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颈椎手术后如何护理颈椎手术后如何护理 After cervical vertebra operation how to nurse? I am 43 years old, engaged in the financial industry for 20 years, suffering from cervical spondylosis for 3 years. Not long ago, stiff neck pain, hands numb pain, left leg heavy symptoms after surgery was ...
颈椎手术后如何 After cervical vertebra operation how to nurse? I am 43 years old, engaged in the financial industry for 20 years, suffering from cervical spondylosis for 3 years. Not long ago, stiff neck pain, hands numb pain, left leg heavy symptoms after surgery was satisfied, but I think the doctors and nurses for postoperative rehabilitation is not enough, hope to learn some knowledge of rehabilitation after cervical surgery. As the saying goes "three cent, seven support, the treatment of diseases in Department of orthopedics should also actively cooperate with the diet nursing and function exercise, the body to recover as soon as possible. First of all, the patient after the cervical surgery position should follow the doctor's advice, usually supine, and then can turn over the regular axis, supine position and lateral position alternating, while lying on the pillow should be shoulder width. At the same time, we should also prevent pressure sores. The patient can sit half a week for 3 or 5 days after the operation, or follow the doctor's advice with a neck support and a brace to choose the time to get out of bed. The diet, liquid or semi liquid diet in the first postoperative day, a week after the disease to normal diet, eating high protein, high calorie, high vitamin, easily digestible foods, avoid cold, fried, dry food. Secondly, patients can also perform proper exercise, including two aspects, active and passive. On the day after the operation, the patient can massage the muscles of both lower limbs, from the bottom to top, 2 to 3 times a day, every 30 minutes. In addition, patients can also hand grip and finger flexion exercises, that is gripping the finger and alternately. A single hand or two hand twist stone ball or walnut can practice finger flexion, extension, adduction, outreach and coordination exercises, 2 to 3 times a day, every 15 to 30 minutes. In addition, you can also exercise your limbs and joints, such as wrist and elbow flexion and extension, shoulder adduction and abduction, knee flexion and extension, and ankle extensor exercises, 2 to 3 times a day for 15 to 30 minutes each time. If the patient is physically confined, he may be assisted by others. In general, patients should continue to wear a neck collar or collar for 3 months, and to prohibit the weight lifting, lift, or bow, head, rotation. At the same time, avoid watching TV for a long time, reading books and using computers to prevent excessive neck fatigue. In daily life, should also keep the neck function, avoid high pillow, soft pillow, wearing a collar tightness of fit, preventing bruised skin. Nursing care of patients undergoing cervical spine surgery 2007-08-08 keyword: cervical spine care 1. patients with cervical spine injury: a neck brake admission limit movement of the neck, ask the patient complete bed according to the type of injury, the doctor or neck pillow pillow; head and neck are respectively arranged on both sides of the 1 fixed line or sandbags, traction belt, skull traction, cervical spondylosis patients have postoperative to brake. The purpose of cervical braking is to prevent the aggravation of the disease before operation, to prevent the instability of the cervical spine, the bone graft and so on. 2. adaptive training (1) habit training: Patients with cervical spine surgery for bed, and the neck brake, so not only to training bed urination, lying to eat the training can not be ignored, with the help of Straw finished eating liquid food, semi liquid and general food need others to feed, that speed is not too fast at the same time instruct patient swallowed, lest cause cough. (2) tracheal traction and postural training: in order to avoid coughing, smoking habits of patients, Smoking should be given at some time before the operation. Anterior cervical surgery should be the visceral sheath (including thyroid gland, trachea and esophagus) led to the non operated side, the preoperative by nurses, family members or patients themselves with 2 ~ 4 refers to the esophagus to the left pull over the midline, at the beginning of 10 ~ 20 minutes / time, gradually increased to 30 to 40 minutes, so the training for 3 to 5 days, in