

2017-10-25 29页 doc 84KB 18阅读




广州值得去的地方广州值得去的地方 A:琶洲石基村的黄埔古港公园(那里还有正宗的艇仔粥吃)。 B:去文明路、北京路逛一转(文明路的百花甜品好正,北京路系步行街,布置得比上下九要好); C:中山八路陈家祠系广州最出名噶宗氏祠堂,古旧建筑风格好值得欣赏; D:去西关和东山行返一转~~西关系广州解放前广州有钱佬住噶地方,骑楼+趟笼门好有广州噶地方建筑特色,东山则系解放前官僚军阀噶住地,建筑采用西式,值得一走~ E:到广州酒家或莲香楼喝一回早茶(饮茶系广东人维持左近百年噶习惯),尝试一下广州的地道小吃~ (可能有人会提议爬白云山,但我认为不值,...
广州值得去的地方 A:琶洲石基村的黄埔古港公园(那里还有正宗的艇仔粥吃)。 B:去文明路、北京路逛一转(文明路的百花甜品好正,北京路系步行街,布置得比上下九要好); C:中山八路陈家祠系广州最出名噶宗氏祠堂,古旧建筑风格好值得欣赏; D:去西关和东山行返一转~~西关系广州解放前广州有钱佬住噶地方,骑楼+趟笼门好有广州噶地方建筑特色,东山则系解放前官僚军阀噶住地,建筑采用西式,值得一走~ E:到广州酒家或莲香楼喝一回早茶(饮茶系广东人维持左近百年噶习惯),尝试一下广州的地道小吃~ (可能有人会提议爬白云山,但我认为不值,讲气势讲风景它都远远比不上中国的其他名山大川,去只会浪费时间) 如果你想逛街 乘地铁到天河城、正佳广场、天河城六运小区(这个比较贵),然后坐地铁去烈士陵园站,逛中华广场、地下有流行前线,对面有地王广场。然后坐地铁去公元前站下,逛北京路。然后再坐地铁去长寿路,逛上下九 如果你想去玩 1 长隆欢乐世界分为以儿童游乐项目为主的适合全家游玩的哈比王国、以大型惊险刺激设备为主的尖叫地带、以中古欧洲风格为主的旋风岛、以水为主的欢乐水世界、以表演为主的中心演艺广场、以购物休闲为主的白虎大街六大主题园区。 2番禺香江野生动物园真的值得一去。这里有各种你知道的和不知道的动物任你观赏,还有多种动物表演,如白老虎、大象、鳄鱼、鹦鹉等等。动物园分为步行观赏区和乘车观赏区,仔细游玩最少需要4个小时(还不包括看动物表演)。这里给人的感觉还很现代。从广州乘公共汽车(好像是251路)只需6元钱就到动物园门口,十分方便。这里真的和其他动物园不同,去玩一玩就知道了。 如果你想运动 1大河马水上世界位于风景迷人的南湖国家旅游度假区内,是广州市最大、最新奇、最好玩,也是中国第一个具有国际的水上游乐园。园内有浪涛湾、急流直下、冲浪快艇、儿童嬉水池、标准游泳池、漂流河等剌激好玩的水上设施;还有超市、餐厅、休息亭等方便完善的配套设施。在炎炎夏日中为你带去清凉欢快的问候。我们相信:里面的一切,将会带给你一份全新、开心的体验。 2白云山 位于广州北郊约15公里处,史称“南越第一山”。由三十多座山峰组成,面积28平方公里,主峰摩星岭,海拔382米,峰顶常有白云飘绕,故名白云山。 白云山是广州著名的风景游览区,名胜古迹众多,历代都是羊城八景之一。白云山分为山顶、黄婆洞、麓湖三个风景区,景色以山顶风景区为冠。山上现存古迹有蒲涧,相传为秦代郑安期筑室隐居之所;九龙泉,相传发现于秦代,均有二千余年历史。近的有明代歌女张二乔墓,世称百花冢。清代黑旗军的刘永福所书“虎”字刻石,形如活虎盘立。还有滴水岩、白云晓望、白云晚看、天南第一峰、明珠楼、水月阁等景。其中“白云晚望”前临绝壁,凭栏远眺,珠江如带,羊城景色尽收眼底。 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 如果你想度假 1位于广州市天河龙洞森林公园的广州龙逸矿泉度假山庄 山庄内设有丰富的康体娱乐项目,任君选择,出汗运动型的有国际标准网球场、矿泉水游泳池、乒乓球、羽毛球、篮球、健身等,休闲娱乐型的有烧烤、钓鱼、飞镖、桌球、沙狐球及电子游戏等。 