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让宝宝单独睡觉的方法让宝宝单独睡觉的方法 媒体:《岭南少年报-现代育儿周刊》 本期专家:李一卉——听说吧心理咨询中心资深心理咨询师,高级家庭教育指导师、高级教师。长期参与青少年儿童心理、家庭教育相关课题的研究。屡次在校内组织开展关于育儿心理的专业讲座,帮助众多家长确立科学的教子方法,是“孩子心灵的亲密朋友”。 李老师,你好,我的儿子六岁,马上就要上小学了。现在有一个问题就是:他现在还不能一个人单独睡觉,每天仍然是和我一起睡。4岁前都是爷爷奶奶带他的,那时候就和奶奶一块睡。我和他爸爸都觉得不能再这样,应该让他学会自己独立。可是每次到了睡觉的时...
让宝宝单独睡觉的方法 媒体:《岭南少年报-现代育儿周刊》 本期专家:李一卉——听说吧心理咨询中心资深心理咨询师,高级家庭教育指导师、高级教师。长期参与青少年儿童心理、家庭教育相关课的研究。屡次在校内组织开展关于育儿心理的专业讲座,帮助众多家长确立科学的教子方法,是“孩子心灵的亲密朋友”。 李老师,你好,我的儿子六岁,马上就要上小学了。现在有一个问题就是:他现在还不能一个人单独睡觉,每天仍然是和我一起睡。4岁前都是爷爷奶奶带他的,那时候就和奶奶一块睡。我和他爸爸都觉得不能再这样,应该让他学会自己独立。可是每次到了睡觉的时候,儿子就拉着我不放,即便有时候好说歹说,也是极不情愿,睡到半夜,他就会从自己房间爬到我们的床上。我们也曾严厉训斥他,他就哭,就是不愿意自己睡。李老师,你说,有什么办法呢, 专家: 怎样才能与孩子分床睡觉是很多父母都关心的一个问题。父母和孩子分床睡,是一次“断奶”的过程,甚至要比断奶还难,因为这次断奶更多的是心灵上的“断奶”。尽管过程艰难且令人揪心,但父母们还是要学会培养孩子独立睡眠的习惯。 在孩子幼儿时期,一些父母为了能在夜晚更好地照顾孩子而和孩子同床而眠。可是,当孩子渐渐长大以后,父母们发现想与孩子分床睡觉已经成了一件让人苦恼的事情:孩子不愿意离开父母的房间,父母也不放心让孩子独自睡觉。 孩子为什么不愿意单独睡, 恐惧、依恋、孤独心理造成孩子不愿单独睡 孩子为什么迟迟不肯自己单独睡呢,其原因主要有三个,一是恐惧心理,这可以说是孩子成长发育过程中普遍存在的一种体验,比如害怕在上、电视里看到过的妖怪、坏人等,或是曾经做过恶梦。另一个是依恋心理,孩子从小在母亲的怀抱中长大,加上从小一直与父母同床,每天在父母的爱抚中,孩子容易产生依恋心理,导致不愿分床睡。第三,则是孤独心理,孩子与父母一起睡,睡前可以说说话,听听故事。早上睁开眼睛就可以看见父母的笑脸、倾听温柔的话,向父母撒娇,觉得很踏实。而自己单独睡就会很孤单,孩子自然就不愿意了。 green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to 让孩子独立睡眠有很多好处,既给孩子独立的机会,又有益孩子身体健康,培养孩子健康的性取向,同时增加夫妻感情交流的机会。 让孩子养成独立睡觉的习惯,建议这位妈妈不妨试试以下的方法: 1、 布置一个孩子喜欢的环境。父母可以发挥孩子的主动性和想像力,和孩子一起布置他的小房间或者小床铺,父母要尽可能地满足孩子的愿望。并告诉孩子:“以后这里就是你的小天地,你可以在这里做很多事,爸爸妈妈都不会来打扰。”这样,孩子会感到他长大了,有了自己的一片小天地,自己可以说了算了。这首先是从心理上满足了孩子独立的需要,同时又为孩子创造了单独睡眠的环境。 2、 帮助孩子克服胆怯心理,让孩子保持愉快的心情去睡眠。委婉而平静地告诉孩子:“很多像你这么大的小孩都会害怕,爸爸妈妈小时候也害怕过,后来就不怕了。”同时,有意识地培养孩子的独立精神,如节假日让他在爷爷奶奶家住几天,减少对父母的依恋。此外,家长还要让孩子明白他为什么要单独睡;父母与孩子分床睡时,要给孩子创造好心情,尤其在晚上入睡前,陪在他身边,可以给孩子讲讲笑话或故事,让他心情放松。