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跟小小孩说英语跟小小孩说英语 5(1)Food 食 5Feeding the baby 喂宝宝 5Don't go too far! 不要走远 5Dining 吃饭 5concentrate on eating 专心吃饭 5Eat it up! 吃干净 6At the dining table 饭桌上 6Dining courtesy 吃饭礼节 6Eating ice cream 吃冰淇淋 6Splitting a piece of chocolate 分巧克力 6Having snacks 吃点心...
跟小小孩说英语 5(1)Food 食 5Feeding the baby 喂宝宝 5Don't go too far! 不要走远 5Dining 吃饭 5concentrate on eating 专心吃饭 5Eat it up! 吃干净 6At the dining table 饭桌上 6Dining courtesy 吃饭礼节 6Eating ice cream 吃冰淇淋 6Splitting a piece of chocolate 分巧克力 6Having snacks 吃点心 7Snacks 点心 7Having night snacks 吃宵夜 7Eating hot pot 吃火锅 7Dining on Dragon Boat Festival 端午节吃饭 8Having cotton candy 吃棉花糖 8Buying another bottle 再买一瓶 8Eating too much 吃太多肚子痛 8In the fast food restaurant 在快餐店 8In the supermarket 在超市 9In the warehouse 在大卖场 9No toys today! 今天不买玩具 9Shopping in the Market 逛市场 10(2)COLTHES/衣.TRANSPORTATION/行.FALLING ILL/病 10Changing the diaper 换尿布 10Getting dressed 整理衣衫 10A new dress 新衣 10Going out on a rainy day 下雨天出门 10Putting on a raincoat 穿雨衣 11What to wear? 穿什么衣服 11Buying clothes 买衣服 11In the clothes shop 在服装店 11T-shirt is on backwards 衣服穿反了 11Get dressed 穿什么衣服 12Getting a haircut 剪头发 12Go for a ride on a motorcycle 骑摩托车出门 12Getting in the car 坐车 12Be careful when you get out of the car. 下车小心 * 12Waiting for a bus 等公交车 13Taking a bus 搭公交车 13MRT 搭捷运 13On the street 在街上 13Crossing the street 过马路 14Maving a fever 发烧 14Blowing your nose 擦鼻涕 14Sneezing 打喷嚏 14Having diarrhea 拉肚子 14how itchy! 好痒好痒 15Having a tootthache 牙痛 15Having chicken pox 长水痘 15A bump on the head 头上肿包 15Mommy's not feeling well 妈妈不舒服 15Getting hurt in the park 在公园受伤 16(3)DAILY MANNERS/生活常规 16Taking a bath 洗澡 16Taking a bubble bath 洗泡泡澡 16Don't grab my glasses! 不要抓我的眼镜 16The kid feels sleepy 小孩想睡 16Watching TV 看电视 17Watching the video 看录像带 17Don't play with the scissors 不玩剪刀 17Don't litter! 不乱丢垃圾垃圾 17The piggy bank is broken 扑满打破了 17You've made it even worse! 越帮越忙 18Your sleeves are wet 袖子湿了 18The toy is too expensive 玩具太贵 18Mediating the dispute 调解纠纷 18Too hot 很烫 18Scribbling on the wall 墙上涂鸦 19Ready for school 准备上学 19Close the door 关门 19Be quiet! 小声 19Don't be noisy 不要吵 19Too noisy to sleep 睡不着 19Taking an afternoon nap. 睡午觉 20Time to go to bed 睡觉前 20Having a nightmare. 小孩做恶梦 20In the bathroom. 上厕所 20Making a mess 乱糟糟 20Be good 要听话 21The toy chest 玩具箱 21Cleaning up 收拾玩具 21Sharing the toys 抢玩具 21Staying apart for a while. 暂时分开一下 21Playing together 善待对方 22(4)EDUCATION/教育 22Write down your name. 写名字 22The word is backwards 字写反了 22Painting 画画 22Recognizing shapes 认识形状 23Comparison 比高矮 23Making a cake 做蛋糕 23Building blocks 玩积木 23Watering the plants 浇花 24Taking a picture 照相 24Waiting in line 要排队 24Putting photographs in order 整理照片 * 24Saying hello to guests 见见客人 24Planting some flowers 种花 25Measuring your height 量身高 25Training the dog 训练小狗 25The dog makes trouble. 