首页 > 苏州奥迪A4L刷有厂蓝牙 奥迪A4L激活隐藏蓝牙 奥迪A4L改装蓝牙电话

苏州奥迪A4L刷有厂蓝牙 奥迪A4L激活隐藏蓝牙 奥迪A4L改装蓝牙电话

2018-03-21 10页 doc 242KB 11阅读




苏州奥迪A4L刷有厂蓝牙 奥迪A4L激活隐藏蓝牙 奥迪A4L改装蓝牙电话苏州奥迪A4L刷有厂蓝牙 奥迪A4L激活隐藏蓝牙 奥迪A4L改装蓝牙电话 苏州壹捷秒杀,全场直降500~低价飓风,谁比壹捷低,奥迪Q5/A4L刷原厂隐藏蓝牙,就选我们,苏州壹捷汽车服务,豪华车原车屏改装全国连锁专营店,专业技师多年安装经验,专业改装奥迪,宝马,奔驰,保时捷等各类豪华车导航,专车专用导航,双十二限时秒杀,欢迎有需要的车主朋友致电咨询,实体店地址:吴中区木渎丹枫路218号东方锦城1幢104室(凯马广场凯迪拉克4S店后面)专业安装范围:苏州/常熟/张家港/昆山/吴江/太仓/无锡/江阴/宜兴/常州/南京/泰州/南通/...
苏州奥迪A4L刷有厂蓝牙 奥迪A4L激活隐藏蓝牙 奥迪A4L改装蓝牙电话
苏州奥迪A4L刷有厂蓝牙 奥迪A4L激活隐藏蓝牙 奥迪A4L改装蓝牙电话 苏州壹捷秒杀,全场直降500~低价飓风,谁比壹捷低,奥迪Q5/A4L刷原厂隐藏蓝牙,就选我们,苏州壹捷汽车服务,豪华车原车屏改装全国连锁专营店,专业技师多年安装经验,专业改装奥迪,宝马,奔驰,保时捷等各类豪华车导航,专车专用导航,双十二限时秒杀,欢迎有需要的车主朋友致电咨询,实体店地址:吴中区木渎丹枫路218号东方锦城1幢104室(凯马广场凯迪拉克4S店后面)专业安装范围:苏州/常熟/张家港/昆山/吴江/太仓/无锡/江阴/宜兴/常州/南京/泰州/南通/扬州/盐城/徐州/连云港及上海/浙江等地区。 一、关于苏州壹捷汽车服务 主营项目: 壹捷汽车服务连锁江苏苏州同时根据您个人需求,针对您爱车的本身特点,我们专业的视野,为您提供专业的最经济最具品质的整车装饰养护方案~我们拥有包括平价品牌汽车贴膜中心(美国龙膜、3M、威固、强生、杜邦蓝钻等)、汽车装饰中心(脚垫、倒车雷达)、DVD导航中心(卡仕达、飞歌、路畅、新星光电、富威、原车屏幕升级导航,车载电脑等)等一站式汽车服务体系。 改装优势: 1.采购优势 壹捷汽车服务连锁分店遍布全国各大城市,具有庞大的规模效应,巨大的采购量并与各大有实力的供应商建立起高度信赖的合作关系,取得最低的供货价。 2.质量优势 我们的供应商都具有多年的导航生产经验及完善的售后服务,为广大车主提供最优质,最稳定的产品性能~他们都是行业的领航企业~ 3.专业性、可信赖性 苏州壹捷专业原车屏幕升级,多年安装经验,无损原车4S店保修,不动原车线路,加装导航、倒车影像(宝马车系、奔驰车系、奥迪车系、大众车系、日产车系...),并提供连锁店施工安装服务,我们拥有专业的施工队伍,以及庞大的安装施工及售后服务机构。施工技术均在三年以上安装经验。 4.享全国联保,售后服务完善。 壹捷汽车服务连锁总部设于首都北京,在广东、深圳、上海、浙江、江苏、安徽、天津、福建、湖南、河南等均有分公司,遍布全国各大城市,且售后服务完善~自02年成立一直到未来,我们将一如既往为车主提供连锁汽车服务。 二、奥迪2010款高配A4L/A6L/Q5/Q7升级MMI原厂蓝牙电话产品特点: 1、只需要安装麦克风,不改其他线路或者解码器辅助,安装简单,完全无损安装(原车已经预留麦克风安装位置以及线路,只需要简单对插即可) 2、操作简单,只需在电脑0BD接口简单操作即可 3、不担心4S保修问,全无损安装 4、配备专用激活手柄,只要插入原车OBD电脑口,即可激活 5、使用效果和高配车带的蓝牙效果一模一样 6、原厂预留功能,使用界面和功能和奥迪原车带蓝牙车型一样 具体画面、使用方法完全和您的爱车#说明#(蓝牙说明书和原车导航的说明书是一起的)关于蓝牙章节的一模一样 三、奥迪升级原厂蓝牙电话后的效果: 奥迪A6L通过加装蓝牙电话功能,让你的爱车能够随时随地的打电话,不再因开车时打电话导致安全隐患的发生。同时可以通过A6L的原装屏幕和驾驶员信息屏幕同时查看通话链接和通信录,通过奥迪A6L方向盘按键可以控制接听和回拨功能。更为方便的是,奥迪A6Lflattened, damage and cracks of steel pipe shall be removed, pole, vertical pole tube length the lap length is not less than 1000mm, and two rotary buckle fastened. 5, scaffolding pole connector length must be in the joint fastener, compromise with the adjacent Rod joints should be staggered not less than 500mm, and should not be in the same step, Center distance, the joint master distance should not be less than 500mm, the same inner and outer longitudinal bars on both sides of joints should be staggered, and is not within the same distance, the Joint Centera Chapter labour plans the project consists of two units, General construction principles: underground, ground after first structure, enclosure after first subject, after renovation; civil engineering, professional General construction sequence. In the construction process to adhere to the plan, control-oriented, System clear, well-organized construction, contractors responsible. General process flow: excavation ? Foundation slab of concrete waterproof cushion ? ? ? ? ? ground structures of the underground structures of construction decoration (including plumbing, threading, heat, rain, fire, ventilation, gas installation). Main team selection of construction the same engineering team and must be of higher quality, and ensure project quality can meet the objectives and targets. Public material comes into play as far as Taiyuan select qualified vendors, material provided by material, two or three types of professional-oriented material and, if necessary, invite owners participate in bidding work of the Commissioner. 