

2017-12-07 13页 doc 39KB 12阅读




治风湿的药酒(古方)治风湿的药酒(古方) 治风湿的药酒(古方) 八珍酒 【来源】《万病回春》 【原料】全当归26g炒白芍18g生地黄15g云茯苓20g炙甘草20g五加皮25g肥红枣36g胡桃肉36g白术26g川芎10g人参15g白酒1500ml。 【制作】1将所有的药用水洗净后研成粗末;2装进用三层纱布缝制的袋中,将口系紧;3浸泡在白酒坛中,封口,在火上煮1小时;4药冷却后,埋人净土中,五天后取出来;5再过三至七天,开启,去掉药渣包将酒装入瓶中备用。 【功效】滋补气血,调理脾胃,悦颜色。 【用法】每次10,30ml,每日服3次,饭前...
治风湿的药酒(古方) 治风湿的药酒(古方) 八珍酒 【来源】《万病回春》 【原料】全当归26g炒白芍18g生地黄15g云茯苓20g炙甘草20g五加皮25g肥红枣36g胡桃肉36g白术26g川芎10g人参15g白酒1500ml。 【制作】1将所有的药用水洗净后研成粗末;2装进用三层纱布缝制的袋中,将口系紧;3浸泡在白酒坛中,封口,在火上煮1小时;4药冷却后,埋人净土中,五天后取出来;5再过三至七天,开启,去掉药渣包将酒装入瓶中备用。 【功效】滋补气血,调理脾胃,悦颜色。 【用法】每次10,30ml,每日服3次,饭前将酒温热服用。 【药材功效解析】方中人参、白术、茯苓、甘草:补脾益气。当归、白芍、地黄、川芎:滋养心肝,补血而理气。川芎:可使地黄、当归补而不腻。五加皮:祛除风湿,强壮筋骨。胡桃肉:润肺补肾,乌须发,强记忆。大枣:健脾而调和诸药。此酒可以起到气血双补的功效,用以治疗因气血亏损而引起的面黄肌瘦,心悸怔忡,精神萎靡,脾虚食欲不振,气短懒言,劳累倦怠,头晕目眩等症。 白石英酒——(痹证)(《本草纲目》) 【配方】白石英、磁石各五两。 【制法】上二味煅,醋淬七次,绢袋盛,浸酒一升中,五六日。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 【主治】风湿周痹,肢节中痛,及肾虚耳聋。 【用法】温饮,酒少更添之。说明:本方见《本草纲目》卷二十五附诸药酒条引圣济总录。 补肾地黄酒——(痹证)(《永乐大典》) 【配方】生地黄(切)一升,大豆(熬之)二升,生牛蒡根(切)一升。 【制法】上以绢袋盛之,以酒二斗浸之五六日。 【主治】老人久风湿痹,筋挛骨痛,润皮毛,溢气力,补虚止毒,除面皯。 【用法】任性空心温服三二盏,恒作之尤佳。说明:《永乐大典》谓本方出《山居备用》。 蚕沙酒——(痹证)(验方) 【配方】晚蚕沙(炒黄)60克,醇酒200毫升。 【制法】将上药用酒浸于瓶中,封口,5日后开封去渣。 【主治】风湿痹痛,皮肤瘙痒,瘾疹头风头痛,腹痛转筋,吐泻。 【用法】每次空腹温饮1小杯,每日3次。 草乌酒——(痹证)(《永乐大典》) 【配方】制草乌20克,当归、白芍药、黑豆各70克,忍冬90克,酒1.5公斤。 【制法】先将黑豆炒半熟,入酒中,再将另4味药碎细入酒中,5日后开取。 【主治】手足风湿性疼痛;并治妇女鸡爪风。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 【用法】随量温饮,不拘时候。渣爆干为末,酒调服。 草乌酒——(痹证)(《永乐大典》) 【配方】制草乌20克,当归、白芍药、黑豆各70克,忍冬90克,酒1.5公斤。 【制法】先将黑豆炒半熟,入酒中,再将另4味药碎细入酒中,5日后开取。 【主治】手足风湿性疼痛;并治妇女鸡爪风。 【用法】随量温饮,不拘时候。渣爆干为末,酒调服。 