小狗惹祸 25Whose foot prints? 谁的脚印 25Patting a dog. 摸狗狗 26(5)INDOOR RECREATION/室内娱乐 26Let's play kiss the baby. 亲亲宝贝 26Singing a song with actions. 唱唱跳跳 26Let's dance! 亲子共舞 26Let's jump! 跳跳乐 26Let's play tic-tac-toe. 玩井字游戏 27Making a paper airplane. 做纸飞机 27You found the ball. 球找到了 27Playing catch. 练习接球 27Playing ball. 玩球 27Let's bowl. 打保龄球 28Let's play peekaboo. 玩躲猫猫 28Hide-and-seek 捉迷藏 28Rolling on the mat 垫上翻滚 28Happy birthday! 过生日 29Unwrapping the present 拆礼物 29Let's play house 扮家家酒 29Rainy day 下雨天 29What to play? 玩什么好 29Watch your sister for a minute 看一下妹妹 30Listening to stories 听故事 30(6)OUTDOOR RECREATION/户外活动 30Blowing bubbles 吹泡泡 30Riding a tricycle 骑三轮车 30It's a tie. 平手 30Awarding prizes 颁奖 31Jumping rope. 跳绳 31Going skating. 出门溜冰 31Learning to skate 学溜冰 31In the park 在公园 31Walking in the park 公园散步 32Slide. 溜滑梯 32Swing 荡秋千 32See -saw 玩翘翘板 32Playing on the jungle gym. 爬方格铁架 32That was close! 好险 32Where is the bathroom? 找厕所 33Let's go home. 回家啰 33In the bookstore 在书店 33Going for a dip. 玩水 33Learning to swim 学游泳 33Going to the sea. 去海边玩 34Going swimming. 去游泳 34I'll get you. 我来抓你 34In the zoo 动物园 34Ferris wheel. 摩天轮 34Roller coaster 云霄飞车 (1)Food 食 Feeding the baby 喂宝宝 *Oh!Is it too hot?I'm sorry. 喔!太烫了吗?对不起! *Let's blow on it. 来吹一吹. *OK!Here you go. 好了,可以吃了. *Yummy!Yummy!Eat more! 好吃喔!多吃一点. Don't go too far! 不要走远 *Baby,where are you? 宝宝,你在那里? *I'm cooking supper here. 我正在这里煮晚餐. *Don't go away.Stay here. 不要走开,留在这里. *Dinner will be ready in a minute. 晚餐再一下就好了. Dining 吃饭 *No beans? 不吃豆子, Beans make you strong. 豆子会使你强壮喔. *Carrots are good for your eyes. 吃红萝卜对眼睛好耶. *great! 好棒! concentrate on eating 专心吃饭 *Stop horsing around! 别再胡闹了! *Don't be a picky eater. 不要这么挑嘴! *Stop playing with your juice! 不要玩果汁! *Sloppy eaters! 看你们吃得脏兮兮的! Eat it up! 吃干净 *Oh,no!You left a lot of food on your plate. 喔!你剩下一大堆食物在盘子上. *Eat it up! 把它吃光. *See?I told you not to eat so many snacks before dinner. 看吧!叫你不要在饭前吃那么多零食. At the dining table 饭桌上 *Wow!What a loud noise! 哦!吵死人了! *Don't drm on your bowl with chopsticks. 不要用筷子敲碗. *Eat everythng on your palte. 把盘子上的东西都吃完, *Don't be such a picky eater! 不要当个挑食的孩子. Dining courtesy 吃饭礼节 *Eat with a spoon.Don't be a sloppy eater. 用汤匙.不要吃的脏兮兮的 *Want some scrambled eggs? 要吃炒蛋吗? *Don't make such noise!People are staring! 不要发出声音!别人在看你了 *Good boy! 乖孩子! Eating ice cream 吃冰淇淋 *You are too excited. 你们太兴奋了! *Sit down,please. 请坐好. *Sit nicely,then I'll give you some ice cream. 坐好,我才要给你们冰淇淋吃. Splitting a piece of chocolate 分巧克力 *What are you doing? 你们在做什么? *Let me split it in half. 让我来平分成两半. *This is for you. 这给你. *The other half for you. 另外一半给你. Having snacks 吃点心 *We are out of peanut butter. 我们已经没有花生酱了. *How about strawberry jam? 草莓酱好吗? *Do you want to spread it yourself? 