升级原厂蓝牙电话后,通过奥迪A6L原车7寸电脑屏幕可以自动翻阅手机内的电话本,并随时回拨。此加装的原则是尽量利用奥迪A6L原车提供的功能,和奥迪A6L原车MMI控制系统融为一体,非额外生硬加装。 四、奥迪Q5/奥迪A4l高配版激活原厂蓝牙/刷原厂隐藏蓝牙效果欣赏: flattened, damage and cracks of steel pipe shall be removed, pole, vertical pole tube length the lap length is not less than 1000mm, and two rotary buckle fastened. 5, scaffolding pole connector length must be in the joint fastener, compromise with the adjacent Rod joints should be staggered not less than 500mm, and should not be in the same step, Center distance, the joint master distance should not be less than 500mm, the same inner and outer longitudinal bars on both sides of joints should be staggered, and is not within the same distance, the Joint Centera Chapter labour plans the project consists of two units, General construction principles: underground, ground after first structure, enclosure after first subject, after renovation; civil engineering, professional General construction sequence. In the construction process to adhere to the plan, control-oriented, System clear, well-organized construction, contractors responsible. General process flow: excavation ? Foundation slab of concrete waterproof cushion ? ? ? ? ? ground structures of the underground structures of construction decoration (including plumbing, threading, heat, rain, fire, ventilation, gas installation). Main team selection of construction the same engineering team and must be of higher quality, and ensure project quality can meet the objectives and targets. Public material comes into play as far as Taiyuan select qualified vendors, material provided by material, two or three types of professional-oriented material and, if necessary, invite owners participate in bidding work of the Commissioner. flattened, damage and cracks of steel pipe shall be removed, pole, vertical pole tube length the lap length is not less than 1000mm, and two rotary buckle fastened. 5, scaffolding pole connector length must be in the joint fastener, compromise with the adjacent Rod joints should be staggered not less than 500mm, and should not be in the same step, Center distance, the joint master distance should not be less than 500mm, the same inner and outer longitudinal bars on both sides of joints should be staggered, and is not within the same distance, the Joint Centera Chapter labour plans the project consists of two units, General construction principles: underground, ground after first structure, enclosure after first subject, after renovation; civil engineering, professional General construction sequence. In the construction process to adhere to the plan, control-oriented, System clear, well-organized construction, contractors responsible. General process flow: excavation ? Foundation slab of concrete waterproof cushion ? ? ? ? ? ground structures of the underground structures of construction decoration (including plumbing, threading, heat, rain, fire, ventilation, gas installation). Main team selection of construction the same engineering team and must be of higher quality, and ensure project quality can meet the objectives and targets. Public material comes into play as far as Taiyuan select qualified vendors, material provided by material, two or three types of professional-oriented material and, if necessary, invite owners participate in bidding work of the Commissioner.
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