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赴泰州去泰州路上 我们公寓楼的外面 我已经很多次谈到高港但是还没有谈到过泰州(高港是泰州的一个区,在长江边,离市区有一段距离)。今天就让我来给大家介绍一下泰州。虽然我已经发布过一些泰州的照片,但是还没有写过关于泰州的博客。之前我也在博客里说过,高港是泰州的郊区。 一个市区公交车站 泰州距离高港大约有20公里,在高港和泰州市区只建有公交运行,公交车每辆三分钟就有一班。我经常能注意到,公交车的发车间隔时间是由客流量而定的。这里的公交车的保养非常棒,你甚至不能在车上发现一条车的划痕,一张坏的椅子或者一颗丢失的螺丝。公交车在公交专用道...
去泰州路上 我们公寓楼的外面 我已经很多次谈到高港但是还没有谈到过泰州(高港是泰州的一个区,在长江边,离市区有一段距离)。今天就让我来给大家介绍一下泰州。虽然我已经发布过一些泰州的照片,但是还没有写过关于泰州的博客。之前我也在博客里说过,高港是泰州的郊区。 一个市区公交车站 泰州距离高港大约有20公里,在高港和泰州市区只建有公交运行,公交车每辆三分钟就有一班。我经常能注意到,公交车的发车间隔时间是由客流量而定的。这里的公交车的保养非常棒,你甚至不能在车上发现一条车的划痕,一张坏的椅子或者一颗丢失的螺丝。公交车在公交专用道运行而且从不超速,运行得非常规范。车上预装了给司机使用的摄像头并且显示在仪台上的屏幕中,司机可以清楚地看到公交车内外的每个角落。 在上车的地方,你需要投币或者刷卡来支付车费。乘车没有优惠,也不能免费乘车。报站器会提醒乘客下一站的名称并且同时把站名显示在司机上方的滚动屏上。当滚动屏上不显示车站名时,会显示当前车内温度和和时间。这些公交车都是有空调的。车票的价格是一票制的,从起点站坐到终点站只需要2人民币(合16卢比),这比印度的公交票价要便宜的多。印度的公交服务要么由政府运营,要么就是由部长的亲戚们运营。只要是由政府运营的项目总归很差,他们总想着把赚取的钱占为己有并且送往瑞士银行。 一辆市内公交车车内   这辆公交车从高港开到泰州市区需要40分钟(译注:高港是泰州的一个区),一路上都能看到完整连续的路边绿化。我之前提到过很多次,在中国,成年的植物和树会在修路时种植在道路中央和两侧,其他地方整整齐齐生长的草也像地毯一样铺在地上。道路、高架和桥梁在路标、路灯、路标、摄像头、人行道、护栏、植被以及所有安全和便利方面的施工完成之前是不会向公众开放的。 公路路口——注意十字路口地面被刨过以保证车辆有足够的抓地力以避免打滑 在高港和泰州之间是中国医药城,这是一个给各类医药公司使用的崭新的中心。在我呆在这里的两年中,一个巨大的乡镇就被建立了起来,我亲眼见证了这一切。在过去的两年里,我见证了大约十个聚集了房地产、公里、桥梁、高架的乡镇建立了起来。在这里,我见识到了中国的发展有多么迅猛。我时常被骇得要揉揉眼睛再看,因为这一切实在让人不敢相信自己的眼睛。 来到泰州 昨天,我终于在浪费了几个小时的时间来把照片贴到游记中之后放弃了。我觉得这几天在Sulekha发布游记就像一场在水深火热的环境中穿越瓦塞浦(好吧我们不用地狱,用个更加温和的表达方式)的旅行。我很高兴地发现离游记比赛关闭还有大约一周的时间,因为我觉得到那时我应该能上传9张照片。虽然用9张照片不能足够地表达我在中国的见闻,但是Suresh Ji告诉我这已经是Sulekha的游记能接受的合理尺寸图片的最大数量了——如果这是Sulekha能做的一切的话。这和在上传了很多次图片并按下“保存为草稿”按钮后什么都没发生这种事还不一样。我不知道别人怎么做的,但是我已经尽力了并且发现剩下的图片已经不多了。 泰州公交枢纽站外 游记比赛的组织者们建议将游记按时间排列以保证看起来更加有趣。今天早上,当我打开草稿箱时发现之前添加的文字部分被截短了。以下是我旅行行程的时间表。 在泰州——注意供自行车使用的挡雨棚   第一天——我能打开博客但是打不开草稿箱; 第二天——我能打开草稿箱并且添加图片了但是当我按“保存为草稿”时什么反应也没有; 第三天——我能打开草稿箱了但是当我准备发布一些图片时这些图片丢失了; 第四天——我开始在我每次添加一张图片之后保存一次。图片被完好的保存了,但是我早上添加的一些文字又丢失了。现在让我来保存这些文字并且再贴一些图片。 All Comments Richard Lee /Wecome, Navneet! Navneetkumarbakshi / Dear Richard, I am back in India as of now. I don't know when and how will I come back to China but I will love to and even strive to. When I come this time, I would like to come for touring around. I have a dream to go around China, see places and write about those. I don't know when will I be able to give shape to my dream. If I come on a job then I do not get much time to go and see places. I have saved your number on my phone and will love to speak to you when I come back to Shanghai.Navneet Richard Lee /Hi Naveet,actually I am from Jiangsu province, but i would say Hangzhou in Zhe Jiang province is much more beautiful than Suzhou, especially around the westlake. Recommend a visit if you can. BTW, will you be back to China? I have been working in Shanghai for many years, if you come to Shanghai next time, welcome to drop me a call, i am very interested in talking to you face 2 face:-), my mobi number+86-13816884885 Navneetkumarbakshi Thanks Usha- All of us are having problems with TS but we still still can't leave it. It's like joints pain coming with age or is it some kind of addiction :)Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi /Thanks Graceyan. I too am happy to have come across many Chinese who appreciate my posts. If you are working in China, you get a long break only two times in a year. Once in October when every tourist place is crowded and getting reservations is difficult and second time during Chinese New Year when whole of China comes to stand still. So unless you are a tourist, vacationing in China you can't see China much beyond your place of work. I hope to see more of China after taking a break from my work. Let's see when can I do that.Navneet Graceyan 0 / Hi, Dear Navneet,I'm one of your Chinese readers from Shanghai. Very glad to have this platform to exchange ideas with Indian friends! Since you're in Jiangsu now, I strongly recommend you the city of Suzhou, one of the most beautiful cities in China, has numerous visiting spots, well known for its extremely delicate gardens! And Wuxi, Nanjing...etc.. I've been to all these places and they impressed me so much! Ushasuryamani /Navneet,Hope this gets posted... I have been doing a Robert Bruce trying so many times to post a comment.. As usual the blog is great..and the photographs very good.Give us more ---of China !! The neatness just takes my heart away Navneetkumarbakshi /Suresh Ji- All of us ( including me) thought/think (excluding me) that China is overcrowded, bursting at its seams country with poor infrastructure and corrupt, inefficient, non-functional government....Until I arrived here I too thought so, but my belief was shattered after I came here. what I saw was beyond my imagination, I could not believe my eyes and that's why I post these blogs on China to wake my fellow brethren of their slumber. Western media tries to slam or underplay the achievement of all but them, but their game is up now. They are scrambling to reach for China with their hats in hands. Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / Thanks Uni- I am yet to reply to your previous comment :)Regds,navneet Navneetkumarbakshi / Thanks for all the links and the book too Shi. I have downloaded the book but haven't yet got the time to read it. I will find time to see the series too. All governments try to delete some matter which they think will harm their image or will not be in general interest of the people. Some are more tolerant some not. In some countries the voice of dissent can be raised without a fear of lash back but a strict government that delivers is better than the one that tithers over every issue and counts vote gains before taking every decision. At the end of the day if the achievements of the government benefit the common man, the government can continue to enjoy public support otherwise human endurance can't be stretched beyond a certain limit. Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi /For a change Ashu- I am more troubled by Sulekha these days then by Sulekhika :))Navneet Ashualec /This time your blog contains the tadka of Sulekha inplace of smart sulekhika. Shi / Dear Navneetkumarbakshi,You can download 4 wheels on China here, it is a HD version http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/JLLAYQWUEGUM Here is 4 wheels on India, also HD http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/BEMZWGUCIGIE The Chinese government banned 4 wheels on China because it split Taiwan from the map, which you can see at the beginning of the first episode. And the man in it don't realize Chinese history and culture and he tried to make people deny Chairman Mao......Of course, Mao made some mistakes but he is the man who made basis for the development of China, and he really made people away from poverty. You know, the internet is powerful, you can still search for the things which are banned by the government. If you want to access Youtube, Twitter, Facebook in China, VPN can help you. http://proxyie.cn/ This is a free one, but maybe a little slow. http://www.tovpn.net This is a very good one, but you need to pay 15 yuan per month. Best regards, Shi Uni Navneet Here are the links of the show on chinese website: part 1 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU4NzU0MzM2.html part 2 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU4NzY2Mzg0.html unfortunately, the part about china has been deleted by the user. uni Navneetkumarbakshi /Thanks Raghav Ji- I want to spread awareness through my posts that how good governance can bring about a sea change in a country. It's not that there is no corruption in China but the consequences if caught are serious and there's a lot of accountability.Regds,Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi /Hello Lukes- I can't access youtube in China.Regds,Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi /Hello Suresh JI- I too would like to see the series but in China we can't access Youtube. I am sure it will be available of Chinese websites rivaling youtube. I would ask Uni to give me the link. Meanwhile Mr. Shi has sent me a link for a book he says 'is very popular book written by a foreigner' You can download the PDF English edition here. http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=108204&uk=2215163477 Who knows the next book may be mine :) Navneet Navneetkumarbakshi /Thanks Raghav Ji- I want to spread awareness through my posts that how good governance can bring about a sea change in a country. It's not that there is no corruption in China but the consequences if caught are serious and there's a lot of accountability.Navneet Raghava Reddy /My dear Navveetji,Stupendous post on...Taizhou.The pictures are splendid reflecting your photography skill.Wonderful.I learnt a lot from your educative and informative posts on China. Suresh Rao /Navneet, Uni I have seen the BBC TV video clips (3 part series) about "China, India - 4wheels." Here is a link; hope you