你要自己涂吗? *Well done! You're great. 涂的很好!你很棒. Snacks 点心 *Time for snacks. 点心时间到啰. *Let's have some cookies and milk! 来吃饼干和牛奶吧! *Would you like some more? 你们还要吗? Having night snacks 吃宵夜 *Do you wanna eat something before bed? 你要在睡觉前吃点东西吗? *No candies! 糖果,免谈! *How about a bowl of cereal? 来碗麦片好吗? *Good girl! 乖孩子! Eating hot pot 吃火锅 *David,do you want to-fu? David,你要吃豆腐吗? *OK,let me put it in the hot pot. 好,我放一些到火锅里. *Vegetables are good for you. 吃蔬菜对你有好处. *Careful! It's very hot! 小心!很烫喔! *Here are the fruits. 吃水果了. *Watch out! 小心! *Oh!No!The fruits are in the hot pot. 糟了!水果掉到火锅里了. Dining on Dragon Boat Festival 端午节吃饭 *Eat some stedmed fish. 吃一点蒸鱼. *Do you like curried chicken? 要吃咖哩鸡吗? *OK,you want rice dumplings. 好,你们想吃粽子. *Just one!Don't eat too much. 只能吃一个!不要吃太多. Having cotton candy 吃棉花糖 *Do you want cotton candy? 你要棉花糖吗? *Wow,look at your face! 喔,看看你的脸! *Your hands are sticky,too. 你的手也黏黏的, Let's go wash them. 我们去洗一洗. Buying another bottle 再买一瓶 *More juice? 还要果汁吗? *Sorry,it's all gone. 对不起,喝光了. *Never mind. 没关系, *Let's get another one. 我们再去买. Eating too much 吃太多肚子痛 *Hi,boys.I've made some jelly. 嗨,孩子们.我做了一些果冻. *Slow down,or you'll get a tummy ache. 慢慢吃,否则你会肚子痛. *You see,I told you. 看吧!我不是告诉过你了. In the fast food restaurant 在快餐店 *Look out! 小心! *Walk slowly! 慢慢走! *The floor is wet! 地板湿湿的. *Don't just eat your French Fries. Eat your hamburger,too. 不要光只吃薯条,也要吃汉堡. *You can't play until you finish your food. 要吃完才能去玩. *Fine,you can go play now. 很好,现在你可以去玩了. In the supermarket 在超市 *Go get a small shopping cart. 去推一台小购物车. *Don't go so fast. 不要走这么快. *Follow me. 跟着我. *Go this way. 走这边. *We need milk. 我们需要牛奶. *Yes,let's get some cheese,too. 对,也要买些奶酪. *No,not this time. 不行,这次不买. *Put it back on the shelf. 把它放回架子上去. *Don't push the shopping cart so fast. 购物车不要推这么快. *Look out! 小心! *Don't bump into people and the shelves. 不要撞到人和架子. In the warehouse 在大卖场 *Don't stand up. 不要站起来. *Sit nicely,please,good boy! 请你坐好,乖孩子. *OK!We're going up. 我们要往上啰. *Careful!Don't stick your head out. 小心!不要把头伸出去. No toys today! 今天不买玩具 *No toys today! 今天不买玩具. *We made a deal,didn't we? 我们说好的,不是吗? *"No" means no! 不行就是不行! *I'll gey something for you next time. 下次再买给东西给你. Shopping in the Market 逛市场 *Just look around. 四处逛逛. *Not today,dear. 亲爱的,我们今天不买玩具. *We have too many toys in our house. 家里有太多玩具了. *We'd better hurry home.It's going to rain. 快要下雨了,我们最好赶快回家. (2)COLTHES/衣.TRANSPORTATION/行.FALLING ILL/病 Changing the diaper 换尿布 *What's wrong, honey? 宝宝,怎么了? *Oooh~~your diaper is dirty. 喔!你的尿布脏了. *Let me change your diaper. 我来为你换尿布吧. Getting dressed 整理衣衫 *Oh,no!Your fly is open. 喔!你的裤子拉链没拉. *Zip up your pants. 把裤子的拉链拉好. *Wait. 等一下. *Let me tuck in your shirt. 让我来帮你把上衣塞进裤子里 A new dress 新衣 *Look, a new dress for you. 看,你的新洋装. *Oh,no,it's too long. 糟糕,太长了. *Never mind,You will grow into it very soon. 