order to meet the needs of pull pull. Is the operation of posterior cervical posture training requirements, the blankets and pillows on the bed pad placed, patients prone on the head and neck forward, upper limbs natural extension, sense of breathing difficulties in the beginning of training, 3 ~ 5 days to adapt to. 3. prevention of complications (1) postoperative hemorrhage, asphyxia and respiratory depression after operation are the most dangerous complications. Therefore, postoperative special care should be taken to see if the breathing is unobstructed, the frequency is normal, to make a good record, to find abnormal, timely reporting and processing. (2) the prevention of graft loss, strict neck brake, patient body movement disorders, skin care is important, especially incomplete paralysis, paralysis patients, timing to massage the predilection site of bedsore, daytime every 3 hours, once every 4 hours at night and bedside shift. (3) functional recovery guidance: strength training including body massage and passive joint training, massage can prevent muscle contracture and joint stiffness, passive operation should be ordered, the weight is appropriate, avoid rough, upper limb including grip, flexion and extension activities, including lower extremity straight leg high, negative weight lifting flexion and extension activities, functional exercise throughout the hospital until discharge after the recovery period, persevere. Patients with incomplete paralysis and total paralysis should also train regular defecation and urination so as to remove the catheter as early as possible so as to control urination. 4. discharge guidance: this group of patients, take out stitches after 1 weeks, 2 weeks of neck fixed discharge, patients still have neck fixed for 3 months, neck neck prior to the termination of activities, need to go through a period of adaptation, such as the first in bed when removed, then changed into continuous use around the neck, until relieved. The doctor asked the patient to continue oral administration of some neurotrophic drugs: 21 gold dimension he or welove, Methycobal etc.. Pay attention to calcium and protein on diet. Continuous exercise of limbs. Review regularly for 3 months, six months and 1 years. If you have any questions, please call 1601122 to have a dialogue with experts. Postoperative care diet Diet: after fasting, after exhaust into the light of semi liquid food, such as millet gruel, noodles soup, Steamed Egg Custard, Second days into dumplings, steamed buns, chaos, chicken soup, fish, after about a week to enter the common food, eat more protein containing vitamins and more food (diet free, not diet). What should the cervical vertebra patient notice after the operation, what thing to eat, what movement to do can help rehabilitation? Question: what kind of patients like the general cervical surgery after surgery can be helpful, and can not eat anything. That is, during rehabilitation, sitting posture, sleeping position should pay attention to what?. And those medical instruments that can help patients with cervical spondylosis after surgery. Best answer For the affected part of cervical spondylosis surgery, early should be strictly braked, and focus on prevention of postoperative trauma, resulting in deterioration of cervical spondylosis. Prior to healing of incisions and tissues (especially bone tissue), Avoid excessive and excessive motion of the cervical spine, reduce the load and keep the local as quiet as possible. Rehabilitation training after operation is very important for patients with cervical spondylosis. After the period of operation trauma, if the patient is in stable condition, rehabilitation training can begin. First of all, the main thing is to do some deep breathing exercises, so that it can prevent lung infection. Secondly, the movement of the distal limbs joint small range, such as fist and foot dorsum, flexion and extension. Some patients with spinal cord have preoperative symptoms of motor impairment of the limbs, which can also be accomplished by passive movement. This is not only conducive to the recovery of surgical trauma, but also to lay the foundation for better rehabilitation after surgery. In the recovery stage, limbs movement should gradually transition from lying position to semi recumbent position, sitting exercise, and then getting out of bed. During this process, the muscle strength should be gradually increased, and the muscle strength of each group will be restored. Especially