

2017-09-21 10页 doc 32KB 116阅读




购买新车应查看哪些手续-买新车注意事项购买新车应查看哪些手续-买新车注意事项 现在买车多是享受一条龙服务,尽管如此,您仍要尽可能亲自参与买车程序,做到心中有数,不要为图省事,把一切都交给经销商去办。 (一)检查汽车与其铭牌是否相符:发动机号、车架号、产品合格证及出厂日期,这些都是标 合法身份”的特征。合格证上的号码要与车上的发动机号、车架号一致。从出厂明一辆车“ 日期上判别其是否为积压车,了解车辆从产到销的时间。另外,车型、功率、座椅数量、发动机等均要求说明书与实物一致。如出现不符,不但花了冤枉钱,而且今后也无法办理验车上牌手续。 二、提取新车时需仔细检查的...
购买新车应查看哪些手续-买新车 现在买车多是享受一条龙服务,尽管如此,您仍要尽可能亲自参与买车程序,做到心中有数,不要为图省事,把一切都交给经销商去办。 (一)检查汽车与其铭牌是否相符:发动机号、车架号、产品合格证及出厂日期,这些都是标 合法身份”的特征。合格证上的号码要与车上的发动机号、车架号一致。从出厂明一辆车“ 日期上判别其是否为积压车,了解车辆从产到销的时间。另外,车型、功率、座椅数量、发动机等均要求说明书与实物一致。如出现不符,不但花了冤枉钱,而且今后也无法办理验车上牌手续。 二、提取新车时需仔细检查的项目 (一)验车前带齐发票、出厂证、保险单、保修单、说明书。查对排汽量、出厂年月、车架号、发动机号、里程。 (二)发动机部分 1.水箱和副水箱冷却水液面及水管是否泄漏。 2.引擎机油液面,油质。 3.发电机,压缩机等皮带松紧度。 4.电瓶电解液面,蓄电量。 5.刹车总泵油液面及是否泄漏。 6.雨刷洗涤壶液面管路是否泄漏及喷水角度。 7.各汽油管夹及各软管有否泄漏。 8.电线接头插入及定位情况。 9.变速箱油面。 10.空调制冷剂是否缺少,干燥罐及接头是否泄漏。 11.电动风扇(冷气及水箱)作动。 12.发动车,听怠速时发动机运转声音是否均匀、平稳。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 13.启动发动机,在冷启动时注意转速表指针的变化。正常情况下指针应打到1500转左右,然后正常平顺的滑落至750-800转。然后观察各种仪表及报警装置工作是否正常,当水温和机油压力正常时。要通过对发动机的声音和反映进行检查,首先听待速的声音,应该是平稳而且连续的,不应该有金属敲击声和其它异响,下车观察排气管排烟是否正常,将手伸到排气口感觉一下排气是否连续,正常的应该使掌心有点潮湿但不应有机油味,然后听一听慢加油的发动机声音是否连续和有无异响,最后听急加速的声音和发动机对油门的反映是否准确和迅速,还要注意慢收油和快收油时发动机的反映是否干净,如有滞后或者高速哨音,应该是有问题。 14.注意发动机工况 汽车的发动机在做保养时需要做一样调整,那就是使发动机在无电脑控制时的怠速与有电脑控制时的怠速要一致,这样发动机正常以某一速度运转时才不会因空气过多电脑强制节油引起发动机无力或是空气不足电脑为保证速度强制供油引起油不能完全燃烧产生积碳。如果调整不好,可能产生车子在怠速附近无力,或是油耗过大,或是车子因积碳影响发动机各机件使用。在布吉通利华已可调整,可以放心前往这家店。可以再让他们给空调的排水口加条管,免费的。 (三)外观部分 1.漆面外观(刮伤,异色,斑点等),有无划痕、凹陷。 2.门缝、前后车灯缝隙是否均匀。 3.引擎盖,车门,保险杠,行李箱(面差,间隙)。 4.车门开关动作及防水橡皮条/门窗密封条。 5.车门踏板及门框压条,水槽,外观。 6.前后风档玻璃及门窗玻璃外观。 7.轮胎:胎压(含备胎),胎纹,螺栓,螺帽之扭力。 8.安装各轮毂饰盖。 9.发动机盖及全车各锁功能及对准。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 10.坐进驾驶室,接通电源开头,检查刮水器(最好能检查自动感应雨刷是否不灵)、喷水清洁器工作是否正常。雨刮是否刮得干净。 (四)车内部分 1.仪表板外观及功能。 2.手刹拉杆作用。 3.杂物箱外观及手套开关作用。 4.里程表:越少越好。