没关系,在过一阵子就会合身了 Going out on a rainy day 下雨天出门 *It is starting to rain. 开始下雨了. *Put on your raincoat. 把雨衣穿上. *and rain boots. 还有雨鞋. Putting on a raincoat 穿雨衣 *You want an umbrella?No, my dear! 你要撑雨伞?不行,亲爱的, You're too small. 你还太小. *Go get your raincoat and boots. 去拿你的雨衣和雨鞋来. *Come on!It's pouring. 快点!雨很大, You'll be soaked to the bone. 你会湿透的. What to wear? 穿什么衣服 *Hurry up!We'll be late for the party. 赶快!我们要来不及参加宴会了 *Don't wear shorts! That's too casual. 不要穿短裤!那样太随便了. *How about this pink dress? 这件粉红色的洋装怎么样? *That's good. You look great! 很好,你看起来很漂亮. Buying clothes 买衣服 *Oh, it's too big. 喔,这件太小了. *Too small. 这件又太小了. *Try it on. 试试看这件. *This is just right. We'll take this one. 刚刚好,我们就买这件. In the clothes shop 在服装店 *This white dress?No,it's a party dress. 这件白洋装?不,这是宴会穿的. *Pick a T-shirt.You can wear it more often. 挑一件T恤,你会较常穿. *Not that one. You've already got three of them! 不要这件,你已经有三件了. *Let's buy this one! 买这件吧. T-shirt is on backwards 衣服穿反了 *Silly,your T-shirt is on backwards. 真好笑!你的T恤穿反了. *Take it easy. 慢慢来. *Oh! That's better. 喔!好多了. Get dressed 穿什么衣服 *Wow,look at you! 哇!看看你! *You can get dressed by yourself. 你会自己穿衣服了. *Well done! 做的很好. *Wait,you forgot to put on your shoes. 等一下.你忘记穿鞋了. Getting a haircut 剪头发 *Come here.I'll give you a haircut. 过来,我帮你剪头发. *Oh,no!You look like a boy! 喔!不!你看起来像男孩子. *I'm sorry! I'lltry to do better next time. 对不起!下次我会剪好一点. Go for a ride on a motorcycle 骑摩托车出门 *Sweety, go get your helmet. 甜甜,去拿你的安全帽. *Hold tight! 抓紧啰! *Here we go! 出发了. Getting in the car 坐车 *Get in the car. 上车. *Move over a little bit. 坐过去一点. *Buckle your seat belts. 系上安全带. Don't put your hand outside the window! 不要把手 *No!Don't put your hand outside the window! 不要把手伸出车外. *Hey, stop that. 嘿!不可以. You could lose your arm. 这样你的手会断掉喔. Be careful when you get out of the car. 下车小心 * *Wait until I stop. 等我把车停好 *Here we are. 我们到了. You can get out. 你可以下车了. Waiting for a bus 等公交车 *Stop! Horsing around. 不要胡闹了. The bus will come any minute. 公交车随时就会来. *How come the bus is late again? 公交车怎么又慢分了. *Let's take a taxi. 我们搭出租车吧. Taking a bus 搭公交车 *Here comes the bus. 公交车来了. * Get on the bus quickly! 赶快上车! *Hold on to the bar. 抓紧杆子. *Say"Thank you "to the nice lady! 向好心的女士说谢谢. *Hush, you're too loud! 嘘!你们太吵了. *Don't stand on the chair! 不要站在椅子上. *Wake up,boy's!We're getting off the bus. 醒醒,孩子们.我们要下车了. MRT 搭捷运 *Let's go through the blue door. 我们要过蓝色的门. *Honey, don't go on the escalator. 甜心,不要搭电扶梯. *Let's take the elevator. 我们搭电梯. *Let's wait in line. 我们来排队吧. *Don't cross the yellow line. 不要越过黄线. *Watch out for the gap. 小心月台空隙. *No juice here. 这里不能喝果汁 *Look at that sign.No drink.No food. 看标示:不能喝饮料跟果汁 *That sign says,"No smoking" 那个标示写"请勿吸烟" On the street 在街上 *Don't run into the street. 不要跑到马路上. *Whoo-you almost got run over by that truck. 呼!