首页 > 晚上睡觉前适合发晚安的短信最新2011


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晚上睡觉前适合发晚安的短信最新2011晚上睡觉前适合发晚安的短信最新2011 把思念 托给窗外明月 希望今夜 月辉 洒落你的枕畔 夜 月下玫瑰 一如你的妩媚 我愿采撷 去装饰你轻柔的梦境 宝贝:晚安,好梦~ 刚刚我跟月亮通了电话,要它洒下清辉伴你入睡;给星星发了邮件,要它点缀夜空伴你美梦。它们答应了,祝你晚安,好梦~ 夜里,那满天繁星,就是我凝视你的眼睛。那皎洁明月,就是我思念你的神情。晚风轻轻拂来,带去我的问候:夜深了,做个好梦~ 浪漫的夜是你的情人,她柔情似水,陪伴你左右,给你按摩,为你捶背,甜言蜜语哄你入睡,祝你晚安,! 她告诉...
晚上睡觉前适合发晚安的短信最新2011 把思念 托给窗外明月 希望今夜 月辉 洒落你的枕畔 夜 月下玫瑰 一如你的妩媚 我愿采撷 去装饰你轻柔的梦境 宝贝:晚安,好梦~ 刚刚我跟月亮通了电话,要它洒下清辉伴你入睡;给星星发了邮件,要它点缀夜空伴你美梦。它们答应了,祝你晚安,好梦~ 夜里,那满天繁星,就是我凝视你的眼睛。那皎洁明月,就是我思念你的神情。晚风轻轻拂来,带去我的问候:夜深了,做个好梦~ 浪漫的夜是你的情人,她柔情似水,陪伴你左右,给你按摩,为你捶背,甜言蜜语哄你入睡,祝你晚安,<好人好梦>! 她告诉我,每天睡觉前,她会想他一遍,然后,以朋友的身份跟他说一声“晚安”,但却没有给发过一次晚安短信…… 于是,我心血来潮,也有了要发“晚安”短信的冲动,对那个也是我认为的最值得我爱的人。试图找回失去的初恋,于是,我这样做了…… 开始的几天,并没有觉得有多难。可是有一天,寝室聚会,通宵K歌。那个晚上,我落下了一声“晚安”……所幸对方并没有感觉到,于是之后的几天,习惯性的“晚安”没有间断…… 直到艺术节的来临,全身心的投入,忘记了工作以外的一切。回到寝室倒床就睡下了,更有甚者,连着几天都没有意识到那个“晚安”的承诺…… 直到收到他的短信:连着几天没有你的短信了……或许,这代表着我们之间永远只会是最初的那个结局……想着一个人不难……难的是每天都能想他一遍……不是每个人都能做到的。只有真正的,用心的,去爱一人,才不会落下一声“晚安”…… 后来,我问朋友,她的“晚安”是否还在进行……她说,一年了,她决定选择将这一声“晚安”放在心里……自然也就没有发短信。只要曾经爱过的人幸福就够了…… 再后来,我也收到了“晚安”的短信,换了一个又一个的发送者。却没有能坚持的了一个月以上的……唯一的那个,错过了,放弃了,失去了……后来的那个,10点30的约会也没能持续…… 我终于明白——用手机道一声“晚安”的短信二字是要用生命去说的…… 朋友,如果有人每天能用手机给你发一句晚安的祝福短信,请一定要珍惜…… 下面是一是些晚安短信 LG出差10天了,虽然保持着高频率的电话/短信联络,思念却越来越浓 一个人的日子过的好寂寞,更多的时候只能借助网络打发无聊的时间,将每天睡觉前upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service LG的短信写出来,让甜蜜填充一下心房 传说今晚阴魂不散,死光又现,鬼魂四处转~愿鬼听我的呼唤半夜来到你的床头,苍白的脸幽绿的眼干枯的手抚摸你的脸代我说一句:晚安~ 手机没电了,等不到妹妹得短信了。妹是不是和我一样遗憾呢?但希望妹妹也能感觉到我,嘿嘿。。。向你道晚安了,乖宝贝好梦!明天见 每天我都有一个梦想,让你收到我的祝福,心里会开心快乐,一天的烦恼可以消除,睡觉熟得像猪,甜蜜如乳,一早醒来,得见美丽的日出。晚安,让梦开始进入。 我在心里爱你想你疼你宠你!我在梦里吻你抱你抚你护你!相思朝朝暮暮!岁岁年年!相思天长地久!花好月圆! 早晨扣门的第一屡风儿是我对你的忠心问候;深夜不落的星星是我献给你的晚安祝福。 传说今晚,游魂不散,破面又现,山本到处转,愿山老头听到我的呼唤,半夜来到你的床头,刀疤头,皱纹脸,干枯的手,抚摩你的脸,代我向你说一句:晚安 我用手记忆了你的样子,用耳记忆了你的声音,用唇记忆了你的味道,用眼睛记住了你的点点滴滴,用心记忆了你的一切,宝贝~我爱你,晚安~ 我愿化作一阵和风,穿过崇山峻岭来到你的窗前,将你温柔包围。