenient way of life, is a popular also makes sense. Why confinement Club charge so expensive? Confinement Club price chargescome from? What is the rate? The reporter interviewed the Redwall optimal months confinement club Chen Chen Dean, Chen Chen said, www.mgzdllb.com about the confinement Club fees, there is no uniform standard, sky high confinement club at home is not uncommon, in addition to the individual in order to laugh uproariously, asking amazing outside, most of the high fees on only one major reason is the high cost, high cost determines the highprice. If the high cost determines the high price, then the confinement club businessneeds what cost? High rents lead to confinement club high prices. According to Chen Chen introduction, Beijing in the high-end confinement club is divided into single, villa, hotel style of the three, although the single confinement club in the three month the club for the last election, but the three different types ofhotel rents are not cheap. In order to create a good environment for the cultivation of women, a lot of confinement club rooms are in accordance with the five Stars Hotel standard to build. With red walls and month room as an example, the common rooms including TV, toilet, desk, chair, breast-feeding baby packingequipment, area of 40 square meters. Five Beijing Stars Hotel price of the day.There are thousands of yuan, so, despite the maternal and child care serviceswww.leader-fashions.com,maternal confinement 28 days of room cost million. Gao Zujin, luxury rooms setfrom confinement club expensive. Comprehensive value-added services has greatly increased confinement Cluboperating costs. Service plays a crucial role in the competition and development of the month club.For maternal and baby to provide maternal and child care service is confinement Club distinguish general five Stars Hotel biggest mark. In order to win the competition, to create first-class confinement club, the confinement club in the splicing hardware at the same time, the spell is service. With red walls and monthconfinement club as an example, as early as the guest before signing, walls andmonth cooperation and Yue Di parent-child fetal education, provides parent-childfetal education course for visitors, and invite the maternal and child care experts lectures during pregnancy health knowledge, before the maternal child, had done.Pregnant women after the baby is born, the club sent the car will be www.suneng.net maternal fromhospital received club, so far, maternal addition to breast-feeding baby, everythingthe rest have personal care products, any baby are also used by clubs provide, in addition to see maternal family, no matter to worry about, and also for the famil A family restaurant, bar, business and leisure room facilities. In addition to providing maternal and child care service basic, confinement club also provides postpartum repair service for pregnant women, this is also a lot of mothersin confinement Club confinement is one of the reasons -- comprehensivepostpartum repair, easily freaky dream. In the Redwall optimal months postpartum repair center as an example, the red walls and month postpartum repair center withbreast maintenance, private maintenance, beauty, slimming, postpartum AI healthof the five departments, is committed to help mothers to restore the charm, to create a beautiful mother. One to one, many to one high human cost. Confinement club is different from the general hotel, in a certain period of time, the number of guests is very limited. www.yymgw.net Maybe sometimes stay only two or three guests,but cooks, nurses, cleaning, laundry and other personnel or normal, dozens of people "in the club to serve" state of two people in Beijing, It is often seen.confinement club. One of the guests, the human cost is generally higher in theclub, the essence of VIP service is one to one, many to one service, ensureservice everywhere, would like customers are thinking. Sky high confinement Club worth? Sky high confinement Club worth? Different people have different views, some people think that children life is only one, and therefore can not be wrongedthemselves, www.xsdkj678.com  to confinement Club sit a good month, some people think, spend theirsavings a year or even years, went on a 28 day confinement, it is worth, yourdon't go to the confinement Club can take a good confinement. Sky highconfinement Club worth? The problem eventually depends on personal values andthe actual situation of the family. Editor's note: Behind the sky high confinement club, in addition to the market supervision and lack of leading industry pricing without standards, some businessmen took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, the price bid for confinement club is violentindustry too, but the most fundamental reason is the high cost of inputs. Just as the old saying: value decides price economics. www.wlikew.com www.wanaike2.com If you don't have to meet customer demand, the price charges will only want to bubble, instantaneous burst.Conversely, if meet the practical needs of customers, customers are willing to paythewww.guaihoo.com equivalent price he thought, confinement club even price, will continue to bepopular.
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