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基于BIM技术的4D项目管理探索与研究基于BIM技术的4D项目管理探索与研究 基于BIM技术的4D项目管理探索与研究 摘要:进度目标是工程建设的三大目标之一,但是现在大多数项目的进度控制并不是很好,计划完成之后不能得到有效的实施。究其原因,一是计划编制考虑不周全,时间安排不合理,二是项目实施控制不够。BIM技术的出现为我们编制计划和管理项目提供了一个新的思路和方法,本文将根据商业综合体项目的4D管理实践进行分析和说明,旨在为项目管理提供一 些借鉴。 关键词:BIM,4D,协同,进度管理 BIM(Building Information Modeling,即建...
基于BIM技术的4D项目管理探索与研究 基于BIM技术的4D项目管理探索与研究 摘要:进度目标是工程建设的三大目标之一,但是现在大多数项目的进度控制并不是很好,计划完成之后不能得到有效的实施。究其原因,一是计划编制考虑不周全,时间安排不合理,二是项目实施控制不够。BIM技术的出现为我们编制计划和管理项目提供了一个新的思路和方法,本文将根据商业综合体项目的4D管理实践进行分析和说明,旨在为项目管理提供一 些借鉴。 关键词:BIM,4D,协同,进度管理 BIM(Building Information Modeling,即建筑信息模型)是一个包含建筑物全生命周期相关信息的数据库,它将建筑从业人员从复杂抽象的图形、格和文字中解放出来,以形象的三维模型作为建设项目的信息载体,方便了建设项目各阶段、各专业以及相关人员之间的沟通和交流,减少了建设项目因为信息过载或者信息流失带来的损失,提高了从业者的工 作效率以及整个建筑业的效率。 工程项目的进度计划编制与管理在项目管理的三大控制——成本控制、进度控制和质量控制中,占有非常重要的地位,良好的施工进度计划可以使项目各参与方达到“协调一致”。因此,不管是从业主方还是施工方,在工程项目管理中做好施工计划编制与管理工作是非常重要的。但是,由于复杂因素的影响,工程项目进度管理工程也存在某些问题并在不同项目中重复出现。究其原因,是由于传统管理方法某些局限性所造成的,为此,探索进度管理方法的技术创新显得尤为重要。青岛万象城项目中,我们对BIM技术在4D进度管理方面的应用进行了尝试与研究,本文将具体分析传统管理方法与基于BIM的管理方法在计划编制 与管理的差异进行具体分析,并提出新的管理方法实施指引。 一、计划编制 工程项目进度计划的编制很大程度上依赖于项目管理者的经验,虽然有施工、进度目标、施工等客观条件的支撑,但是项目的唯一性和个人经验的主观性难免会使进度计划存在不合理之处,并且现行的编制方法和工具相对比较抽象,不易对进度计划进行检查, 一旦计划出了问题,那么按照计划所进行的施工过程必然也不会顺利。 目前项目中的普遍情况也是计划编制人年轻化,并没有丰富的从业经验,对于万象城这类大型高端综合体项目多专业协调复杂性及各专业工序、工时及专业穿插等关系了解不 足,制定出的计划难免会出现不合理的地方。 传统的计划编制人员并不会对每一项任务的工程量进行估算,往往只是看一下图纸上的面积,然后根据以往项目大概多少天一层或者根据工期要求分配而来,并没有深入的研究每一项工期是否合理。对于青岛万象城这种造型复杂,每一个标段在不同楼层的工程量相差可能会非常大,根据一层的时间套用其他楼层的工期,可能并不是很准确,同时,各个标段的复杂程度(钢结构工程量、结构形式的不同等)对于工期影响也是不一样的,这些因素都导致我们的计划编制的粗放性。当然,这些我们可以通过仔细的查看图纸,深入分析每一块区域的工程量而得出相对准确的数据。但是传统的工作方法中,计划编制人员并没有这么多 精力,往往时间也不允许他们来进行如此细致的工作。 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 另外,项目内部进行计划编制审核时,传统使用的网络计划图计算复杂,理解困难,并且表达很抽象,不能直观地展示项目的计划进度过程,这样不仅提高了参与计划审核人员的准入门槛,同时需要其花费大量时间进行深入分析各任务的逻辑关系以及各任务所对应的具体工作,为此甚至还需要反复查看大量图纸。否则,计划编制人需要在审核会议上再花时 间进行详细的介绍,这些都会降低我们的工作效率。 而BIM的出现使得这些工作变得简单和快捷,首先,BIM模型中包含了构件的尺寸信息,BIM软件可以自动生成每一块区域的混凝土用量,并且我们经过参数添加之后,甚至可以得出不同标号的混凝土用量(当前revit软件对于混凝土用量统计的精确性是可以满足我们此项的需求,鲁班及广联达软件甚至可以给出我们钢筋的数量),有了这些数据作参考,我们再根据以往万象城的经验数据便可以得出更加合理的工时需求;其次,BIM模型的可视化功能,使得计划编制人员不需要去查看复杂的图纸,可以直观的查看每一块区域内是否包含钢结构工程及是否有坡道等复杂结构,进而对工时进行修正。最后,动态的4D施工模拟过程,也使得每一个人都可以快速准确的理解计划,然后根据自己的经验提出建议,使计划编制更 加完善。 具体操作步骤如下: 1. 根据CAD图纸快速创建BIM模型,钢结构模型由于是钢结构分包单独深化及使用tekla软件进行建模,其进度无法满足要求,初期可以在revit中简单创建钢结构部分模型。 图1.青岛万象城结构模型 2. 根据BIM模型导出每个任务对应的工程量,然后根据以往万象城的统计数据,得出 相对准确的工时需求。 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 图2.revit软件自动计算出各区域各楼层混凝土用量 图3. BIM结构模型(直观查看各区域钢结构工程量) of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 图4. BIM结构模型(直观查看圆形坡道涉及区域) 3. 