也可以和孩子一起听听轻柔舒缓的音乐,但不要讲鬼怪故事或者听节奏过快的音乐。等他睡着后再离开。 3、 给孩子找个替代物。这时如果孩子需要,可以给他找一个替代物。例如,让他抱着妈妈的枕头睡觉,或者抱着自己喜欢的娃娃睡觉等。时间长了,孩子适应了一个人独睡时,父母可撤掉替代物,但切不可操之过急。 4、 打开房门,保持空间交流。孩子开始独睡时,打开他房间的门,父母也打开自己房间的门,让两个小空间连接起来,并且告诉他:“爸爸妈妈就在你身边呢,你一叫妈妈就能听见。”这样,孩子会感到还是和父母在一个房间里睡觉,只不过不是在一张床上。尤其在刚开始的时候,孩子会很不习惯,也许会经常叫醒你,或者半夜爬到你的床上,但没关系,给孩子一些时间适应,父母要坚持这么做。 爸爸妈妈和孩子分开睡的几点注意事项: ?把握分寸,循序渐进。当孩子已经形成了与父母同睡的习惯,要分开时,千万不要急于求成,这样只会适得其反,使孩子对独自睡觉产生恐惧,难以克服。一定要把握分寸,循序渐进,逐渐适应。 ?坚持原则,不要放弃。当孩子刚刚与爸爸妈妈分开房间睡时,会出现反复现象,比如费了很大功夫才把他安顿好了,可是还不到10分钟,他又跑出来green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to 了;或者在半夜里就跑到爸爸妈妈的大床上,不愿再回自己的房间了。这时,许多家长心一软,就接纳孩子了,结果前功尽弃。所以建议家长千万不要心软,哪怕再辛苦再难缠,也要坚持把孩子送回去,陪伴他、鼓励他重新入睡。咬咬牙,坚持下来,习惯就养成了。 ?因事而异,灵活把握。当孩子生病或遇到挫折时,他们最需要爸爸妈妈的关心和安慰,这时,可以与孩子暂时同睡,满足孩子的生理心理需要的同时也方便家长随时照顾孩子。 ?平静心理,淡然处之。有些孩子半夜醒来会找妈妈,或许会撞到爸爸妈妈在亲热。这时,孩子处于朦胧状态,并不会对你们的行为产生太大兴趣,所以爸爸妈妈要平静心理,尽快陪孩子重新回到自己的房间,安抚他继续睡觉。如果相反,爸爸妈妈惊慌失措,对孩子进行大声呵斥,反倒会令孩子感到更紧张更清醒,更不利于孩子重新入睡。当然,如果孩子有兴趣了解,家长也不妨抓住性教育的契机,平淡地告诉孩子,爸爸妈妈彼此相爱,互相拥抱,仅此而已。 让宝宝单独睡觉的方法 2010-03-05 有些宝宝如果没有爸爸妈妈陪伴就难以入睡;有些宝宝还会在熟睡中下意识地摸摸妈妈的乳头,一旦找不到就突然惊醒;有的宝宝则睡觉时只要父母一离开马上就会醒来。有些家长为了陪伴宝宝睡觉,要躺两三个小时一动不动,苦不堪言,打乱了自己的生活空间和作息时间。 宝宝对妈妈的依恋是最原始的本能,宝宝在胎儿期就是听着母亲的心跳一天天长大,有科学研究发现母亲的心跳是对婴幼儿最大的安抚。因此对于宝宝来说,爸爸妈妈不离左右,在爸爸妈妈的怀抱中,宝宝心里就会踏实,就会感到最安全、最幸福。 于是,在父母的怀抱中入睡便成为习惯,成为满足宝宝依恋情结的最佳形式。 他们不喜欢我了 宝宝会把睡小床认为是爸爸妈妈不喜欢自己了,不要自己了。爱和依恋的情感得不到满足,便产生了情感失落,造成情绪的波动。他们往往会为此感到心神不宁,于是白天纠缠父母,变得爱发脾气,发泄心中的委屈,夜间则哭闹不停、做噩梦。不仅对自身的身心发育不green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to 利,而且对全家人的休息和健康都造成不良影响。 我好害怕 幼儿在身心发育过程中会对许多现象和事物产生恐惧心理,比如害怕黑暗,害怕陌生人,害怕孤独,害怕动物,甚至害怕想像中的人和事物。妈妈的怀抱是宝宝最安全的港湾,离开爸爸妈妈温暖的怀抱,恐惧感会更加强烈。电视里看到的恐怖画面,故事中的反面形象,窗帘上映出的风中摇摆的树影,甚至是自己幻想出来的魔鬼般的角色再加上黑黑的房间里朦朦胧胧的物体,都会令宝宝感到恐惧焦虑,从而不敢独自入睡。 