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求职信的内容和格式第三讲 求职信 Job Application Letters 求职信可以直译为job application letters,就像本讲标题里的那样。但在英语中常用的是personal statements,后者对应的汉语词是“自荐信”或“应聘信”,更能说明这种文本的性质和特点。 有的时候,尤其是在未经初选而直接面试的时候,或者是招聘单位要求邮寄全部应聘材料的时候,一般都希望你在材料的前面附上一封信。这种信在英语里称为cover letter,汉语的叫法就是“附信”。本讲主要介绍前面的类型,也就是要在一至两页的篇幅中,配合简...
第三讲 求职信 Job Application Letters 求职信可以直译为job application letters,就像本讲标里的那样。但在英语中常用的是personal statements,后者对应的汉语词是“自荐信”或“应聘信”,更能说明这种文本的性质和特点。 有的时候,尤其是在未经初选而直接面试的时候,或者是招聘单位要求邮寄全部应聘材料的时候,一般都希望你在材料的前面附上一封信。这种信在英语里称为cover letter,汉语的叫法就是“附信”。本讲主要介绍前面的类型,也就是要在一至两页的篇幅中,配合简历向招聘机构“推销”自己的“自荐信”。这种求职信的“技术含量”要比“附信”稍微高一些。 要记住最重要的一点:求职信与简历的目标一致,但是格式不同、作用不同。简历或履历表的目的和作用在于告诉别人你的基本信息、你的主要经历和核心技能,形式多是列表式,结合英语语法来讲便是多用短语句。求职信要告诉别人“为什么说我是这份工作的最佳人选”,形式多是叙述性的文字,所谓的“技术含量”就在于写什么和怎么写。 求职信写得好坏,很大程度上会影响到简历的作用。求职信写好了,对方仔细阅读简历的概率大大增加,你也就更有可能获得面试的机会。倘若求职信写得不够好,简历也不会受到重视,得到招聘方进一步垂顾的机会便会小得多。 第一节 求职信的结构 Letter Organization 求职信没有固定或正式的格式,但要了解一些基本的规则。一般而言,求职信可以采用四段式或五段式。这里的“段”不一定是自然段。也就是说,你的求职信不一定是四个或五个段落,但要体现出明显的四个或五个层次来。 从结构上来看,求职信与其他一般性题材的商务信函相似,应当分为以下四至五个层次: 第一段说明写信的原因,无非是介绍你是谁,应当说明何以得知相关的招聘信息,是看到招聘广告还是朋友介绍,是毛遂自荐,还是职业介绍所推荐前来,要应聘什么职位,等等。 第二段用于解释简历中没有机会讲的有关你自己的主要信息。如果你尚无工作经历,那就介绍教育背景和主修课程(但不要罗列课程,更不要罗列这些课程的成绩单),强调学过的核心课程、实习情况或其他与实际工作有关的经历。如果已经工作过,那就简单介绍以前和目前的工作情况,说明自己的特长或强项,有时要解释离开现公司的原因。第三段对就主要工作的业绩或证明材料做一些说明。 最后一段表明如能被录用将会勤奋工作的态度,可以提出具体要求,如表达要求面试的愿望,或希望尽早答复。 这里应当写明招聘机构怎样与你联络,例如写清楚电话和手机号码以及Email,尽管简历里已经罗列了这些信息。 本讲开头提到的“附信”即cover letter,大体上也是这个结构,只是主要是为了说明后面所附的材料都有哪些,由招聘机构选择阅读。 这些段落的长度并不是均匀的,应当将主要的篇幅用于讲述自己经历中最为重要的内容、最能显示自己能力的事件。这时可以增加一个自然段落,也就是要详细一些,提供必要的背景信息和解释性内容。前面所讲的五个(而不是四个)层次,便是指这里可以增加的内容。 求职信是敲开就业之门的第一步,必须以真诚、真实为前提。求职信应当简明扼要,A4纸的页面一般不要超过两页(字号为小四或四号)。 下面的例信改编源自于国外的教科书,属于比较规范又简单的类型,供读者熟悉一下基本的行文结构。 例1. 谋求秘书职位(Application to a secretary job) Dear Sirs, Having read your advertisement in today's Oriental Post for a secretary, I hasten to write this letter of application for the post. I was born in 1984 and graduated from the National University in 2006. I took training in shorthand and electronic transcriber for half a year at Oriental Training School for Clerical Work. I worked at Data Transcription Co. as a transcriber for the past year. But for a long time I have been feeling very much like to work in a different environment. I shall he much obliged if you will accord me an opportunity for interview. Very truly yours, Monica Galloway 尊敬的先生: 从今天《东方邮报》广告栏中得知,你们需要一名秘书,特此去函求职。我生于1984年。2006年毕业于国立大学。我在东方文书培训学校学了半年的速记和电脑录入。最近一年来我在数据转录公司担任录入员。许久以来我一直想换个工作环境。如果能给予我面试机会,我将不胜感激。 此致敬礼, 例2. 谋求技术职位(Application to a technician job) Gentlemen, I wish to apply for a position with your company as a software engineer. I am twenty-five years old and am now employed by the Johnson & Jones Co., where I have been for the past year. My only reason for leaving this job would be to better myself in my career path. The advertising business has always had a great appeal to me. I would like a position with a firm like yours, where I could make good use of my software training. I can present references from my current employer as to my character and ability as a software engineer. Very truly yours, (signature) Willy Maugham 先生: 我希望在贵公司谋一软件工程师的职位。我现年25岁,现在约翰逊&琼斯公司任职,在该公司已工作一年。 我要离开现职的唯一理由,是想改善自己的境况,以期有更多的发展机会。 广告事业对我的吸引力很大,我愿在一个像贵公司这样的单位找份工作,以便利用我在软件方面的培训。 至于我的品行和做软件工程师的资格,可以向贵方提供现在公司的证明书。 此致, 威利·毛姆 例3. 