你听见那流星划过天际的声音吗,不管距离多远,总有一个我在陪着你。亲爱的,晚安~今晚做个好梦~ 我的梦中夜夜有你。我想。我也一定走进了你的梦里。愿我们在同一星空下编织思念!晚安,祝今晚好梦~ 想哭了,泪点点滴滴入心里,是因为想到爱你的委屈。想睡了,人恍恍惚惚飘入梦里,是因为梦里我们总甜蜜相依~ 遥遥的梦亮起一盏灯,听我心愿一声声,但愿你的人生再也没有伤痕,但愿你平安一程又一程,但愿所有的美好装满您的梦,祝你今晚好梦 宁静的夜晚,美丽的星空,你到阳台上看天空,在你眼前有两颗流星,一颗叫“晚”,一颗叫“安”,滑落到你的手中,你接住了吗,做个好梦~ 在这宁静的夜晚,寄上我温馨的祝福,带去我深深的思念,愿我的一声祝福洗去你一天的劳累,一句晚安带你进入美妙的梦境~一片心意使你天天平平安安。 哈喽。。当你收到这条信息的时候。我真的是深感抱歉---把你给吵醒了。唉。都怪你。谁叫你比我早睡呀?唉。还是说声晚安吧。祝你不要在梦里遇见我。我怕你不愿醒来。哈哈哈! 睡吧:你会做一个梦,梦见我扮成了鬼,一身白色的衣服。你看不见我的脚,却只能看到我白色的衣服上有红色的……我直勾勾的看着你,对你说:“下次喂我葡萄酒的时候看好嘴巴在哪。" 我用手记忆了你的样子,用耳记忆了你的声音,用唇记忆了你的味道,用眼睛记住了你的点点滴滴,用心记忆了你的一切,宝贝~我爱你,晚安~ 我愿化作一阵和风,穿过崇山峻岭来到你的窗前,将你温柔包围。你听见那流星划过天际的声音吗,不管距离多远,总有一个我在陪着你。亲爱的,晚安~今晚做个好梦~ 我的梦中夜夜有你。我想。我也一定走进了你的梦里。愿我们在同一星空下编织思念!晚安,祝今晚好梦~ 想哭了,泪点点滴滴入心里,是因为想到爱你的委屈。想睡了,人恍恍惚惚飘入梦里,是因为梦里我们总甜蜜相依~ 遥遥的梦亮起一盏灯,听我心愿一声声,但愿你的人生再也没有伤痕,但愿你平安一程又一程,但愿所有的美好装满您的梦,祝你今晚好梦 宁静的夜晚,美丽的星空,你到阳台上看天空,在你眼前有两颗流星,一颗叫“晚”,一颗叫“安”,滑落到你的手中,你接住了吗,做个好梦~ upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 睡吧:你会做一个梦,梦见我扮成了鬼,一身白色的衣服。你看不见我的脚,却只能看到我白色的衣服上有红色的……我直勾勾的看着你,对你说:“下次喂我葡萄酒的时候看好嘴巴在哪。” 今天下雨。就像思念降落来临。问候不只是在夜里。祝福永恒藏在心底。雨停而想念不止。夜深却牵挂依然。刀祝您晚安! 每天我都有一个梦想。让你收到我的祝福。心里会开心快乐。一天的烦恼可以消除。睡觉熟得像猪。甜蜜如乳。一早醒来。得见美丽的日出。晚安。让梦开始进入。 我在心里爱你想你疼你宠你!我在梦里吻你抱你抚你护你!相思朝朝暮暮!岁岁年年!相思天长地久!花好月圆! 早晨扣门的第一屡风儿是我对你的忠心问候;深夜不落的星星是我献给你的晚安祝福。 传说今晚,阴魂不散,死光又现,鬼魂四处转~愿鬼听到我的呼唤,半夜来到你庆头,苍白的脸,幽绿的眼,干枯的手抚摸你的脸,代我向你说一句:晚安 不知道你在做什么,这样的深夜,也许只有我这么痛彻的思念着你,一遍一遍。却不想打扰你,希望你睡的安然,像一只无忧的小猪猪。亲爱的,晚安~ 不知道你在做什么,这样的深夜,也许只有我这么痛彻的思念着你,一遍一遍。却不想打扰你,希望你睡的安然,像一只无忧的小猪猪。亲爱的,晚安~ 宁静的夜晚。美丽的星空!你到阳台上看天空。在你的眼前有两颗流星。一颗叫"晚"。一颗叫"安"。划落到你的手中。你接住了吗?做个好梦! 今天下雨。就像思念降落来临。问候不只是在夜里。祝福永恒藏在心底。雨停而想念不止。夜深却牵挂依然。祝您晚安! 每天我都有一个梦想。让你收到我的祝福。心里会开心快乐。一天的烦恼可以消除。睡觉熟得像猪。甜蜜如乳。一早醒来。得见美丽的日出。晚安。让梦开始进入。 天上的星星都在眨着眼睛。月亮在跳跃着思绪。。。不眠的夜里。有个不眠的我在想你。。。晚安亲爱的。。。。梦里要有我。。。。无论是好或是坏。至少能证明你的心里有个我! “早点休息吧。明天还要上班,你今天坐车也累了。”我乖乖的:“哦,好吧~晚安,亲一下睡觉~ 睡吧:你会做一个梦,梦见我扮成了鬼,一身白色的衣服。你看不见我的脚,却只能看到我白色的衣服上有红色的……我直勾勾的看着你,对你说:“下次喂我葡萄酒的时候看好嘴巴在哪。” 