对策及建议 面对种种原因,我们希望家长一定要从理解宝宝的角度去看待问题,根据宝宝的心理承受能力采取有效的方法,循序渐进,灵活过渡,帮助宝宝逐步适应。 晓之以理 动之以情 宝宝到了4、5岁,他们的大脑发育以及生活经验的积累,使得他们能够理解并接受许多道理了。家长可以通过小故事、儿歌来向宝宝宣传独自睡觉对身心发育的种种好处;通过心理暗示,激发宝宝潜在的独立意识,帮助他们建立自信,敢于挑战自我,做一个勇敢的孩子,从心理上产生自己睡的愿望。 还可以带宝宝到小朋友家串门,爸爸妈妈有意识地当着宝宝的面询问小主人跟谁睡,并做出惊喜的样子说:“你真行!一个人睡一张床,像个大孩子了!” 随后带着宝宝一起参观小主人的床,夸小床柔软、漂亮、干净、整洁。这时候,宝宝会因羡慕而产生“我也想拥有自己的床”的愿望,并希望在小朋友面前现一下自己也长大了的样子,此时,父母则可趁热打铁鼓励孩子单独睡一张小床。 循序渐进 逐渐适应 让宝宝忽然自己睡小床,甚至独自睡在一个小房间,的确会令宝宝一下子难以接受,难green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to 以适应。所以应该采取必要的步骤,循序渐进,让宝宝逐渐适应独自睡觉。 大床入睡,小床清醒。最开始的时候,家长可以先把小床放在大床的一侧,让宝宝先睡在大床,哄宝宝入睡,等宝宝睡着后再把宝宝单独放到小床上。 清晨宝宝醒来的时候,家长一定要及时出现在宝宝面前安慰他,并以愉快的情绪感染、鼓励宝宝:“宝宝真了不起,睡自己的小床,宝宝长大了!”这样既保护了宝宝的安全依恋,不会产生情感上的失落,还增强了宝宝自己睡的勇气和信心。 先分床后分房。接下来就应该训练宝宝在小床独自入睡了。爸爸妈妈要在小床边给宝宝充分的爱抚,使他感到安全和温暖;爸爸妈妈可以在白天加大宝宝的活动量,晚上避免激烈兴奋的刺激,从而使宝宝产生睡意;同时还可引导宝宝听故事或欣赏舒缓的音乐,起到平静心理催眠的作用。 切忌睡前接触恐怖的信息和刺激,以免造成宝宝心理上的恐吓,从而不利于入睡。在宝宝可以顺利地独立入睡以后,爸爸妈妈就可以尝试与孩子分房而睡了。 分房不分心。让宝宝独自睡在一个房间,首先要把这个小房间好好装饰一番,使它成为温馨别致、充满童趣的“童话小屋”。墙上贴一些宝宝和爸爸妈妈的照片,或者孩子喜欢的卡通图片;小床可以成汽车、小船等形象,周围挂上卡通小动物、带有悦耳声音的小玩具、漂亮的贴画等做装饰,再把宝宝平时喜欢的玩具摆在床边,告诉他小动物是他的好朋友,会green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to 陪他一起睡觉。 这样,宝宝的恐惧感就会渐渐消失,转而喜欢这个环境。爸爸妈妈要在宝宝睡前多陪他一会儿,让宝宝感到虽然和爸爸妈妈分开了房间,但是他们的心没有分开,爸爸妈妈始终是关心他呵护他的,并没有不喜欢他、抛弃他。 爸爸妈妈为什么舍不得让宝宝单独睡 抱着宝宝入睡是一种幸福 许多爸爸妈妈认为抱着宝宝入睡是一种幸福。工作的紧张繁重,社会的竞争压力都会在这温馨的时刻得到缓解。孩子是父母的希望、是父母情感的寄托,孩子那纯洁的小脸能唤起人类心灵最深处、最原始的爱的情感,此时此刻孩子几乎成为了生活的全部内涵,抱着宝宝睡觉同时也满足着爸爸妈妈对孩子的情感依赖。 建议:家长要把宝宝看做一个独立的个体,尊重宝宝身心成长的规律,不能为了满足自己对孩子的喜爱和依恋之情而剥夺孩子独立成长的机会。 心疼宝宝,怕孩子受委屈 许多家长担心孩子自己睡会蹬被子着凉、掉下床;怕孩子孤独、害怕、受委屈,不能安然入睡,影响精神休息;怕孩子为此不再依恋父母,疏远亲子感情,甚至失去孩子的爱。家长的这种焦虑情绪会感染孩子,导致孩子更无法独自睡觉。 建议:从房间的装饰到小床的被褥,要符合宝宝的生理、心理情感需求。被褥的薄厚程度因人而异,不要给宝宝盖得太厚,比大人薄一点为合适,这样宝宝就不容易踢被子而着凉。如果气温较低,还可以给宝宝准备一个小热水袋温暖被褥。