谋求教职(Application to a teaching job) Dear Sirs: I have learned from a friend that there is a vacancy at the Willow Street Grammar School, and I wish to apply for the position. I am a graduate of the Lincoln High School and of the State Teachers College, class of 2005. For the past two years I have been teacher of chemistry at Watton High School, in this city. Enclosed you will find testimonials from Principal R.B. West of Watton High School, and from Dr. C. K. Lyons of the State College. I am also permitted to refer to Professor Raymond Powell, of the Education Department at the City Council. I should welcome an interview at your convenience. Yours sincerely, Harry Bookbinder 敬启者: 从友人处获悉贵校有教职空缺,我拟申请此职位。 我为林肯高中毕业生,2005年从州立师范学院毕业。最近两年在本市瓦登高中教化学。 随函谨附寄下列两位先生提供的人品保证书:瓦登中学校长威斯特先生和州立师范学院莱昂斯博士。我也蒙允许以市政厅教育处鲍威尔教授作为推荐人。 我欢迎在您方便时给予面谈的机会。 您的诚挚的 哈里·博克白恩德谨上 另外,在格式方面还须注意:如果采用每段之间空行的体例,则没有必要首行缩进。 可以用和粗体线来强调某些内容,但要少用慎用,不至于本末倒置。 结尾时应在姓名上方写一两句表示祝福的套话,然后打出印刷体的全名。 在求职信中,信函结尾与你的名字之间要保留一定的距离,具体的空行数可以参看整个求职信的版面外观。 第二节.求职信的内容 Message in Focus 上一节讨论求职信的格式,已经不可避免地涉及了这种文本的信息内容。这里要讲的最为重要的一句话是:在求职信中要针对某个招聘的职位,着重说明“为什么我是这份工作的最佳人选”,要放大简历中的某些内容,而不要重复简历的事实列举。 求职信的内容应当集中于:求职目标,说明你要应聘哪个具体的职位;个人特点,说明为什么说你适合这个职位;表明决心,显示信心。其他内容应当服务于这个总体目标。例如在求职信中介绍你的学历、经历、工作业绩等等,目的是为了让未来的雇主认识你。这些信息是必要的铺垫,既不是你写信的目的,也不是读者关心的重心。也就是说,不要过于叙述细节,应当详略适度。 那么为了对方能够很快地接受你,就应当转入主题。这个主题就是阐述你的能力,突出你的优点和长处,说服对方相信你最为适合这个职位。求职信在很多方面是种推销信(sales letter)。商品推销信宣传和推销你的商品,而求职信是宣传和“推销”你自己,要写清楚自己想做什么、能做什么,表明自己的优势和经验,给对方留下良好的印象。 从笔者看过的求职信来看,有的写得过于详细,以至于重点不够突出。遇到时间紧、人数多的招聘机会,反而会弄巧成拙。假如内容丰富而且层次安排得当,当然是可以的,但这仍然要看具体情况,例如招聘位置重要、招聘机构重视、招聘人员舍得花时间。可以看得出,这个“具体情况”,是指需求方,不是指意在推销自己的求职人。 有时求职信可以简单而格式化,信后附有履历表和证明材料,正文中可以省略许多内容。 请注意下面这封例信,它与例1讲的都是一个人的同一个情况,但在例1的基础上添加了许多内容,但在第二段和第三段均对应聘主题有所阐发,也就是信息内容更为丰富一些。 例4. 内容充实的求职信(Application letter with rich messages) Dear Mr. Smith: Mr. Gorge Greene, your Production Manager, has informed me that there will be a transcriber vacancy in your office soon. Will you please consider me an applicant? The excellent training I received in the secretarial subjects at the Oriental Training School for Clerical Work, together with the background I acquired in my four-year academic courses at the National University, give me every assurance that I am qualified as an efficient transcriber. My clerical teacher, Miss Clara Black, assures me that, at my present rate of progress, I shall be able to take dictation at the rate of 120 words a minute and shall be keying in 500 Chinese characters a minute by June. I am twenty-four years of age, and excellent health has enabled me to be an effective staff member for years. You may refer to Mr. A. W. Burns, Principal of the Oriental Training School, for details concerning my character and ability. If my qualifications meet your requirements, I should appreciate an opportunity of an interview with you personally. Yours truly, 下面这封例信属于毛遂自荐。写信人听说某公司公关部主任不久将退休,便去信谋求此职。全信陈述了自己的工作经历、经验和能力,针对性十分明显。写信人对具体的岗位预期满怀希望,表现出很强的自信心。 例5. 