今天下雨。就像思念降落来临。问候不只是在夜里。祝福永恒藏在心底。雨停而想念不止。夜深却牵挂依然。刀祝您晚安! 每天我都有一个梦想。让你收到我的祝福。心里会开心快乐。一天的烦恼可以消除。睡觉熟得像猪。甜蜜如乳。一早醒来。得见美丽的日出。晚安。让梦开始进入。 我在心里爱你想你疼你宠你!我在梦里吻你抱你抚你护你!相思朝朝暮暮!岁岁年年!相思天长地久!花好月圆! 早晨扣门的第一屡风儿是我对你的忠心问候;深夜不落的星星是我献给你的晚安祝福。 传说今晚,阴魂不散,死光又现,鬼魂四处转~愿鬼听到我的呼唤,半夜来到你庆头,苍白的脸,幽绿的眼,干枯的手抚摸你的脸,代我向你说一句:晚安 尊敬的移动用户:您已经成功定制了半夜叫醒尿尿业务,每天半夜我们会不定时打扰您,直到您起床。退定业务请回复:我是猪,我要睡觉,我不起床,我不尿尿 每天我都有一个梦想。让你收到我的祝福。心里会开心快乐。一天的烦恼可以消除。睡觉熟得像猪。甜蜜如乳。一早醒来。得见美丽的日出。晚安。让梦开始进入。 我在心里爱你想你疼你宠你!我在梦里吻你抱你抚你护你!相思朝朝暮暮!岁岁年年!相思天长地久!花好月圆! upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 早晨扣门的第一屡风儿是我对你的忠心问候;深夜不落的星星是我献给你的晚安祝福。 今天你已经在我的脑子里跑了一天了,累了吧,早点睡吧。~~Goodnight想你的XXX 我用手记忆了你的样子,用耳记忆了你的声音,用唇记忆了你的味道,用眼睛记住了你的点点滴滴,用心记忆了你的一切,宝贝~我爱你,晚安~ 我愿化作一阵和风,穿过崇山峻岭来到你的窗前,将你温柔包围。你听见那流星划过天际的声音吗,不管距离多远,总有一个我在陪着你。亲爱的,晚安~今晚做个好梦~ 宁静的夜晚。美丽的星空!你到阳台上看天空。在你的眼前有两颗流星。一颗叫晚。一颗叫安。划落到你的手中。你接住了吗?做个好梦! 我都说安安好梦~^_^更经常的是半夜醒了睡不着就群发“睡姿不好,起来重睡”哈哈 天上的星星都在眨着眼睛。月亮在跳跃着思绪。。。不眠的夜里。有个不眠的我在想你。。。晚安亲爱的。。。梦里要有我。。。无论是好或是坏。至少能证明你的心里有个我! “早点休息吧。明天还要上班,你今天坐车也累了。”我乖乖的:“哦,好吧~晚安,亲一下睡觉~ 亲爱的。不要让我等他久(我先去月亮婆婆那等你啊(你快点进如梦乡来找我(我爱你。嘿嘿 我们现在比赛,谁先梦见到周公~如果我赢了,你让我亲一下~如果你赢了,我让你亲一下~加油~~~快睡吧~明天早上短信公布比赛结果,明晚见面“颁奖” 本信息为骚扰信息~警告还没睡的快去睡,刚睡的翻个身继续睡,睡了很久的起来上个厕所接着睡,实在不想睡的和我一起骚扰想睡的。。 一天,我和妹妹正在睡觉,突然从床上爬来一只蟑螂,我和妹妹都哭了 ,他说是你的亲戚,从你家赶来的,为了给我道一声晚安。 忘记白天工作的劳累,抛开日常生活的琐碎,让习习晚风当床,让丝丝清凉当被,让我美好祝福陪你入睡,晚安~好梦~ 天要塌了,地要陷了,江河要倒流了,这些都与你没有关系,别再焦心了,你现在的任务就是清除掉黑眼圈,看你累的,好好睡个觉吧。 夜色渐渐暗下,心缓缓平静,不知心中的你有没入睡。送上我温馨的祝福,洗去你一天的烦恼,一句“晚安”送你进梦想,醒来你的会觉得明天更美好。 晚上睡不着,怎么办,数数,太俗;吃安眠药,太伤身体,干脆就默念对你的祝福,准保你睡得香,祝你晚安,好梦~ 思念无声无息,弥漫你的心里。当夜深人静的时候,是不是又感到了寂寞,感到了心烦,那就送你一个好梦吧,愿你梦里能回到你媳妇的娘家……高老庄~ 思念不因劳累而改变,问候不因疲惫而变懒,祝福不因休息而变缓,关怀随星星眨眼,牵挂在深夜依然,轻轻道声:祝你晚安~ 闭上眼睛,把一天好的心情酝酿成一坛美酒,待日后细细品味;把一天坏的遭遇统统抛给黑夜,期待明天有个最精彩的自己~晚安,我的朋友,愿你今夜好梦。 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 今晚温馨笑一笑,舒舒服服睡个觉,明天醒来笑一笑,整天生活有情调,收到短信笑一笑,一切烦恼都忘悼~ 星星亮着,夜空就不会黑暗;问候伴着,心灵就不会孤单;祝福传递,温暖送你。