运动过后可以蒸一蒸桑拿,做一做中医推拿、足疗,还可以美容美发。龙逸山庄御足堂特设中医推拿、足底、手部按摩等项目。为方便客户,还设有广州轻工名优产品展销厅,是您休闲购物的好去处。 不过我通常去龙洞 因为那里便宜 广州大钟楼是广州的古老建筑,拥有着文化风韵,积淀了历史的尘埃,绝对不会让您留下遗憾~ 广州塔影楼是广州最值得去的地方,我们这没有华丽的装饰,没有富丽堂皇的东西,但是朴实是最值得称赞的,我们用我们的朴实吸引了大量的游客的到来~ 该楼原主人叫陈少白,他是孙中山先生的挚友与革命的同道人。陈少白于1890年认识孙中山先生后,就一直跟随他搞革命。1895年与孙中山建立了香港兴中会,策划广州起义。1921年被就任中华民国非常大总统的孙中山聘为总统府顾问。这座楼房是陈少白的故居,20世纪20年代孙中山先生就曾在这里的二楼居住过。近年来,在珠江景观设计中,此塔影楼的去留问题增一度引起争议。一种意见认为“广州外滩”应该宽敞开阔,此楼即使不拆也要平移。但有关部门在经过综合考虑之后,决定原地保留,将它修饰一新改作观江楼,对外开放。我想,这座颇有特色的“塔影楼”耸立在美丽的珠江边,它将成为国内外游客到此登楼远眺、休闲娱乐并接受爱国主义教育的又一好去处。 广州塔影楼是用我们的热诚打造的,我们用文化吸引顾客,我们用而欧美诚挚的感情吸引顾客~我们是广州最具游玩价值的地方~ 联系我时请说明是在58同城看到的,谢谢~ 广州:沙面看老洋房和租界、珠江新城看现代建筑、小洲村看岭南古村、荔湾/越秀区看传统骑楼民居、扬基东圃看城中村、大学城看广州各大高校新区、二沙岛赏美术作品听音乐会哈喇大别墅、天河城正佳广场北京路上下九逛街购物、珠江夜游看灯光效果。 周边:番禺看宝墨园和余荫山房、佛山看梁园、顺德看清晖园、东莞看可园,这样广东四大园林就看完了。然后肇庆看七星岩和鼎湖山、惠州看西湖。如果你幸运的是个男人,去趟东莞„„ 我感觉广州堵车堵得慌„„„不过真的很有南粤古朴风 说点我熟悉的吧,去佛山别去梁园,以前去那里写生感觉很乏味,但宝墨园漂亮多了,佛山的祖庙现在新建了黄飞鸿博物馆可以去看看,呃„„..还有就是石湾的南风古灶也不错 如果你喜欢自然景观,强烈推荐鼎湖山,空气好得不得了,很舒服。广东四大名山里我觉得这个是最值得去的了。 呃,暂时想到这么多,想到了再告诉你 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 楼上这句是大实话。。 到广州重点还是放在吃吧。。。 那些什么沙面看租界,,珠江新城看现代建筑。。。算了吧。。。还看什么杨基城中村。。。都是旅游公司编出来骗人的吧。。。。四大园林跟苏州比简直就是垃圾。。二沙岛的所谓别墅,离马路2-3米。。哈喇什么呢, 到处堵车塞车。。黑尘滚滚。。 市区内值得看看的最多也就陈家祠和南越王墓了。。 还是好好吃吧。。。或者办好通行证到hk血拼好了。。 无论你身在广州,还是从外地去到广州,你都千万不能错过长隆,在那里有世界级的游乐王国--长隆欢乐世界、世界级的动物王国--长隆香江野生动物世界和全球最大马戏表演--长隆国际大马戏,三大世界级巅峰欢乐尽享于此,在国内绝无仅有。只有在这里,你才能感受到现代广州的无限魅力,可以说:"到广州而不到长隆,你就没有真正到过广州~" 长隆地址:广州番禺迎宾路 交通指南:在广州乘202、212、247、512、530、562、301、303、307、310等路公交车可达; 天河区: 1、 车陂十字路口,对着万客隆有一排北方菜馆。其中一家湖北菜馆的"红菜苔"比较正宗。 2、 南岗除了吃蛇,以前狗肉也很有名。 3、 棠下那家香辣蟹其实没有天河立交的张记香辣蟹好吃。 4、 天河东炳胜吃鱼生最好,我家湘菜就没有湘村馆地道了。 