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防静电包装材料有几种防静电包装材料有几种 防静电包装材料有几种? 我要评论电子2011-5-16 14:20:57 作者:xiaowang 街 (0) 正规渠道进货的集成电路,无论是双极型还是MOS型或场效应晶体管输入的运算放大器均采用防静电包装。这种包装材料有四种类型:导电型、抗静电型、静电屏蔽型和导电泡沫。 1)导电型包装材料,即导电膜或袋、塑料筒等,这些材料是用掺人导电碳黑的聚乙烯制成的,从外面看不清内部所装的产品 2)抗静电型包装材料,即抗静电膜或袋(见图3—1),这些材料是用掺入抗静电剂的聚乙烯或聚丙烯制成的,它具有透明性,能...
防静电包装材料有几种 防静电包装材料有几种? 我要评论电子2011-5-16 14:20:57 作者:xiaowang 街 (0) 正规渠道进货的集成电路,无论是双极型还是MOS型或场效应晶体管输入的运算放大器均采用防静电包装。这种包装材料有四种类型:导电型、抗静电型、静电屏蔽型和导电泡沫。 1)导电型包装材料,即导电膜或袋、塑料筒等,这些材料是用掺人导电碳黑的聚乙烯制成的,从外面看不清内部所装的产品 2)抗静电型包装材料,即抗静电膜或袋(见图3—1),这些材料是用掺入抗静电剂的聚乙烯或聚丙烯制成的,它具有透明性,能看清内部所装的产品,但表面泄漏抗静电剂,当吸收水分后会使抗静电性能发生变化。 3)静电屏蔽型包装材料,即多层结构的静电屏蔽膜或袋,一般外层为保护层聚酯膜,中间层为金属蒸发层,内层为保温层。 4)导电泡沫包装材料是一种导电泡沫塑料制品,导电泡沫一般由氨基甲酸酯发泡浸入炭黑处理液制成。 正规生产厂家出售的静敏器件在防静电包装上印有“抗静电”字样,因此在运输、存放过程中必须加以注意。 对于少量静敏器件,可用以下方法防止静电:可以将器件插在掺碳黑的黑色导电海棉上,然后装入导电塑料盒内,便于搬运;也可以截取一定长度的导电塑料筒,将器件由大筒转移到小筒(禁用手接触),然后封住筒两端即可携带。 为了防止静电,对于购买插在黑色导电海绵上的器件,最好将海绵连同器件一并剪下,并用锡箔、金属盒等简易导电包装后才能搬运。决不允许采用普通塑料包装。在气候干燥的冬季,为避免人体静电,在接触静敏器件时,可先将手接触一下接地金属物,如铁制暖气管、暖气片等,将电荷释放完后再接触器件。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 解包装术语,懂得特定情况下包装的使用是实施和保持有效的ESD控制体系的关键。 建立和实施有效的ESD保护包装程序,首先要了解敏感器件在包装及以后过程中是如何被损伤的,以及防护过程是如何进行的。造成微电子器件损伤有两个基本过程:充电(通过摩擦带电或接触静电源)和放电。理论上讲,我们可以通过防止摩擦起电的动作,尽可能减少与绝缘材料的接触以及让所有表面处于等电位等措施来避免这两个过程的出现,但实际上这些做法还不足以提供有效的保护。 电子产品制造的整个过程中都不可避免要有运动,器件从一个地方移动到另一个地方,在移动过程当中它们会与各种各样的材料接触。结果,即使是最明显的防护措施,如手腕带,也不能保证为ESD敏感器件能够提供足够的保护。在缺少离子风机情况下,或0级(小于200V)敏感度的器件,必须使用静电控制材料或采用特别的ESD控制措施。 本文描述了ESD防护包装及工作表面使用材料必须考虑的基本技术问题。这些基本原理可用于传统的包装材料如纸箱、包装袋和周转箱,也可以用于暂时性包装材料,如制造过程中的周转包装袋。这些原理同样也可以用于器件在组装过程中可能接触到的工作台台面和传送带。 基本术语 按照特定的方法解决ESD问题的材料有专门的术语来表述,虽然经过多年,这些术语的准确定义变化并不大: 抗静电材料(Antistatic):能够有效地阻止静电荷在自身及与其接触材料上积累的材料。 静电耗散材料(Static Dissipative):用于减缓带电器件模型(CDM)下快速放电的材 51料。按照静电协会(ESDA)和电子工业联合会(EIA)的定义,其表面电阻在10 ~102 Ω/sq之间。抗静电材料和静电耗散材料可直接用于多数充电和放电失效过程中防护,甚至包括了自动生产线。当然在使用当中须经过简单的测试。不过,这并不时说它们是万能的,有时我们也需要使用导静电材料。 5导静电材料(Conductive):按照定义,是指表面电阻率小于10 Ω/sq的材料。它们通常被用于器件与同电位分流连接,在某些时候,它们还被用于区域的静电场屏蔽。 很少有实例表明,器件会对纯粹的静电场敏感。实际当中,使用导静电材料仅仅对表面声波(SAW)过滤的器件和光掩膜集成电路(IC)的器件是必要的,因为它们金属尖端结构中有微小的空气间隙(这种结构会让静电场增强)。