愿你今晚有个好梦,晚安~ 鲜花爬满整片的原野,月光闪耀在波光粼粼的湖面,微风把温馨悄悄吹进你我的心田,在这美丽的夜晚,为你送上祝愿,晚安。 当你看见我的短信,字字都是你的美好心情。当你关闭手机,指尖留有我祝福的温馨。当你悠然入睡,香香甜甜就是我送你的美梦。朋友,晚安好运~ 宁静的夜晚,美丽的星空,你到阳台上去望天空、你的眼前有两颗流星;一颗是晚,一颗是安、划落到的手中、你接住了吗,做个好梦~ 送走一天的忙碌,忘掉一天的烦恼,重温一天的快乐,回想一天的美好,然后闭上眼睛,睡个好觉,晚安~美梦~ 不知道你在做什么,这样的深夜,也许只有我这么痛彻的思念着你,一遍一遍。却不想打扰你,希望你睡的安然,像一只无忧的小猪猪。亲爱的,晚安 今天下雨,就像思念降落来临,问候不只是在夜里,祝福永恒藏在心底,雨停而想念不止,夜深却牵挂依然,宝贝,晚安! 睡吧:你会做一个梦,梦见我扮成了鬼,一身白色的衣服。你看不见我的脚,却只能看到我白色的衣服上有红色的……我直勾勾的看着你,对你说:“下次喂我葡萄酒的时候看好嘴巴在哪。" 哈喽,,当你收到这条信息的时候,我真的是深感抱歉---把你给吵醒了,唉,都怪你,谁叫你比我早睡呀?唉,还是说声晚安吧,祝你不要在梦里遇见我.我怕你不愿醒来,哈哈哈! 甜蜜的晚安祝福-发给女朋友的www.dxju.com 手机快没电了,等不到妹妹的短信了。妹是不是和我一样遗憾呢?但希望妹妹也能感觉到我,嘿嘿...向你道晚安了,乖宝贝好梦!明天见 . 我们现在比赛,谁先梦见到周公~如果我赢了,你让我亲一下~如果你赢了,我让你亲一下~加油~~~快睡吧~明天早上短信公布比赛结果,明晚见面“颁奖”。 传说今晚,阴魂不散,死光又现,鬼魂四处转~愿鬼听到我的呼唤,半夜来到你庆头,苍白的脸,幽绿的眼,干枯的手抚摸你的脸,代我向你说一句:晚安 爱的,不要让我等他久(我先去月亮婆婆那等你啊(你快点进如梦乡来找我(我爱你.嘿嘿 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 天上的星星都在眨着眼睛,月亮在跳跃着思绪...不眠的夜里,有个不眠的我在想你...晚安亲爱的...梦里要有我...无论是好或是坏,至少能证明你的心里有个我! 在这宁静的夜晚,寄上我温馨的祝福,带去我深深的思念,愿我的一声祝福洗去你一天的劳累,一句晚安带你进入美妙的梦境~一片心意使你天天平平安安。 1. 我都说 安安好梦~^_^ 更经常的是半夜醒了睡不着就群发“睡姿不好,起来重睡”哈哈 2. 天上的星星都在眨着眼睛,月亮在跳跃着思绪 不眠的夜里,有个不眠的我在想你 晚安亲爱的 梦里要有我 无论是好或是坏, 至少能证明你的心里有个我! 3. 不知道你在做什么,这样的深夜,也许只有我这么痛彻的思念着你,一遍一遍。却不想打扰你,希望你睡的安然,像一只无忧的小猪猪。亲爱的,晚安~ 4. 睡吧:你会做一个梦,梦见我扮成了鬼,一身白色的衣服。你看不见我的脚,却只能看到我白色的衣服上有红色的……我直勾勾的看着你,对你说:“下次喂我葡萄酒的时候看好嘴巴在哪。” 5. 今天下雨,就像思念降落来临,问候不只是在夜里,祝福永恒藏在心底,雨停而想念不止,夜深却牵挂依然,刀祝您晚安! 6. 每天我都有一个梦想,让你收到我的祝福,心里会开心快乐,一天的烦恼可以消除,睡觉熟得像猪,甜蜜如乳,一早醒来,得见美丽的日出晚安,让梦开始进入 7. 我在心里爱你想你疼你宠你! 我在梦里吻你抱你抚你护你! 相思朝朝暮暮! 岁岁年年! 相思天长地久!花好月圆! 搞笑晚安短信www.dxju.com 8. “早点休息吧。明天还要上班,你今天坐车也累了。”我乖乖的:“哦,好吧~晚安,亲一下睡觉~ 9. 尊敬的移动用户:您已经成功定制了半夜叫醒尿尿业务,每天半夜我们会不定时打扰您,直到您起床。退定业务请回复:我是猪,我要睡觉,我不起床,我不尿尿~ 10. 今天你已经在我的脑子里跑了一天了,累了吧,早点睡吧。~~ Good night 想你的XXX 11. 宁静的夜晚,美丽的星空!你到阳台上看天空,在你的眼前有两颗流星,一颗叫"晚",一颗叫"安"划落到你的手中,你接住了吗?做个好梦! 仰望夜空,在漫天的繁星里想念那些千年万年前的初夜,想念那些让我们曾经激动过泪流过的事情,找回曾经的单纯更善良,然后,晚安吧~ upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 在繁星漫天的夜晚回想往日情怀,在夜风徐徐处流连忘返,在万籁俱寂的时候仰天叹息,渴望温柔,渴望激情,渴望一支渐行渐远的摇篮曲,让我入眠,晚安。 