

2018-07-11 6页 doc 23KB 73阅读




长城英文导游词带翻译(范本)长城英文导游词带翻译(范本) 长城英文导游词带翻译 长城英文导游词带翻译 长城的修筑与所在区域的自然地理环境具有不可分割性,各个地区的长城都体现了当地的自然地理环境特征。 1: 长城英文导游词带翻译 The tourists everbod is good, toda I ll ‎‎guide ou to visit the Great Wall. Look, far see the Great Wall it is like a long dragon, in beteen the mountains indi...
长城英文导游词带翻译(范本) 长城英文导游词带翻译 长城英文导游词带翻译 长城的修筑与所在区域的自然地理环境具有不可分割性,各个地区的长城都体现了当地的自然地理环境特征。 1: 长城英文导游词带翻译 The tourists everbod is good, toda I ll ‎‎guide ou to visit the Great Wall. Look, far see the Great Wall it is like a long dragon, in beteen the mountains inding. From shanhaiguan east to est of jiauguan, has more than thirte‎‎en thousand. No e have e to the Great Wall. This setion of the Great Wall built in badaling, tall and strong, it is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. With square brik on the top of the all, ver smooth, like a ide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside alls along the ‎‎ros of buttress has to meters high, buttress on the square? At the mouth and a noXXle for? With hope and shot. On the top of the all, ever three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, stat‎‎ion troops fortress, ar, beteen the ChengTai an mutual eho. No e are standing on the Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brik, holding the stone on the all, ou ill naturall think of the anient orking people to build the Great Wall. Single the ountless stone, a piee of‎‎ have to or three one thousand atties, at that time there ere no trains, ars, no rane this steep ridge, rel on ountless ountless hands, shoulders to the time of the orking people is great. Suh boldness of vision of the male projet, in the histor of the orld but a great mirale! Is the majesti of the Great Wall, the male of vast gra not let us deepl intoxiated? Then let ou to use our experiene. 游客们大家好,今天由我来带领大家参观长城。 瞧,远看长城它像一条长龙,在崇山峻岭之间蜿蜒盘旋。从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,有一万三千多里。 现在我们已来到长城脚下。这一段长‎‎城修筑在八达岭上,它高大坚固,是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的。城墙顶上铺着方砖,十分平整,像很宽的马路,五六匹马可以并行。城墙外沿有两米多高的成排的‎‎垛子,垛子上有方形的?望口和射口,供?望和射击用。城墙顶上,每 隔三百多米就有一座方形的城台,屯兵的堡垒,打仗的时候,城台之间可以互相呼应。 现在我们站在了长城上,踏着脚下的方砖,扶着墙上的条石,你会很自然地想起古代修筑长城劳动人民来。单着这数不清的条石,一块有两三千斤重,那时候没有火车,汽车,没有起重‎‎机这陡峭的岭,就靠着无数的肩膀无数的手,可想当时的劳动人民是多么伟大。 这样气魄雄的工程,世界历史上可是一个伟大的奇迹啊! 难道长城的雄伟壮‎‎丽,那莽莽苍苍的雄资不让我们深深陶醉吗?接下来就让大家自己去细细体会吧。 2: 长城英文导游词带翻译 As the saing goes, not a true man unless he es to the Great Wall , limb the Great Wall have the onstan, and never quit the perseverane and determination, an t give up halfa! We an ath hile limbing. I ll introdue the Great Wall for everbo d: the Great Wall is posed of GuanCheng, beaon toer pier of athtoers, smoke, and the barbian, all, all, the rene‎‎l, perforation, hole, et. Beaon toer pier and smoke is used to transfer the situ‎‎ation of the enem. In smoke on the pier burning smoke during the da, ho muh smoke the heap represents the number of enem soldiers. Night an t see the smoke, a fire on the beaon toer. This a of passing information at that time is the most rapid and most effetive, t‎‎he beaon toer has plaed a ver big effet. At this moment, I sa a kid to limb on the all. I put him don for