检查里程表有无计录数字,其数值,零公里”,顾名思义就是几乎没有跑过的新车。当然,“零公里”并不是指里程表上显示的数字绝对为“0”,一般认为,里程表在60公里以下的,都可以认为是“零公里”。因为汽车厂家在试车、进出库、装载时要消耗掉一定的里程。值得注意的是,有的经销商为了保证新车的“零公里”,采取断开液晶里程表电路或拔掉机械传动式里程表软轴的方法来“蒙”消费者。所以,消费者在选购车辆时要眼亮心明,不要相信仪表上的数据,通过观察轮胎的磨损和底盘的清洁程度可以知道,你要的车是否做过样车,还可以看看脚踏板的清洁程度来验证。也可以请有专业知识的 零公里”新车。 人通过观察热车机油的含金属屑量和轮胎的磨损痕迹来判断是否系“ 5.门内饰板及扶手,摇把色泽配合,外观(刮伤,皱)。 6.座椅安全带动作功能。 7.电(手)动窗,中央门锁,开关之动作情形及顺滑度。检查自动车窗升降和稳定。检查玻璃自动上升一半左右时,用手用点力下按,玻璃会自动缩回的功能。要多次尝试各车窗下降时是否会冲底。注意:用钥匙手动打开司机车门时拧住停2秒,看全车的车窗玻璃是否能自动落下或升起。 8.烟灰缸动作。 9.座椅外观及性能。 10.车顶把手,顶饰板及压(饰)条外观固定。 11.遮阳板,电(手)动后照镜作动及开关。 12.后座包裹板,音响喇叭座外观。 13.内饰件是否有粗糙处,各组件间安装是否紧固,有无松动。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 14.地毯平整,扣牢,定位。 15.检查汽车喇叭,应该是高低音产生的鸣笛。 16.坐好后,手放在方向盘上,左脚踏离合器踏板,应感觉轻松自如,并有一小段自由行程;右脚踩下制动踏板不放,其应保持一定高度,若其缓慢下移,则表示制动系统有泄漏现象;油门踏板不应有犯卡、沉重、不回位的现象,腿、脚放在油门踏板上时,应自然舒适,这样才能保证长途驾驶不疲劳。 (五)灯光及开关 1.大灯(远灯,近灯)。 2.方向灯,故障警告灯(前,后,左,右)。 3.车幅灯,尾灯,牌照灯。 4.雾灯及除雾线。 5.刹车灯(第三刹车灯),倒车灯。 6.室内灯,阅读灯,门灯,行李箱灯。 7.引擎室工作灯。 8.仪表照明警告及指示灯。 (六)空调及音响 1.A/C开关,风量开关。 2.冷热调节功能开关(热度,冷度)。 3.试驾时关闭空调,选择内循环,检查各风口是否有热气漏进来。如果有,证明内循环系统存在问题。 4.室内,室外通气开关动作及出风口作用。 5.音响(音量,音质,选台,照明,显示器,天线,卡带动作等)。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 6.电子时钟时刻调整。 刚才看见坛子里有同学问停车对应挡位的问题,其实从大原则上来说D挡和N挡甚至P挡都不会有太大问题,不至于你用某挡位等车就会影响变速箱寿命 但是从变速箱原理上来说,有以下几点需要注意: 1、如果是早期AT爱信手自一体变速箱,换挡原理是液力变矩器,在D挡状态下,多余的能量基本上是被变速箱油吸收了,因此,如果长时间D挡停车,变速箱油温会升高,变速箱响应会下降,极端情况下会锁挡报警。在N挡情况下变速箱里液力变矩器内部并没有完全与动力断开,只能说不会像D挡那样,但是也会使油温升高,只是程度不明显,这也是自动挡在N挡不建议轰油的原因。个人觉得如果你心理上像舒服些,最好是在P挡下等红灯。 2、后期的DSG变速箱由于结构发生变化,在D挡下停车相当于手动挡车型的油门离合半联动,因此对于离合器片有一定程度的磨损,这也是为什么DSG车型D挡停车时的噪声要明显大于N挡的原因。而N挡时离合断开,不会有动力传递到从动轴,因此DSG车型N挡等车是可行的。P挡仅仅是在N挡基础上进一步对齿轮进行锁止,所以在坡度上停车要先踩死刹车,挂N挡,拉手刹,松刹车,再踩刹车挂入P挡,这样保证P挡状态下变速箱不受力,不然会出现下次发动变速箱咬死,挂不了挡的情况 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on
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