

2018-08-15 10页 doc 30KB 10阅读




中国女性的魅力中国女性的魅力 一位日本女性拍下了100多位中国女人的表情 北京青年报 在佐渡的镜头里,几乎每一个中国女人都是很自然地笑着的。 这些笑着的中国女人,包括我们熟知的吴仪、劳安、周迅,以及我们司空见惯的女 司机、女工程师、街边卖鸡蛋的女人等等,被佐渡的眼睛一一捕捉下来,送到东京和 日本人见面。 日本人大吃一惊。在日本劳动省的“女性和工作未来馆”里,留言簿上记录了他们的两种吃惊,一种是惊奇中国女性的吃穿用度并不如想象的落后于日本, 另一种是惊奇中国女性的社会地位似乎要比日本高,例如在中国,女人都有工 作。而在日本可不是这样...
中国女性的魅力 一位日本女性拍下了100多位中国女人的表情 北京青年报 在佐渡的镜头里,几乎每一个中国女人都是很自然地笑着的。 这些笑着的中国女人,包括我们熟知的吴仪、劳安、周迅,以及我们司空见惯的女 司机、女工程师、街边卖鸡蛋的女人等等,被佐渡的眼睛一一捕捉下来,送到东京和 日本人见面。 日本人大吃一惊。在日本劳动省的“女性和工作未来馆”里,留言簿上记录了他们的两种吃惊,一种是惊奇中国女性的吃穿用度并不如想象的落后于日本, 另一种是惊奇中国女性的社会地位似乎要比日本高,例如在中国,女人都有工 作。而在日本可不是这样,并且在那里女人是不能做地铁司机的。 佐渡在东京的一所大学里给日本学生们放映这些照片的时候,居然点燃了大 学生们到北京的欲望。学生们说,吸引他们的是这些女人们的很好的表情。 问佐渡对中国女人的感觉,佐渡不知如何表达,说了一个英文词:pure(纯粹)。佐渡说,日本女人的确比中国女人温柔,但是常常受到委屈心里不 高兴。例如买东西从不敢说店主的东西哪里不好,也不敢讨价还价。佐渡刚来 中国的时候也是这样,但是现在她很自豪地说自己能够像中国女人一样直率地 表达自己的意思了。 纯真——佐渡在拍每一位中国女人的笑容的时候都这样想。拍周迅,她感觉 这个女孩子太可爱了,有少女的纯真,又有成熟女人的懂事,一点都没有明星 架子,把纯真和懂事完美地结合在一起了;拍吴仪,吴仪说,你随便拍好了。 佐渡没想到这个很漂亮、非常有魅力的中国女部长是这么地随和。 佐渡在北京大学留学时曾经看到一对恋人眼里的纯真感情,忙用相机记录 了下来。佐渡说在日本很少能看到有这种表情的恋人。日本的女中学生为了穿 名牌、戴名牌,会打电话寻找男性约会赚钱,这已经成了一个社会问题。 佐渡说,我不是一个女权主义者,但是中国的女性社会地位高的确是事实。 在日本,女人在公司里工作,连拿个包都有约定俗成的姿势。女孩子每一天上 班都要以新的服装出现,其实并不是干净到了一天要换洗一次衣服的地步,只 是担心招同事指点:你看,她连衣服都没换,一定是昨天夜里没有回家。 在日本,一个女人结婚之后自己的姓就没了。例如佐渡 多真子嫁给了铃木先生,护照上的名字就必须改成铃木 多真子。日本的法律规定也可以男方改随女 方的姓,但实际中这种情况很少见。 佐渡在来到中国之前走过16个国家,惟独到中国时感觉这个国家和想象中 的不同。佐渡来中国时想象人们都穿着或灰或蓝的中山服,生活水平很落后, 人们也像“文化大革命”似的不那么友好。 佐渡在中国的5年时间里去过包括新疆在内的许多地方,发现这个国家的服 装、饮食等文化是如此的丰富,还有那么多少数民族。这个上大学时学习法国 哲学专业的摄影师现在感觉到,在中国待的时间越长,就越难回答日本亲友总 要提的一个问题:中国怎们样?佐渡说,现在我想,就是用一辈子的时间,也 了解不完中国了。 佐渡原本就有一个,拍摄“中国的魅力”,并且这个计划一直在实施着。 今年年初,日本劳动省委托她拍一组中国女性的照片,意在向日本人介绍中国 妇女是如何工作的。在中国妇联国际部的帮助下,她用了4个月的时间就完成了任务,拍摄了社会各个阶层100余位中国女性的共600张照片。这些照片从 5月15日开始在日本展出,到8月31日结束。 佐渡不想回日本了,问及原因,佐渡说,主要是这里的人好,当然日本人在 北京的生活水平比在日本高也是事实,例如打的,在日本是很贵的,打不起; 租房子,在日本租一小间房子的钱在北京能租到一个单元套间。 佐渡努力回忆曾经读到过的陶渊明的一首诗的意思:我为什么热爱这个地 方,因为这个地方的人的心很好,我想和他们永远生活下去。 原诗是:昔欲居南村,未为卜其宅。闻多素心人,乐于数晨夕。 文/田利平 ?摄影/佐渡多真子 佐渡多真子简历 ?1962年生于东京。1990年从日本中央大学毕业后,跟随商业摄影师中村彰 三从事摄影工作。1994年8月来到北京待了一个月,萌生了到北京留学念头。 ?1995年至1997年辞职后在北京大学留学,之后回日本继续从事摄影工作。 1999年只身来到北京,现在担任中国艺术研究院影视中心讲师、顾问。 1627 The Charms of Chinese Females -- A Japanese female has taken down the expressions of more than 100 Chinese women Beijing Youth Paper In Sado's photos, almost every Chinese female is smiling naturally. These smiling Chinese females include our familiar figures such as Wu Yi, Lao An, Zhou Xun and the commonly seen woman drivers, woman engineers, women peddlers selling eggs in the street and so on, all of whom have been captured by Sado's eyes and sent to Tokyo to meet the Japanese. The Japanese are amazed. In the "Exhibition Hall of Females and Their Work in Future" of the Ministry of Labor of Japan, the visitors' book has taken down their two surprises: one is that Chinese females are not behind Japan in their food, clothing and other areas of consumption as they have imagined; the other is that Chinese females' social status seems to be higher than that of Japan, for example, every woman has her job in China. However, it is not the case in Japan, where it is impossible for a female to be a subway driver. When Sado projected these photos to the Japanese students of a university, they even kindled the students desire to go to Beijing. The students said, what impressed them most was the females' charming expression. When asked about her feeling about Chinese women,Sado did not know how to express it and she only uttered one English word:Pure. Sado said, Japanese women are tenderer than Chinese women in deed, but they are often unhappy in their hearts when being ill-treated. For instance, when shopping, they never dare say how bad the storekeeper's goods are, and neither dare they bargain. Sado was so too when she first came to China, but now she takes pride when she says that she can express her thinking frankly, just like Chinese women. Pure ___ whenever Sado takes a picture of a Chinese female's smile, she thinks so. When photographing Zhou Xun, she felt the girl is too lovely, having both the purity of a girl and the sensibility of a mature woman, without any air of a star, a perfect combination of purity and sensibility. When photographing Wu Yi,what she heard from Wu Yi is "You just do as you please". Sado never thought this very pretty and charming Chinese woman