everone, sai d: please note that an t limb on the all, it is ver dangerous. Outside the all is dangerous mountain, it s no fun to fall don! Here, I ll tell ou something about a stor about the Great Wall: one upon a time, a man named meng jiangnu, she ent to send lothes for repairing the husband of the Great Wall. She reahed the Great Wall, but didn t find her husband. She hurriedl ask others, others sa that he had been buried in the Great Wall. Her sad r, r for man ears,‎‎ finall, her tears fell the Great Wall, finall sa her husband. The Great Wall i‎‎s ver beautiful, ver spetaular, inding, ele ou to touring! 俗话说 不到长城非好汉 ,攀登长城要有持之以恒、永不退缩的毅力和决心,不能中途放弃!我们可以一边观赏一边攀登。我先为大家‎‎介绍一下长城: 长城是由关城、敌楼、烟墩、烽火台、敌台、墙台、宇墙、垛口、 望洞、射孔等组成的。烽火台和烟墩是用来传递敌情的。白天在烟墩上燃烟,烟堆的多少代敌兵的数量。晚‎‎上看不见烟,就在烽火台上生火。这种传递信息的方式,在那个时代是最迅速、最有效的,烽火台起到了非常大的作用。 这时,我看到有个小‎‎孩子在城墙上爬。我把他抱下来后对大家说: 请注意不能在城墙上爬,这是很危险的。城墙外是险要的山峰,跌落下去可不是好玩的! 下面,我再给大家讲讲有关长城的故事: 从前,有个人叫孟姜女,她去为修长城的丈夫送衣服。她到了长城,却没找到她的丈夫。她连‎‎忙问别人,别人说他已被埋在长城里‎‎了。她伤心的哭,哭了很多年,最后,她把长城哭倒了,终于看到了她的丈夫。 长城很美丽、很壮观,蜿蜒曲折,欢迎你们细细游赏! 3: 长城英文导游词带翻译 Dear passengers, everone! I am our tour guide lil pula, ou an all me ho. This is ver honored to visit the Great Wall ith ou. From a distane, the Great Wall is like a huge dragon. Close look, I an t see the other end of the Great Wall. Standing on the Great Wall, beaon toer stands on the Great ‎‎Wall, like a daruma ill never fall. The Great Wall is an important anient defense orks, from an started ‎‎to build the Great Wall, the Great Wall has a histor of more than 201X ears no! There is a touhing legend about the Great Wall. When building the Great Wall, in addition to need not to build the all over the age of 60, other outh to build the Great Wall. Suzhou sholar Fan Xiliang, in order to avoid being aught b the r‎‎ulers, had to be in hiding. One, he fled to meng garden, aidentall enountered meng jiangnu. Meng jiangnu‎‎ is a smart beautiful girl, she and her parents hid the ‎‎Fan Xiliang together. To old people like Fan Xil‎‎iang, meng jiangnu betrothed to his ife. But, the person and tragedies ill desend, it is the unforeseen that nel married less than three das, Fan Xiliang go b offiers and soldiers to ath. Later, meng jiangnu Trinidad TiaoTiaoDe ame to the Great Wall to find her husband. Who knos, migrant orkers told her that Fan Xiliang is dead. She as ring at the foot of the Great Wall, I don t kno ho long r, listen to bang , the Great Wall fal‎‎l don a fe kilometers. The passengers, please do not thro garbage everhere, and in the sribble on the C‎‎hengZhuan moment. We are to meet at 7 in the gate. 各位旅客,大家好!我是你们的导游何宜臻,大家可以叫我小何。这次很荣幸能和大家游览长城。 远远望去,长城像一条巨大无比的长龙。近看,长城一眼望不到头。 站在长城上看,一座座烽火台屹立在长城上,像一个永远不会倒的不 倒翁。 长城还是古代一项重要的防御工程,从燕国开始修建长城,长城现在已经有201X多年历史了! 关于长城还有一个感人的传说。在修建长城的时候,除了60岁以上的老人不用去修建长城,其它的青年都得去修建长城。苏州书生范喜良,为了逃避官府的追捕,不得不四处躲藏。有一次,他逃到了孟家 花园,无意中碰到了孟姜女。孟姜女是一个聪明美丽的姑娘,她和父母便一起把范喜良藏了起来。两位老人很喜欢范喜良,就把孟姜女许配给他作了妻子。但是,人有旦夕祸福,天有不测风云,新婚不到三天,范喜良声就被官兵捉走了。后来,孟姜女千里迢迢地来到长城找 丈夫。谁知,民工告诉她,范喜良已‎‎经死了。她便在长城脚下痛哭,不知哭了多久,只听 轰隆 一声,长城倒了几公里。 旅客们,请不要随地扔垃圾,和在城砖上乱涂乱刻。我们7点在城门集合。 看了 长城英文导游词带翻译 还看了: 1.北京长城英文导游词 长城导游词英语作文 3.长城旅游英语导游词 4.八达岭长城英文导游词 5.天安门旅游英语导游词
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