

2017-09-20 8页 doc 28KB 18阅读




《论独孤求败五种剑之人生境界》《论独孤求败五种剑之人生境界》 文/荷碧 【题引】独孤求败是金庸小说中最神秘的人物之一,分别在小说《笑傲江湖》和《神雕侠侣》中有浅笔带过,而令狐冲和杨过则通过他的一技,终成超一流高手。而我了解的独孤求败,则是通过香港TVB剧《剑魔独孤求败》,剧中独孤求败由黄日华饰演,冷紫嫣由邵美琪饰演,柳傲霜由文雪儿饰演,是90年代初我们那个年代的孩子最喜欢看的武侠剧。 “纵横江湖三十余载,杀尽仇寇,败尽英雄,天下更无抗手,无可奈何,惟隐居深谷,以雕为友。呜呼,生平求一敌手而不可得,诚寂寥难堪也。”这是独孤求败留在剑冢石壁上的感慨。 ...
《论独孤求败五种剑之人生境界》 文/荷碧 【题引】独孤求败是金庸小说中最神秘的人物之一,分别在小说《笑傲江湖》和《神雕侠侣》中有浅笔带过,而令狐冲和杨过则通过他的一技,终成超一流高手。而我了解的独孤求败,则是通过香港TVB剧《剑魔独孤求败》,剧中独孤求败由黄日华饰演,冷紫嫣由邵美琪饰演,柳傲霜由文雪儿饰演,是90年代初我们那个年代的孩子最喜欢看的武侠剧。 “纵横江湖三十余载,杀尽仇寇,败尽英雄,天下更无抗手,无可奈何,惟隐居深谷,以雕为友。呜呼,生平求一敌手而不可得,诚寂寥难堪也。”这是独孤求败留在剑冢石壁上的感慨。 独孤求败一生用过五种剑器,第一柄是青光闪闪的利剑,其凌厉刚猛,无坚不摧,弱冠前以之与河朔群雄争锋,第二柄是“紫薇软剑”,三十岁前所用,后因误伤义士,悔恨不已,乃弃之深谷,第三柄是玄铁重剑,重剑无锋,大巧不工,四十岁前恃之横行天下。其外表黑黝,剑身深黑之中隐隐透出红光,三尺多长,共重九九八十一斤,两边剑锋都是钝口,剑尖圆圆的似是个半球,第四柄是柄已腐朽的木剑,原因是独孤求败在四十岁后,不滞于物,草木竹石均可为剑,第五柄则是无剑,无剑胜有剑,不屑于带物,不为外物所控,心灵的空前自由,达到“蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”的境界。 武学的这五种境界,何尝不适用于我们人生,人生,就是一场江湖。完美的人生都会经历“利剑无意期”、“软剑无常”期、“重剑无锋”期、“木剑无滞”期、“无剑无式”期。 经过十年寒窗苦读的我们,终于有朝一日学业有成。我们天真地以为,“十年磨一剑”后,终可以手执“利剑”,快意江湖了。于是,乳臭未干的黄毛小子们,开始志气奋发,血气方刚,“磨刀霍霍向猪羊”,“金戈铁马入梦来”,“会当凌绝顶,of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 一览众山小”……初出江湖的我们,尚未建立“一树一花”之功业,江湖并不认可,我们必须有所建树。所以,这时候的我们,总喜欢处处表现,争抢风头、争强好胜,生怕别人记不住自己似的。 我们像一块刚从山上滚下来的石头,生硬有棱,锋芒毕露,其实我们并不太明白,太钢硬的利剑最易折断,太过于招摇,总是被枪打“强头鸟”。所以,我们在人生最初的行走江湖,总是吃亏不少,还无意中罪“高手”,甚至闯下祸事……这就每个人的“利剑无意”期。 当我们历经几年的“利剑江湖”后,终明白,并不是你所拥有的剑够锋利,就能打败他人,我们还需要行走江湖的技巧。于是,我们学会服软,懂得认输。“打得过就打,打不过就跑”。处事也开始圆滑,知道在“江湖老大”面前适时低头。 在与人决斗过程中,知道不但需要手中剑的锋利,更需要手中剑的变化无常。只有出奇不意,才能攻其不备,置对方于死地。而“紫薇软剑”的佯装柔弱,所衍生出来变化无穷的招式,总让对方防不胜防。软剑之所以胜于利剑,不仅仅是一个“快”字,更是“无常”二字,当然也应证了道家的“坚强处下,柔弱处上”的理念,以柔克刚。 武功若是一味凌厉,求狠求快,纯走刚猛一路,就绝不能算是上乘武功的,人生也是如此。人若一味的求胜求强,定不是聪明之人。人需要适时服软和退让,因为这是为了更凶猛的进攻和置辞敌于死地。 