同时,不要忘了睡前对宝宝的安慰和爱抚。这些都有助于家长克服紧张情绪,放下心来,让宝宝安然入睡 不必着急,以后自然就独立了 有些家长认为宝宝和爸爸妈妈睡觉是我们的传统,这个传统很好,很益于培养亲子感情。green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to 要培养孩子的独立性也不必着急,先保证孩子充分得到了父母的温暖,再考虑独立性的培养。如果一个人虽然有良好的独立性,但在情感上却有缺失,岂不是一生的麻烦!单独睡的问题等孩子长大了自然就解决了,顺其自然吧。 建议:独立并不是自然而然形成的,需要有意识地培养。保证孩子获得充足的温暖和关爱没错,但如果以此忽视独立性的培养则会走向爱的极端,溺爱与纵容。所以,爸爸妈妈应该重视起来,积极引导孩子独立入睡,从细微处培养其独立性,使其能够在正常适度的关爱中自己长大。 家庭条件不允许 有些家庭由于居住环境的限制无法为宝宝单独睡觉提供必要的条件,宝宝只能和爸爸妈妈挤在大床上。 建议:如果居住环境不允许宝宝分房睡,甚至分床睡,那么家长也要做到和孩子分被睡。此外要保证睡眠环境的清洁、安静和空气流通,鼓励宝宝自己铺、叠小被子,自己入睡、起床,利用一切机会培养宝宝的独立性。 宝宝成了夫妻双方对抗的工具 有些夫妻闹矛盾,其中一方就拉孩子与自己同睡,借此与对方拉开距离。其实这是一种非常自私的表现,孩子在这种紧张的氛围中感受到的是恐惧、不安和家庭的不稳定,对孩子的心理发育会产生无法弥补的负面影响,会影响到孩子一生的心理健康成长。同时也不利于夫妻矛盾的化解,影响家庭和睦。 建议:夫妻闹别扭是常有的事情,不要把这种不和谐带给孩子,更不要让孩子成为你们发泄怨愤的工具。有矛盾要及时沟通,及时解决,争取为孩子创造和睦的成长环境。 爸爸妈妈和宝宝分开睡的几点注意事项 ?坚持原则,不要放弃。当宝宝刚刚与爸爸妈妈分开房间睡时,会出现反复现象,比如green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to 费了很大功夫才把宝宝安顿好了,可是还不到10分钟,他又跑出来了;或者宝宝在半夜里就跑到爸爸妈妈的大床上,不愿再回自己的房间了。这时,许多家长心一软,就接纳孩子了,结果前功尽弃。所以建议家长千万不要心软,哪怕再辛苦再难缠,也要坚持把孩子送回去,陪伴他、鼓励他重新入睡。咬咬牙,坚持下来,习惯就养成了。 ?把握分寸,循序渐进。当宝宝已经形成了与父母同睡的习惯,要分开时,千万不要急于求成,这样只会适得其反,使宝宝对独自睡觉产生恐惧,难以克服。一定要把握分寸,循序渐进,逐渐适应。 ?平静心理,淡然处之。有些宝宝半夜醒来会找妈妈,或许会撞到爸爸妈妈在亲热。这时,宝宝处于朦胧状态,并不会对你们的行为产生太大兴趣,所以爸爸妈妈要平静心理,尽快陪宝宝重新回到自己的房间,安抚他继续睡觉。如果相反,爸爸妈妈惊慌失措,对宝宝进行大声呵斥,反倒会令宝宝感到更紧张更清醒,更不利于宝宝重新入睡。当然,如果宝宝有兴趣了解,家长也不妨抓住性教育的契机,平淡地告诉孩子,爸爸妈妈彼此相爱,互相拥抱,仅此而已。 ?因事而异,灵活把握。当孩子生病或遇到挫折时,他们最需要爸爸妈妈的关心和安慰,这时,可以与孩子暂时同睡,满足孩子的生理心理需要的同时也方便家长随时照顾孩子。 green space to drain that: (1), to drain the slopes meet the design requirements, pipe elevation deviation shall not exceed ? 