今夜,在家里享受一刻难得的安宁;任思想、情感和肉体如水般的蔓延,了无牵挂;家的安乐,就是世界上最大的幸福啊。晚安~ 春梦无痕春,雨无声,而春夜寂寞的时候,就不要去想温柔;要谢的花谢了,要开的花开着,而要来的人呢,还在路上走着吗, 仰望天空,我不一定看的到繁星漫天;临渊而叹,我抓不住流淌的时间;你看到我笑的灿烂,你看不到我泪流满面;晚安吧,好梦吧,一转眼就是三千里江山~ 雨夜,让我们产生过躁动吗,躁动之后,我们还记得哪些细节,今夜,趁着还有年轻的思想和灵魂,静静地回想那些让我们感动过的美好事物然后泪流满面吧。 今夜,我渴望听着亲切而又温暖的声音入眠,我渴望枕着和平而且安详的怀抱进入梦乡;我想听外婆的故事***摇篮曲,我还想念着爱人的名字,坠入深渊~ 青春的岁月象条河,那么青春之后的岁月呢,秋的日子在一场一场的雨里深了,那么秋的日子会在什么样的时刻消失了呢,夜来了,会去,梦来了,睡了吧。 烟花散尽,明月依然固执地守着清凉的寂寥与欢乐;十五的月亮十六圆,十六以后的月亮总在路上走着;给我一个梦,让我还你一个彩霞漫天~ 雨夜里什么事情都可能发生,除了爱情。爱情已被流放,在三千里之外,在两千年之前,谁家的女子还会在陌上采桑,还有哪个男子会对天长啸大叫上邪,睡吧 会有很多故事,在没有准备的时候接踵而至;会有许多人,在离开的时候令我们怅然若失;故事让时光停止,青春已老,谁还会跟我拍遍栏杆,抒解英雄意气 那些白天灿烂的花是在这时酝酿的吗,那些激情浪漫的故事是在这时发生的吗,那时的你有多少旧梦可以重温,现在的我就有多少春梦无痕。晚安吧~ 夜凉若水,那一汪汪清凉古老的山泉之水,迷失在城市森林的孩子们啊,你们醒来了吗, 快快回家吧。 雨夜,是可以寂寞可以浪漫的;三月没来,雨来了,很多好事情在等我们呢。 牵挂不是一挂鞭炮,放了就完了;牵挂不是一段日子,过了就算了;牵挂是前世五百年修来的福分,在对你一点一滴没日没夜的思念里修成正果! 尊敬的移动用户:您已经成功定制了半夜叫醒尿尿业务,每天半夜我们会不定时打扰您,直到您起床。退定业务请回复:我是猪,我要睡觉,我不起床,我不尿尿 upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 每天我都有一个梦想,让你收到我的祝福,心里会开心快乐,一天的烦恼可以消除,睡觉熟得像猪,甜蜜如乳,一早醒来,得见美丽的日出.晚安,让梦开始进入. 我在心里爱你想你疼你宠你!我在梦里吻你抱你抚你护你!相思朝朝暮暮!岁岁年年!相思天长地久!花好月圆! 早晨扣门的第一屡风儿是我对你的忠心问候;深夜不落的星星是我献给你的晚安祝福。 今天你已经在我的脑子里跑了一天了,累了吧,早点睡吧。~~Good night想你的XXX 我用手记忆了你的样子,用耳记忆了你的声音,用唇记忆了你的味道,用眼睛记住了你的点点滴滴,用心记忆了你的一切,宝贝~我爱你,晚安~ 我愿化作一阵和风,穿过崇山峻岭来到你的窗前,将你温柔包围。你听见那流星划过天际的声音吗,不管距离多远,总有一个我在陪着你。亲爱的,晚安~今晚做个好梦~ 宁静的夜晚,美丽的星空!你到阳台上看天空,在你的眼前有两颗流星,一颗叫晚,一颗叫安.划落 到你的手中,你接住了吗?做个好梦! 我都说安安好梦~^_^更经常的是半夜醒了睡不着就群发“睡姿不好,起来重睡”哈哈 天上的星星都在眨着眼睛,月亮在跳跃着思绪...不眠的夜里,有个不眠的我在想你...晚安亲爱的...梦里要有我...无论是好或是坏,至少能证明你的心里有个我! “早点休息吧。明天还要上班,你今天坐车也累了。”我乖乖的:“哦,好吧~晚安,亲一下睡觉~ 亲爱的,不要让我等他久(我先去月亮婆婆那等你啊(你快点进如梦乡来找我(我爱你.嘿嘿 ? 我们现在比赛,谁先梦见到周公~如果我赢了,你让我亲一下~如果你赢了,我让你亲一下~加油~~~快睡吧~明天早上短信公布比赛结果,明晚见面“颁奖” 在这宁静的夜晚,寄上我温馨的祝福,带去我深深的思念,愿我的一声祝福洗去你一天的劳累,一句晚安带你进入美妙的梦境~一片心意使你天天平平安安。? 哈喽,,当你收到这条信息的时候,我真的是深感抱歉---把你给吵醒了,唉,都怪你,谁叫你比我早睡呀?