此外,非连续型金属氧化Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 物半导体(MOS)器件在有非常长的天线引入线接触器件时,由于场强影响放大,也会被静电场损坏。 在对这三种材料的理解上容易有一些误区。如,许多材料既是抗静电材料又是静电耗散材料,而通常导电材料与一些绝缘材料也会产生静电,但这些材料不能视为抗静电材料。 要清楚材料的区别,懂得在它们在什么情况下的应用,对于实施和保持有效的ESD控制体系非常关键,同时也是正确评价防静电材料供应商产品有效性的关键因素。这些材料特性不能对正常的生产过程造成影响。此外,耐磨损性,热稳定性,污染的影响以及其他很多其他特性也应当成为评价材料特性时需要考虑的因素。 抗静电材料的特性和使用 绝缘材料与其他材料相接触会产生静电,这是因为物体接触时,会发生电荷(电子或分子离子)的迁移。抗静电材料能够让这种电荷的迁移最小化。但是,因为摩擦起电取决于相互作用的两种物质或物体,所以单独说某种材料是抗静电的并不准确。 准确的说法应该是,该种材料对另一种材料来讲是抗静电的。实际当中,所指其他材料既有绝缘材料,如印刷线路板(PWB)环氧树脂基材,也有导电材料,如PWB 上的铜带。它们在某些过程及取放当中都可能带电。 多数商用抗静电材料是对生产过程中的多数材料是抗静电材料的材料,因此才被称为抗静电材料。它们有三种不同类型:(1)通过抗静电剂表面处理;(2)合成时混入抗静电剂在表面形成抗静电膜的材料(3)本身就有抗静电性的材料。 常用的抗静电剂能够减少许多材料的静电,因此应用广泛。它们一般是溶剂或载体溶液混入抗静电表面活性剂,如季铵化合物、胺类、乙二醇、月桂酸氨基化合物等而制成。使用抗静电剂能够在材料之间形成一层主导材料表面特性的薄膜。这些抗静电剂都是表面活性剂,其减少摩擦电压的机理还不得而知。然而,研究发现,这些表面活性剂都具有吸收水分子的特性,它们能够促使材料表面吸收水分。实际应用同样也是,抗静电剂的效果受环境湿度的影响很大。此外,抗静电剂也可减少摩擦力,有利于减少摩擦电压。 因为抗静电剂具有一定的导电性能,所以在适当湿度的条件下,它们能够通过耗散来泄放静电。但在实际当中,后一种特性可能更容易得到重视,因而它也就成为了评估抗静电材料的最主要的指标。但是,抗静电材料更重要的功能应当是其在没有接地的状态下减少静电产生的功能,而不是导电性。 静电耗散材料的特性和使用 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 很多时候静电的产生不可避免,因此安全地消除静电显得更为重要。许多抗静电材料在接地或与地板等大的平面导体接触的时候也具备静电耗散功能。静电耗散材料具有相似的体积电阻,或用导电材料覆盖,如用于工作台的台垫等。耗散材料在接触带电器件时,能够使放电的电流得到限制。 512EIA 和ESDA对静电耗散材料的定义是,表面电阻率在10~10 Ω/sq的材料。B 5ossard等学者的研究表明,10 Ω/sq下限电阻对于能量敏感器件的保护来讲是适当的,这类器件会因热熔导致失效。 除表面电阻率之外,静电耗散材料另一个重要特性是将其将静电荷从物体上泄放的能力,而描述这一特性的技术指标是静电衰减率。按照孤立导体静电衰减模型,静电衰减周期与其泄放电路的电阻与电容乘积(RC)成指数关系: -t/τV(t) = V e 0 式中V(t) 为衰减后静电电压,V是衰减前静电电压,t为时间,τ= RC是时间常数。0 研究静电泄放能力,典型的假设是,在特定的时间内,如2秒内,将静电电压衰减到一个特定的百分比,如1%。对一个盛放PWB的周转箱来说,其电容大约为50pF,这时其电阻应为: 这个数字正好是静电耗散材料阻值范围中的值。此外,对静电耗散材料来说,相对湿度也是重要的因素,在静电衰减测试当中要予以控制和记录。 导静电材料的特性和使用 5表面电阻率小于1×10Ω/sq的材料被定义为导静电材料。导静电材料可以将导静电材料或静电耗散材料上的静电转移到自身的表面。它通常用于分流目的,将器件的引脚连接到一起以保证引脚之间的电位相同。 要想达到分流的目的,须保证两点:第一,在快速放电中保持等电位。这一限制与材料的电感有关。测试实验中发现,8000V的脉冲电压能将放在导静电泡沫材料中的,对HBM放电非常敏感的器件(小于50V)的器件损坏。虽然测试证明,对器件引脚进行分流保护在工厂生产环境中已经足够,但是有证据表明,分流保护仍然不能排除可能的损伤。最近公布的一些实验数据证明了这一点。 第二,分流必须让器件引脚闭合。许多静电放电,特别是带电器件模型(CDM)下的Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 放电,放电的时间只有1ns,如果分流用物体距离器件几英寸远,此时器件引脚上的ESD会在电流流过分流导电材料形成的等电位连接之前就损伤了器件。 