5、 体育东的澳门街很有葡式特色,中森名菜号称亚洲最大的日本料理,可以去fb。澳门街:德国咸猪手、鸡碎骨、炒鳕鱼头、葡挞,澳门风味,比大排档价钱贵一些,环境一流,环市路珠江大厦分店:83889703,体育东路金利来大厦首层;38781319 6、 中信广场四楼吃日本料理自助餐还可以。另外几间西餐厅也行。 7、 体育西和黄埔大道交界处的贵州人要比动物园南门的黄果树实惠和味,花江狗肉和酸汤鱼值得推荐。 8、 喜欢去华侨酒店楼下的东北人坐炕,啃酱骨头。 9、 赛马场里有家山西面条,我能吃一大碗。 10、 天河北博斯汤的羊肉串和羊肉汤够味。 11、 广州大道北的安徽人酒楼好象没吃出什么特色。 12、 动物园南门真有不少饭馆,江XiRen瓦罐煨汤很浓,基本上我就为了那碗汤。 13、 水荫路口的川国演义火锅不错,特别是菌汤很好喝。 14、 绿茵阁太多了,泛滥成灾,只喜欢天河城那家,因为可以做陶艺,现在家里有个水杯就是一个人过生日时,在那亲手做成的。 15、 石牌自由空间东西不好吃,歌也普通,但很喜欢它的名字。 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 16、 员村四横路有一家吃雀的,那里的百鸟归巢价钱比较实惠,味道不错。 17、 中山大道民族学院旁有家雪城饺子馆,那里的东山菜不错。 18、 石牌西路有一家小店卖粉面的,其中的潮州肉丸好吃。 19、 石牌东路的三天什么店,吃食用菌,比较有特色。 20、 天河北嘉怡苑一楼的江南渔村的鸡炖翅顶绝。 21、 中山大道的唐苑酒家也是便宜的吃翅好地方。 龙口东路洞庭鱼头王的分店。味道确实不错。老板姓汤。订座电话:棠下店85661538;22、 龙口东店: 87538593。 23、 员村天河公园对面的小山包上有一家宏奇王品西餐厅,牛排一流,景致一流,套餐分量很足,适合约会。 24、 体育西后的乌江鱼味道好又便宜,就是服务差一点。 25、 珍味馆,大漫风沙肉,珍味鸡(食过包叫好食),碳烧肉,味道一流,价钱都不算贵..环市路西部大酒店:83866138 广州大道天龙酒店3楼:87589988。 26、 珠江新城有个八千代出品的剌身不错啊,三文鱼五十元一斤(比百佳还平百佳要56元一斤)十分新鲜,埋单时同个服务员讲下,话自己是熟客仔,她们会送你每人一个姜汁雪糕的.男仔大概每人三十五元左右,女仔大概30元左右就可以吃得很饱了。 27、黄埔大道的金华酒家潮州菜不错,很受欢迎。 对自己的27岁生日规划已经有好几个,比如开PARTY,比如去海边住酒店,比如去三亚,但„„赶不上变化。那一天是在广州过的,当然是奔着四星酒店——凯旋华 美达。 当然,凯旋华美达并不是我推荐的广州最值得去的地方。实际上,这家四星酒店算得上是糟糕,老旧的客房,难吃的饭菜,勉强过得去的服务„„谁叫我是暴发户呢,难怪我喜欢深 我摇推荐的是中山大学。 广州的珠江南岸虽说这几年都有开发,但怎么说跟其他区域比还是有差距的——这就是中山大学的外围环境。进了里面,说实在的,我有一种中山大学不属于广州的感觉,就像我来深圳一年多,我并没有感觉我身在广东,但一到广州我就觉得自己进入了广东境内。这次,进了中山大学,我感觉自己走进了清华、北大,原来,大学校园的气质都是一样的。 中大的布局沿着中轴线——逸仙路排开,很多主体建筑就在这条路上,以至于让人感觉中大的老建筑保存得比中国任何一所老大学的还要完整。那些西式建筑真的让人惊叹,大气、恢弘,在大一片一大片的草坪衬托下,就那么耸立在寸土寸金的国际大都市钢筋水泥的包围里。经过那么多年现代建筑的视觉疲惫之后,城里人真的需要这样的建筑来给视觉来点惊喜。 身在这样的校园里,只恨当时年纪小,要早知道有这样一处所在,一定会拼命的去念书的。 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 今年真是看老建筑上了瘾了,庐山的老别墅,中大的老建筑为我打开了一扇窗,以后我会更多地关注这些老建筑的。