

2017-10-12 41页 doc 1MB 24阅读




小功率密闭音箱制作过程小功率密闭音箱制作过程 最近做了一对密闭箱,觉得还是拿得出手的——同事有一组惠威有源音箱两年前花了950元购置——与我新作相比,不瞒大家,我心里可是窃窃自喜~说起来也有意思,同事买音箱听,而我则做着音箱听,他买一次,我新做一次(他听了我新做的觉得没有我的好,或者把老的送人,或者是“坏”了,反正就是不能让它工作——换一个新的;我听了他的比我的好,就又想做一个新的,本次制作还有一个重要原因是我女儿把我原先的音箱中的一个低音橡皮边给撕了),现在同事的惠威已经是第三次更换了,目前可能快要不“保命”了,因为我已 ^ 经通知他,把他最爱...
小功率密闭音箱制作过程 最近做了一对密闭箱,觉得还是拿得出手的——同事有一组惠威有源音箱两年前花了950元购置——与我新作相比,不瞒大家,我心里可是窃窃自喜~说起来也有意思,同事买音箱听,而我则做着音箱听,他买一次,我新做一次(他听了我新做的觉得没有我的好,或者把老的送人,或者是“坏”了,反正就是不能让它工作——换一个新的;我听了他的比我的好,就又想做一个新的,本次制作还有一个重要原因是我女儿把我原先的音箱中的一个低音橡皮边给撕了),现在同事的惠威已经是第三次更换了,目前可能快要不“保命”了,因为我已 ^ 经通知他,把他最爱听的歌带过来听听我的新作的效果。呵呵„„说远了^- 本文有以下内容:1、箱体制作。 2、油漆。 3、分频器制作 4、扬声器。大家或许奇怪:扬声器怎么在最后,原因如下,业余制作,能够要到多少关于扬声器的参数,要是碰到一个卖扬声器老板这样回答你:“用什么说明书,我这里全搞好了,整套的,拿回去接起来就能响~”除了离开以外,我实在是想不出什么其他。去厂家邮购或许会好一些,参数量会多一些,虽然这些参数也是成批的产品的。然而却却是这些参数可以起到很重要的参考作用。例:南鲸YD140- 8SXB,推荐容积是6.8升。那么,如果手中有5寸的扬声器做一个6~10L的箱子还是可行的——尽管这个扬声器不知道是什么牌子。当然,我觉得业余做箱子,还是碰运气的成份多一些。但是一些步骤和方法,会提高成功率。以下是正文开始。 1、为什么做,做成什么样的,这个很重要。用来听音乐,还是其他,家里空间大小、功率大小、业余制作的资金投入等等因素都会影响到制作的结果。本例制作是小功率的密闭箱,30W左右,用来听音乐,5寸普通单元,低成本投入——总造价=扬声器低音80元+高音60元+油漆35元+漆包线40元+接线盒5元+钉子3元+板材(免费——边上有木工房吗,跑过去上几根烟就可以搞定下脚料,本来这些可能用来烧饭的)+其他若干元,小于250元。 保护”,不能让小孩撕破单元。 而且还有一点就是要有“ 2、箱体制作。要点:结实、尺寸合理。怎样才算是合理的尺寸,如下图,选个你喜欢的。本例用的内尺寸为:15:23.2:25.5,比例图中没有,大致在红线处,净容积8.8L左右,对付5寸单元应该差不多了。要是容积大了,变小容易,小变大可就不那么好办了,吸音材料的“相对变大”也是有限的。相对来说扬声器大,箱子就大,硬是把大的扬声器装入小箱子里不是件好事。封闭箱还是用小扬声器。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 音箱的容积选取是有计算的,但是业余制作参考容积是最快方法。如果想要更多的 音箱制作内容请查有关资料,如《音箱业余和制作实例》一书是不错的,贴中的一些数据就是来自这本书。个人认为业余制作箱体的难度就是选好容积和尺寸比,剩下的“结实”、“密闭”应好办一些。 3、板材。高、中密度板是首选,木板也不错,为了省钱有什么合适就用什么,但也别太离谱~我这次制作材料来自机床包装箱,十层板,质量不太好,所以前后面板特别选了一块1.5cm厚以上的N年前的床板,四块前后面板锯得累死,好硬~这四块是等大小的,锯好第一块后,其余三块照着第一块大小锯,也可以先画后锯,这种方法锯路不能出错。其他的两种四块板锯法同前。锯好后相同的四块叠齐用刨修平整——一张短刨是必要的。当然有条件就请木工加工,未必凡事都亲临。事先要想好装配方法,那块板长要减去板厚等等,Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 但事实只要把它装成一个长方体就行了。我从底板+侧板开始,因为,前面板是木板,有纹 理,易裂。十层板在某个方向上才能钉钉子,所以边上加木头。钉之前涂一层“白胶”。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 钉好四框然后钉前面板,后盖先留下不要钉上。