in the hands of activities, such as a finger, hold, such action should focus on training; training of lower limbs by straight leg raising, weight lifting, lower limb flexion and extension activities to strengthen the muscle strength and joint activities, and with the help of crutches, canes, gradually lower limb function training support stand, walk. Then transition to walking. In convalescence, physiological activities should be carried out step by step so as to recover smoothly. Finally, for patients with cervical spondylosis, there should be some psychological rehabilitation therapy, to eliminate pessimism and impatience, and establish confidence in the struggle against disease. A good mental state also contributes to better rehabilitation after surgery. In addition to the general diet principle, such as reasonable collocation, balanced nutrition, diet, festival, hunger, fullness, cleanliness and hygiene, the diet should be eaten dialectically. The wind cold dampness can eat kudzu, dog liver Levin, ginger, cherry; Qi stagnation and blood are edible snake, Huang Shan, moderate drinking; phlegm dampness blocking collaterals are edible, petiole pear, lentils, beans, rice Zhuo; liver and kidney deficiency can eat black beans, letinous edodes, black sesame, wolfberry fruit, meat, venison, lamb, fish and shrimp, leeks; deficiency of Qi and blood can eat red dates, dates, grapes, longan, mulberry, gelatin etc. Diet after lumbar disc herniation The diet after lumbar disc herniation is helpful for the recovery of lumbar disc herniation With the increase of age and continue to suffer extrusion, traction and torsional force, the intervertebral disc degeneration gradually, gradually reduce the water content of the nucleus and loss of elasticity, the narrowing of intervertebral space, ligament relaxation, fiber ring cracks, this is the internal cause of lumbar disc herniation. Under the influence of external forces, such as bending the weight of the extraction, the pressure at the back of the intervertebral disc increases, prone to rupture of the fibrous ring and the nucleus pulposus protruding posteriorly. A small number of patients with cold after the waist, causing muscle tension increased, resulting in increased intradiscal pressure, can cause the degenerative disc herniation. The lumbar intervertebral disc can be prominent to all sides, through the fibrous ring, cartilage plate, and even the vertebral bone itself. The protrusion of the intervertebral disc in the vertebral canal, the stimulation of the posterior longitudinal ligament and the outer fibrous ring, is mainly based on the lumbago. If the breakthrough of posterior longitudinal ligament compression of the nerve root, with predominant leg pain. Lumbar disc herniation is easy to occur at the waist, Because the weight and mobility of the lumbar intervertebral disc are larger than the thoracic vertebrae, between the waist 4-5 and the waist 5- sacral 1, it is the middle point of the whole body stress, and the weight-bearing and mobility are more serious, so the lumbar disc herniation is most likely to occur. Lumbar disc herniation before surgery should pay attention to supplement protein, daily amount of protein is 100-150 grams, try to choose the high quality protein rich foods, such as milk and milk products (older patients with the best selection of skim milk or milk powder), eggs, soy flour, animal liver, lean meat, fish, chicken yogurt, etc.. 6 meals a day. One night before surgery (without diabetes), eat more fat free sweets. The recipe is arranged on the basis of the original diet, pay attention to increase the whole fat or skim milk 1 copies, 1-2 yogurt, 1 eggs, soybean powder or tofu 1, the amount of animal liver or kidney. After surgery to eat, first to fruits and vegetables, vegetables, add a little salt and oil cooked, eating the soup; drink fresh juice. Pay attention to protein supplement, it is best to use milk, egg yolk, yogurt and so on. Less tea and coffee. If the intraoperative blood loss is excessive, add a proper diet of animal liver, blood products and tofu and so on. A small amount of more than 6 meals a day. During convalescence, pay attention to proper waist movement. Diet to pay attention to calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin B family. Calcium rich foods such as milk, beans, small shrimp, kelp and so on, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, appropriate supplement animal liver, diet diversification, drink less