典型的导静电材料是混入了碳粉的高分子聚合材料(如前面所提到的导电泡棉)或采 5用真空熏镀金属层的材料(如屏蔽袋)。虽然,10 Ω/sq是导静电材料和静电耗散材 4料的界限值,它并不是提供CDM保护的下限值。这一点,在只有10-10 Ω/sq导电材料可以选择时非常有用。使用导静电材料会导致CDM损伤的风险增加。 几种典型的包装应用 1.卷盘包装 由于表面贴装工艺(SMT)的大量使用,卷盘成为集成电路(IC)取放方式的首选包装。因为卷盘能够大幅提高生产能力,并能减少操作人为影响,这种包装方式迅速取代了IC包装管。然而,制作包装的材料会与ESD敏感器件长时间接触,所以它也就成为器件ESD安全的关键因素。 卷盘包装最早用于分立型被动器件,如片式电阻的包装,因为这些器件通常不是ESD敏感器件。早期的卷盘包装不是防静电的,结果,在将卷盘覆盖层从载带剥离时经常会产生超过10,000V的静电。此时片状器件甚至会受静电引力在载带上直立起来,这对自动化的生产过程有极大的危害。这一点要求卷盘生产中与IC相接触的材料必须使用安全的材料。因为会增加器件的潜在损伤缘故,我们努力寻找合适的材料来解决这一问题。有一点是明确的,卷盘材料对器件产生的静电比包装管对器件产生的静电确实要高,虽然在它们的广告上说是ESD安全的,或者说是按照EIA541之类标准制作的。 一些卷盘带上的确使用了抗静电材料,但这些材料仅仅是在外面的非粘贴层,粘贴面与器件接触后,仍会产生超出预料的高静电压。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 除此之外,另外一点需要注意的是,载带材料的导电性过强,还可能会导致场感应的CDM失效。其原因是,当时没有能与典型的抗静电材料相匹配的粘胶。 导电材料载带的这种缺陷在CDM敏感器件(150V)的一系列实验中可以得到证实。将敏感器件装入表面电阻率为1~100Ω/sq材料的载带,做振动试验,以模拟器件的运输和取放过程,然后测试其是否失效。结果显示,器件中有相当大的数量击穿电 4压等电性能显著下降;相反,使用10 Ω/sq载带和绝缘材料的覆盖带做同样的实验,却没有出现电性能的下降。图1是实验结果的汇总。 2.防静电包装袋 对于屏蔽袋的使用,在ESD行业曾经有许多误区。这些误区主要与早期的静电场敏感器件有关。尽管在ESD保护环境中,很难发生无保护的MOSFET的器件失效,但是人们还是普遍相信这些器件会在静电场中损坏。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To 现在这些观点已经基本被摒弃了,但是一些产业仍然保留着使用屏蔽袋的要求。尽管器件会因感应带电,这取决于其在电场中停留的时间,而屏蔽层确实可以减少感应的影响,但这些屏蔽层既不是唯一的解决办法,也不是最佳的解决办法。表2是几种包装抗静电能力的测试结果。其实验基本方法是,将HBM敏感度200V的敏感器件或同等电压敏感度的探头放在包装袋中,再使用HBM模拟器放电测试其静电破坏情况。数值指示的是器件在袋中被损坏时施加电压。 这些数据表明,在一个常规的ESD控制条件下的环境中,如电子产品生产车间,表中所列的任何一种材料都可以使用。此环境的静电压完全可以保持在2500V以下,低于最小的静电损伤电压。以此来看,保护包装的外表变得毫无意义。屏蔽包装袋在使用后效果会大大减弱,因为折叠或弯曲都会造成金属层穿孔和破裂。因此,包装袋或盒最重要的特性是它们的抗静电性、静电耗散性以及物理保护性能。表2的数据还说明,包装袋不是解决电子产品在非控制环境中取放的最理想的材料。相比之下,刚性材料的包装可以提供适当的空隙,对器件的ESD保护和物理保护都能收到较好的效果。 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghai's Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihui's dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of "youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhuang Shaozhen indicating Hong Haiquan to scoop the first elementary school, teacher's identity as a cover, carry out the party's work. However, County Director of education comes into action. To
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