唉,还是说声晚安吧,祝你不要在梦里遇见我.我怕你不愿醒来,哈哈哈! upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 我的梦中夜夜有你.我想,我也一定走进了你的梦里.愿我们在同一星空下编织思念!晚安,祝今晚好梦~ 想哭了,泪点点滴滴入心里,是因为想到爱你的委屈。想睡了,人恍恍惚惚飘入梦里,是因为梦里我们总甜蜜相依~ 遥遥的梦亮起一盏灯,听我心愿一声声,但愿你的人生再也没有伤痕,但愿你平安一程又一程,但愿所有的美好装满您的梦,祝你今晚好梦 宁静的夜晚,美丽的星空,你到阳台上看天空,在你眼前有两颗流星,一颗叫“晚”,一颗叫“安”,滑落到你的手中,你接住了吗,做个好梦~ 睡吧:你会做一个梦,梦见我扮成了鬼,一身白色的衣服。你看不见我的脚,却只能看到我白色的衣服上有红色的……我直勾勾的看着你,对你说:“下次喂我葡萄酒的时候看好嘴巴在哪。 今天下雨,就像思念降落来临,问候不只是在夜里,祝福永恒藏在心底,雨停而想念不止,夜深却牵挂依然,刀祝您晚安! 传说今晚,阴魂不散,死光又现,鬼魂四处转~愿鬼听到我的呼唤,半夜来到你庆头,苍白的脸,幽绿的眼,干枯的手抚摸你的脸,代我向你说一句:晚安 不知道你在做什么,这样的深夜,也许只有我这么痛 彻的思念着你,一遍一遍。却不想打扰你,希望你睡的安然,像一只无忧的小猪猪。亲爱的,晚安 我用手记忆了你的样子,用耳记忆了你的声音,用唇记忆了你的味道,用眼睛记住了你的点点滴滴,用心记忆了你的一切,宝贝~我爱你,晚安~ 我愿化作一阵和风,穿过崇山峻岭来到你的窗前,将你温柔包围。你听见那流星划过天际的声音吗,不管距离多远,总有一个我在陪着你。亲爱的,晚安~今晚做个好梦~ 我的梦中夜夜有你.我想,我也一定走进了你的梦里.愿我们在同一星空下编织思念!晚安,祝今晚好梦~ 想哭了,泪点点滴滴入心里,是因为想到爱你的委屈。想睡了,人恍恍惚惚飘入梦里,是因为梦里我们总甜蜜相依~ 遥遥的梦亮起一盏灯,听我心愿一声声,但愿你的人生再也没有伤痕,但愿你平安一程又一程,但愿所有的美好装满您的梦,祝你今晚好梦 宁静的夜晚,美丽的星空,你到阳台上看天空,在你眼前有两颗流星,一颗叫“晚”,一颗叫upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service “安”,滑落到你的手中,你接住了吗,做个好梦~ 在这宁静的夜晚,寄上我温馨的祝福,带去我深深的思念,愿我的一声祝福洗去你一天的劳累,一句晚安带你进入美妙的梦境~一片心意使你天天平平安安。 哈喽,,当你收到这条信息的时候,我真的是深感抱歉---把你给吵醒了,唉,都怪你,谁叫你比我早 ,还是说声晚安吧,祝你不要在梦里遇见我.我怕你不愿醒来,哈哈哈! 睡呀?唉 睡吧:你会做一个梦,梦见我扮成了鬼,一身白色的衣服。你看不见我的脚,却只能看到我白色的衣服上有红色的……我直勾勾的看着你,对你说:“下次喂我葡萄酒的时候看好嘴巴在哪。" 在这宁静的夜晚,寄上我温馨的祝福,带去我深深的思念,愿我的一声祝福洗去你一天的劳累,一句晚安带你进入美妙的梦境~一片心意使你天天平平安安。 亲爱的(不要让我等他久(我先去月亮婆婆那等你啊(你快点进如梦乡来找我(我爱你.嘿嘿 我们现在比赛,谁先梦见到周公~如果我赢了,你让我亲一下~如果你赢了,我让你亲一下~加油~~~快睡吧~明天早上短信公布比赛结果,明晚见面“颁奖” 我用手记忆了你的样子,用耳记忆了你的声音,用唇记忆了你的味道,用眼睛记住了你的点点滴滴,用心记忆了你的一切,宝贝~我爱你,晚安~ ? 亲爱的,不要让我等他久(我先去月亮婆婆那等你啊(你快点进如梦乡来找我(我爱你.嘿嘿 ? 我们现在比赛,谁先梦见到周公~如果我赢了,你让我亲一下~如果你赢了,我让你亲一下~加油~~~快睡吧~明天早上短信公布比赛结果,明晚见面“颁奖” ? 我用手记忆了你的样子,用耳记忆了你的声音,用唇记忆了你的味道,用眼睛记住了你的点点滴滴,用心记忆了你的一切,宝贝~我爱你,晚安~ ? 我愿化作一阵和风,穿过崇山峻岭来到你的窗前,将你温柔包围。你听见那流星划过天际的声音吗,不管距离多远,总有一个我在陪着你。亲爱的,晚安~今晚做个好梦~ ? 我的梦中夜夜有你.我想,我也一定走进了你的梦里.愿我们在同一星空下编织思念!