

2018-01-14 37页 doc 113KB 12阅读




红旗明仕2代遥控门锁系统讲义红旗明仕2代遥控门锁系统讲义 site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the ...
红旗明仕2代遥控门锁系统讲义 site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and 遥控气动中央门锁 一、 简介: 1、 一汽根据用户反馈信息及建议,为红旗名仕开发了遥控气动门 锁以提高使用方便性和安全性。该改进项目体现了一汽以市场 及用户需求为导向的产品观念。目前电动中控门锁遥控器也在 开发之中。 2、 生产厂家:盈佳机电有限公司 3、 原理介绍:目前市场上,汽车遥控器主要有三种技术产品。 第一代产品:拨码式,遥控器及接收机采用二进制拨码开关,即接收机设定一组十位二进制码,所有的发射器都设定与接收机同样的二进制码, 优点是操作简单,缺点是其它同类型遥控器设定相同的二进制码可以解密,安全性差。 第二代产品:脉冲式,遥控器在出厂时已经设定一组不可改变之密码,使用时将该密码号输入到接收机存储器内,即可以使用。优点是遥控接收机可以随时增加或减少遥控器的数量。缺点是采用先进的无线电接收设备在近距离可以将正在使用的遥控器频率及脉冲信号接收到并且进行仿制。 以上两种都属于固定码方式。 第三代产品:循环滚码式,遥控器在出厂时已经设定一组不可仿制的循环码密码,编程及解码同时滚动,即遥控器每次发射的脉冲信号都不一样。 名仕二代遥控器采用了该技术。遥控器的遥控和发射信号加密位为6 6位,密码组合为12亿组,所有的遥控器几乎不可能出现重码。另外,为提高安全性,遥控距离设计为10—15米。 二、 遥控器使用: 1、 按遥控器大键1秒,关锁,同时左右转向灯闪一下。 2、 按遥控器小键1秒,开锁,同时左右转向灯闪二下 说明:遥控系统采用hopping code编码方式,加密位6 4位,完整产生一组码号时间为108ms,但接收板需要对信号进行RF信号解调,整形,故目前主机程序解码区段时间设定为108ms*2=216ms。若按键时间小于0.2s,则主机程序视为信号无效。本产品要求按键时间间隔大于1s) 遥控距离10—15米左右。(当遇到强电场、电磁辐射干扰时,距离site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and 会缩短。比如在军用通讯车附近) 三、遥控系统组成: 1、遥控器: 1)做成钥匙环,随身携带。一套系统只配备一个合法遥控器。 2)遥控器采用9号电池,12V 23A,金山电池。使用时间1年左右,根据使用频次不同,电池寿命有所变化。如每10 秒按遥控器 一次,则使用寿命可达60000以上。 431继电器 3)发射频率315Mhz~316Mhz 2、控制器: 零件号:3758300—xw 控制器代号:431 安装位置:T型支架 控管脚定义如图: 431继电器 该控制器共有7个管脚,具体配线如下: 14--------接地线 1 --------接司机门锁开关 4 --------中央门锁控制器4 8 --------+12V电源 13--------左转向 16--------右转向 1 4 13 16 15----------空 18----------空 8 14 说明: 14、8 脚 从线束取电 15 18 1脚为拉钮或钥匙开关门输入 4脚为开关门输出 系统工作电压: DC9~15V 静态电流: 9mA以下 遥控工作过程: (见下图) 按遥控器大键时,431控制器得到遥控关锁信号后将,脚置低电平,并将该信号送给气门中央门锁控制器的3脚,再由气门锁控制器驱动气动门锁,达到关锁目的,同时左右转向灯由431控制器直接控制闪两下。 按遥控器小键时,431收到开锁信号,经过内部处理后将,脚置高电平,并将信号送给气门锁控制器,气门锁控制器驱动气动门锁,达到开锁目的。同时左右转向灯由431控制器直接控制闪一下。 保持车身原有的双控功能: 拉或按压左前拉钮开关(或用钥匙开门),相当于431控制器的,脚分别置高或scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management . Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and 低电平,431将信号处理后,通过,脚给中央门锁控制器,控制气动门锁动作; 拉或按压右前拉钮开关,则不通过431控制器而直接控制气动门锁控制器,气 动门锁控制器驱动气动门锁,达到开或关锁的目的。 site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and 电路图: 30 SI19 20A 右前门闸流开关 1 75 30 2 FT 3 BFT 1 FB(R) FB(Z) 2 31 气动门锁控制器 3 左前门闸流开关 14 1 4 431控制器 8 左转向灯线束 13 右转向灯线束 16 scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management . Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and 四、 故障指南 故障 故障分析 故障排除 1.按遥控1.遥控距离在10m 以外 在10m以内遥控 器按键,门2.无上述情况,按遥控器按键,观察遥控请更换遥控器电池 锁不动作,器上指示灯,指示灯不亮或者闪烁,说明 转向灯也遥控器电池没电了. 不亮 3. 无上述情况,请观察车周围是否有强电用钥匙或拉钮开关 磁干扰. 锁,远离电磁干扰地 点再进行遥控 4.无上述情况,请确认车身电瓶是否低于电瓶电压应在9V~15V 9V 5.无上述情况,用万用表电压档测试431更换气动门锁控制器 控制器4脚电压,观察电压是否会随着按或431控制器 遥控器按键而有高低电位的变化,若有, 说明气动门锁控制器损坏;若没有变化, 说明431控制器损坏. 2.遥控控1.左前拉钮控制不正常,说明气动门锁控检查气动门锁控制器制正常,中制器或线束有问题 或线束 控不正常 2.右前拉钮控制不正常,用万用表电阻档更换气动门锁控制器 测试431控制器1、4脚电阻,若为0欧姆, 或431控制器 说明气动门锁控制器损坏;若为无穷大, 说明431控制器损坏. 3.按遥控1.将转向灯开关打开,检查转向灯或线束检查转向灯或线束 器按键,门是否有问题 锁动作正2. 无上述情况,用万用表电压档测试431检查线束或更换431常,但转向控制器13、16脚电压~观察在按按键时控制器 灯不亮 是否有电压输出~若有请检查线束,若没 有电压输出~更换431控制器 site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and 五、 更换电池说明: 当按下遥控器按键时,正常情况下LED指示灯会闪亮一下,若指示灯会连续闪亮,说明电池电量不足,需要更换。 步骤1:用十字螺丝刀逆时针方向松开螺丝。注意要使用与螺丝相配的螺丝刀,以免损坏螺丝钉,影响下次安装。 步骤2:打开上下盖,将原有电池取出,换上新电池。注意极性不要装错。 步骤3:上下盖和起,拧紧螺丝。 六、 密码配对 步骤1. 取1个遥控器注意:遥控 器要与原红旗遥控器规格相同~ 其它遥控器无效。 步骤2. 将431控制器从车身线束 的插座上拔下来~如左图所示~ 用一字螺丝刀将外壳翘开~将电 路板从外壳中取出。 scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management . Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and 步骤3. 将电路板“SW2”位置的 短路块拔起~如左图所示方向插 到3P排针上。再将电路板插回原 线束的插座上。 步骤4. 如左图所示连续按动 “SW1”位置的配对开关2次~这 时开关上方的“LED”指示灯会点 亮。 步骤5. 取任一个遥控器~在8秒 内连续按动遥控器大键两下~直 到LED指示灯熄灭,如LED灯 不灭~可再按大键,,LED灯熄灭 后再点亮~连续按动遥控器大键 两下~直到LED指示灯熄灭。遥 控器配对完成 步骤6. 将短路块如左图示方向 插回3P排针上。 site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management ... Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and 步骤7. 按遥控器大/小键~检查 遥控器是否配对完成。如果完成 将电路板从插座上拔下~将电路 板压到外壳内~装壳后端子方向 如左图所示。将431插回插座 注意: 1.如果短路块不插回原位置~将损坏电路板。步骤6不可省略。 2.如果未在LED指示灯熄灭前完成遥控器配对或遥控器未在规定时间内配对完成~则需重复步骤3~6。 3、在进行索赔处理判断是否由于遥控器损坏时~可通过按遥控开关看控制器的第4脚有无对应输出高电位和低电位进行判断,前提线路连接良好,。 七、 注意事项: a) 本系统不具备防水功能,严禁浸水。如遥控器不慎掉入水中,应 将遥控器晒干之后再进行使用,如不能使用则应取新件进行重新 配对。 b) 如遥控器上的指示灯开始闪亮则说明电池应该更换。 c) 严禁加装另外的防盗器和本系统配合使用,否则后果自负。 scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site safety inspections to prevent the "three violation" has occurred. 5 Security Summary assessment people: appraisal reviews safety leading group leader: sign up for evaluation officers: Note: evaluating and scoring methods according to the standards of construction safety inspection JGJ59-99 scoring method of execution. Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-3 comment by technical director comments time safety targets Gross content standards guarantee the safety of items 60 to participate in project technology gives the low-down, and signed registration. 20 in participating in or organizing the preparation of technical safety measures and review the feasibility and pertinence of safety measures and inspect, monitor, implement at any time. 20, safety precautions and equipment inspection. Feasibility of controls do not meet the standard requirements of protective devices, measures and put into use. 10 collect site management . Implementation of the responsibility system for production safety assessment form (reference tables) 1-12-2 comment by foreman review safety responsibility target content standards of the Gross project 60 minutes according to the law, standard, standard safety, carry out construction organization design and safety measures. 15 participation in safety "standards" plans and the formulation of safety measures, and their implementation. 10 participate in the construction of electricity, scaffold vertical transportation equipment, construction and other special programming and implementation, ensuring safety protection facilities and scheduling synchronization. 15 participation in the inspection and acceptance of the equipment, facilities, proposed corrective action, organization reform implemented. 10 responsible for "dust" governance and other civilized construction measure. 101 item 40 construction workers for seasonal security education, and educational contents and records. 10 participation and entry and transfer the three levels of safety education of workers. 10 reasonable scheduling construction jobs, doing cross-flow security protection. 5 organization of security technology to give the low-down, urged leaders to the operator for the low-down. 10 participation in the construction site
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