恩,也该是为我的旅游生活找一个方向的时候了。以看建筑的名义去旅游,借用一本台湾的书名:上了建筑旅行的瘾。 PS:关于广州的几点感觉: 1(广州是一个非常世俗的地方,一切日常行为都以方便实惠为先,比如很多明星在广州开演唱会大都会惨败,因为门票要钱买的,而不要钱的娱乐活动这年头在广州多了。 2(广州的女孩子是非常实在的,甚至在外地人看来甚至没有女人味,因为她们都穿平底鞋,即使她们很矮。 3(广州人很前卫,对新鲜的东西消化非常快。那天在天河城外面马路边,看见一个“哥们”举着一块牌子上面写着:我要变性。居然都没有人特地驻足观看。 北京路,天河城,上下九,珠江夜游,小蛮腰 记住一个字„吃~~~ 没啥玩的, 光吃就够了 小洲村可以逛 吴黄武五年(前226),孙权建立交、广二州,合浦以南为交州,以北为广州,广州之名由此起。 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 广州有四千多年的文明史,在新石器时代,这里的“百越”人创造了岭南地区的岭南文化。秦始皇三十三年(前214)秦统一岭南,设南海郡,郡治在番禹,辖4县。郡尉任嚣筑“任嚣城”至今已有2213年历史。前206年,赵佗建立南越国,建筑了“周十里”的赵佗城。汉武帝元鼎六年(前111),汉平南越国,分南越国土为南海等九郡,南海郡治在番禹。吴黄武五年(前226),孙权建立交、广二州,合浦以南为交州,以北为广州,广州之名由此起。后梁贞明三年(917),清海军节度使刘龑在广州建立大越国,国号为汉,史称南汉。清顺治三年(1646),朱聿在广州自立为帝,年号绍武,史称南明。1921年2月15日,广州市政厅成立,孙科任广州市第一任市长。这是广州建市之始。1938年10月21日,日军占领广州,开始了长达7年的沦陷时期。1949年10月14日,广州解放。10月28日,广州市人民政府成立,叶剑英任市长。1954年中央决定撤销华北、东北、西北、华东、中南、西南等六大行政区,广州市归广东省领导。1960年9月20日,广州市开始实行“市管县”的行政体制。 广州古称“楚庭”,据史书记载,早在公元前9世纪的周朝,生活在这里的“百越之族”就和长江中游的楚国人来往甚密,当地人以“楚庭”来纪念这种友谊,这是广州最早的名字。 古代广州曾是三朝古都,汉初时赵佗在广州建立南越国;到五代十国时期,这里又建有“南汉国”;另外,文学名著《桃花扇》中提到的“南明”王朝(建于明朝末年,该政权仅维持40天)也在广州建都。 广州是一座充满现代感的大都市,既充满活力,又保留着悠远的古风,它是国务院首批公布的全国24个历史文化名城之一,也是全国优秀旅游城市。这里山明水秀,风光旖旎,自然景观与人文景观相得益彰,市井风情与现代都市景观相衬托,是一air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 个很值得一去的地方。 广州在远古时曾是一片热带和亚热带的森林,如今这里仍是植物的王国。华南植物园、云台花园、流花湖公园、人民公园、麓湖公园、东山湖公园等充分展现了南国的园林特色,市郊还有从化温泉风景区、从化流溪河国家森林公园、芙蓉嶂风景区等等。 当地的主要人文景观有南越王墓、镇海楼、西关大屋、三元里抗英斗争旧址、黄埔军校旧址、中山纪念堂等,可供后人缅怀先人的英雄事迹。 ?番禺百万葵园 ?广州长隆欢乐世界 ?广州宝墨园 ?广州白云山 ?广州花都芙蓉度假村 ?广州香江野生动物世界 ?广州番禺莲花山 ?广州市笑翻天乐园 ?增城白水寨 ?广州帽峰山 冬天去白云山在白云区那边。夏天去长隆欢乐世界。你是年轻人就选择这些. 一.