所以,无论是世间万物还是武学招式,总逃不过“锐利者易损,柔软者方久”的宿命。“何意百炼刚,化为绕指柔”,这便是人生的“软剑无常”期。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 经历过“利剑无意”的青涩生硬,再到“软剑无常”的出奇制胜,我们积累了一定的“江湖经验”,也取得了一定的“江湖地位”。混得好,当个“武林盟主”,混得不好,也当个“某某帮主”,再差点,好歹也能混出个“某某堂主”,这时候的我们,不再以“利剑”和“无常”取胜,而是转为以自身的“深厚内功”来取胜。 这“深厚内功”更多时候,便是我们自身修为的提升和养成。初出茅庐时,我们当然不能在内力上与人争雄,必从执剑的“锋利”上下苦功夫,到了三十岁时,我们懂得了用讲求剑式的变化,即无常来取胜对手,而到了四十岁时,我们开始不惑,开始稳重,开始以德服人。加上自身的内功修为皆已上来了,自然得打破先前的为人处世哲学,寻求新人生的格局--“大巧不工”的境界。这便是人生的“重剑无锋”期。 “三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命。”这时的我们已经到达了寻求天命的年龄。我们追求的不仅是剑术的境界,还有禅的境界,更是哲学的境界。 当我们取得一定的“江湖地位”时,甚至打遍天下无敌手时,我们的敌人不再是外在的敌人,而我们自己。你若想再进入人生的更高境界,就必须学会突破自己。 所以,在这个时段的我们,不再需要凌厉刚猛,无坚不摧的利剑,也不再需要无化无常、出奇制胜的“紫薇软剑”,甚至摈弃钝口无锋的“玄铁重剑”。我们的修为,我们的思想,已经带我们进入了“万物皆为我之神兵利器”的境界--这便是“手中无剑,心中有剑”的境界。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 心中有剑,故一草一木,顺手拈来,皆可为剑。我们从“锦花带雨露,桐叶舞秋风”的境界进入到“不雨花亦落,无风絮自飞”的境界,这便是人生的“木剑无滞”期。 战胜了自我,便是每个人一生中最具质的一次飞跃,因为超越了自我,看透一切,放下一切,真正达到了人生意义上的“天下无敌”。 这时候的我们已进入“花甲”,甚至“古稀”,晚年的我们,了身知命,慢慢进入物我两相忘的境地。 我们开始返朴归真,无心无计,就像一个初生的婴儿,是不争柔弱的,但内心却是最强大的,无爱无恨,无争无执。正如老子所说,“毒虫不螫,猛兽不据,攫鸟不搏。骨弱筋柔而握固。未知牝牡之合而朘作,精之至也。终日号而不嗄,和之至也”。 也就是说,对于“赤子”,毒虫不咬他,猛兽不伤他,凶鸟不击他,他虽然筋骨显得柔弱,但拳头却握得很紧,他虽然不知道男女交合之事,但他那小小的生殖器却勃然举起,这些,是精气充沛的缘故。他整天啼哭,但嗓子却不会沙哑,是因为他和气纯厚。这些,就是“婴儿之德”,即“厚德”。 人生就是如此,越弱小越强大,越无能,越无所不能。每个人的一生,都是一个轮回,兜兜转转,总是回到起点。人生之初,有如一张白纸,无知无欲,至柔至顺,而人生之末,我们还是如一张白纸,无为而治、不争而天下。这种境界叫做“手中无剑,心中无剑”,也是我们人生的最后一个阶段--“无剑无式”期。 世间上的人,往往受到名闻利养、人情世故、亲情眷属、男女情爱、人我是非、我执邪见等束缚,而不能自由解脱。人最难做到的,便是从这些束缚中解脱of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 出来。因为解脱,才能自在。做到自心无所攀缘,不思善,不思恶,自觉无碍, 自由自在。若能明白人生的这五个时期,我们何苦执着于某种心念,放飞心灵自 由,返朴归真,放下一切,才是至理。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical
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