

2017-10-18 3页 doc 14KB 124阅读




口服药发放流程口服药发放流程 管床护士与主班双人核对口服药医 嘱,核对床号,姓名,药名,浓度, 剂量,用法及给药时间。进行摆药。 管床护士携药物到病房,为患者 备温开水。 询问患者姓名,核对床号,姓 名,住院号,手腕带、药物登 记本相关信息。 交待药物的用法及相关注意事项 再次核对床号,姓名,药名,浓度、剂量 及用法及给药时间,发放药物,看患者服 用到口 确认患者知晓药物相关信息。在药 物登记本上签名 完成发药 。 p the right to recovery of principal and interest an...
口服药发放流程 管床护士与主班双人核对口服药医 嘱,核对床号,姓名,药名,浓度, 剂量,用法及给药时间。进行摆药。 管床护士携药物到病房,为患者 备温开水。 询问患者姓名,核对床号,姓 名,住院号,手腕带、药物登 记本相关信息。 交待药物的用法及相关注意事项 再次核对床号,姓名,药名,浓度、剂量 及用法及给药时间,发放药物,看患者服 用到口 确认患者知晓药物相关信息。在药 物登记本上签名 完成发药 。 p the right to recovery of principal and interest and costs; Waiver of recourse against the party of individual credit rights; Behavior of other claims against the Bank. The Agency shall, in accordance with the Bank's records management systems requirements, regulate the collection, safekeeping of personal credit file, pay attention to the following risks: customers based on incomplete information; Review and approval 交叉配血采集流程 主班:两人核对,检查有无血型鉴定单,检查输血申请单内容与血型鉴定内容填写是 否一致,核对科室,床号,姓名,住院号,采集血的单位,血型血液制品的种类。 主班将试管上注明床号,姓名,住院号,科室。将试管包于输血申请单内交给责任班。 责任班行血型鉴定与输血申请单内容核对,并确认试管上写信息(科室、 床号、姓名、住院号)填写无误。 携用物至床旁再次核对输血申请单填写是否完整,核对患者床号,姓名, 住院号,手腕带。 抽血毕再次核对患者床号,姓名,住院号,手腕带。填写采血人,采血时间,将试管 小条形码粘贴于输血申请单上,交于主班及时送检。 2omers based on incomplete information; Review and approval: custment systems requirements, regulate the collection, safekeeping of personal credit file, pay attention to the following risksdual credit rights; Behavior of other claims against the Bank. The Agency shall, in accordance with the Bank's records managep the right to recovery of principal and interest and costs; Waiver of recourse against the party of indivi 静脉采血流程 主班:执行医嘱,核对床号,姓名,住院号,将试管包于检验单内, 检验单外注明床号,转抄医嘱登记于静脉抽血登记本。 N1N2共同核对试管类别与检验单内容是否相符,确认床号, 姓名,住院号无误与登记本内容一 抽血者携用物至床旁,再次核对床号,姓名,住 院号和手腕带。 按进行静脉抽血,抽血毕再次核对床号,姓名,住院号和手腕 带。将采集好的血标本试管条形码贴于检验单内,并包好。 携用物至护士站,把血标本交于主班,通知支助 收血标本。胡文丽(一年) 备注:血型及血交叉按交叉 配血流程执行。 3dit file, pay attention to the following risks: customers based on incomplete information; Review and approval, in accordance with the Bank's records management systems requirements, regulate the collection, safekeeping of personal cre; Behavior of other claims against the Bank. The Agency shallp the right to recovery of principal and interest and costs; Waiver of recourse against the party of individual credit rights
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