在P6或project软件中完成计划之后,在navisworks软件中将其与BIM模型结 合起来,形成4D进度计划。在navisworks中,我们可以把不同的形态设置成不同的显示 状态,这样可以直观的检查出时间设置是否合理。 图5. 公寓楼施工动态模拟 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 图6. 主采光顶加工、运输、安装全过程模拟 二、计划实施管理 传统方法虽然可以对工程项目前期阶段所制定的进度计划进行优化,但是由于自身存在着缺陷,所以项目管理者对进度计划的优化只能停留在一定程度上,即优化不充分,这就使得进度计划中可能存在某些没有被发现的问题,当这些问题在项目的施工阶段表现出来时,项目施工就会相当被动,往往这个时候,就只能根据现场情况被动的修改计划,使之与 现场情况相符,失去了计划控制施工的意义。其实施流程见图7。 基于BIM的4D进度管理通过反复的施工过程模拟,让那些在施工阶段可能出现的问题在模拟的环境中提前发生,逐一修改,并提前制定应对措施,使进度计划和最优, 再用来指导实际的项目施工,从而保证项目施工的顺利完成。其实施流程见图8。 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 图7. 传统进度管理方法实施过程 图8. 基于BIM的4D进度管 理实施过程 在实际工程进度管理过程中,虽然有详细的进度计划及网络图、横道图等技术做支撑,但是“破网”事故还是经常发生,对整个项目的经济效益产生直接的影响。通过分析,主要有 以下原因: 2.1 建筑设计缺陷带来的进度管理问题 首先,设计阶段的主要工作是完成施工所需图纸的设计,通常万象城类项目整套图纸上千张,图纸所包含的数据庞大,而设计者和审图者的精力有限,存在错误是必然的,而且现在设计时间也非常紧,为了进度,质量有所下降也是非常普遍的情况;其次,项目各个专业的设计工作是独立完成的,导致各专业的二维图纸所表现的的内容在空间上很容易出现碰撞和矛盾。如果上述问题没有提前发现,直到施工阶段才显露出来,势必会对工程项目的进度产生影响。通常这个问题最直观的表现就是大量的设计和工程变更,本项目中因为设计变 更而延误的工期局部甚至以月计。 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 针对这个问题,项目部都会专门组织人员进行图纸会审,但是对于一些空间设计错误的情况,往往是很难发现的。而在BIM模型的创建过程中,首先建模人员会查看全部图纸,了解每一个构件的尺寸及空间定位(钢筋信息除外),这个过程本身就包含了图纸审查的一部分,另外,通过BIM模型的可视化功能,可以快速的发现设计不合理的地方,例如对楼梯、坡道、扶梯净高的检查等。提前发现并处理问题,这样就避免了现场返工,间接的保证 了工程进度按计划的执行。 图9. 扶梯净高检测 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 图10. 建模过程中发现的图纸错误 2.2 施工进度计划编制不合理造成的进度管理问题 这个因素在第一部分计划编制中已经对传统方法和基于BIM的方法进行了详细的对 比及说明,在此不再赘述。 2.3 现场人员的素质造成的进度管理问题 施工人员对施工图纸的理解,对施工工艺的熟悉程度和操作技能水平等因素都可能对项目能否按计划顺利完成产生影响。BIM模型的可视化功能,使得所有施工人员都可以直观准确的理解设计师的意图,减少因信息传达错误而给施工过程但来的不必要的问题,加快施工进度和提高项目建造质量,保证项目决策尽快执行。同时,直观可视化的模型也为现场工程师质量检查提供了很好的标准,现在手持智能设备普及程度高,工程师甚至可以在手机上 查看模型,这样核查现场质量问题相信绝对比拿着图纸效率要高很多。 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 图11. 多梁交叉节点钢筋布置图 图12. 高支模BIM模型交底 2.4 参与方沟通和衔接不畅导致进度管理问题 建设项目往往会消耗大量的财力和物力,如果没有一个详细的资金、材料使用计划是很难完成的。在项目施工过程中,由于专业不同,施工方与业主和供货商的信息沟通不充分、不彻底,业主的资金计划、供货商的材料供应计划与施工进度不匹配,同样也会造成工期的 延误。 针对这一项原因下文将以本项目钢结构工程进行详细分析,前期钢结构严重滞后,甚至影响到项目关键线路。经过分析,得出以下主要几个原因:1、由于现场与车间信息传递不到位、不及时,导致车间加工滞后,现场无钢结构可安装;2、与土建专业交圈不到位,of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 协调与质量检查不到位,大量下插柱遗漏,返工导致工期延误;3、中庭钢结构预埋件混凝 土浇筑完成之后出现偏差,影响钢梁吊装。 图13. 钢结构加工日报 上图中日报表虽然详细的记载了每一天工厂加工的进度,但是每一个构件对应现场的位置并不清楚,实际中很可能出现的情况就是现场已经急需的构件还没有加工,而不着急的 构件确加工完成。 图14. 项目施工日报 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 上图所示日报是现在通行的管理方式,管理者通过这样的文档及照片来了解现场动态。很显然,这样的形式很难让阅读人快速的了解现场实际情况。尽管照片也可能直观准确的说明问题,但是对于万象城这种大型商业综合体项目,单层面积5万平米要想通过照片 表示清楚也不是件容易的事情,况且照片查看是被动的。 主采光顶钢结构工程采用了基于BIM的4D管理方式,在BIM模型中根据现场施工进度和车间加工情况实时更新模型显示效果,通过这种方式将传统分散、抽象的进度信息整合到一个平台上(参见图16),不仅可以直观的查看各项工作进展,并且可以快速的了解 各项工作相互之间的影响。 