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中国保险公司再保险发展前景分析中国保险公司再保险发展前景分析 题目 中国保险公司再保险发展前景分析 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th pers...
中国保险公司再保险发展前景 题目 中国保险公司再保险发展前景分析 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 入世过渡期结束之后,我国保险业步入全面发展阶段,保险行业日渐步入正轨,发展势头日益迅猛。然而随着科技和经济的不断发展,一次保险事故所导致的损失越来越大,从而给保险人带来巨大的破产风险。在业务经营中,越来越多的经营对象及经营中出现的问题难以符合大数法则的要求,保险公司的财务稳定受到了极大的威胁。在这样的情况下,再保险业务应运而生。几百年的事实证明,再保险对世界保险业的发展起到了巨大的推动作用,就我国再保险业发展情况来看,经过多年的改革和发展,我国再保险市场取得了一定的成绩,但相对于原保险市场的发展速度和成熟水平,目前在市场主体数量、集中度、运行效率、供需平衡关系、专业技术能力、产品创新能力和服务理念等方面均存在一定问题。 1.再保险理论 再保险(reinsurance)也称分保,是保险人在原保险的基础上,通过签订分保合同,将其所承保的部分风险和责任向其他保险人进行保险的行为。 对于分保人来说,再保险主要有以下几个方面的作用: (1)通过再保险,可以扩大保险人的承保能力:保险人通过再保险,将超过自身财力部分的业务分保出去,这样可以在不增加资金的前提下,扩大承保能力,使原本无力承保的风险也可以承保,同时不影响保险人的偿付能力; (2)控制保险人的责任,稳定保险公司的经营:一是控制每一风险单位的责任,即保险人规定每一风险单位自留额,对未来可能超过自留额的责任分保出去,这种控制通常也称为险位控制。二是对累计责任的控制,即对大数法则而言,每个风险单位是单独面对可能发生的损失,但在实际经营中常有累积责任的情况; (3)均衡保险人的业务结构:通过再保险,保险人将同类业务中超过平均保险金额水平的业务分给其他保险人,使标的物的保险金额相对均匀,从而让大数法则发挥稳定公司的作用; 再保险是降低整体保险市场风险程度的有效途径,尤其对于巨灾风险,再保险显得尤为 重要,再保险公司的参与和贡献对于建立一个成熟完善的保险市场是至关重要的。保险业本身是经营风险的行业,要为社会和个人提供风险保障服务,这样一来,保险企业自身的风险防范和风险控制就显得格外重要。 2.中国再保险行业现状分析 近年来,随着世界经济的发展,中国出现了持续强劲增长,国民收入水平不断发展,同时,国民对风险的防范和控制意识也迅速提高,带动了中国保险行业的迅速发展,自从1980年我国恢复保险业务以来,我国的保险业务发展很快。财产保险也随之蓬勃发展,不仅有上business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 述所讲的财产保险公司的日益增加,还有业务收益的增长。最近4年,我国的财产保险原保险保费收入从2010年的40,268,932.60万元上涨到2013年的64,811,619.22万元。而相对于原保险市场,虽然在多年的改革和发展以后, 中国再保险市场的基础已得到改善和加强,具备较充沛的偿付能力,但在为原保险公司提供全面的技术传导、再保产品和金融服务等高级诉求方面的要求短期内还较难达到。其存在的问题主要有以下几个方面: (1)我国的再保险主体相对匮乏 我国的再保险行业主要有中国再保险股份有限公司、太平再保险有限公司、中国人寿 再保险股份有限公司、法国再保险公司北京分公司、瑞士再保险股份有限公司北京分公司、 汉诺威再保险股份公司上海分公司、慕尼黑再保险公司北京分公司、德国通用再保险股份公司上海分公司8家公司,这与迅速增加的原保险企业相比,数量相差悬殊;另一方面,外国再保险集团进入中国市场,且数量远比中国再保险企业多,通常原保险市场规模越大,其对再保险的需求就越大。而由于我国再保险业主体相对匮乏,高速增长的原保险公司溢出的承保风险就不能有效转移和分散,原保险公司对国际再保险市场的依赖惯性不能改变,原保险市场就会遭遇发展瓶颈。在我国,保险业发展日益完善并且在我国经济中发挥着重要的作用,因此,再保险市场已经成为当前保险业及其迫切的现实需求。 2)我国再保险业承保能力与外资企业差距过大 ( 由于再保险行业依赖雄厚的资本、丰富的经验和专业的风险管理技术,导致主要是发展中国家再保险需求旺盛,但自身再保险供给能力明显不足,发达国家和地区的再保险公司在世界再保险市场上占据绝对的主导地位。