务必将钉帽砸扁,并用水泥钉将钉子砸嵌入板中,为后续准备。这一步非常重要。我看到一个“强人”自己做了一对两米多高的音箱,四只高音(SS1什么的,记不清型号了)、四只中低音(S8)、一只“大脸盆”低音在侧面,也是惠威扬声器,可是箱子上面的钉钉没有砸好,油漆一年后,锈出小麻点点——映象太深了——虽然这并不影响放音。强人的功放是甲类,前置分体,千W环牛后级两只,纯铝外壳,当时我惊叹——鸟人还真有钱~搞个功放我都搬不动,那时是1999年8月。 4、开孔。先在面板上画好开孔位置,然后用开孔器;如果想要音箱出原木色,那么请用铅笔划线。我用了水笔,渗透入木材,就去不掉了。开大孔时可以先开一会儿,出槽了,换上小钻头在槽里随便打孔,越多越好,然后再开孔,可以加快速度,但我还是用了半小时/孔。电钻功率大些好。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 5、加强筋。十字交ca(这个是敏感词语,我又忘了)的加强筋,上下、前后、左右都有 了。弥补侧板、底板、顶板板材上的“先天不足”。钉子处理同前,下同。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 涂白胶,钉后盖。后盖上先定好位,免钉子砸空。 6、合理使用开孔器。这种飞机头开孔器的中心定位不好,容易脱落,我用8个钻头+马口铁片固定——敲进去。先在板上钻一个孔,用开孔器在板材上画的内外圆相距约5mm左右——虽然开孔器有距离标识,但这根本不准,不能用的——这个距离不卡刀,又使切削量最少,自然开孔要快些,在木板上开孔要比在密度板上难,还是因为木材中的纹理,手工控制不好吃刀深度,易被卡死或掉钻头夹,我心疼的电钻,在这次开孔中掉了无数次钻头夹,也终于明白,钻头夹只所以分大小,是因为不同钻头夹自紧后承受的最大“力”不同。为了使电钻也合理工作,那么,一尽量在开孔时垂直板面,二要吃刀合适,进刀一定要慢,听声音来决定进刀量。三是开一下停一下,总是保持垂直状态有点累,停一下休息会更好些,否则,稍一不慎,轻的如下图,重的电钻可能就不保了。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 7、开孔器:开孔外圆的刀刃略向外,内刃则略向内,这样能避免卡刀,用老虎钳夹住 扭一下就行,别弯扭过了头。第二张图中左侧那一块是第一次开孔按照标注尺寸定位,结果 砸了;右侧两个则是先画圆后开孔。这种开孔器刀头有钨钢,还不知如何完全使用它;还有 一种开孔器的刀刃就两铁片按一定角度磨尖,专门用于开木头开孔,用来开密度板倒是不错。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 8、箱体修饰。箱子钉好,钉子处理完,接下来用短刨把边缘交接处存在的不平处刨平、修整。修整时,箱体放平稳,刨只能从两头往中间修,一般是一手压住,一手用刨竖直修整;不要从一头把刨直接推出至另一头,这种方式很可能会造成箱子缺角,特别是在修整木板横纹时直接推出头会造成木板边缘撕裂~在进行使用刨修整之前,确保钉子已全部砸进去,否则,就要仔细刨会不会被钉子挂伤。刨完后,用砂纸打磨,至于打磨到什么程度,看个人的耐心,你觉得差不多,就行了,但磨光一些总是好的。接下来就是用角料,涂胶,把箱子的各面接缝处粘住(第二张),哈哈„„是不是把手伸进去有些麻烦—— 弄个袖套,衣服的Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 袖口就没事了——自己做箱子,千万别赶时间,接缝处花这些时间来处理,随手在接头处涂 些胶,还是值得的,其实,半个小时也差不多了。 9、看看做箱所要的工具。木锉有更大的,图中这个小了,也就对付着用;锯子没有照 进来,因为是用木工房的,用了两把锯,木板硬,锯横纹用齿细的,纵纹时则用粗齿的,业 余没有这些条件,起码也得有一把大一点的侧手锯和一把两面锯;短刨要自备则要花些时间,Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 新买的刨不能直接用,这时只能用鲁班学艺的精神,先收拾收拾工具;或许想想木工师傅怎么收拾工具,会让你事倍功半~图中还有两把油漆用的"灰刀",看出来了么, 10、油漆。第一道工序是披灰。这一道工序可以分两步进行,第一步堵住钉眼等较大的孔,灰泥可以硬一些;第二步用灰刀 “披”上一层白灰~越薄越好。灰泥软一些,披灰易,但不要太软。如果大的洞眼不多也可合成一步。白灰可直接购买木油泥,5元左右/盒。