

2018-03-02 12页 doc 567KB 19阅读




安贞医院科室信息安贞医院科室信息 安贞医院科室信息 临床科室(38) 心脏外科(3) 科室简介(5) 六病区 七病区 九病区 十病区 十一病区 科室动态 专家介绍 心脏内科(4) 科室简介(7) 一病区 二病区 三病区 干部保健病房 十五病区 二十八病区 二十一病区 科室动态 专家介绍 心内科监护室CCU(4) 科室介绍 专家介绍 科研活动会议 健康宣教讲座 小儿心脏中心(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 呼吸内科(3) 科室简介 ...
安贞医院科室信息 安贞医院科室信息 临床科室(38) 心脏外科(3) 科室简介(5) 六病区 七病区 九病区 十病区 十一病区 科室动态 专家介绍 心脏内科(4) 科室简介(7) 一病区 二病区 三病区 干部保健病房 十五病区 二十八病区 二十一病区 科室动态 专家介绍 心内科监护室CCU(4) 科室介绍 专家介绍 科研活动会议 健康宣教讲座 小儿心脏中心(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 呼吸内科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 胸外科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 layout understand car air conditioning refrigeration system of classification understand car air conditioning of heating and ventilation master car air conditioning circuit analysis understand car air conditioning run protection control and workers condition of control understand master car air conditioning of regulation system master car air conditioning system of maintenance method and technology (ii) capacity target can independent completed air conditioning of split and installation. Able to correctly detect whether the air conditioning system in place, whether there is a leak. Can properly vacuumed of air conditioning system, and correctly understanding and analysis of the refrigerant circuit (c) education goals with strong engineering and professional quality. Ability to foster creative thinking and flexibility in the use of knowledge. Have a serious and responsible attitude, meticulous work style. Cultivate the spirit of teamwork. Develop a serious, independent learning ability. Cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems. Training has good of career literacy and hard work of basic quality four, and teaching content and requirements subject a car air conditioning refrigeration system of maintenance first unit car air conditioning of overview teachin 神经内科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 神经外科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 血管科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 普外科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 普内科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 骨科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 秘尿外科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 抢救中心(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 手术麻醉科 口腔科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 体外循环科 ICU SICU 高血压科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 layout understand car air conditioning refrigeration system of classification understand car air conditioning of heating and ventilation master car air conditioning circuit analysis understand car air conditioning run protection control and workers condition of control understand master car air conditioning of regulation system master car air conditioning system of maintenance method and technology (ii) capacity target can independent completed air conditioning of split and installation. Able to correctly detect whether the air conditioning system in place, whether there is a leak. Can properly vacuumed of air conditioning system, and correctly understanding and analysis of the refrigerant circuit (c) education goals with strong engineering and professional quality. Ability to foster creative thinking and flexibility in the use of knowledge. Have a serious and responsible attitude, meticulous work style. Cultivate the spirit of teamwork. Develop a serious, independent learning ability. Cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems. Training has good of career literacy and hard work of basic quality four, and teaching content and requirements subject a car air conditioning refrigeration system of maintenance first unit car air conditioning of overview teachin 本文由:安贞医院预约挂号 整理 特需门诊(2) 科室简介 科室动态 特需医疗部(2) 科室简介 科室动态 妇产科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 激光整形科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 普儿科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 耳鼻喉科(7) 科室简介 科室特色 学科带头人 科室教学 科室动态 医学科普 专家介绍 眼科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 皮肤性病科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 中医理疗科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 动脉硬化(1) 专家介绍 透析科(2) 科室简介 科室动态 layout understand car air conditioning refrigeration system of classification understand car air conditioning of heating and ventilation master car air conditioning circuit analysis understand car air conditioning run protection control and workers condition of control understand master car air conditioning of regulation system master car air conditioning system of maintenance method and technology (ii) capacity target can independent completed air conditioning of split and installation. Able to correctly detect whether the air conditioning system in place, whether there is a leak. Can properly vacuumed of air conditioning system, and correctly understanding and analysis of the refrigerant circuit (c) education goals with strong engineering and professional quality. Ability to foster creative thinking and flexibility in the use of knowledge. Have a serious and responsible attitude, meticulous work style. Cultivate the spirit of teamwork. Develop a serious, independent learning ability. Cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems. Training has good of career literacy and hard work of basic quality four, and teaching content and requirements subject a car air conditioning refrigeration system of maintenance first unit car air conditioning of overview teachin 本文由:安贞医院预约挂号 整理 感染科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 肾内科(3) 科室简介 科室动态 专家介绍 内分泌科(3) 科室介绍 科室动态 专家介绍 健康管理中心(9) 体检中心介绍 体检公告 个人体检项目组合 团体组合项目 检查意义及价格 体检注意事项 电话预约 特色项目 体检知识 精神心理科(2) 科室简介 专家介绍 高血压门诊(1) 专家介绍 临床营养科(2) 科室简介 科室动态 全科医疗科 医技科室(10) 超声诊断科 心电生理科 医学影像科 核医学科(2) 科室简介 专家介绍 检验科 药剂科 病理科 输血科 医学科 药物临床试验机构(8) layout understand car air conditioning refrigeration system of classification understand car air conditioning of heating and ventilation master car air conditioning circuit analysis understand car air conditioning run protection control and workers condition of control understand master car air conditioning of regulation system master car air conditioning system of maintenance method and technology (ii) capacity target can independent completed air conditioning of split and installation. Able to correctly detect whether the air conditioning system in place, whether there is a leak. Can properly vacuumed of air conditioning system, and correctly understanding and analysis of the refrigerant circuit (c) education goals with strong engineering and professional quality. Ability to foster creative thinking and flexibility in the use of knowledge. Have a serious and responsible attitude, meticulous work style. Cultivate the spirit of teamwork. Develop a serious, independent learning ability. Cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems. Training has good of career literacy and hard work of basic quality four, and teaching content and requirements subject a car air conditioning refrigeration system of maintenance first unit car air conditioning of overview teachin 本文由:安贞医院预约挂号 整理 信息发布 机构简介 伦理会简介 项目运行 申办者指南 研究者指南 相关法律法规 联系我们 研究室(9) 人群防治研究室 流行病研究室 动脉硬化研究室 药理研究室 高血压研究室 北京心血管研究实验室 生物医学工程研究室 分子生物研究室 外科实验室 重点科室 心脏外科 心脏内科 小儿心脏中心 呼吸内科 胸外科 神经内科 抢救中心 layout understand car air conditioning refrigeration system of classification understand car air conditioning of heating and ventilation master car air conditioning circuit analysis understand car air conditioning run protection control and workers condition of control understand master car air conditioning of regulation system master car air conditioning system of maintenance method and technology (ii) capacity target can independent completed air conditioning of split and installation. Able to correctly detect whether the air conditioning system in place, whether there is a leak. Can properly vacuumed of air conditioning system, and correctly understanding and analysis of the refrigerant circuit (c) education goals with strong engineering and professional quality. Ability to foster creative thinking and flexibility in the use of knowledge. Have a serious and responsible attitude, meticulous work style. Cultivate the spirit of teamwork. Develop a serious, independent learning ability. Cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems. Training has good of career literacy and hard work of basic quality four, and teaching content and requirements subject a car air conditioning refrigeration system of maintenance first unit car air conditioning of overview teachin 本文由:安贞医院预约挂号 整理
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