cola beverages. If you eat less, you can eat some nutritional supplements. Lumbar disc herniation in preoperative, postoperative and rehabilitation period should eat more cellulose rich foods, such as celery, fungus, bamboo shoots, apples, bananas and so on, in order to maintain smooth stool. If the stool is not smooth, drink light honey water or weak salt water in the morning. Diet after lumbar disc herniation The recipe for cervical spondylosis is 2008-04-13 16:33 Classification: default classification number: greatly in small due to degeneration and strain, osteoporosis, cervical hyperplasia, ligament hypertrophy, arteriosclerosis, stenosis, development to a certain extent, can be cervical vertebra disease. Neck pain, numbness and weakness of the upper limbs, and atrophy of the muscles. Some patients have dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus. Individual severe paralysis, difficulty walking. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has an early understanding of it, and is generally divided into wind cold dampness obstruction type, qi stagnation blood stasis type, phlegm dampness obstructing collaterals type, liver kidney deficiency type and Qi blood deficiency type. Many methods of treating cervical spondylosis, including exercises, pillow, traction, massage, plaster, medication and surgery. In addition, it can also be combined with diet therapy. Diet medication becomes the "bitter" as "delicious", "medicine is very simple, the most gentle, taste is not bad, easy to wear, easy features" can play "food by drug Viagra, food and medicine to help" effect. In addition to the general diet principle, such as reasonable collocation, balanced nutrition, diet, festival, hunger, fullness, cleanliness and hygiene, the diet should be eaten dialectically. The wind cold dampness can eat kudzu, dog liver Levin, ginger, cherry; Qi stagnation and blood are edible snake, Huang Shan, moderate drinking; phlegm dampness blocking collaterals are edible, petiole pear, lentils, beans, rice zhuo; Liver and kidney deficiency can eat black beans, black sesame, letinous edodes, medlar, dog meat, venison, lamb, fish and shrimp, leeks; deficiency of Qi and blood can eat red dates, dates, grapes, longan, mulberry, gelatin etc.. Here is the commonly used diet for cervical spondylosis. 1, Gegen Acanthopanax porridge The raw materials of radix puerariae, coix seed, rice 50 grams, 15 grams of Acanthopanax senticosus. The raw materials are washed, the root of the kudzu root is chopped, the acanthopanax root is decocted first, then the juice is taken, and the remaining amount is put in the pot, and the amount of water is added. Wuhuo boil, slow fire boil congee. Add some rock sugar. Function dispelling wind and dampness to relieve pain. It is suitable for the cervical spondylosis with wind cold dampness obstruction type and strong neck pain. 2. stewed snake The raw material snake L, onion, ginger, water amount, Yellow Wine. System of law will be washed, peeled, snake viscera, cut into 5 cm segments, casserole, add onions, ginger, water, Yellow Wine. The fire to boil, simmer until cooked, then add salt to. Take the time. Function expelling wind and dredging collaterals. Indications: cervical spondylosis, limb pain, numbness. 3, Shandan walnut porridge Raw Hawthorn 30 grams, 15 grams of Salvia (peeled), peach kernel 6 grams, 50 grams of rice. Preparation method of raw, first Danshen Decoction, to slag juice, hawthorn, peach kernel and add rice, add water, fire boil, simmer porridge. Promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, dredging collaterals and relieving pain. Adaptation to qi stagnation and blood stasis type of cervical spondylosis. 4, silkworm porridge silkworm pupa The raw materials of Sichuan dome 10 grams, angelica, chrysalis 15 grams, 50 grams of rice. Preparation method of raw material wash, add water, decocted chuangxiong rhizome, angelica, to slag juice, add silkworm, rice porridge, wuhuo. Activate blood and invigorate the circulation of blood. Adapt to Wang Qi stagnation and blood stasis type of cervical spondylosis, weak physique. 5, barley red bean soup The raw materials of barley, red bean 50 grams, 15 grams of yam (peeled) 200 grams of pear. Preparation method of raw material wash, add appropriate amount of water, the fire after boiling simmer gently, add crystal sugar. Eliminating phlegm and removing dampness. Adaptation of phlegm dampness obstructing collaterals to cervical spondylosis. 