加入WTO使发达国家的再保险公司进入了中国市场,从而给不发达的中国再保险公司带来了巨大的压力,除此之外,在加入WTO之前,根据《保险法》规定,所有保险公司必须将其经营的全部保险业务的20,向中国再保险公司办理法定强制分保,入世之后,2002年开始我国的法定强制分保比例开始以每年5,幅度下调,到2006年开始则完全取消。这就意味着在政策上,中国再保险公司不再有优势。而发达国际的再保险公司以其资本、经验、风险管理以及再保险人才、再保险监管技术上的巨大优势,逐渐渗入中国再保险市场,承保能力与外资企业差距过大,是我国再保险长远发展的巨大瓶颈。 (3)我国再保险企业的资金不足,导致承保能力较弱 再保险需要巨大的资金支持,再保险公司承保的保单发生巨大赔付额的可能性都比较 大,资金破产风险如果没有充足的资金破产风险极大,如中国再保险公司的资产为38美元左右,而瑞士再保险公司已达到94.7亿,这无疑是中国再保险公司的巨大劣势,对中国再business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 保险的发展造成了极大的阻碍。 (4)我国再保险市场存在违规经营现象 在我国再保险公司发展过程中,由于某些公司片面追求保费收入,再保险核保不到位,导致发生巨额损失的可能性较大,引发逆向选择。另外的,在市场的恶性竞争过程中,有些公司盲目提高佣金和手续费、降低费率、扩大承保责任范围,都使再保险公司存在巨大的隐患,造成再保险公司风险大量积累,给再保险公司的经营造成很大困难。如果再保险公司盲目追求高保费,助长原保险公司将质量差的保单分保,长此以往,将加剧我国再保险市场的不健康发展。 除了以上几点,再保险市场还存在监管不健全、再保险人才匮乏、缺乏合理地地域结构和业务结构等不足。这一系列问题都制约了中国再保险市场规模的扩大以及再保险质量的提高,迫切需要改革与发展。 3.促进中国再保险市场发展的对策 针对以上提到中国再保险市场发展现状,笔者认为可以用SWOT模型进行分析,分别 对中国再保险市场的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战。 优势(strength) (1)对于中国再保险公司来说,由于中再集团原来代国家履行再保险职能,而且原来 按照《保险法》规定所有保险公司所承保的所有非寿险业务都应向其办理法定分保,因此中再集团积累了国内保险市场的较为全面的历史数据信息,从而能够积累较强的分析能力,存在极大的信息优势;2003年,中国再保险公司完成了集团化改制,成为一家集再保险、直接保险、资产管理、保险中介、行业传媒、保险职业教育于一体、涵盖保险上中下游产业的多元化经营保险集团,能够发挥集团优势。 (2)中国的保险公司对于国内的政策、实际情况有更深刻的了解,运用这一优势,能够更好地抓住再保险的核心,实现长足发展。 因此再保险行业应充分发挥自身的优势,结合中国实际情况提供优质的再保险业务,平 衡中国再保险需求。另一方面,中国再保险公司发挥信息和集团优势实现发展的同时,应在一定程度上扶助其他中国再保险的公司,促进中国市场乃至世界市场占有率的提高。 劣势(weakness) 对于我国存在的再保险主体相对匮乏、承保能力与外资企业差距过大、资金不足、违规 经营等发展劣势,保险主体尤其是中国的再保险公司在业务基础扎实的基础上成立金融控股公司,增强公司的整体实力,优化内部结构,进行资源的有效配置,扩大国际的影响力,同business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 时,切实进行风险管理,审查业务来源地区的政治经济形势,了解保险市场的动态、分出公司的经营作风、偿付能力等;当然,在各保险主体自身改革的同时,应加大国家的支持力度,模仿欧美一些发达国家,对再保险公司进行资金、信息等的适当支持,同时加大监管力度,出台相关的法律制度市场,对于再保险经营过程中违法违规行为进行坚决地制裁。 机遇(opportunity) 伴随着中国经济的迅速发展,国民对风险保障的需求日益增加,促进了保险业的发展,其中当然包括再保险行业;这就要求再保险公司抓住机遇,在规范经营的前提下,扩大供给,提高盈利水平;其次,发达国家的再保险公司的进驻,带来压力的同时,也带来了新的经营模式与管理方式,开展与它们的合作,有利于中国的再保险公司吸取更先进的技术,为其发展提供了更大的空间。 挑战(threaten) 发达国家的再保险公司的进驻,使中国的再保险公司的市场占有率急剧缩小,在巨大的挑战面前,我们应该做的是应对挑战,扩大自身的实力和影响力,提高自己的信誉,获得更充分的发展。 虽然前路曲折,但在各方面的共同努力下,正视再保险业发展过程中的优势、劣势、机遇以及挑战,那么,中国的再保险市场必定能前进到更大的舞台,成为中国的保险业发展过程中不容忽视的力量。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)
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