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贺酪爵庄园荣获法国大奖专案贺酪爵庄园荣获法国大奖专案 石 家 庄 君 乐 宝 乳 业 有 限 公 司 标题:贺酪爵庄园荣膺法国SIAL国际产品创新奖 编号:JLB-dwxxfwb-20110503 编制部门:低温企划中心—行销服务部 页次:1/6页 打印份数:4份 发放范围: 起草人: 日期: 营业管理部、营业稽核部、财务部、各销售区域 审核人: 日期: 批准人: 日期: 贺酪爵庄园荣膺法国SIAL国际产品创新奖 ——缤纷魅礼 一、 活动目的 1、通过以酪爵庄园荣获法国大奖主题,在全国销售区域产品推广过程中植入沟通话题, 加强消费者对酪爵...
贺酪爵庄园荣获法国大奖专案 石 家 庄 君 乐 宝 乳 业 有 限 公 司 标题:贺酪爵庄园荣膺法国SIAL国际产品创新奖 编号:JLB-dwxxfwb-20110503 编制部门:低温企划中心—行销服务部 页次:1/6页 打印份数:4份 发放范围: 起草人: 日期: 营业管理部、营业稽核部、财务部、各销售区域 审核人: 日期: 批准人: 日期: 贺酪爵庄园荣膺法国SIAL国际产品创新奖 ——缤纷魅礼 一、 活动目的 1、通过以酪爵庄园荣获法国大奖主题,在全国销售区域产品推广过程中植入沟通话题, 加强消费者对酪爵庄园产品认知,并提高君乐宝知名度, 2、借用精美赠品赠送树立酪爵庄园产品品味,拉动消费人群重复购买, 二、 活动主题 贺酪爵庄园荣膺法国SIAL国际产品创新奖——缤纷魅礼 三、 活动说明 1、活动时间:2011年6月21日-8月26日 2、活动品项:酪爵庄园3入裹包、酪爵庄园6入礼品袋、酪爵庄园12入礼品箱 3、活动区域:全国现代渠道 4、活动方式: 产品买赠 ? 终端执行3入裹包/3杯酪爵庄赠送酪爵勺1个 ? 6杯礼品盒赠送酪爵盘1个 ? 12入礼品箱赠送酪爵杯1个 5、目标人群: 追求生活品味,以白领、时尚人群为主 四、活动物料:具体使用标准详见附件1:PPT版 1、赠品:盘子、杯子、勺子,赠品均有独立包装, 2、生动化物料:DM单、隔板、跳跳卡、奖牌、堆头插板 五、执行要求 1、陈列要求:陈列原则:原味、双层1:1陈列 正常陈列: ? 1节以下,含1节,至少4杯*3层陈列,第3、4层陈列3入裹包。 ? 2节至少6杯*4层陈列,第3、4层陈列3入裹包。 ? 3节以上至少8杯*4层陈列,第3、4层陈列3入裹包。 ? 分品项陈列不得低于4杯横向陈列,纵向根据门店情况陈列。 付费专背陈列: 非正常陈列以外的特殊专背陈列至少做到6杯*4层陈列,否则费用不予以核销。 tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 石 家 庄 君 乐 宝 乳 业 有 限 公 司 标题:贺酪爵庄园荣膺法国SIAL国际产品创新奖 编号:JLB-dwxxfwb-20110503 编制部门:低温企划中心—行销服务部 页次:1/6页 打印份数:4份 发放范围: 起草人: 日期: 营业管理部、营业稽核部、财务部、各销售区域 审核人: 日期: 批准人: 日期: 陈列费用投入:新增酪爵庄园产品专背,公司与经销商投入按7:3标准核报, 陈列示意图:附件1: PPT版 2、酪爵专促人员推广执行标准: 人员执行标准: ? 公司付费门店必须要求有酪爵专促一名,全天,,年龄控制在30岁以下,形象、 气质必须符合酪爵庄园, ? 酪爵专促必须着酪爵专促服装,带手套、口罩, ? 执行品尝、拦截销售动作, ? 酪爵公主必须使用新版促销话术进行产品的推广,,附件:2:酪爵庄园新版促销话 术, ? 迷你秀执行:6月份100%覆盖,严格按照标准执行。 6月份迷你秀目标 7月份迷你秀目标 8月份迷你秀目标 部级 点数 场次 点数 场次 点数 场次 陕西 16 320 16 320 16 320 江苏 33 660 33 660 33 660 安徽 36 720 36 720 36 720 东北 14 280 14 280 14 280 山东 40 800 40 800 40 800 河南 21 420 21 420 21 420 两湖 8 160 8 160 8 160 河北 45 900 45 900 45 900 北京 20 400 20 400 20 400 天津 10 200 10 200 10 200 山西 27 540 27 540 27 540 合计 270 5400 270 5400 270 5400 人员及品尝费用投入: ? 酪爵原味及双层随车搭赠10+1作为人员费用支持,单口味订货,,品尝支持 原味随车搭赠20+1, ? 核销:地级市场月销售不得少于900件,两口味合计,,单城市两个客户以上, 按300件进行考核,低于以上销量客户次月扣除10+1人员费用的50%, 3、新鲜度: ? 所有区域要求货架产品新鲜度不得超过10天 tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 石 家 庄 君 乐 宝 乳 业 有 限 公 司 标题:贺酪爵庄园荣膺法国SIAL国际产品创新奖 编号:JLB-dwxxfwb-20110503 编制部门:低温企划中心—行销服务部 页次:1/6页 打印份数:4份 发放范围: 起草人: 日期: 营业管理部、营业稽核部、财务部、各销售区域 审核人: 日期: 批准人: 日期: ? 