can play these videos from China if you have access to Youtube there; I saw them on US TV (BBC) programs too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zCLnKIGWn0 J LUKE /Hi Navneet ji Bet you can't see hindi movies in China. If you can watch youtube videos you can see Ash on 7 screens at link- http://rivr.sulekha.com/aishwarya-fan-club-diwali-meet_595080_blog Shi / Hi Uni, I’m also a Chinese reader, earlier than you. I don’t know it has been introduced to Tianya, guess if there 1% readers come here to ask Mr Navneetkumarbakshi many questions, it will drive him crazy. If you have read all of his blogs, you will find it is funny to see China from a different way. You know, I haven’t been tired to see so many criticism to our government on Chinese websites. Every coin has two sides, we always criticize the bad side, while ignore the good side. Mr Navneetkumarbakshi wrote these blogs for his Indian friends. So I think it is better not to ask too many controversial questions, just enjoy these blogs and don’t disturb his life. Best wishes, Shi Shi /Dear Navneetkumarbakshi, Haven't seen your blog for several days. Today I suddenly remember there is a book "When China Rules the World" written by Martin Jacques. Of course it is exaggerated about China, but it is the best book I ever read to describe China written by a foreigner. I really felt shocked when I first read this book, because the writter have given many accurate explanations since he knows Chinese culture well. I don't know whether you can buy it in China, so I upload it to the internet. If you are interested in it and Chinese culture, this is a really good book. You can download the PDF English edition here. http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=108204&uk=2215163477 Hope it is helpful to Indian friends. Best Regards, Shi 你好Navneetkumarbakshi, 我已经好几天没看你的博客了。今天我突然想起来有一本马丁.雅克写的书叫做《当中国统治世界》。虽然书中将中国描述了过于夸张了,但是这是我读过的外国人写的最好的描述中国的书。当我第一次看这本书时我被震惊了,作者因为很了解中国文化,给出了很多精确的解释。我不知道你在中国什么地方能买到这本书,所以我上传到网上了。如果你此以及中国文化感兴趣,这本书对你来说是本好书。 你可以用下面这个链接下载这本书的英文PDF版本: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=108204&uk=2215163477(译注:链接已失效) 但愿这对印度朋友们有用。 祝福, Shi。 Suresh Rao / Navneet Good narrative and nice pictures too. What impresses me most is the massive scale of their infrastructure projects... well planned roads, planned development for public and private realestate; landscaping etc. I used to think that... China with over a billion people (like India) must be overcrowded in cities. I was under the impression that large crowd(s) of people must be rushing about in narrow streets, thickly populated cities etc (like in India and some crowded cities of USA even.) I don't see that here in these places; why are such lovely places so scarcely populated? Is there any restriction on who can live or move into these beautiful cities? Or or they all just public lands (photos you have posted) for some government controlled activity... stricktly maintained that way with limited access to the masses of China? China's sense of cleanliness in public space is exemplary; can't find it in USA; I know I can't campare India with China when it comes to infrastructure and maintenance of same. Btw, I like Gopal ji as well as Shailaja ji suggestions about using email-drafts for writing travelogues; I must try that too. I use a MS office Wordprocessor where I can do review for spell check etc., then copy and paste in blog. If my narratives are just a few lines only I write straight away in blog frame of rivr and post. Btw, I am happy to see good size pictures in these travelouges; hope you got used to my method on posting large size pics. At the outset, good travelouge; keep them coming. regards,.Suresh Uni /dear navneetkumarbakshi I have been reading and following your blogs for several months. Actually,you are famous among chinese netizens, coz' your blogs have been translated and posted in www.tianya.com,the biggest chinese bbs. Many chinese are curious, me as well, want to know how are the indians see us. I have seen almost all the indian movies and travelogs I can find on the internet. First of all, I have to say the indian movie star I like the most is Amir Khan. Many chinese netizens will translate the indian movie with chinese subtitles. It's some kind of piracy, and it’s rampant among chinese, but it do give us a chance to know your country. There are many discussions and concern about the imbalance