自已调配:一种是用清漆+滑石粉——专业漆工,随用随调——业余不好控制;另一种是用白胶+滑石粉,具体调法用灰刀向一个方向边拉边挤,然后把灰泥聚拢,重复挤拉,不要用手直接触及灰泥,直至调匀。开始调前看上去很硬、干燥,调好后可能刚好,过程见图。如果太硬可以加点水——很少量,就是手浸一下,然后甩上去。能不用水就不用,一些家具店节省成本才多加水的,只做一对小箱子,一瓶白胶应该够用了(我只用了凌半瓶)。如果想懒一些,可以拿白胶刷一层,不建议这种做法,偷懒是要附出代价的,箱子面将会很不平整~披灰除了平整,另外一个原因是直接刷油漆,木材吃漆深浅不一致,引起色泽不匀,如果你打算多用油漆刷好多好多遍,那也能解决问题——总能把木板表面盖个严严实实。要有两把灰刀,这样才能把粘在刀上的灰泥刷下来。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 11、油漆。涂抹完毕。我也偷懒了,只做了第一遍。及时清洗灰刀,否等到第二天硬了 要花更多的时间来清洗,本来有两把灰刀,看上去象专业用的,丢了一把,后补了一把(刀 柄非木头),好差。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 12、油漆。第二道工序——打磨(至少隔一天)。下面三张图:打磨前,打磨中,打磨 后,这个不用多说,只有一点要注意:就是打磨后的砂纸不要全部扔掉,以备后用。看最后 一张图,是不是比较漂亮了,打磨应把多余的白灰全磨掉,填补处除外。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 13、油漆前的最后准备。见下图,先打安装孔,钻头收进,别把扬声器、接线板的安装 孔打穿。处理油漆用的刷子——打算用喷漆,此处跳过——用手拍打软毛处,并用砂纸磨光, 最终使其少掉毛或不掉毛,质量好一些的刷子是需要的。图中是差的那种。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 14、油漆。没做第二次披灰,刷了一层清漆,后来证明不能补偿没有披灰所带来的缺陷。 挂起来、通风,等一两天吧~油漆最好选在阴天,为了你的建康~ Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 15、油漆第二遍。清漆干透(图一),刷上所需色泽的油漆(图二),用调合漆太稠的 话,倒入一些松香水,充分搅拌,调到合适。可以在凳子上填一张报纸。刷子用袋密封装起 (图三),下次仍可用,漆桶的盖也压紧。刷完过一两天干透,最刷一遍,多刷几遍也没关系。无论那次刷漆都要仔细察看是不是有刷子的毛掉在板面上,有就及时去掉,至少完工前要每 个板面都检查一下,等到干透可就费事,特别是在刷最后一遍时。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 16、挂几天。呵呵„„只有挂起来才能刷底面,前面也如此。如果不确定用那种颜色,可以刷上试试,箱上也行,权当多刷了一遍,直至你喜欢的为止。醇酸调合漆,中桶10元/桶(用了半桶),我买了棕、黄、黑三种,试了试还是黑色经典。最终定为黑色。外观见下图,先看看吧~ Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 17、分频器。种类很多,常见有二分频、三分频,不同的分频方式在接线相位上有 所区别。这里介绍一下本例所用的高、低声要反相连接的二分频器是如何实现的。做分频器的难点是电感线圈的绕制,其实我们可以通过一张来轻松搞定线圈的绕制问题(见下两图)。12dB/oct、-6dB降落交叉是可以做到在分频点处功率曲线平滑过渡。图一是公式及计算过程,高音阻值8欧,低音阻值6欧,分频点3000Hz;5 寸单元放音上6000Hz应该没问题,而球顶高音低频截止大多可以到1000Hz,各留一个倍频程,3000Hz差不多了。C3是补偿电容,可是很难找到关于杂牌扬声器的频率阻抗特性曲线,所以C3的计算也就无从谈起;这个电容的取值在几十uF之间。这里取11uF。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 工具可以自己造的。按上图的骨架做一个。在农村的话找一截木头,直径粗一点,先把一头截平,锯一个1~2cm厚的圆饼,再往里量2cm-2.5cm锯一圈,估计锯深度,中心留出所需的2.5cm的直径,然后用刀削掉除中心外的多余部分,再往里量1~2cm锯断,用砂纸打磨光滑,中心钻孔用长螺钉固定(实在没有的话,从自行车踏脚板上拆一根吧^-^)。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 绕制线圈时不用一圈圈数,只要记层数就行。