晚安,祝今晚好梦~ ? 想哭了,泪点点滴滴入心里,是因为想到爱你的委屈。想睡了,人恍恍惚惚飘入梦里,是因为梦里我们总甜蜜相依~ 传说今晚,阴魂不散,死光又现,鬼魂四处转~ upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 愿鬼听到我的呼唤,半夜来到你床头,苍白的脸,幽绿的眼,干枯的手抚摸你的脸,代我向你说一句:晚安~ 知道吗,如果一个人一周之内收到两条以上的关于死人的短信或者恐怖的短信,那么在收到第二条短信后的第七天,由于阴气越来越重,就会被冤死的鬼魂上身。 忘记告诉你了,你们楼一层昨晚有个学生死了。死因不明,但是从尸体的表情来看是受惊吓死。据说她今晚要出来找替身,你要小心了…… 你好,我叫小倩。你床的褥子下放着我的钱,不信你翻开来看看。那钱是黄色的圆圆的,中央还有个正方形呢。你把那些钱拿出来留好,那是我寄给你的。你把眼睛对准那个方形的空看,还能看到我朝你笑呢。 ( 欢迎来到笑话大全:www.joke007.com ) 你感觉没感觉到你枕头下好像有东西放着不舒服,你枕头下有只血淋淋的死人手,不信你看看,上面还写着你的名字呢。 我是冤魂,我死在你们寝室楼的地下室,去年我被肢解了,每天晚上我都向上爬,你能过来拉我一把么,我在你床边。 睡了吗,……不要睡,下来打球吧~~我今天刚拣到一个人头~很新鲜的……还在滴血呢~我把头发都拔了~很光滑的~你等着我扔给你。他在你枕头边了 ……你转过身去看看啊~……呵呵…… 开摩托车接女朋友下班,后半夜有点凉,女友温柔的张开双手搂住你,忽然她摸你的脸:“冷吗,”刚想接口忽然发现腰际女友的双手一直没离开,啊~ 夜晚,你一个人要乘出租车,司机问你:你们两个要去哪里, 办公室的高层电梯只停15-30楼,在30楼工作的小F,一天加班到深夜后独自坐电梯下楼;电梯每层都停下开门,门外没人,最后,停在了14楼;门外一白衣女子说:好挤哟,我也要进来...... 本信息为骚扰信息~警告还没睡的快去睡,刚睡的翻个身继续睡,睡了很久的起来上个厕所接着睡,实在不想睡的和我一起骚扰想睡的。。 天要塌了,地要陷了,江河要倒流了,这些都与你没有关系,别再焦心了,你现在的任务就是清除掉黑眼圈,看你累的,好好睡个觉吧。 哈喽,当你收到这条信息的时候,我真的是深感抱歉---把你给吵醒了,唉,都怪你,谁叫你比我早睡呀?唉,还是说声晚安吧,祝你不要在梦里遇见我.我怕你不愿醒来,哈哈哈! 亲爱的,昨天晚上我和周公下棋的时候,看到周公他老婆在锈鞋垫,很好看呢!你今晚要早点休息,去跟人家学学.晚安宝贝,做个好梦! 晚上,对着孤灯,我陷入不可名状的思念之中,实在排解不开时,我排徊在我俩散步的海滩、草地,对着星星、月亮,声声呼唤着你~ 宝贝,乖乖的早点休息昂!安!好梦!给你讲个故事:从前有一座山,山里有一座庙,庙里有一个老upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service 和尚在给小和尚讲故事:从前有一座山,山里有一座庙,庙里有一个老和尚在给小和尚讲故事:从前有一座山,山里有一座庙,庙里有一个老和尚在给小和尚讲故事............ 今晚温馨笑一笑,舒舒服服睡个觉,明天醒来笑一笑,整天生活有情调,收到短信笑一笑,一切烦恼都忘悼~ 浪漫的夜是你的情人,她柔情似水,陪伴你左右,给你按摩,为你捶背,甜言蜜语哄你入睡,祝你晚安,<好人好梦>! 晚安~看见夜空中的云了吗,我想你是看不见的,正因如此,我才会在云朵后面偷偷地看着你哦~看你夜里有没有想到我,看你夜里可爱的睡姿,这样我也会有好梦 晚安:在这宁静的夜晚,寄上我温馨的祝福,带去我深深的思念,愿我的一声祝福洗去你一天的劳累,一句晚安带你进入美妙的梦境~一片心意使你天天平平安安。 这宁静的夜晚,寄上我温馨的祝福,带去我深深的思念,愿我的一声祝福洗去你一天的劳累,一句晚安带你进入甜蜜的梦乡,一片心意使你睡得更香~ 生气容易长皱纹,开心就会变年轻,熬夜肯定会伤身,适当睡眠一身轻~提醒调皮又可爱的你:少在深夜晒月亮~容易出事~祝:睡眠甜甜~好梦圆圆~ 刚刚我跟月亮通了电话,要它洒下清辉伴你入睡;给星星发了邮件,要它点缀夜空伴你美梦。