侧子酒(一)——(痹证)(《备急千金要方》) 【配方】侧子、牛膝、丹参、山茱萸、蒴 根、杜仲、石斛各四两、防风、干姜、蜀椒、细辛、独活、秦艽、桂心、芎、当归、白术、茵芋各三两,五加皮五两,薏苡仁二升。 【制法】上十二味口父咀,绢袋盛,清酒四斗渍六宿。 【主治】风湿痹不仁,脚弱不能行。 【用法】初服三合,稍加,以知为度。 长宁风湿酒——(关节疼痛)(《新医药学杂志》) 【配方】当归120克,土茯苓90克,生地120克,防风60克,威灵仙90克,防己、红花各60克,木瓜3030克,高梁酒(60)度1.5公斤。 【制法】上药浸酒中,3周后取出滤液;药渣再加水煎煮,过滤去渣,取药汁,另用蝮蛇、眼镜蛇、赤炼蛇(均用活蛇)各半公斤,分别浸酒1公斤,3周后滤取酒液,等量混合成为“三蛇酒”,将药酒、药of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 汁、三蛇酒三者等量混合即可长宁风湿酒。 【主治】类风湿性关节炎及其他关节炎。 【用法】每次10-15毫升,每日3次。 牛膝大豆浸酒方——(痹证) 【配方】牛膝(酒浸切焙)一斤,大豆(紧小者炒熟)一斤地黄(洗切)一斤。 【制法】上三味,拌匀,同蒸一 倾出,绢囊贮,以酒三斗浸经宿。 【主治】久患风湿痹,筋挛膝痛,兼理胃气结聚,止毒热,去黑痣面黑,干,润皮毛。 【用法】每服三合至五合,空心日午夜卧温服。说明:《普济方》同上。 牛膝独活酒 【来源】《千金方》 【原料】桑寄生30g牛膝45g独活25g秦艽25g杜仲40g人参10g当归35g白酒1000ml。 【制作】1将所有药材洗净后切碎;2放入纱布袋中,缝口;3放入酒中,浸泡30天;4将药渣取出,过滤备用。 【功效】补养气血,益肝强肾,除祛风湿,止腰腿痛。 【用法】每次10,30ml,每日1次(上午9,11点服用为佳)。 【药材功效解析】杜仲、牛膝、桑寄生:补益肝肾,强筋壮骨。当归、人参:养血益气。秦艽:法湿宣痹止痛。此酒主治腰膝发凉、麻木、酸软疼痛,腿足屈伸不利,痹着不仁,肝肾两亏,风寒湿痹。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 秦艽桂苓酒——(痹证)(验方) 【配方】秦艽、牛膝、川芎、防风、肉桂、独活、茯苓各30克,杜仲、丹参各60克,制附子、石斛炮姜、麦冬(去心)、地骨皮各35克,五加皮60克,薏苡仁30克,大麻仁(炒)15克,酒2公斤。 【制法】将上药碎细,用酒浸于净瓶中,春秋7日,夏3日,冬10日即可,去渣备用。 【主治】腰膝虚冷,久坐湿地,风湿痹痛。 【用法】每日空腹温饮1-2杯,每日3次。 忍冬藤酒——(关节疼痛)(《陕甘宁青中草药选》) 【配方】忍冬藤、乌梅、川乌、甘草、大青盐各2钱,白酒1斤。 【制法】浸泡21天,取酒饮服。 【主治】风湿性关节炎。 【用法】每次取5毫升,日服3次。 十七味药酒——(痹证)(《柳森可用方》) 【配方】牛膝90克,白石英、磁石各120克,石斛、制附子各90克,萆、丹参、防风、山萸肉、黄芪、羌活、羚羊角、酸枣仁各30克,生地、肉桂、去苓各60克,杜仲45克,酒3.5公斤。 【制法】将上药共碎为细末,白布袋盛,悬于瓷瓶中,用酒浸之,10日后即可取用。 【主治】风湿痹痛,筋脉挛急,腰脚软弱无力,视听不明。 【用法】每次空心温饮1小杯,每日早、晚各1次,旋饮旋添酒,味of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 薄止。 史国公药酒(二)——(痹证)(《扶寿精方》) 【配方】藿香、虎胫骨、茄根各60克,羌活、秦艽、鳖甲、红曲各30克,当归、桂枝、红花、檀香各90克,生姜120克,红枣1120克(煎汁5000克),白蜜1500克,烧酒15公斤。 