minister was so amiable. When she studied at Beijing University, she once caught the pure sentiment in the eyes of a pair of lovers, and she quickly took it down with her camera. She says that lovers with such an expression are seldom seen in Japan. When a Japanese schoolgirl wants to wear a fashionable dress, she will phone a man to date with him in order to earn money, which has become a social problem. Sado says, "I am no feminist, but it is a fact that the Chinese females enjoy a high social status." In Japan, for a woman working in a corporation, there is a set posture even for carrying a bag. A girl must appear in a new dress every day when she goes to work, and it is not because she is so clean as to clean her clothes once a day, but only because of her worry that her colleagues might comment: You see,she has not even changed her clothes yet, it must be that she did not return home last night. In Japan, once a female has got married, her own surname will disappear. For instance, if Sado Tamako marries Mr. Suzuki, her name on the passport must be changed into Suzuki Tamako. The Japanese law stipulates that a man may also choose the surname of his wife, however, such cases are very rare in reality. Before coming to China, Sado had been to 16 countries, but only when she came to China did she feel this country is quite different from what she had imagined. When she first came to China, she imagined that all the Chinese were in gray or blue Chinese tunic suit, their living standard was very low, and the people were as bad as in the Cultural Revolution. In her five years in China, she has been to many places including Xinjiang, discovering that this country is so rich in its clothing and cooking culture, etc., and there are so many minority nationalities as well. As a professional camera woman who majored in French philosophy at college, now she feels, the longer she stays in China, the harder for her to answer the repeated asked question of her Japanese relatives and friends: What is China like? She says, "now I think, I cannot understand China even for all my life." Originally, she had a plan, that is, to make a collection of photos entitled "The Charms of China", and she has always been carrying out the plan. At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Labor of Japan entrusted her to shoot a group of photos about Chinese females, with the purpose to introduce to the Japanese how Chinese women work. With the help of the International Department of All-China Women Federation, she fulfilled her task only in 4 months, taking more than 600 photos of about 100 Chinese females of all walks of life. The exhibition of the photos started on May 15 in Japan and will last until August 31. Sado does not want to return to Japan. When asked about the reason, she says, the chief reason is the people here are good, and moreover, of course, the living standard of the Japanese in Beijing is higher than that in Japan, for example, it is very expansive to hail a taxi in Japan and she cannot afford to do so; as for renting a house, the money for renting a small room is enough for renting a suite in Beijing. Sado tried to recall the meaning of a poem by Tao Yuanming she had read in high school: why do I love this place? Because the people here are kind and I wish to live here forever. The original poem is as follows: Originally I wished to live in the southern village, and did not think much about the house. Now that I hear there are so many kind people, so I take delight in living here endlessly. Written by Tian Liping Photography by Sado Tamako Resume of Sado Tamako , Born in Tokyo in 1962. In 1990, she followed the commercial photographer, Mr. Nakamura, to do photographic work after graduation from Central University of Japan. In August 1994, she came to Beijing and stayed for one month, when she got the idea to study in Beijing. , From 1995 to 1997, she studied at Beijing after quitting her job, and then returned to Japan to continue her photographic work. In 1999, she came to Beijing alone, and now she works as a lecturer and consultant in the Film and TV Training Center of China Academy of Art.
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