信心充沛的求职信(Application letter with enthusiasm) Dear Mr. Millay: It has come to my attention that your current director of public relations is on the verge of retirement, and that that position may be open shortly. If this is true, would you please consider this as my application for it. The enclosed resume indicates my broad experience in the area of public relations and management communications. It seems to me that this experience, together with my education (which continues), has given me ideal preparation to assume the role of the director of public relations in a firm such as yours. All of my professional experience has been in manufacturing organizations. My current employer, Rance Chemicals Company, manufactures products closely allied to your own, so I am quite familiar with the kinds of issues and problems that your public relations department has to deal with. I'd like to call your attention to page 2 of my resume, on which I describe my concept of public relations. I am convinced that this function can make enormous contributions to growth and profits, and I am most eager to prove it to you. Indeed I have been very happy with my work at Rance Chemicals Company. However, I see little opportunity in the near future to direct a full-scale public relations program (the present director is quite young and highly competent), and I am eager to become established with a large company where I can assume this broader responsibility. May I have the privilege of an interview? If you will let me know when it is convenient for you to see me, I will arrange my calendar accordingly. You may telephone me at 12345678 or write to me at the email address given. Sincerely yours, 米莱先生: 听说你公司现任公关主任即将退休,该职位可能马上空缺,如果此传属实,请考虑我这封求职申请信。 随函附上本人履历表,从表中可以看出,我在公共关系和交际管理方面有丰富的经验。我觉得我这方面的经验加上我现受到的教育,对准备承担像你公司这样的公关主任是十分理想的。我全部的专业工作经历都是在生产制造公司。我现在的雇主兰斯化工公司,生产的产品与你公司关系密切。因此我对你公司公关人员需要处理的矛盾和问题了如指掌。 请注意在我履历表第二页上我对公共关系概念的阐述。我确信公共关系对于公司的发展和创利贡献巨大,我非常希望能有机会向您证明我的观点。 应该说我在兰斯化工公司工作是愉快的,但在短时间内我没有全面领导公关工作的机会(现任主任仍然年富力强),我渴望能够立足于一家使我能承担更大的大公司。 能否给我面试机会?请告诉我什么时间对您更为方便,我可以相应调整我的工作日程。您可以给我打电话(12345678)或按所给邮件地址给我发邮件。 例6. 就某一重点解释的附信(A cover letter explaining an important point) October 8, 2007 To whom it may concern, As requested, I make this remark below to supplement my resume faxed to you on October 7, 2007: I taught Business English on the training programs at my university in collaboration with the LCCI Examinations Board for three semesters since 2005. But I do not have any formal training in accounting or auditing. Nevertheless, nearly all the translating and teaching jobs I’ve so far done are related to the two subjects, especially my recent translating of Business Communication, (by Alfred Robertson with Peter Bruce. This book is soon to be published by Public Publishing House, Beijing), complete with its numerous tables, diagrams calculations, and other schemes. And if necessary, I certainly will consult experts around here and my many dictionaries. I will by no means compromise with poor quality in anything I do. Sincerely yours, 从内容方面来说,国内有些教科书直接借用了国外许多年前的例信,包含了一些过时的例句,我们在参考网上资源的同时需要鉴别。例如下面三个例句,无论是否适合你的情况,都建议不要使用(随便提一句:原文所附译文也有改进的余地)。 I am out of practice now, but confidently I can regain my abilities in a short time. 我由于久未工作,可能会有些生疏,但我有信心在短时间内恢复我的能力。 I got married in 2005. And I resigned from the company last month in expectancy of the first child. 我于2005年结婚。在首次怀孕之后,于上月从这家公司辞职。 My husband teaches at the XX College of Arts and Sciences, and we have a son of four years of age. He is now old enough to be nursed by my mother-in-law while I am out. 我丈夫在某某艺术科技大学任教。我们有一个4岁的儿子。现在,当我外出时孩子已可由婆母照看。 有关薪酬问题,向来是个敏感话题,业内人士莫衷一是。这里仅仅提及,像下面这样的文字,求职信里还是不要放的好。也就是说,最好不要包括这类内容,尤其是第一次呈现给未来雇主的求职信。 My present salary is 0000.00 a month and I would not care to accept less in another position, but I am willing to start at the same salary, provided there is an opportunity for advancement. 