珠江夜游(晚上) 二,猎德珠江边公园草地,允许坐的草地,有人放风筝,冬天都有,可以看江景,二沙,海珠,赤岗塔尽在眼前,还有一个全是官兵驻扎的小岛,可以不许上去(中午,下午,黄昏,晚上都行,很安全,) 三,雕塑公园.(白天都行) 四,帽峰山.(白天,有旅游公车专线,在当地吃正宗的当地士鸡,喝泉水,看山景,好玩,又不贵.) 五,沙面.看一看欧式建筑杂在中国建设中的别样风情 六.火车东站的广场,有水幕墙哦(白天,晚上都有,灯光也好). 一点建议:北京路,上下九, 天河城,,是好地方,但仅仅能购物,俗得没有骨气.人又多,不是玩,是去参与拥挤大派对.越秀公园也不错,可惜啊,不是玩的好地方. 广州好玩的地方都在郊区.郊区的乡村风情不错~~ 除了宝墨园,莲花山这些,还有什么景点呢。最好是花费不多的又有特色的。 吴黄武五年(前226),孙权建立交、广二州,合浦以南为交州,以北为广州,广州之名由此起。 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 广州有四千多年的文明史,在新石器时代,这里的“百越”人创造了岭南地区的岭南文化。秦始皇三十三年(前214)秦统一岭南,设南海郡,郡治在番禹,辖4县。郡尉任嚣筑“任嚣城”至今已有2213年历史。前206年,赵佗建立南越国,建筑了“周十里”的赵佗城。汉武帝元鼎六年(前111),汉平南越国 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 可以去下沙面咯,有外国风格的建筑,也有中国特色的药行,更有颇具浪漫气息的珠江 我在广州的时候,觉得还是天河城,也就是中信广场哪里比较好玩一点哟,特别是晚上的时候,人又多,买的东西也多,哎呀真的是不摆了啊 广州市各级文物保护单位情况一览表 (一) 全国重点文物保护单位(19个) 序号 名称 年代 地点 公布时间 1 三元里平英团旧址 1841 广园西路抗英大街 145 号 1961.3.4 第一批 2 黄花岗七十二烈士墓 1911 先烈中路79号 1961.3 第一批 3 广州农民运动讲习所旧址 1926 中山四路42号 1961.3 第一批 4 广州公社旧址 1927 起义路1 号 1961.3 第一批 5 光孝寺 唐、清 光孝路109号 1961.3 第一批 6 虎门炮台(番禺部分) 1841 番禺上下横档岛 1982.2 第二批 7 陈家祠堂 清光绪 中山七路恩龙里34 号 1988.1. 第三批 8 洪秀全故居 1814 花都市官禄布村 1988.1 第三批 9 国民党“一 大” 旧址(包括革命广场) 1924 文明路215号 1988.1 第三批 10 黄埔军校旧址 (包括东征烈士墓) 1924 黄埔长洲岛 1988.1 第三批 11 中华全国总工会旧址 1925 越秀南路89号 1988.1 第三批 12 怀圣寺光塔 唐、宋 光塔路56号 1996.11.第四批 13 广州圣心大教堂 1888 一德路旧部前56号 1996.11 第四批 14 广州大元帅府旧址 民国 纺织路东沙街18号 1996.11 第四批 15 广州沙面建筑群 清 沙面 1996.11 第四批 16 秦代造船遗址 南越国宫署遗址 南越文王墓 秦汉 西汉 中山四路316号 解放北路867号 1996.11 第四批 17 中山纪念堂 1931 东风中路295号 2001(6 第五批 18 余荫山房 1931 番禺市南村镇北大街 2001(6 第五批 19 莲花山古采石场 西汉 至、清 番禺市莲花山旅游区山顶北 2001(6 第五批 (二) 广东省级文物保护单位(41个) 序号 名称 年代 地点 公布时间 1 升平社学旧址(包括义勇祠) 1841 白云区石井镇 1978.7 第一批 2 “三.二九”起义指挥部旧址 1911 越华路小东营15号 1978.7.