你差点被卡车辗过. *Look both ways before you cross the street. 过马路先看看左右两边. *Crossing the street can be dangerous. 马路如虎口. Crossing the street 过马路 *Don't play ball in the street. 不要在马路上玩球. *Give me your hand,please. 牵着我的手. *Red light.Stop! 红灯了,停! *Green light.Go! 绿灯了,走! Maving a fever 发烧 *Are you ok? 你还好吗? *Oh!You have a fever! 喔!你发烧了. *Let me take your temperature! 我来帮你量体温. *Oh~My dear!You have to see the doctor. 喔!我的天,你要去看医生了. Blowing your nose 擦鼻涕 *Don't wipe your nose with your hands. 不要用手擦鼻涕. *Go get a tissue. 去拿面纸来. *Blow your nose.One-two-three! 来擤鼻涕, *One more time.Good boy! 再一次,乖孩子. Sneezing 打喷嚏 *A~Ahchoo…. *Cover your mouth with your hands. 打喷嚏时,要用手遮住嘴巴. *Ahchooo…. *Bless you! 祝你早点好起来. Having diarrhea 拉肚子 *What's the matter? 怎么啦? *Do you have a tummy ache? 你肚子痛吗? *Are you finished?Let me wipe your bum. 好了吗?让我来帮你擦屁股. *Poor boy, you have diarrhea. 可怜的孩子,你拉肚子了. how itchy! 好痒好痒 *Your skin rash is getting worse. 你的皮肤疹子越来越严重了. *It must really itch,but don't scratch. 很痒,但不要去抓. *Come on!Let's put on some ointment! 来,我们来涂点药膏. Having a tootthache 牙痛 *Honey, do you have a toothache? 乖乖,你的牙在痛吗? *Open your mouth, please. 来,把嘴张开. *Gee! Your toth has a cavity. 啊!你的牙齿蛀了一个洞. *Let's go to the dentist. 我们去看牙医. Having chicken pox 长水痘 *Oh, my! You're covered with spots. 哦!你全身长满了疹子,长水痘了. You've got chicken pox. *Thet itch, right?Don't scratch! 很痒,是不是?别去抓. *Don't worry! What you need is a good night's sleep. 别担心!你只要好好休息一晚. A bump on the head 头上肿包 *My goodness! What's this big bump on your head? 天哪!你的头上的大包怎么回事啦? *When did you get it? 你哪时候弄的. *Don't touch it with your dirty hands! 手脏脏不要去碰它. *It should go away soon. 很快就会消掉的. Mommy's not feeling well 妈妈不舒服 *Mommy's not feeling well. 妈妈身体不舒服 Go play by yourself, please. 你自己玩. *Oh!You made a get-well card.How lovely! 喔!你做了"祝你早日康复"卡,好可爱哦. Getting hurt in the park 在公园受伤 *Don't run so fast! 别跑这么快! *Take it easy! 慢慢来. *Oh, it's OK.Show me where it hurts. 喔,没关系.让我看看那里痛. (3)DAILY MANNERS/生活常规 Taking a bath 洗澡 *Look, a rubber duck.Quack~Quack~ 看,一只玩具鸭.呱!呱! *The water is getting cold.Time to get out. 水变冷了喔,该起来了. *Say"Bye-Bye,Duck!" 跟鸭鸭说"再见"! Taking a bubble bath 洗泡泡澡 *It's time for a bath. 洗澡的时间到了. *Look! A bubble bath.Your favorite. 看!是你最喜欢的泡泡澡哦! *Five more minutes. 再泡5分钟. *OK.Put on your clothes! 好了,穿上衣服. Don't grab my glasses! 不要抓我的眼镜 *Don't grab my glasses! 别抓我的眼镜! *Don't grab my hair!Oooh~~It hurts! 别抓我的头发!呜~~好痛! *Yeh!Shake your rattle.One,two,three. 对,摇一摇你的玩具.一,二,三. The kid feels sleepy 小孩想睡 *Hondy,do you feel sleepy? 甜心,你想睡了吗? *Wanna sit on my lap? 要不要坐在我的腿上? Watching TV 看电视 *You are too close to the TV.Please sit on the sofa! 你太靠近电视了.请坐到沙发上! *One cartoon only. 只能看一部卡通. *OK.It's over Turn off the TV,please. 演完了,把电视关上. *Good boy! 好乖! *You always watch TV and eat potato chips. 你又边看电视边吃洋芋片了. *What kind of program are you watching? 