我现在薪金每月0000元。应聘的职位薪金不应低于此数。但是只要有发展的机会,我也愿意在支付同样薪金的前提下开始工作。 在求职信中,切忌抱怨前任和现在的雇主,切忌批评所在的工作单位,不要诋毁现有的工作。例如某些教科书中这样的例句,最好不要照搬,尽管可能是你想说的心里话: My only reason for leaving either of these positions would be to better myself and I feel there is no further opportunity in my present position. 我之所以要离开现职的唯一理由,是想改善自己的境况,我觉得现在的位置,没有更多的发展机会。 你若一定要表达这一层意思,那也要在语言表达上有所改良。这便是求职信的语言问题。 有些内容写了反而不如不写,例如下面这个摘自某书例信中的例句(原文是作为好的例子加以推荐的): Excellent health has enabled me to attend school for five years regularly and punctually. 第三节 求职信的语言 Language Problems 与简历一样,求职信若能在语言方面注意一下,会大大提升其沟通价值。我们在本讲的开头也提到:求职信中所谓的“技术含量”在于写什么和怎么写。例如上一节最后一个例句,就可以将否定性的说法改为肯定性的(比如下面第一种改法);或者把以自己为主的角度转变为替对方着想的角度(比如下面第二种改法);或者淡化自己功利心十足的写信目的,适度强调自己正面的形象(比如下面第三种改法)。这样就可表达同样的意思,却有了不一样的沟通效果。比如说改成这样: 1 My only reason for leaving either of these positions would be to better myself and I feel there would be more opportunities in your company. 2 My only reason for leaving either of these positions would be working for a company like you, so I can have more opportunities to better myself. 3 One of my reasons for leaving either of these positions was to look for a better environment where I could improve myself. 需要说明的是,就像后面各讲的练习一样,笔者为这里的修改确定的前提是:尽量在原文的基础上修改;修改的目的是帮助原文作者写对、写好,不是代替他们写。 “When I was young …”, “Ever since I graduated, …”,“在昨天的报纸上,我看到了贵公司的招聘广告”,这种开头符合中国传统叙述方式,但在英语环境下的求职信函中显得老套。 “过去的六个月里,我仔细研究了贵公司的广告”,“我做了一项市场调查,了解有多少家庭主妇在使用你们的产品,我知道她们使用的原因……”,这种开头切入角度适宜,进入主题快,语气简洁,交际效果好一些。 形式与内容都是相互影响的,例如上面的部分改写版本变换了动词的时态,叙述上从主观“我想做什么”变成了“实际中不得不做什么”,语气上也就显得合情合理,容易让人接受。 下面的第一个例句的前一种写法使用了动词,似乎是直译自汉语,不如改为第二种那样的静态说法,反而显得理直气壮。 I possess the qualifications of an efficient engineer. I am qualified as an efficient engineer. 下面的例句前一种写法有两个问题。一是重复和罗嗦,二是要求有点不够得体;第二种就此做了些许改动,交际效果可能会好一点。请你比较: If my qualifications meet your requirements, I should appreciate an opportunity of discussing my qualifications with you personally. If my qualifications meet your requirements, I should appreciate an opportunity of an interview with you。 下面这份求职信,结构和内容都与例1相差无几,但就因为第二段对自己的工作能力增加了具体的描述(I can take shorthand dictation at 120 English words per minute and keying in 260 Chinese characters a minute.),对自己的特别优势有所涉及(I was often entrusted to transcribe client documents, which most often were approved.),又在第三段对目前单位的满足(而不是喜新厌旧,对原先雇主不敬或贬低。)使用了令人愉快的词语(very happy)及希望自己有所发展(to widen my experience)等等,便在事实基本相同的基础上,凭借语言提高了成功应聘的胜算概率,值得本课程的目标听众仔细体会。 换句话说,本讲第一节所说的“求职信必须真诚”并非套话,一封有效的求职信绝对不是从网上抄来一份稍加改编就可做成的。 Dear Sir or Madam: I am a graduate from Wright College of Commerce, passing the examinations of Business English (advanced), office secretarial training (intermediate), shorthand and typewriting. I can take shorthand dictation at 120 English words per minute and keying in 260 Chinese characters a minute. I was often entrusted to transcribe client documents, which most often were approved. I am now a secretary with Lamert & Co. and have spent two very happy years there, but the office is small and I wish to widen my experience. My former headmistress has written the enclosed testimonial and has kindly agreed to give further details should they be needed. If, as I hope, you are interested in my application, you will of course be able to get more information about me from my present employer. I enjoy the kind of work I am doing, but wish to continue it in circumstances that offer better prospects. I shall he glad to call for an interview at any tune. Yours faithfully, 敬启者: 我是赖特商业学院的毕业生,通过了商务英语(高级),办公文秘(中级),速记和录入等考试。 