第一批 3 中共广东区委员会旧址 1924 文明路194--200 1978.7 第一批 4 广州起义烈士陵园 1927(建 于1957) 中山三路92号 1978.7 第一批 5 广东贡院明远 楼与中山大学 天文台旧址 文明路 1978.7 第一批 6 南海神庙包括浴日亭) 明、清( 始建于隋) 黄埔庙头村 1978.7.第一批 7 清真先贤古墓 唐 解放北路901号 1978.7 第一批 8 冯云山故居 1814年 花都区新华镇官禄布村 1978(7 第一批 9 省港罢工委员会旧址 1925年 东园横路3号 1978(7 第一批 10 中山纪念碑 1931年 越秀公园 1978(7 第一批 11 中共第三次全国代表大会会址 1923 东山恤孤院路,号 1979.12 第二批 12 广东省农民协会旧址 1925 中山三路东皋大道礼兴街6号 1979.12 第二批 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting, 13 周恩来同志主持的持的中共两广东区委区委军委旧址 1926 万福路190号 1979.12.第二批 14 白云楼鲁迅故居 1927 白云路2号 1979.12.第二批 15 六榕寺花塔 宋 六榕路87号 1989.6 第三批 16 五仙观及岭南第一楼 明 惠福西路西斋巷 1989.6 第三批 17 镇海楼 明--民国 越秀公园 1989.6 第三批 18 琶洲塔 明 新港东路琶洲村 1989.6 第三批 19 莲花塔 明 番禺市莲花山 1989.6 第三批 20 莲花城 清 番禺市莲花山 游区山顶北 1989.6 第三批 21 万寿寺大殿 明 增城市荔城镇 前进路21号 市工人文化宫内 1989.6 第三批 22 广州古城墙 明 越秀公园内 1989.6 第三批 23 留耕堂 清 番禺市沙湾镇北村承 坊里 1989.6 第三批 24 药洲遗址 南汉 教育路80 号 1989.6 第三批 25 屈大均墓(包括八泉亭、屈氏宗祠) 清 番禺市新造化龙 1989.6 第三批 26 廖仲恺、何香凝纪念馆 现代 纺织路东沙街24号 1982( 单独公布 27 湛若水墓 明 增城市永和镇陂头村天 蚕山麓 2002(7 第四批 28 五岳殿 明-清 从化市神岗镇 2002(7 第四批 29 广裕祠 明-清 从化市太平镇钱岗村 2002(7 第四批 30 纶生白公祠含“乐善好施”牌坊 清 广州市新窖镇龙潭村 2002(7 第四批 31 石井桥 清 白云区石井镇 2002(7 第四批 32 资政大夫祠建筑群 清 花都区新华镇 2002(7 第四批 33 外国人公墓 近代 长洲镇深井村竹岗 2002(7 第四批 34 广东咨议局旧址 1909年 陵园西路2号大院之二 2002(7 第四批 35 广雅书院旧址 1889年 西湾路1号广雅中学内 2002(7 第四批 36 广东邮务管理局旧址 1913年 沿江西路43号 2002(7 第四批 37 粤海关旧址 1914年 沿江西路29号 2002(7 第四批 38 广东财政厅旧址 1915年 北京路376号 2002(7 第四批 39 中央银行旧址 1924年 沿江中路193号 2002(7 第四批 40 康乐园早期建筑群含岭南大学舍建筑群(马丁堂、格兰 堂)、岭南大学附 中建筑群、马岗顶 洋教授建筑、模范村中国教授住宅群、 孙中山铜像、七进士牌坊 1924年 新港西路中山大学 2002(7 第四批 41 十九路军淞沪抗日将士坟园 1933年 水荫路113号 2002(7 第四批 air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,
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