每层都密绕,最后数最外层圈数相乘层数 即是匝数,觉得这个方法不行,在绕时随机抽查一下看看对不对,相差几圈影响不大。每绕 一层帖一层双面胶,最外层用透明胶,这样线圈拆下来不散也不用线邦,而且在绕线时不散。双面胶应该是非铁磁性物质对电感量影响不大。绕好后用清漆浸一下„„呵呵„„是不是相 当不错了, 18、绕制线圈。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 图三骨架上有定位的梢,还有一个孔,电感接线从此穿出(偿试嵌在边上绕,不好玩)。 19、绕好组装。用棉线绑过,慢。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 找一块合适的三层板子,摆好位置,量出大小,试试能不能装进箱;要是板子做好后发现比扬声器低音开孔尺寸大,这下一点也不好玩了~或者由于板子的尺寸原因只能以某个特定方向装入箱子里面都是遗憾~电容CJ10/1uF/160V,4只;MKP/0.68uF/250V,1只;水泥 电阻6.8欧,5W,5 只,普通电解22uF/63V,2只,串联;两只电感线圈相互垂直安装且远离。搭架焊接。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 分频板用自攻螺丝固定,板上计算好位置,预打螺孔。分频板也可用PCB板。面板上低 音没有挖槽,以后换扬声器方便。开了槽,就只能装象槽大小一样的扬声器了,没有的话,扬声器边缘宽、窄就无所谓——不超出面板,开孔对上就行。目前所用低音单元30W,我觉 得这个箱子低音能上50W,所以就不开槽了,万一单元坏了,再换。功率小,可能易坏。 20、高音扬声器。背面写在马来西亚制造,估计是假的。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 21、低音扬声器。挑选杂牌扬声器,只能评感觉。主要还是看其外观、及外观上看得见的用料。这个低音是因为导磁板相对来说中间的相对厚,底面的边缘要薄一些,好象有日本人想方设法省料的样子,就选中它了,35元。用后觉得还值。背面也写着马来西亚造,SONY的,不过这两个扬声器单元,我都当它是"假货"来买的——仿造用料也不是那么差、价钱也不高的话,偿试一下也可以——加上当时只找到一种南鲸的低音,6寸,便宜出奇,18元,店主说它好,可是导磁片很薄„„就用假货好了,要是坏了,准备邮购南鲸的,箱子本来就是参照南鲸5寸单元推荐容积做的。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 22、面罩。与扬声器有点对不上号,要处理一下,把里面的锉掉一些,免挡住纸盆较大 功率时的振动。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 23、密封。单元的密封,剪几个橡皮圈。低音单元的密封圈可以用高压锅的密封圈代替, 找差不多大小的,差多了就要剪掉一些,断口处注意密封——上面都是在找不到相关材料时 进行。这个低音单元背面就有一层用于密封的,只是有点单薄。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave 24、组装。密封好;线别接错。用短柄螺丝刀拧扬声器的安装螺丝,可以有效减少螺丝刀打滑伤及纸盆的可能性。 25、调试。边听边改,填充吸音材料。要好长时间,不过音箱开始时都不好听,慢慢会好听起来,新扬声器好象也有“磨合期”~现在的任务就是听„„ 虽然扬声器单元写在最后,做箱子还是一个整体过程。上个星期那个朋友来听,说我的 箱子“质感”很好~这是因为他看到的只是外表的油漆。声音说跟他的那对箱子差不多~而我却是这样想的,箱子用的是“差料”——可是刚性要比想象的好,他来听的时候,箱子里是空的,没装吸音材料,还有一点改进的余量——目前还没发现明显缺陷。以后出现再补。 Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi on military police knocked down. Unsuspecting Japanese military police was flaccid paralysis. Shen Longbao picked the Japanese military police gun in cotton vest, leave
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