你在看什么节目? *Cartoons again!You shouldn't watch so much TV. 又是卡通!你不该看太多电视. *Don't put your legs on the table,please! 不要把脚放在桌上. Watching the video 看录像带 *want to watch the video? 想要看录像带吗? Put away your toys first! 先把玩具收好! *Don't lie on the sofa.Sit up! 别躺在沙发上!坐起来! Don't play with the scissors 不玩剪刀 *Oh, dear! Put those down. 喔,天哪!放下来. *Don't play with the scissors,please. 请别拿剪刀玩. Don't litter! 不乱丢垃圾垃圾 *Don't litter! 别乱丢. *There's a garbage can over there. 那里有个垃圾桶. *That's a good girl! 乖孩子! The piggy bank is broken 扑满打破了 *Bang! *What was that? 发生了什么事? *Oh, my. Who broke the piggy bank? 哦,我的天,是谁打破了小猪钱筒? *OK,you both need to help me clean it up. 好吧,你们两个要帮我清干净. You've made it even worse! 越帮越忙 *Who made this terrible mess? 是谁弄的乱七八糟的? *Goodness, you've made it even worse! 我的天,你弄的更糟了! *You'd better go wash your hands. 你最好去把手洗一洗. *Be neat and tidy, please! 请你保持整洁! Your sleeves are wet 袖子湿了 *Baby, where are you? *There you are. *Your sleeves are wet. 你的袖子都湿了 *Change your T-shirt, or you'll get a cold. 把你的T恤换下来,否则你会感冒. The toy is too expensive 玩具太贵 *You like this toy? 你喜欢这个玩具? *How much is it? 我看看一个多少钱? *No way, it's too expensive. 不行,太贵了. *We'll take that one instead. 我们买另外那个好了. Mediating the dispute 调解纠纷 *Who started this? 谁先开始的? *I want to know everything. 老实告诉我. *I saw you hit him. 我看到你打他 Say"sorry! Too hot 很烫 *Kettle's boling! 水开了. *Get your hot fried chicken here! 这里有盐酥鸡! *Don't get too close to the stand. 别靠近那摊子. *Look,it's very very hot. 看!油很烫,很烫. Scribbling on the wall 墙上涂鸦 *Oh! Look what you did. 喔!看看你做的好事. *You scribbled all over the wall. 你在墙上乱涂! *Write on this notebook instead,OK? 改画在本子,好吗? Ready for school 准备上学 *Come on, boys.Wake up! *Hurry up! *The school bus is waiting! *Bye-bye! Be good at school! Close the door 关门 *Don't slam the door. 别用力关门 *Close the door gently. 关门要轻轻的 Be quiet! 小声 *Hush, boys. I'm on the phone. *Turn the volume down. 把音量转小一点 *Be quiet! Don't wake up the baby. 安静!不要吵醒小婴儿 Don't be noisy 不要吵 *Shhh…I'm talking on the phone. 嘘,我正在讲电话. *Don't play video games on my computer. 不要在我的计算机上玩电动. *Go play in another room.Give me 5 minutes,OK? 去别的房间玩.让我安静5分钟 Too noisy to sleep 睡不着 *It's so noisy. I can't sleep! 太吵了.我睡不着. *Mike,something is dripping.Go turn off the faucet. Mike,水一直滴不停.去把水龙头关好 *Who is running upstairs, Harry? Harry,是谁在楼上跑来跑去. *It's Mike! Go tell him to stop running.I wanna take a nap. 去告诉他,我想好好地睡午觉. Taking an afternoon nap. 睡午觉 *Time for a nap.Put your toys away. 睡午觉的时间到了.把玩具都收好. *Have you been to the bathroom? 你们去上过厕所了没? *OK.Stop jumping. Lie down. 好,别跳了.躺下来. *Have a nice sleep! 好好睡吧! Time to go to bed 睡觉前 *Time to go to bed.Go pee pee,please. 睡觉的时间到了,请去上厕所. *Don't forget to brush your teeth. 别忘记刷牙. *Nighty-night. 晚安(口语) Having a nightmare. 小孩做恶梦 *Honey, what's wrong? *You had a nightmare? *Go to sleep agaim. Mommy's with you. In the bathroom. 