10MM. (2), pipe connections require socket or confinement of the interfaces should be straight, ring-shaped gap should be uniform. Gray should be dense, full, with interface surfaces should be smooth, uninterrupted and cracks and hollowing phenomenon. (3), drainage pipeline depth should according to water wells and linking the slope of the pipe and the external loads identified, overburden depth not less than 30CM. C when using external drainage, green water, open ditch near the bottom shall be not less than the high water level of water. Second, ensure good maintenance management of organizational measures 1, organizational measures and technical measures (1) the Organization establishing on-site management of the guarantee system, established based on the maintenance lead maintenance quality management assurance system, implementation of project quality management by objective. According to the characteristics of this conservation project, clear criteria for departments working duties, forming an effective quality assurance system. (2) the establishment of a complete system of quality inspection and supervision to ensure: group self-inspection, mutual, head of reinspection, lead check and unit leadership, party a staff review. 2, technical measures (1) watering ? water should be set depending on the weather conditions, on sunny days, flowers and watering in the afternoon every day, woody plants watered once a day. ? to clean the tree easy line of water to people, so pay attention to pedestrians before opening water cannon dynamic, open to short distance when spraying (beckoned passers-by), in principle every time the grass sprayed 10 minutes, spraying throughout the remaining 20 minutes. (2) spray ? sprays in this context, refers to
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