between the rich and poor, I believe the situation is much the same in your country. As to the monopoly and democracy,I have noticed many indians criticise china as a country lack of human rights, many chinese as well, criticising chinese govt lack of transparency (especially on the websiete www.timesofindia.com). It’s true many netizens tend to critisize the govt, but I do think chinese people enjoy more freedom as you think. At least, the literate rate and life expectancy is much higher than that of india. There are many pics and files about both sides of china, but I seldom see articles about india written by indians. Please inform me if there are. Hygiene You praise china a lot on how clean china is. Well, cities, especially meg ones are doing much better while in some remote areas, hygiene is still facing many challenges. Many travellors who have been to india advised people not drinking water or eating snacks in india, it’s really so serious. Food safety is a serious problem in china as well, maybe both nations can learn from each other. Development Yesterday, I read an article said that over 80% of indian people think india is much more developped than china, is it true that indians think so. 1962 war I found that 1962 war is a big issue among indians, on the contrary, there are only several articles concerning it in china, we do not think it that important. How do you see it. p.s I Live in nanjing, the capital city of jiangsu. p.p.s. The TV program produced by BBC, four wheels on india/china, have you seen it, hope to know your comments. Best wishes. Navneetkumarbakshi /Dear Hillol- I am sorry to say but to think of comparing India with China is to insult their achievements. Navneet Shailaja S Bhat /Navneetkumar BhakshiJi, Now a days I write my blog draft in G mail draft section, photographs also paste in the same draft section. Later I copy paste the entire write up into the blog draft and save it. Later make small corrections and adjustments, after preview I publish the blog.I think this way you can post many pictures. Size of the pictures you can adjust in the saved draft. I posted my Himalayan blog in this manner.(Of course I never knew was sure when it will work , but I was lucky it worked well ) When ever I read your write ups and see the photographs about China I remember my son, he follows lot of Chinese growth and developments in different fields. Shailaja Navneetkumarbakshi /Hello VS Ji- I am in Taizhou in JiangSu province. Possibly Chinese common ethnicity has a lot to do with their cohesiveness and although we have screamed ourselves hoarse ranting slogans like Unity in diversity, we can't see eye to eye on anything. Besides all the problems that we have, how can a nation progress when one state is not ready to share it's resources with the other state. Things are so bad that for going to Noida from Delhi you have to get down from one auto/cab/ bus, cross the road and catch the other- public convenience be damned. :) Navneet Hillol Das /Navneetji, there is absolutely no comparison, I repeat absolutely no comparison between China and India. Taizhou seems to be a fantastic place. You captured the place nicely. Fine travelog. Hillol Navneetkumarbakshi /Thanks Jayshree Regds, Navneet Rao And Rao /Nice travelogue....Navneetji V-S-Gopal /Hi Navneetji, I find that there are two Taizhou in China and yours is close to Shanghai in Jiangsu Prov. Chinese are perhaps the most planned and orderly people in the world. There seems to be a sense of perfection in what they do. You have mentioned how a road is not opened unless all appurtenances are kept in place. The ad-hocism in India must be amongst the worst in the world. The Chinese are one people (Han, mostly) and that is an advantage. Indians pull in different directions and can't coordinate as they have so many identities and customs!! White nations like the USA and UK are also becoming sloppy (unlike China) due to outside elements (black and brown) diluting things. Africa can never come up aslong as they have warring tribes. China will be the best nation in the world in a few years. As for your problems with Sulekha, I suggest you prepare your text and photo draft in email-draft space. You have options of font, size and colour too. When your final draft is ready, you can simply copy paste from email-draft to blog-space. Cheers! vs gopal
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