超过10天的产品必须有去化动作,不能降价销售,以赠品捆赠的形式去化, 六、目标分解与赠品配发: 1、各销售部目标如下: 6.21-6.26日销售预估 6.27-7.26日销售预估 7.27-8.26日销售预估 部级 销售合计件数 日均件数 销售合计件数 日均件数 销售合计件数 日均件数 安徽部 2659 443 17724 591 18315 591 北京 5053 842 33689 1123 34812 1123 东北部 1375 229 9169 306 9475 306 河北部 3676 613 24509 817 25326 817 河南部 996 166 6639 221 6861 221 江苏部 4150 692 27664 922 28586 922 两湖 340 57 2267 76 2343 76 山东部 3397 566 22645 755 23400 755 山西部 1903 317 12684 423 13107 423 陕西部 1999 333 13329 444 13773 444 天津 1452 242 9681 323 10003 323 全国合计件数 27000 4500 180000 6000 186000 6000 全国合计吨位 15 20 20 ? 公司总部已经将销售目标分解至客户别,请注意部级销售目标不得改动,客户可调 整目标量。 ? 公司将根据客户目标销售量进行赠品配发,各部请于6月2日前将意见反馈行销服 务部,行销服务部根据区域意见进行目标及赠品调整,,6月2日后提报,公司不 受理客户目标量调整, ? 附件3《酪爵庄园6-8月份销量预估及赠品配发明细》 2、公司根据《酪爵庄园6-8月份销量预估及赠品配发明细》,配发相应活动物料及活动 赠品,赠品配发标准: 客户赠品配发量赠品配发比例 月份 ,按既定销售目赠品承担比例 酪爵欧风酪爵欧风酪爵欧风 标比例配发, 咖啡杯 咖啡盘 咖啡勺 6月份 70% 10% 20% 70% 各承担50% 7月份 60% 10% 20% 70% 公司40%客户60% 8月份 70% 10% 20% 70% 各承担50% tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 石 家 庄 君 乐 宝 乳 业 有 限 公 司 标题:贺酪爵庄园荣膺法国SIAL国际产品创新奖 编号:JLB-dwxxfwb-20110503 编制部门:低温企划中心—行销服务部 页次:1/6页 打印份数:4份 发放范围: 起草人: 日期: 营业管理部、营业稽核部、财务部、各销售区域 审核人: 日期: 批准人: 日期: 3、赠品价格: 赠品分类 采购价 赠品分类 采购价 酪爵杯 7.1元/个 酪爵勺 1.9元/个 酪爵盘 4.9元/个 4、物料及赠品配发时间:9个重点城市物料及赠品于6月18日前配发到位,33个重点 城市物料及赠品于6月28日前配发到位,其他城市物料及赠品配发到位时间为7月 12日前, 9个重点市场明细:潍坊、连云港、合肥、北京、天津、唐山、太原、石家庄 5、活动执行排期: 执行活动时间 执行区域 6.21-8.26 8个重点城市 7.1-8.26 33个重点城市,除第一批已执行的8个城市, 7.15-8.26 剩余城市全部开始启动 8个重点城市于6月20日前按既定标准执行到位,33个重点城市,除第一批已执行8个城市,于6月30日前按既定标准执行到位,剩余其他客户于7月15日前按既定标准执行到位, 6、赠品费用根据各区域客户配发量于次月月初,按客户承担额度进行扣款, 七、稽核检核及负激励: 1、检核项目: ? 检核区域是否按照规定进行赠品捆绑。 ? 检核区域陈列、人员、品尝推广是否按照公司规定执行。 ? 检核执行活动区域酪爵庄园全品项是否进店销售。 ? 月底出具检核,对各区域活动执行情况进行全国通报。 2、负激励标准: 检核项目 负激励标准 责任人 陈列标准 20元/店 生动化标准 10元/店 各部长 赠品捆绑 20元/店 人员推广 在岗情况 10元/店 tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 石 家 庄 君 乐 宝 乳 业 有 限 公 司 标题:贺酪爵庄园荣膺法国SIAL国际产品创新奖 编号:JLB-dwxxfwb-20110503 编制部门:低温企划中心—行销服务部 页次:1/6页 打印份数:4份 发放范围: 起草人: 日期: 营业管理部、营业稽核部、财务部、各销售区域 审核人: 日期: 批准人: 日期: 服装 5元/店 手套 5元/店 口罩 5元/店 品尝推广动作 20元/店 依据稽核部出具检核报告对各部长执行负激励, 九、区域可用此PPT版进行各商超系统谈档期或厂商周活动,以便能够最大化利用此 活动政策及物料。 备注: 附件1:《主题活动执行方案PPT版》 附件2:《酪爵庄园新版促销话术》 附件3:《酪爵庄园6-8月份销量预估及赠品配发明细》 tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor
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