它们答应了,祝你晚安,好梦~ 晚上回家打个哈欠,但也别忘记:把轻松自在裹进背窝里暖和,把压力烦恼丢在门外受冻;甜甜蜜蜜睡个好觉,开开心心做个美梦~ 昨夜朋友思无数,想来想去,唯有你最酷,梦里寻你千百度,募染回首,你确扔被栓在人家驴棚深处,残酷~残酷~读完信息息怒~ upgrade and expansion, whole system construction of guideline followed following principles: Advanced: full reference both at home and abroad advanced, and mature of technology, and method and means, Project design, technical product leader, mature products as possible on the main equipment selection, technical lead and aligned with national standards of general-purpose, standard equipment. Systematization: strictly follow the view of system engineering and construction, has always been to practice engineering integrity, hierarchy, and adaptability to the external environment for constructive purposes. Maximize the business integration, functional integration and avoid different products, different standards and specifications of piecing together and combination of the system. Openness and standardization: hardware device selects the domestic and foreign well-known products, system architecture and protocol standards are in accordance with the ITU-t international industry standards and ISO standards of design, core systems and devices, following international standards, harmonization of standards, ensure system scalability and continuity of the system. Practicality: ensure high availability of the system performance with high reliability and flexibility both; first to ensure stable and reliable operation of the system, and using redundancy design of key components of the key position then to simple, technologically advanced, economical and practical. Extensible and maintainable: within the expected life cycle of systems or equipment, can be upgraded and modified to meet the needs of the user actions and application requirements change. And ensures after-sales service
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