【制法】将上药浸入酒中,采用冷浸法制备成酒。 【主治】风湿痹痉而兼有脾胃干和,胸膈不利者。 【用法】酌量饮用。 术酒(二)——(筋骨诸病)(《本草纲目》) 【配方】术(去皮捣)三十斤。 【制法】以车流水三石,渍上药三十日,取汁,露一夜,浸曲、米酿成。 【主治】一切风湿筋骨诸病,驻颜色,耐寒暑。 【用法】饮之。说明:本方见《本草纲目》卷二十五附诸药酒条下。 松节酿酒——(关节疼痛)(《外台秘要》) 【配方】松节2.5公斤,曲、米适量。 【制法】将松节煮汁,同曲、米如常法酿酒。 【主治】风湿性关节疼痛,筋骨挛急,腿肿。 【用法】不拘时,徐徐饮之。 乌梢蛇酒——(痹证)(《本草纲目》) 【配方】乌梢蛇1条,好酒500克。 【制法】将乌梢蛇用酒浸泡3-4日后即成。或用乌蛇肉,袋盛,同曲of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 置于缸底,糯饭盖之,3-7日酒熟,去渣贮酒即可。 【主治】风湿痹痛,肌肤麻木,骨、关节结核,小儿麻痹症,麻风,皮疹瘙痒,疥癣,破伤风。 【用法】每次服1-2杯,每日3次。 五加皮酒(一)——(痿证)(《本草纲目》) 【配方】五加皮32克,曲50克,大米100克,当归、牛膝、地榆各20克,白酒1000毫升。 【制法】先将五加皮、当归、牛膝、地榆入锅加水煎汁,用纱布过滤备用;将大米煮半熟沥干,和药汁混匀蒸熟,再拌以酒曲,入瓷瓶内,周围保温,待发酵后,酒甜可口即可服用。亦可将群药切碎浸泡于酒内10天后服用。 【主治】一切风湿痿痹。有壮筋骨,填精髓之功。 【用法】每服20-30毫升,日服2次。 薏苡仁酒(一)——(筋骨诸病)(《医部全录》) 【配方】薏苡仁(绝好者,研粉)适量。 【制法】将上粉同曲、米如常法酿酒。 【主治】去风湿,强筋骨,益肺肾,健脾胃。 【用法】随量饮之,或将粉以袋盛之,煮酒饮。 樱桃酒——(关节疼痛)(《药用果品》) 【配方】鲜樱桃500克,米酒1000克。 【制法】将樱桃洗净,浸入酒中,密封10天即成。 【主治】风湿关节疼痛,风湿性瘫痪等。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 【用法】每次30-60克,早、晚各1次。 治风毒膝挛酒方——(关节疼痛)关节疼痛是由外感风寒湿邪或肝肾虚损而致,其中多属于中医的“历节风”、“痹证”等内容,常常呈现反复发作,逐渐加重的特点。其病机主要为气血痹阻不通,筋脉关节失去濡养。在临床现方面,除具有疼痛外,还常伴有麻木,酸楚以及活动障碍等症状。关节疼痛的治疗药酒较多,从其作用特点看,有以祛风散湿为主者,如青囊药酒、松节酿酒、松节酒等;有以补肝肾,强筋骨为主者,如虎骨酒、虎骨地黄酒、补肾地黄酒、地黄酒等;有以活血通络为主者,如复方当归酒、茜草酒、当归松叶酒等;有以活血祛风为主者,如参蛇浸酒;有以祛湿为主者,如白术酒等;有的药酒具有多种功能,如列节酒、长宁风湿酒、加皮丹参酒、冯了性药酒等,不但能祛风散寒除湿,且能活血通络补肾,以够治疗多种原因引起的关节疼痛。(《本草纲目》) 【配方】豉心五升。 【制法】九蒸九暴,以酒一斗浸经宿。 【主治】风毒膝挛,骨节痛。 【用法】空心随性温饮。说明:《本草纲目》卷二十五大豆豉条注“引食医心镜”。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical
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