上厕所 *You forgot to lift up the toilet seat. 你忘了把马桶座掀起来. *Hey, flush the toilet after you use it. 嘿,上完厕所要冲水. *Don't forget to wash your hands. 还有别忘了洗手. Making a mess 乱糟糟 *Oh,no!You pulled out all the toilet paper again. 喔!你又把卫生纸扯满地. *Stop that! I said no, and that's final! 停!不要再玩了!我说最后一遍啰! *If you do that again you'll get a spanking. 如果你在调皮,我就要打你屁股. Be good 要听话 *Sandy, go to your room! Sandy,回你的房间去! *Stay here until dinner time. 晚餐前不准出来. *Can you watch baby for a minute? 能帮我看一下宝宝吗? *That's the Sandy I like to see.Dinner is ready. 这才是我喜欢的Sandy.要吃晚饭了. The toy chest 玩具箱 *Are you looking for something? 你在找什么东西吗? *Look at all this mess. 看看这一团乱. *Put the toys you aren't using in the toy chest. 把不要玩的玩具收进玩具箱里. Cleaning up 收拾玩具 *What a mess!Clean it up! 真是乱七八糟!帮忙收拾一下! *That's better. You are good kids. 干净多了,好乖. Sharing the toys 抢玩具 *Stop fighting. 别打架! *Take turns or I'll put it away. 轮流玩,否则我把玩具收走. *Good boys.Share your toys and play nicely. 乖孩子,玩具要一起玩. Staying apart for a while. 暂时分开一下 *What did you do to your little brother? 你对弟弟怎么了. *Nothing? I don't believe you. 没有?我不相信. *OK.You'd better stay apart for a while. 好吧.你们两个最好分开一下. Playing together 善待对方 *Don't hit your little sister and make her cry. 别打你妹妹,又惹她哭了. *Don't be so mean!You've got to be nice to her! 别那么坏!你要对她好一点. *Play nicely together,OK? 乖乖的一起玩,好吗? (4)EDUCATION/教育 Write down your name. 写名字 *Get your book and a pencil. 去拿你的书和铅笔来 *Hold your pencil correctly. 铅笔要拿正确 *Write your name on the page. 在纸上写你的名字 *That is too sloppy! Erase it and try again. 写的太潦草了!擦掉重写. The word is backwards 字写反了 *You can write your name by yourself. 你自己可以写名字. *Hey, your "P" is backwards. 嘿,你的"P"写反了. *Write it the way Mommy does. 照着妈咪的方式写. *That's right! 这就对了. Painting 画画 *Let's paint! 我们来画画吧! *What's this? A tree? 这是什么?是树吗 *Don't paint your toes! 别画在你的脚趾头上! *Come and paint here,plesae. 来画在这里. Recognizing shapes 认识形状 *Can you see any rectangles in our living room? 你在客厅里有看到任何长方形吗? *Yes, that's a rectangle! What else? 没错,那是长方形,还有ㄋ? *Yes, the door is a rectangle,too. 对了,门也事长方形. *You are so smart. 你真聪明. *This is a circle. 这是圆形. *Can you point to the square? 你可以指出正方形吗? *Wonderful! 太棒了. *Look, a heart. 看,是心形. *Now, it's your turn. 现在该你了. *Draw a triangle! 画一个三角形! *Good job! 画的好! Comparison 比高矮 *Which one is taller? 那一个比较高? *Great! 真棒! *Which one is shorter? 那一个比较矮? *You are absolutely right! 你答对了! Making a cake 做蛋糕 *Who'll help me make a cake? 谁要帮忙我做蛋糕? *Put in the eggs and oil. 把蛋和奶油放进去. *And you add a little water,Mike,while I add the cake mix. 当我加蛋糕粉时,Mike,你加一些水进去. *Great! Let's stir. 好.让我们来搅拌一下吧. *Now,put the mixture into a pan. 现在把材料放进烤盘中. *OK,I'll put it in the hot oven. 好,我把烤盘放进烤箱里. *Not yet! Wait for 10 more minutes. 还没好!要
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