图15. Navisworks不同操作显示设置 Navisworks软件操作界面下方timeliner窗口就相当于P6/ project项目管理软件,这里的信息是链接了P6/project而生成的,在P6/project中更改信息之后,只需要更新数据 navisworks即可。同时,在这里还有“实际开始时间”与“实际 图16. Navisworks操作界面 结束时间”,我们将工程日报的进度信息实时添加进去,这样我们就可以在三维视图中查看每一天各个部位完成的情况,并且车间正在加工的钢结构也可以清晰的看到。 图16中灰色部分即已经吊装完成,紫红色为正在吊装,黄色部分表示已经运输到现场等待吊装,黄色半透明为已经运输在途,绿色半透明部分构件为工厂加工状态。图中我们of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled 可以很清晰的看到所有构件都处于正常流程,可以保证所有环节都顺利连续的进行。同样的,如果有部分加工滞后我们也可以快速的发现,然后及时协调工厂采取相关措施,避免影响工 期。 2.5 施工环境影响进度管理问题 工程项目既受当地地质条件、气候特征等自然环境的影响,又受到交通设施、区域位置、供水供电等社会环境的影响。项目实施过程中任何不利的环境因素都有可能对项目进度产生严重影响。BIM技术在这一方面没法提供很多帮助,更多还是需要管理人员的个人经验 及充分的考虑,在此不作赘述。 三、结语 通过上述分析与工程实践的检验可以得出,BIM技术可以从根本上解决传统项目管理方法的缺陷,在工程进度管理中展示了优越性——提高计划编制的合理性、减少设计与工程变更、改善信息传递效率、增强项目参与方沟通与协作。尽管BIM技术在施工领域的应用还处在初期阶段,但是通过本项目的探索和实践,可以认为,基于BIM的4D管理技术在当前环境下,是完全可行的,只是不同的应用范围、不同的投入所收到的效益相差是很大的。 of forms to conduct extensive publicity and education of the masses, so everyone pay attention to fire prevention. 2, it is forbidden to take a flammable building, not allowed to pile up any stuff under the power lines, no flammable materials in winter insulation, acetylene and oxygen cylinders must be put in storage for storage. Lighting Route 3, on-site erection, installation of electrical equipment, must be made by the official electrician, prohibited the use of electric heating, cooking, water heating, such as when you must use a furnace must be approved by the Security Department, after licensing ... Not affecting local residents ' life and rest. 3, other pollution prevention (1) advanced construction equipment used in construction, and to take effective measures to control dust, emissions, noise, vibration, pollution and harm to the environment. Reasonable arrangement, reducing night-time construction, actively cooperate on environmental protection and environmental protection departments. (2) because of their construction, such as water, electricity must apply for approval in advance, caused by the damaged public roads should be repaired in time, waste, rubbish should be cleared up, site formation, drainage is good, work is finished, clean and clear. (B) sanitation works management divided into several segments, segment contract, establish areas of responsibility. Construction site provides daily cleaned and kept in a clean and sanitary, site leveling, assorted goods neatly stacked, smooth road flat, without stacking, fallout, no water retention, no black-odor, zero waste, drainage facilities, separation of garbage and construction waste piled
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