我的工作速度为:速记每分钟100个英语单词,电脑录入每分钟260字。我经常受托为客户录入文件,而这些工作大多数都得到了客户的赞许。我现在拉默特公司做秘书,工作已二年,甚感愉快;但此公司规模较小,我希望能取得更多的工作经验。我原中学校长已为我出具证明材料,现随函附上。如果需要,她同意提供更为详细的介绍。我希望你们能考虑我的申请,倘若如此,你们还可从我现在的雇主那里更多地了解我的情况。我喜欢我现在从事的工作,但希望能带来更美好前程的条件下继续这顷工作。我愿在任何时候接受面试。 谨上 而下面这封例信,结构上没有问题,内容上在第二、三段有些罗嗦且不得要领。但这还不是最大的问题。最大的问题就在语言方面。拼写方面有第二段的Batchler、第三段的ambisous;用词方面有第一段的looking at和I want to、第二段的两个got和listening comprehension on English、第三段的I sold some small things successful和I like a work full of challenge,等等,几乎每句都需要修改。 Dear Sir or Madam: I am Tongyan Su from Beijing. After looking at the advertisement on the Beijing Evening News on March 9, 2007, I want to apply for your vacancy for Sales Engineer of chemical machinery. I got a Batchler’s degree from Beijing Medical University in 2004. When I was a college student, I like chemistry very much. I got a high score on it because of my efforts. Last year I passed the CET 6 exam. My listening comprehension on English is good. I also can translate some English articles. Though my oral English is not very good, I Will do my best in practice. I am working as a nurse in a big hospital. But I like sales; and I hope to be a saleswoman since I was a young girl. I sold some small things successful several years ago. As an ambisous person, I like a work full of challenge. I prefer to learn more and more new knowledge with hope for success. My relationship is rather good. In one word, I like this job and can do it well. In addition, I want to know more details about the chemical Sales Engineer and your company. If you can give me a chance to have a personal interview sometime, I will be glad and appreciated. Yours sincerely, Enc, photo 练习 Exercises 一.阅读下面的求学、求职函,注意发现它们在内容和语言方面的问题,与同学讨论后修改。 如果你愿意,可以将你的发现、你的评论、你的修改版本发给本课程的答疑信箱,任课教师将会逐一回复。 A. Dear Sir, I’m a Chinese student who has just got a bachelor degree. Your university is quite famous in China, I’d like to continue my study in your university for master degree. I would appreciate if you send me your latest brochure containing the necessary information of your university. B. Dear Sir, I noticed the introduction of your university. I’d like to study the environment protection to the abroad. If the quality of your teaching level comes up to our expectation, I may be able to go to study to your university. I would appreciate it if you could send me the details of your course introduction. C. Dear Sir, I have read your pamphlets of majors introduction and would like to take the post graduation courses on computer software design and development. For detailed information, please send me the major directory issued by your computer department. D. Dear Sir, I am a undergraduat student of the UIBE of China. For the reason that I want to continue the study in the field of international trade in your country. Please kindly send me the course arrangement for the MA degree of the subject. E. Dear Sir, I would be very much grateful if you could send me some materials regarding your postgraduate program in Economics. Graduated from xx University in 1999, I would like to pursue my study in your graduate school. So your necessary information will help a lot in my future arrangement. 二.