6, papaya, orange peel porridge Raw papaya, tangerine peel, loofah, Fritillaria 10 grams, 50 grams of rice. Method of cleaning raw materials, papaya, dried orange peel, loofah first fried, go to slag, take juice, add Sichuan fritillary (chopped), add rock sugar, the amount is. Function expectorant, tongluo. Adaptation of phlegm dampness obstructing collaterals to cervical spondylosis. 7, stewed pig The raw materials of Gastrodia 10 grams, pig 1. Preparation method of raw, Gastrodia chopped, and pig brain together into Dunzhong, add water, salt, water stew cooked. Take it 1 times a day, 3-4 times. Function liver, keep the brain. Indications: cervical spondylosis, headache, dizziness, numbness of the limbs. 8, Zhuanggu Decoction Raw pig (preferably pig coccyx) 200-300 grams, eucommia, medlar 12 grams, 15 grams of longan meat, Achyranthes 10 grams, 30 grams of yam. Preparation of raw pork, chopped, into the pot, add water, fire boil, simmer gently for 40. 60 minutes, add a proper amount of peanut oil, salt, onion, ginger and other ingredients, take soup. Tonifying liver and kidney; strengthening muscles and bones. Adaptation to Wang, liver and kidney deficiency type of cervical spondylosis. 9. five Lamb Soup Raw lamb 250 grams, medlar, dodder, Ligustrum lucidum, schisandra fruit, mulberry, angelica, ginger 10 grams, cinnamon 5 grams. Preparation method of raw, dodder, Ligustrum lucidum, Itsumi Kosabu, lamb slices, with angelica, ginger, rice wine, the amount of peanut oil, stir frying mutton, put in casserole, In the remainder, water and salt, the fire after boiling, slow fire for half an hour, remove the dodder, Ligustrum lucidum, Itsumi Kosabu package, the amount of honey is added. Tonifying liver and kidney, supplementing qi and blood. Indications for liver and kidney deficiency type of cervical spondylosis, muscle atrophy, yaoxisuanruan. 10, ginseng dates porridge Raw ginseng 3 grams, 50 grams of rice, jujube 15 grams. Preparation method of ginseng crushed into fine powder, rice, jujube wash into the pot, add water, fire boil, simmer boiled porridge, add ginseng powder and sugar. Function to invigorate Qi and blood. The indication of gas blood deficiency type of cervical spondylosis. 11, Shenqi longan porridge Dangshen, astragalus root, raw longan, medlar 20 grams, 50 grams of rice. Preparation method of raw, dangshen, Astragalus chopped decocted juice, add water to boil, add guiyuanrou, and handle and rice, simmer into porridge, add appropriate amount of sugar can be. Function nourishing qi and nourishing blood. The indication of gas blood deficiency type of cervical spondylosis. Which patients with cervical spondylosis are unfit for physical exercise? Physical exercise can enhance the neck muscle strength, increase the stability of the cervical spine and improve local blood circulation, suitable for most of the patients with cervical spondylosis, prevention and treatment of cervical vertebra disease plays a very important role, but whether exercise are applicable to all patients with cervical spondylosis? We first meet the cervical disease, according to the oppression and stimulation of the different parts, usually the cervical spondylosis is divided into the following types: nerve root type, spinal cord, vertebral artery type, sympathetic nerve type, neck type, compound type, for most types of cervical spondylosis, physical exercise is effective, but for patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy and esophagus type cervical spondylosis, physical exercise often failed to achieve its purpose, what is the reason? Such as esophagus type cervical spondylosis cervical body anterior osteophyte formation of esophageal dysphagia caused by oppression, so exercise to reduce its symptoms, and cervical spondylotic myelopathy due to various causes of cervical spinal canal diameter decreases and make the spinal cord compression, spinal cord in the spinal canal narrowing, buffer gap if the exercise method is improper, also may aggravate the symptoms, in addition, vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis is due to cervical artery compression or irritation caused by the insufficiency in the exercise, if not careful, and revolving exercise is likely to cause severe brain temporary insufficiency, leading to syncope. It is obvious that the patient should not be blind before exercising, and the doctor must first be given a definite diagnosis and practice under the guidance of a doctor.
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