仔细阅读下面的求职信,注意从语言和格式方面发现问题,与同学讨论后修改。 (说明:请尽量在原文的基础上修改;修改的目的是帮助原文作者写对、写好,不是改写或重写。) A1. 原文 胡劲松 Dear Sir, I'm a MBA student at the University of International Business and Economics and the degree will be earned in the July,2005.Please consider me as an applicant for the position of*******.I think my education,ability and professional experience will enable me to offer helpful services for your company. After I received my B.A. in English from Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology,I worked for eight years with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Nanyang Branch and was promoted to the position of Deputy Manager.I had my internship in trust and investment with the SINOCHEM. Enclosed is a resume in English and Chinese.I hope you will take my application into consideration and look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Jingsong Hu A2. 修改过程 I a'm an MBA student at the University of International Business and Economics, to be graduating with a and the degree in management will be earned in the July, 2005. After I received my B.A. in English from Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology, I worked for eight years atwith the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Nanyang Branch. I and was apromoted to the position of Deputy Manager before I was admitted into UIBE last year. I had my internship last year in the Ttrust and Iinvestment Department with the SINOCHEM. A3. 定稿(供参考) I am an MBA student at the University of International Business and Economics, to be graduating with a degree in management in July, 2005. After I received my B.A. in English from Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology, I worked for eight years at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Nanyang Branch. I was a Deputy Manager before I was admitted into UIBE last year. I had my internship last year in the Trust and Investment Department with SINOCHEM. Please consider me as an applicant for the position of *******. I think my education, abilities, professional training and working experience will enable me to offer helpful service to your company. Enclosed is my resume, both in English and Chinese. I am looking forward to hearing from you. B. 仔细阅读下面的求职信,注意从语言和格式方面发现问题,与同学讨论后修改。 如果你愿意,可以将你的发现、你的评论、你的修改版本发给本课程的答疑信箱,任课教师将会逐一回复。 Self-Recommendation Here is an opportunity-seeker that wants to tell you what he can do for you. At first four years' training in an engineering college, I cultivated myself in rational thinking and considerate behaving. So I'm able to draft well in both English and Chinese, manage my job logically. Another two years' economics studying in University of International Business and Economics, I have confidence in doing business-concerned work. As I am an open skillful communicator. I'm serious about going further on basis of I have the ability of fluently English use and excellent computer operation. I'm looking for a job opportunity, not only as a post, though the post I need, but have an initiable thirst for creativeness, for my employer, also myself. I expect a chanllege in a dynamic environment, with a future-focused company. 求职信的内容和格式   写求职信的目的是争取面试机会,换句话说,也就是要使对方相信你是一个值得考虑的人选。最有效的莫如强调你为何可于将来成为他可用之材。以下建议供你参考: (Your telephone number) (Your address) The Advertiser
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